Unmasking a Church in Denial by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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Idolatry, & High Places


 What is an idol, and how is it that we’re indicted as worshipping  idols in the same method that the Israelites were caught in, when  Aaron made them a golden calf?


 An idol is anything, anyone, any place; whether it’s ideas,  thoughts, imaginations, or anything else that the flesh man will  succumb too, and placed in the stead of God and His Christ. Idols  benefit us to no effect in true life, but still man is drawn to them as  were Adam and his wife to the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of  good and evil.


 When we empower anything with our worship and praise, and  our bowing down to, by paying homage to the monuments of man’s  mind; we are then worshipping idols. And as we bow to them, they  in return are empowered with our strengths and abilities, and take  on a seemingly life of their own.


 Most anything can be an idol, and then worshipped, even the  things of God, such as salvation. It’s not the salvation that God calls  us to worship, but Him that gives it. It’s not the Bible that God calls  us to worship, but Him that wrote it; not the angels, but God  message thru them; not the inspirations of man, but the God that  inspires us. The list can go on-and-on, but no other but God, and His  Christ, is worthy of worship. Does anyone think that these great, or  small, cathedrals, and all their beauty, will entice or become  pleasing to our God? The answer is no. Just like God wasn’t pleased  with the gift that Cain presented to Him, because it was created by  the mind and hands, the works of Cain, neither is our Father  impressed today with what man can conjure up. These monuments  are built for man, whether they are small or gigantic makes no  difference, for the ego of the carnal mind completely misinterprets  the character of God.


 In the beginning of the first century, God’s people were going  from house-to-house, and tree-to-tree, to meet and spread the  News that the Holy Spirit gave utterance too, and it was usually two  or three that met, but the Kingdom was forwarded, and quite  effectively. But now, especially in the last millennium, great  cathedrals have been built by those that didn’t understand, but  wanted to look as if they did; they completely missed the boat. God  gave us abilities to build, but not for the use of building these  monuments, with their finery of craft, and their bells and whistles,  but a relationship with Him. It’s not these ‘churches’ that man is to  bow too, but the Head of the Church, which belongs to the Christ of  God, Jesus. For He, and He alone is worthy of our praise, worship,  and thanksgivings, but man continues to sing the praises, and pay  homage, to these great master pieces of his hand and mind.


 If my people that are called by my name, shall humble  themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked  ways; then I shall hear from Heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their  land. This scripture was not written for those of the past alone, and  since it’s the living Word and in no-wise done away with, it still  speaks to those of us today; and He’s speaking to us right now.


 It says in Scripture that Jesus spoke not a word, except in  parables, and if observed closely, our whole world, and all that it  contains is also a parable. Now Babylon was, in the old days, a city  in Mesopotamia, and was it was not written about to give us a  history lesson of a people that once lived, but to speak Truth to  those of us that seek His way, Truth, and Life. So as we read, the  many times that Babylon is mentioned, we can obliviously see that  Babylon has been spiritualized into an allegoric symbol; the works of  man. When we don’t have the ability to discern that which lies on  the surface, from that which lies beneath it, as in parables, then we  only see the thirty-fold return; but to have the sixty-fold return, we  must see that which grows from the root; to have the hundred-fold  return, we must become one with the root.


 When passages speak of Zion, they speak of the ways of God, as  He is Spirit and must be worshipped in Spirit, and so contrary to the  true worship of the Father, is Babylon. Both are representations of  the spiritual condition of man, and where our attention is drawn  too. Babylon is carnal man that travels on his feet, works with his  hands, and thinks with his earthly mind. And so Scripture draws a  distinct line between the two, that is between Babylon the mother  of all harlots, and the city and conditions of Zion; one processes  outwardly thru the outer flesh of our thinking, and the other by our  inner being that is in relationship with God. Zion is that place,  usually in the heart, that nothing else matters but the things of God,  and of course God Himself.,    Because Babylon is sitting on the seven mountains, as mentioned  in Revelations, some call her that ‘great church’, others think  Babylon to be the whole world system, and still others think her to  be one of several of the big cities, places and people that seem not  to care about the Way of the Father; but I see it as all of the above  and much more. It is the total condition of man that continues with  what he has gotten from the Tree of knowledge of good and evil;  that which is not of faith, is of the flesh. The high thoughts and  imaginations of carnal man is the ‘high priest’ of babylon, and is  what keeps us bound to this way of thinking, which was created by  man when he began this earthly system from the tree of knowledge  of good and evil. The flesh was created as a seed, and liken unto an  acorn, to sprout into an oak tree, and the true oak tree is in tune  with the Way, Truth, and lives in the Life of our Creator; this same  tree can produce fruit that will remain, as from the Tree of Life, or  bear as a fig tree with no figs. Now I realize that we all fall short of  the glory of God, and at least to some degree, and have missed the  mark of our created Life, and to use that as an excuse is not living by  faith. For God knows our weaknesses, and understands that man is  fallible, but what He wants is not our works or deeds, but a  relationship with Him. So why do we continue to worship the ‘good  works’ of man, when our attention can be on the Father and our  fellowship with Him? Because man, societies, and institutions that  didn’t have that fellowship pretended they did, and made all these  images, these ‘great cathedrals’, these intellectual ideas and values,  to collectively hope that they are ‘good enough’ for Him to find us  worthy; but that will never happen. We are already worthy, and do  not have to do anything to deserve Gods’ fellowship, but to believe  and have faith; it’s already our free Gift from Him. But the system,  the babylonian way that our forefathers have given us, and for such  a long time, that many have bought into it as the way it should be;  but it is not. Since God is Spirit, and the only way to worship Him is  through spirit, then our worship will be in a way that is hid in our  closet, and probably not see by man. Repetition of silly practices  only gives us a false sense of perfect, striving further to get-it-right;  but this practice doesn’t make perfect, it makes us silly when  anything is done, unless done with alliance, and with faith in Him


 So babylon, in the sense of the spiritual representation is the  three six’s, the 666, and it was precisely those three marks of man  that was hung on the cross at Calvary. “He that knew no sin became  sin.” Jesus took our babylonian attitudes, our sins, and burdened  Himself with them in our stead, as a sacrifice for us to the Father,  becoming sin Himself, that we might live unto the purity of the Life  that was given to us in the beginning. Jesus was nailed through both  feet, His Hands, and a crown of despicable thorns smashed upon His  head, representing the ways of flesh man, the places we walk, the  things done by our hands, and our way of thinking, the three six’s;  man, man, and man. And thru all this, and done with purpose, He  was resurrected unto Life, and Life everlasting; and all that for it was  the Fathers’ Gift to us from His Son Jesus. We are now His clean  children, His son, for we have been given joint ownership with Him  to the Father of all creation. Jesus came to earth to reveal to us that  we are blind and deaf, thus delivering man from darkness, and  showing each that the Kingdom of God lies within each of us; the  Kingdom is not a state yet to come, but it is alive and well within all.  We all have possession of the Kingdom now, and will embrace it if  we’ll put away that old way of thinking, the systems conjured by the  failures of man, and begin seeing that what God said is absolutely  true; the Kingdom of God lies within the heart of each.


 So babylon is all of the above in the aforementioned paragraph;  thus the Spirit led life of believers no longer exist, or at least not  when our thoughts are in control, for babylon is contained in man’s  thought system.


 But somehow man won’t let this take hold within him, still  thinking that he has to earn his way to God, but Jesus is our only  earnest, and the debt has been fully paid, we are now free from the  bondage of sin; but then again, man says that he has accepted that,  but won’t let go of his inert need to earn his own freedom. We  ought to walk during this life, knowing that we can no longer be  placed under that bondage again; for once, and for all, Jesus set us  free. And to earn ourselves approved, is to crucify Him afresh,  voiding within our own mind the great privilege, the Gift, and  sacrifice that Christ gave to all, for on that hill of the skull, He paid  all the prices of man’s inabilities, the way of our thinking, and  therefore bought, (with the price He paid), mankind back into the  bosom of our Father. Jesus did not give up His life for naught, but  for all, not some of us, but for all; we are all partakers of the  Kingdom that can see with our inward eyes. This notion of being  rewarded for our deeds is pure nonsense; it’s either man doing  them, or God. And when man aligns himself with God, then it’s God  doing the work, and not man; you can’t mix oil and water.


Now ‘high places’ is what man creates when he doesn’t see what  Christ is doing, therefore making to no effect His gift, or at least in  that individuals’ mind, but the sacrifice for us remains the same, but  not accepted by all. An idol is anything that man imagines and bows  his inner knees to, in hopes that this image can bring him prosperity,  such as in the security of money, home, health, and maybe even a  uprising leader to show them the way, instead of trusting our only  true Deliverer to pull through for us. High places are developed in  the mind of man that is looking outward for the answers that lie  within.


 Peter, when on the mount of transfiguration, after seeing Jesus,  Moses, and Elijah transformed, wanted, in the ‘high place’ of his  mind, to build three temples, they would have been three places of  worship, and made into shrines of man’s hand, but, not  understanding, had to be taken off that mountain, back to that  place his mind was leveled at; the plains. And those that are dead- set on the devil that is positioned to attack at any time, have also  placed, in their mind of high places, a belief that is not true. For if  Jesus made every enemy His footstool; then either satan doesn’t  exist, or is of no threat; either way, can cause no harm, but our  mind, unsubstantiated, thinks he can; therefore our mind becomes  our source of belief and is called a ‘high place’.


 A ‘high place’ can be anything that we accept as true, or is  mighty, but doesn’t exist except in our mind; the devil can’t make  you do, or not do anything, all he is, is a footstool; there is no  power, but the power of God thru His Christ; now that is total  freedom.


 So as we explore ‘high places’ and babylon, we can see that the  mind and works of the carnal flesh are the roots of our beliefs.  Jesus said to not only hew the tree down, referring to the tree of  good and evil, thus the tree of knowledge, but to place an ax to its  root, for He totally destroyed that tree, that we who remain, no  longer fall under its bondage.


 So, at least the way I see it, babylon is the worship of self, where  we have made an extension of ourselves, altars of the ‘high places’  of the mind, and serve and exalt that idol of man. Anything that is  not of God that man will pay his allegiances too, and will bend his  spiritual knee too, or sing the praises of, or pursue for happiness,  (and the list could go on and on), is the ‘high places’ of the mind of  the babylonian empire that man has built within himself; it is  anything that exalts the works of man.


 I’m not sure, and nobody is, what God has stored for us in the  future, but the babylonian empire will fall. Who knows the thoughts  of God, or His ways, but according to Revelations, chapter eighteen,  babylon will fall. “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has  become the dwelling place of demons, a prison for every fowl spirit,  and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! For all nations have  drunk of the wine of her wrath of her fornication, the kings of the  earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of  the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury. I  heard another voice from Heaven saying; come out of her My  people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her  plagues.”


 Birds seem to be representations of messengers, sometimes a  good message, but in this incident are called unclean and hated  birds of foul spirit, and their dwelling place is of demons, and they  live in the cage of the mind. This is about imaginations and thoughts  that have run rampant in the mind of man, and the cage is the  carnal brain. These are represented by the structures and empires,  and of the imagination of carnal man for to create a temple, after  Jesus said that he would tear it down and rebuild it thru the  resurrection, was a pretty-good sign that ‘self-man’, (the self- centered outward man), cannot be held in trust with the things of  God. And for all nations to have drunk of her wrath, (not God’s  wrath), of her fornication of playing with ‘other gods’ of the  institutions, structures, empires, or anything else that man has  placed in front of God, therefore fornicating with them, bring to  reality that man has strayed from his first Love, Christ. This thought  system is not localized by any means, for the kings of the earth have  also commissioned it and have been led by that unclean example.  So what symbol could be world-wide and referred to as the word  ‘her’? Sometimes countries and nations are called ‘her’, but that  has already been addressed in the above verse as they included all  nations; leaving only one of man’s structures that is established in  every nation, with one common goal, and is always referred to as  ‘her’; ‘this thing called church’. It takes but little understanding to  see what’s being signified when God, in the eighteenth chapter, is  telling His people to come out of her, and not be partakers of her  sins. Now if we’re still having a problem understanding that this is  the ‘church’ that is being described, then let’s look a little farther in  the verse.


 It says, continuing in the same paragraph of Revelations, the  merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of  her luxury. When one looks into the vastness of the money made,  and the money spent on these structures called ‘church’, and then  quickly jot down on paper just the surface of the spending, we will  rapidly see that more money is exchanged in these institutions in a  year than most of the giant box stores will ever make; collectively  speaking. It takes many people just to build and sell the pews being  used, or the electricity used, or the paper for bulletins and song  books, and that when counting the materials for the building, the  cost becomes staggering. It’s no wonder that the merchants of the  world begin to lament over her destruction, for great salaries from  within and from the many others is tremendous. And I’ve only  touched the surface of how the world makes its living selling and  buying the wares of the ‘church’. So when God says that not coming  out of ‘her’ we also will reap of ‘her’ plagues. This structure, and  occasionally a cathedral, looks more like a whore house than it does  the House of God, and that’s part of the reason he said, in the same  verse, that many in the world has committed fornication with ‘her’,  and not excluding even our leaders. When this presentation of the  organized ‘church’, and the longevity that’s it’s been going on, that  has been established this deeply, we, as a people, have been  indoctrinated into believing it is of God; and it certainly is not.


 Could the ‘church’ had been set up by people with a sincere  heart, and still turned out to be what it has become? Certainly, and  I’m quite sure that many God fearing, God loving folks set out to  share their ‘good news’ with as many as possible, but were ill- equipped, and at least somewhat disillusioned. When God gives us,  generally speaking, a revelation of a Truth, then somehow many  think that they have to build a shrine around it, and sometimes that  shrine last for many years, trying to continue to feed off of  yesterdays’ manna. Sharing a new insight is one thing, but trying to  institutionalize it is quite different, and I would guess that most of  the time this new perception was for the individual who received it;  but so many times, man has to strut-his-stuff instead of growing  inwardly.


 Anyway, like I’d said earlier, the things in the Spirit seem to  parallel those of the earth, or is it, the things of the earth seem to  parallel the things of the Spirit? An emotionally broken heart is  probable there because it’s a reminder that a heart-felt need in  someone else, is close at hand. A headache might be a reminder  that our head is just too full of this flesh stuff, and is there to bring  us back to the things of God. Maybe an earthquake is to wake-up,  or shake-up a world full of ‘out of touch’ sleeping people. The sun is  His warmth and light; the stars show His infinity; hunger is to feed  our inner man; a personal tragedy is maybe, so we can rely on Him.  These are just a few of the silly, or inaccurate ways that things of the  earth, are paralleling the things of the Spirit, and as each would look  closely at this thought, perhaps could see the depth of this  understanding.


 Let’s read a little more in this same book. Revelations 18;11; And  the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no  one, (in babylon) buys their merchandise any more: merchandise of  gold and silver, precious stones and pearls, fine linen and purple, silk  and scarlet, every kind of citron wood, every kind of object of  ivory…and wood, bronze, iron and marble. The fruit that your soul  has longed for has gone from you, and all things which are rich and  splendid are gone from you, and you shall find them no more at all.


The merchants of these things, who became rich by her,(babylon),  will stand at a distance for fear of her torment, weeping and  wailing… (But then God spoke); ‘Rejoice over her, O heaven, and  you holy apostles and prophets, for God has avenged.


 Who is it that is presented in such luxury, of gold, silver, ivory,  linen of scarlet and purple, and all such as was mentioned above?  But those of these great cathedrals, whether they be of the mind, or  sitting on just about every street corner in our cities and towns,  these are they that say that they sit as queen and cannot be  touched. These great structures, whether they be of the mind or  paralleled in the structure of these things called ‘church’, it is  obvious what has been done to those that are called by His name.


 Whether we’re reading ‘old’ or ‘new’ testament scriptures,  whether they are the stories of old or a parable taught by Jesus, or  reading into the book of Revelations, we can see that there are  several layers of hidden allegoric values amongst them. I said that  to say this; babylon is any, and all, of our earthly values, and what  man can do on his own, but the deepest of all esoteric meanings is,  it’s really all about selfish me; babylon lives in each of us that look to  this life outwardly. So whatever our hearts adore, follow, pay  homage to, and we bow our spiritual knee to, is our idol, our high  place, and at least for that moment, our god; thus babylon. God  shall not be defeated, nor can man always have his way, for that city  of babylon that lives in each of us shall fall.


 Babylon, and her personified harlot is inside of every man; yes,  you and me, she is the soul of man not married to the Spirit, (the  husband), that lives within each. She sits in opposition and is the  contradiction of the Bride of Christ, an unreasonable facsimile. She  is the self-centered thoughts, deeds, and actions of every man. She  makes her bed with the lust of the flesh, and idolizes herself in all  who sleep with her. She puffs herself up and takes her rewards  while she is faceted to any unaware partaker; she is the counterfeit  of the Bride. She wants to be seen, and when she is done with her  dance, takes a bow, and yet still wants more. Although she  pretends to restrain herself, she will flaunt, at every opportunity,  the selfish wares of her trade. She is the other side of man, his  outward flesh side that wants recognition for every so-called ‘good’  deed that he’s done, and will counterfeit everything of our Lord to  look as if she sits as queen; in the flesh she does, but in true Life; she  does not.


 It is no wonder why we are sitting on the same dung hill as did  Job, whining about our problems, scratching our boils, and trying to  figure out what went wrong, or for that matter, why the world is  caving in on us. We have left our first Love, and went whoring after  every god of self that each can invent, we have turned our backs to  the Truth, and sought others thing that appeal to the flesh. Jesus  was sent as the final answer to mankind’s’ ‘dung hill’ problems, and  we need not to look any further than Him.


 We’ll stop here for a moment, and will take a little time to figure  out why man, that walked with God, and lived in that perfect  harmony, forsook Him for this so-called better life.