Unmasking a Church in Denial by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 Ministers & Ministry


 God, thru His son Jesus has called all His children to minister the  good news that His teachings have given us. Paul wrote in 2nd  Corinthians; “You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and  read by all men.” All those that seek the Truth of Christ Jesus are  His epistles, and all are ministering the fabulous teachings of His  resurrected Life. To some we are pastors, to some we are teachers,  to some prophets etc.; and all for the equipping of His saints, which  is all of us. To make a full “ministry” out of one of these functions is  to stifle the effectiveness and the fullness of the forwarding of God’s  Kingdom. For none is called into one without the others attached,  for a person needing to be taught, is not necessarily ready to be  healed, nor is one that needs an explanation of scripture,  necessarily needing a pastor; but we are to be ready to give account  to whosoever needs us from wherever they are.


 To build a structure just because God has given one a revelation,  will choke the fullness of His Body, the true Church. God speaks to  all, therefore all are needed. The Body of Christ, His true Church, is  living stones, fitly joined together, with Christ as the Chief corner  Stone; a body of believers, not necessarily meeting in the same  group, or even the same country for that matter, equipping His  saints with Truth. We may till, we may sow, we may water and  fertilize, but only God can give the increase, and many times this  takes years or decades, for only the Spirit knows the heart. So why  do so many make a brick shrine, or a corner market, an immovable  building, call it ‘church’, and try to sell their wares to whosoever will  enter their doors and empty their pockets? This is not what was  intended when Jesus was teaching, for we too, as did He, are to  celebrate with Christ to whoever the Spirit leads us to as we walk  this Life from village to village.


 Folks in ‘the ministry’ seem to want to collect around them  people that have abilities to articulate fluently and can capture an  audience, or can sing very well, maybe some that can come up with  ideas and promotions, such as stage plays or committees to expand  their horizons, so that the success of their ‘ministry’ can be flaunted,  thus proving their worthiness as a minister thru a phony mask of  godliness. People in ‘the ministry’ appear to be more honorable  than those that they teach, and hold a higher piety with higher  standards than those of their underlings. Many in ‘the ministry’  have chosen this as their profession of business, therefore making it  a career, and hold themselves to a higher standard of righteousness  with their false sense of honor. I could go on-and-on about the  gimmicks and toys that many use to show off talents, and disguise  their inabilities of spirituality, and hide behind, what is called a  facade of tricks and promotions to bluff their way thru this un- Christ-like act on the stage.


 All of us are the sheep of His pasture, for there is but one  Shepherd, and we all are His flock, and whosoever lays down his life  and follows Jesus, and for that matter, even those that don’t, will be  watched over as the Good Shepherd knows what to do with His  own. For if we lead others by our skills and talents, is it not  therefore the blind leading the blind? Maybe that’s why both have  fallen into a ditch. God is not looking for men and women with such  skills and abilities, or their pious way of life, but wanting those that  have a heart that is seeking Him. Remember, God and His Christ  both, which are one in union, seemed to have chosen the outcast,  the poor, the maimed, the prostitutes, the underlings of this world  to raise up their message to all; and today, He’s doing the same.  Can God use a rich person, or one in authority? Of course he can,  and does, but it seems that the lowly of heart, and those that want  no attention is who He’s using to change the world.


 We are all ministers of the forwarding of Gods’ Kingdom, but  seems only a few will not turn away from the Holy Spirit that moves  within. “You are His chosen generation, His royal Priesthood, a Holy  nation, and a peculiar people, that you may proclaim the praises of  Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” We  don’t need more earthly examples of how we are to live, nor do we  need to seek greater morals, Christ that lives within, is the only  standard of which man shall live by, and while following Him, how  could better morals improve us? When the Spirit of God is moving  within each individual, our efforts at this point are not needed, for  God, who is able, can make those necessary changes within each  without our approval; therefore our own ‘good morals’ are no  longer needed, for it is God, and not man, that is doing the work.


 For the last so many centuries, we’ve been fed a bill-of-goods,  the Church is not a thing, it’s a people; ministers are not some high  position, but a lowly servant to feed God’s people; ministry is not a  show or act, it’s a servitude to the Father for His people. Is it hard  to see how man got so mixed up and turned around, knowing that  our hand was not supposed to be attached to the true Church of our  living God? Yes, God uses us where we are, and at what level we  seem to travel at, and those that seek Him will find that simple,  submissive, and not complicated Life that He has stored for each.  This world is offering a life that it says will bring you great  opportunities, wealth, notoriety, and great knowledge with its high- tech advances, but none of that can change a single life; but one  man hung on the cross two thousand years ago can, when He lives  within.


 Once a person begins to receive a salary, or wants to build a  name for himself, or goes out and get some education at a seminary  school, he has then crossed the line from one that ministers for  Christ, to a person in self-indulgence. One that is in ‘the ministry’,  develops programs, and committees, and keeps a record of the  doings of those that he supposedly leads, and will address himself  with the higher-case M, as in ‘Minister’. Usually they give ‘it’ a  name, maybe even charter ‘it’, and will, somehow, bring attention  to ‘it’. Like I said before, the ministers of the forwarding of Gods’  Kingdom will direct all the attention to our Christ, as he that  ministers will fade into the background. Therefore, these that lift up  self, are trying to create nothing more than idols, an extension of  self, they’re just another whore looking for more ‘Johns’.


 To some that may sound like strong language, but it’s the exact  words use in the book of Revelations; maybe I could have used the  word harlot, either way these ‘ministers’ of notoriety of a ‘thing’ or  ‘self’ are those that have helped perpetuate this non-sense of the  ‘worlds’ organized ‘church’. Remember; the Church of our God is a  person, one that has been called out from among her, separated,  Spirit led, and probably hides in the background but is willing to be  used, for to do less, takes from the Christ that put one there.


 Those that minister the Spirit led Word of God are placed  there to feed His sheep; those that are in ‘the Ministry’ are usually  feeding off them. Have you ever noticed the high-back fancy chairs  that most preacher/pastors sit in, with their elevated platform that’s  far above the level of their parishioners, while those that sit below  them sit in pews that are far inferior to the high office of ‘Ministry’  that they think themselves to be in? And to most of these ‘things’,  the deacons also have some-what smaller, but still a superior chair  than their subjects. Why has this method escaped us and our  attention, and why is this allowed to carry on? A true minister of  the Gospel, allows the attention, and places the praise, on the  Master that they serve, and wants no consideration or  responsiveness towards themselves, for they are there in servitude,  not notoriety, nor power.


 The true ministry is to reveal Christ and that’s done by the Spirit  of God, we are just earthen vessels, a tool that He sometimes uses  to waken His people; it certainly is not an occupation to make  money from.


 “If my people that are called by my name shall humble  themselves, and seek my face, and pray, and turn from their  wickedness, then I shall hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal  their land.” God didn’t speak to us in second Chronicles in this  fashion because we are doing it right, but just the opposite. This  wasn’t spoken for the men and women of old only, because if that  were so, it wouldn’t be the eternal living Word of God; it was given  to us today that are called by His name. It’s time to take heed.