Unmasking a Church in Denial by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 Manipulation is a strong source and force of witchcraft, a  weapon used to get folks to do things that they aren’t necessarily  inclined to do otherwise. It has been used throughout the ages,  from the beginning of mankind that broke away from the Tree of  Life and partook of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil,  therefore leaving our walk with God in the Garden of our hearts to  follow our own devices, and to recruit as many to follow our  misguided doctrines as can be ascertained.


 Manipulation has been in mankind’s repertoire since we have left  our undistorted walk with God, and has been used for so many  millennium that we now take it as normal. This form of witchcraft is  so familiar with us, that it is no longer considered unhealthy, and is  therefore accepted as normal behavior; it is not normal, nor did we  learn this performance from Gods’ Word as some say He would use.  Even the ‘reward and punishment system’ was not created from the  Grace of God, but thru the law, and its legalistic harshness, and was  corralled into our existence, and thus, virtually, used as a tool or  weapon by everyone as being normal. The apostle Paul wrote many  times that the letter of the law kills, and is now brought to its’ death  through the forwarding of Grace; for the law is unto death, but  Grace into life. And even though there are many today that teach  the law, even while proclaiming Grace; this has propitiated its’  acceptance of the ‘reward and punishment system’, and so also are  many other forms of manipulations that we use in our everyday life.  We may begin with our young child, and while they eat, are offered  a reward if they do, but a penalty, if they don’t. We may have a  wife, or a husband, even an acquaintance that we may speak words  of nurturing to, if the conditions are right; but roughly if they’re not.  Our demeanor and our behavior are really not supposed to be  effected by our emotions, but because of the great acceptance of  this form of manipulation, it is. We, as humans, are perfectly able to  express ourselves without this up-and-down emotional behavior,  and can present ourselves without the antics that are so commonly  used and accepted as normal. In other words; most of us know how  to talk straight whether we like the situation or not, but due to the  longevity of this now customary language, that has been allowed,  we find ourselves fitting in to the so-called normal behavior of man,  therefore continue doing that which has been done for so long. Say  what you mean, and mean what you say. Through all this our  societies have cultured in many norms that fifty years ago were  corrupt, but consistent practice of these detrimental attitudes have  adjusted us to accept the unacceptable.


 Can you imagine Jesus talking down to anyone that called Him a  heretic or a blasphemer? Of course we can’t. Yes He called the  pharisees and scribes vipers or hypocrites, but that’s because they  were. But what I speaking on is the way we may talk to someone  that we don’t like, verses someone that we do; there really  shouldn’t be a difference in our attitude, and Jesus didn’t use this  form of manipulation on anyone. Whether they were prostitutes,  lepers, a thief on the cross, or a noble man wanting to have lunch  with Him, all were treated the same; with the character of God,  kindly.


 We look at this world and try to figure out what in the world is  going on, when all we really need to do is, look at ourselves. For all  of us has perpetuated this form of witchcraft, in the hopes that it  might change someone’s attitude of behavior, but it might be us  that need changing. We can’t, as children of God, look at folks the  way that other people do, nor are we able to make a customary  judgment on them because that’s the way we were taught; for who  knows, maybe the situation was created by God, just for us, and this  could be the opportunity given to us by Him to allow His change in  us. The world is not going to change, it is set too deep in them, but  we are called out of the world to proclaim the Love and Grace of  God; we are all teachers and evangelist. Manipulation has crept  into the lives of all of us, it’s been seeded, watered, grown to  acceptance by virtually all of us, and we are losing our direction  because of it.


 “John, if you will do this favor for me, I’ll make it worth your  while.” Another example: “Jane, I wouldn’t ask you to do this if it  weren’t for me feeling so bad, so pretty-please, will you do it just  this once.” Or how about this one: “Lord if you’ll do this for me and  get me out of this situation, I’ll dedicate my life to you forever.”  These are all just mild and silly examples of the manipulations that  we use regularly, but can we see that each is designed to consume  something on our flesh, and I really didn’t want to speak much on  these mild versions, but to how this has escalated into ‘ministers’ as  they deploy their skills to get so many to come to their form of  belief.


 How many times have we seen a preacher or lay-person try to  talk another into coming to Christ by scare tactics? Such as; would  you rather spend your life in the pits of hell where no relief is found  and the tongue is never quenched; or to spend it in eternity with the  God of all things beautiful? To manipulate this tactic to an adult is  one thing, and still it is wrong, but to deploy this method on a child,  and scare the pants off them, is entirely a situation that God would  never use. But yet it happens over and over so much that it also has  become a norm in our churchy society that it is accepted. When  Christ abounds within any, He is then able to present Himself by the  Love of God; and when that Love is shared, those that see will flock  unto our God of hope.


 Using guilt to manipulate folks to come to Christ, or even their  own ‘church’, is a device, a trick, to try to make people do  something, that, maybe at the time is not to be deployed as a  weapon used against them; but is. God has His own timing, and  very rarely do we understand it, but to guilt someone into coming to  Him is never an approach that God uses. Yes, many may feel guilty,  and many have come honestly to Him because of it, but it’s not a  maneuver that the Holy Spirit uses. I’ve always, personally, seen  God as a complete gentleman, so to speak, and with a kindness that  surpasses anything man can dream of; and He loves each for ‘what’,  they are, (His children),and puts no expectations on any, for  expectations are also a form of manipulation.


 You may ask. Is this not what this author is trying to do to those  that is reading this? No! Only God’s Spirit can reach you, and I  believe he has ask me to unmask the conditions of what this  engineered influence that has, at least to some part, effected our  walk with God, or even, to come to Him for the first time. I desire  no honor, nor do I want to be known. I am perfectly content to stay  in the background, and not even know the result of my obedience.  God’s Truth is simple, and His way of Life is not a burdened Life, but  the procreation of life, and not this non-sense that’s been taught  from many pulpits that are bringing death instead of Life, and many  can’t walk an unhindered Life with Christ, until we come out of  denial.


 To say that God is wanting our ‘church’ to start a new program,  or to buy advertisement in the yellow pages, or to portray our name  in large letters on the ‘church’ van, or have one of these cleaver  marquees, lit-up and announcing pride; are all about the impressive  image, and not about the forwarding of the Kingdom of God; but we  aren’t supposed to know that. It’s all about self, and the bragging  rights that we think we can accomplish by making ourselves, or ‘our  church’ look better and be more attended. Do you think when you  see and hear a political candidate that you’re hearing who this man  or woman really is? No! All we get is what they want us to get, it’s  a performance. And so is the strutting that goes on with these man- made structures with a steeple. If in truth, these ‘churches’ were  following the lead of the Holy Spirit, what purpose is the  advertisement for? Has the Power of God been diminished, or is His  hand shortened; or His ear deafened?


 God’s Grace has been more than sufficient thus far, and Him not  moving mightily upon babylon is not a sign of His approval of this  that’s been going on all these centuries. Is it not time to humble  ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from the wicked ways of  man, and allow God to reign upon His own Throne for a change?


 I spent the first eighteen or twenty years of my walk with Christ  inside the doors of several ‘churches’ and without regret, as a new- born believer, I read as often as possible and had many questions,  but as I’d ask them, compared to the Scriptures, I would get many  different interpretations that would not align with what I’d read.  The first thing the denominational leaders would do is explain how  this stuff is no longer valid, it was meant for those that were  apostles and such of the early years. And I thought; if this were  true, then why did God preserve His Word for all these millenniums  just to give me a history lesson? I then had to fall back on my walk  with Him to find out that His Word is eternal, alive, well, and as  sound today as it was then.


 There was one time and place in my life that confusion was about  to overtake me in this matter, so one night, while in quietness, I  prayed. I told God that if this is what it is to be a ‘christian’, then I  was going back to the world. For even in these early years of my  walk, I could see and hear the hypocrisy, and feel the manipulations  of them trying to mold me into their image. But after my prayer, I  was expecting to be knocked down by God, but what I got instead  was, His understanding and gentleness. God words to me then  were: ‘This is not my Life, nor the Life that I have stored for you;  allow Me to teach you, for the Holy Spirit that knows all things,  teaches all things.’ And that was the beginning of God calling me  out of ‘this thing called church’, but it was still many years later  before I would completely leave. The feelings of guilt from the  manipulations were strong in me, and as I would slowly stand up  and protest what was being taught that didn’t measure-up to  scripture, the process of me coming out of ‘her’ began to happen.  For God continued teaching from His truth, and I began to  understand the transparency and motive of those caught up in this  system; it still took many years. And I didn’t go back to the world.


 The walk that God is calling us into is, again, to have a  relationship with Him from where each is at, we do not have to  adhere to some strict set of rules, for God Loves us for ‘what’ we  are, not ‘who’ we are; we are His children. All preach that God’s  Grace is sufficient, but in the same breath preach that we have to  observe the so-many rules to get there; that’s bologna. There is  nothing we have to do, nor are we able to do, that will win God’s  affection; we already have it.


 Through the years of being also caught up in this system, I could  see that many of the ‘church’ leaders would come up with a  program, or event, that might just lasso a few more converts into  their assembly. One of these being ‘vacation bible school’, or  maybe a pageant play towards the end of the year, or could even  start a youth basketball team, or one of the many famous bazaars,  and the list could go on-and-on, and although they may have a hint  of innocence, they are placed there to indoctrinate the kids, and  maybe snatch a few of the parents in the process. These formulas  of bringing the coveted enrollment status up has been tried and  tested through many years, and then passed along to their  neighboring ‘churches’, and is well-founded to work; therefore the  same formulas are passed around until virtually all use them. There  is no scriptural evidence found, nor are we to use these  entrapments and manipulations to bring sheep into the fold; for this  is the Holy Spirit’s job, since it’s His assembly and not ours.


 So what are these manipulations used for, if not as a gimmick to  bring more in, and increase their bottom line? The tactics aren’t  necessarily used by insincere people, but the usage of them has  been so founded on the results, and the competition is so great, and  the fact that they have worked for so long, that we now count them   coming to our Lord and  Christ by the droves, nor are God’s people growing in the wisdom,  freedom, and an unhindered relationship with Him in vast numbers;  but on the contrary, His people are perishing from lack of  Knowledge. Most are drawn to the ‘church’ as a replacement of  Christ. Somewhere, somehow, we have got to become  embarrassed for the ways that our Fathers House has been treated  and neglected, and has now turned It again into a den of thieves.  as a normal process of being ‘churchy’, even by the sincere leaders.  God is able, and we are unable, or one could say unqualified, to do  those things that the Holy Spirit is equipped for, and the results of  our doings has brought us to this ‘church’, with this mask that is  covering her face. People today are not


 Where did we come up with the idea of an altar-call? There are  no scriptures, old or new, that I’m aware of, that a call is made from  an altar for the folks to repent and come up too. If we are to pray in  a closet, then, would not we also repent in the closet also? But, if  someone can coax an individual with their skilled tactics, and their  years of proven speech, and fill the ‘so called altar’ with the  emotional display of their words, then a worldly ‘church’ will use  them; but not by the authority of God.


 Whether it’s passing around a collection plate, or spending big- bucks for choir robes, or engraving the windows with stained glass,  or having the convenient baptismal, or sending the preacher to  school to learn all the proper etiquette of a sermon; when we  realize that this is not God’s House of prayer, but some man-made  invention to try to make these guys look good, at the expense of the  growth of His children, then, we can see why His children are being  called out of ‘her’. If God’s call is for His people to humble  themselves, seek, pray, and turn, then how did so many get caught  up in this ritualistic, meaningless image of man’s ideas of what God  wants, and then be so blinded by the centuries of its approval, that  we haven’t figured it out yet? We’ve all been tricked into believing  that this system is what we are all supposed to adhere to; let’s take  the mask off our own faces, take a long honest look in the mirror,  then turn our face from that looking glass and seek God. God said;  today is the day, and now is the time.


God, give me your salvation to save me from myself.