Unmasking a Church in Denial by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 It’s about Time


 God is timeless, for He is eternal with no beginning, nor is there  any end, and God’s Ways and Thoughts are not our ways and  thoughts, for he alone is Creator, and we are His creation. Time is a  period with limits, and is fundamentally linked to change and  movement, it is a dimension, and is not hard to understand that God  is not limited to, nor is His presence bound to its parameters. So,  the way I see it, is that God gave us a division between day and  night, measures of distance in speed, thus giving us on earth a  relative term of comparison. It is quite obvious that Gods’ presence  is also in a dimension other than ours on earth, and He is not  infused to only that in which we have on this planet, and since God  is not subject to the containment of the boundaries of our time,  then it is conceivable that all time is relative; but not to our Creator.  Just like the Sabbath was made for man, a time in the space of man,  the seventh day, so time is also given to us by Him. It is a tool that  we use to divide things on this earth to a relative point; time. So,  although God needs not our time, nor is He constrained to it; we in  the flesh, depend on it for perspective.


 Whether one read a thousand years ago, or reading the same  verse today, the timeless statement is; “today is the day, and now is  the time…”


 The time that is given to us is used in construction or destruction  of the growth of mankind. We can partake in the tree of knowledge  of good and evil, or we can cling thru faith to the Tree of Life; God  has given us this day in time to choose. The whole of mankind has  already chosen the tree of knowledge, but I’m now speaking about  our individual rights; we can now seek, even cling, to the Tree of  Life. Since God is referred to as the Great I AM, then it is also  obvious that He does not operate in the ‘I was’, nor in the ‘I will be’,  for He is the Holiest of all presence; God is today, the present, and  will continue in this day no matter how many days are yet to come.


 We look upon, and count time, and rely on it, as an ‘everyday’  normal part of our lives, and as flesh men it is, but God counts this  day as the only day, for His presence is always here and now, today  is His “time of Promise.” And though this time may be of suffering,  or even rejoicing, both or either, it is there for the fulfillment of his  promise to us, to bring us to the comfort of His relationship with us.  For the apostle Paul wrote in Romans: “For I consider that the  sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with  the glory that shall be revealed in us, for the earnest expectation of  the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.”


Which we now are, and the time also is now, for the earnest has  been paid by Christ, therefore, although many do wait, we no longer  have to wait, we are the sons of God, and for those that can accept  this, there is no more waiting; it is now. The world, expecting a sign,  waiting for that acceptance, no longer has to wait, for the gift of the  adoption as sons, has already been made, and those that see this  can stand up and be counted among them. It’s not that this will  happen some day in the future, or beyond the blue, nor the ‘here- after, but is available now. For time demands that that time can  never be amended, now that God gave us this gift of being His sons,  for that which has been done is now unchangeable; (First John:3),  “now we are the children of God,” we are sons.


 If we could but see ourselves with just a miniscule piece of the  sight God uses, then we know that this Life that He has given us  starts now, and no one has to wait for the ‘here-after’ to enter.  Waiting was a strategy given by our forefathers of ‘religion’ to keep  many in control with their reins, or so they thought. Christ has  already set and made us free, and it’s about time that His voice is  heard. If, “we perish from lack of knowledge”, and we are perishing,  then this simple Truth will set us free from these many years of  bondage that all of us have to wait for our next life for the  fulfillment of His Gift; it is already ours.


 It is about time to break away from this rhetoric of religion, and  quit depending on these so-called men of the cloth to tell how, or  what to think. The Scriptures will open themselves up to anyone  that will knock, will ask, or seeks His Truth, we are all a royal  priesthood, and need not to depend on me, or anyone else that  claim they hold the only truth, for God alone is TRUTH, and we need  no other but Him.


 In Revelations it says that babylon will fall, and it will, and if not in  the entire world, it can fall within each and every person that wants  their blinders taken off, and to my way of observing, it’s about time  for it to crumble. We have claimed to be His people, and we are, so  is it now time to tear down the ‘strong holds’ of the misinformation  that has come from these manufactured pulpits, and allow God to  change the way we think? Remember, repentance means to change  the way of our thinking. Many of us are called by His name, so why  wouldn’t we think that it’s about time to allow for our land to be  healed thru faith and humility? All one has to do is turn from our  ways, which God calls wicked, and seek His face praying, humble  ourselves, and turn to Him instead of our own devices.


 It’s about time to lay down our own life and follow Him, and turn  from these ways that seems right, but in fact, is contrary to the  written Word. It’s about time to give up on this ‘form of godliness’,  and cease from denying God’s power, and to be transformed by Him  from within, to be that chosen generation, a royal priesthood, and a  holy nation of the cooperate sons of God.


 God has never turned away from His people, not even those that  have gone astray, nor has He ever denied them second or third  chances, for His Grace is immeasurable; but it’s about time to put  away our toys and expect this whore, ‘the mother of all harlots’ to  fall; and if not world-wide, fall within our individual hearts. We are  already his children, already been given the full package from Him,  not that we will be, but we already are the sons of the living God;  eternity starts now.


 In Isaiah 29 it sums what I speaking on very fluently, so as we  read, let’s see if it’s about time to turn this message loose on a large  group of people that are called by His name. “Inasmuch as these  people draw near with their mouths, and honor Me with their lips,  but have remove their heart far from Me, and their fear for Me is  taught by the commandments of men. Therefore, behold, I will  again do a marvelous work among this people, a marvelous work  and wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the  understanding of their prudent shall be hidden. Woe to those that  seek deep to hide their council far from the Lord…They say, who  sees us, and who knows us. Surely you have things turned around”.


 These people that are spoken about, and spoken to, are the same  folks that are called by His name, and don’t let this text be taken as  Gods’ eternal Word to the people of old, for it is for our generation,  and now is the time to hear, for those that have ears to hear. These  verses speaks of the outward service, and outward words of men in  the pretext of speaking for God, or on His behave; as has been  tolerated in these man-made structures that we call ‘church’. It is  being done on a world-wide scale, and done for so long, that we, as  were scribes and pharisees, have fallen into the same trance, and  accepted these conjured-up rituals, invented by the minds of men,  and passed on as pleasing to God, but in truth, are a far cry from the   hidden  from our Father who sees the heart.  will of our Father. These so-called worship services are not pleasing  to God, and never will be, for many make clean the outside of our  vessel, while the inside is still filled with dead men’s’ bones; this  carnal service of our flesh has no value to the Spirit of God. They  are no more than the commandments of men, and are not


 Again, it is clear to see that it’s about time for many to rise up,  and take a stand, turning from the accepted wickedness of the flesh,  and see with eyes that can see, and hear with ears that can hear  what the Spirit is saying among this generation. God cannot be  contained in a box, nor within the walls of these boxes with a  steeple, nor in the box of time; and although God works occasionally  within these confines, His presence is far broader than the  trivialness of these institutionalized strongholds, or even the  allotted time that we give Him. For eye has not seen, nor ear heard,  nor has it entered into the hearts of flesh man, what God has in  store for each of us today. But mankind, being mankind, that is to  say fleshly, has been predators to capture as many parishioners as  can be had to satisfy their own agendas of the ego.