Unmasking a Church in Denial by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 We use the word holiday to represent a Holy-day, a day that we  deemed as time to celebrate God. The word holiday does not  appear in scripture, for each of the six days of creation, plus the  seventh day of His rest, are all called holy-days, for Life is Holy, for it  comes from no other source than from God.


 Let us take that dreadful look at christmas, a subject that very  few ‘christians’ really want to talk about.


 Although it was not called christmas, this twelve day celebration  was, with it yule-tide logs, and the mistletoe, well established in the  pagans almost two thousand years before Christ was born. It was a  festival of the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year, with what  resembled more of an orgy, with its’ continuous drunken binge  where most anything was allowed. But when Constantine wanted  to conquer the world for his benefit, and could do so with  compromise instead of war, he made a treaty with the pagans to  allow them to keep their festive days in exchange for pretense of  being his subjects. This wouldn’t fly very well, so he reformed it to  look as if it were a celebration of the birth of Christ by moving the  day of His birth, just a small trivial compromise, to December  twenty-fifth; but it was the same event as before, only called  different; Christ’s mass. The mass, the gathering of folks in the  assembly hall, was important to Constantine, as it is today, for his  ego was stroked each time the gathering met. It made him think  that he was significant in the eyes of the common man, even though  they gathered by the order of the soldiers, he could pretend that it  was for him; a mass of people that wanted what he wanted.


 The celebration, that many call christmas, was not birthed in  Truth, but through the self-righteous egos of the mind of man, and I  hate to say it so bluntly, but God’s not a participant.


 Constantine was converted to christianity by those that were  zealous to their religion, but back then, as it is now, was a far-cry  from what God wanted His people called into, or maybe I better say;  called out of. The pronoun christian should be a wonderful way of  identifying ourselves, and would be if man hadn’t of interfered with  his regulations that went against the Grace of God. But man,  thinking he had to help God out, regulated it, (that is  denominational living) and the people surrounding it, with all their  rules, and rites, and ceremonies, that it no longer resembled the  Rock of Revelation that the Church was built on. And Constantine  too, fell into this category. So after these compromises were made  with the pagans, and those that worshiped other gods, the  acceleration of the downfall became more rampant.


 Does it take a scientist to figure out who invented the character  of santa claus? The world, the pagans, invented what we know as  christmas, and I think they have a right to their ways, but it doesn’t  belong to God or His Christ; so let them have it back.


The resurrection of Christ is one of our main focuses in our walk  with Him, and should be adhered too with the most solemn of our  belief. Christ was not only resurrected, He is the Resurrection, our  only hope of True-Life. But this ‘thing called easter’, falls into the  same category that everything that man put his hands too, did; a far  cry from what God wanted His people to be called into.


 Here we go with the paganism again; almost two thousand years  before Christ was born, they again celebrated the holiday feast of  Ishtar, (pronounced es-tar) and for those thousands of years  preceding the ‘great compromise’ of Constantine, the festival was  again about sex; i.e.; the bunny rabbit and egg. Ishtar was a prophet  who sent her first-mate out to the mountains to receive from their  goddess, a prophetic word. Somehow thru the week-long event in  the forest, at the crack of dawn, was eaten by a wild boar, which is  why they rose early to watch the sun rise in remembrance of him,  and then ate their ham at dinner for revenge. This too was tweaked  to fit in with the ‘christain’ standards that his man-made  governmental church was establishing. And is a far-cry from what  God wanted His people to be called into.


 I won’t go far into the halloween festivities, but will say this; It  doesn’t, in any form or way belong, in any stretch of the  imagination, even in these ‘things called church’, and is strictly a  thing of the world. I don’t care if it’s called a fall festival, or a  hallelujah party, or a ‘holy ghost weenie roast’, it all the same  practice of high spirits.


 The one holiday that I enjoyed and felt good about was  thanksgiving. For many years man hadn’t polluted it with the  pretense of worldly values. It was about family sharing and  fellowshipping one with the other, and for the most part had  remained pure, at least in appearances. But man with his  techniques, took a non-commercialized day of thanks, and has  turned it into a great sales event, and why they call it ‘black Friday,  I’ll probably never know, but now they have black Thursday so many  can get a head-start on the deals of the decade. One of the great  events of Thanksgiving is college football, so it’s not hard to see that  this holiday too is not far from being something that barely  resembles what it began as. I was talking with a lady the other day,  and asked about her Thanksgiving plans, and was a big meal planned  with family. Her response was that this year their family wasn’t  getting together; the temptation of the great prices was the culprit,  since now the sales are moved up to a day earlier.


 What are we? A people made in the similitude of God, given His  Spirit, and called by His name, having nowhere to go, but still yet  we’re in a hurry to get there, because we have left our first Love, for  the love of the world and self. Therefore, we have places to go, but  it’s time for the world and their ‘church’ to quit dictating where it is.  Should we gather together? YES—and I think it’s wonderful to have  family together, even show our appreciation toward them, enjoy  each other, enjoy activities with them, and share a meal, but when  we make the compromise to call it an event with Gods’ name  attached, and canonized by the ‘church’ as being sacred, simply  means that we have downwardly evolved into what the world  wants, because their lack of a relationship with God, but a need to  fit in.