Unmasking a Church in Denial by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 About the Author


 Maybe this would be a good time to stop and tell of a little of  the history of myself. Although I may have been accused of being  nuts, the few that know me, know different, for God began a work  in me many years before I understood His presence.


 Only by looking back to my youth can I now see and understand  that the cradle of Gods’ awareness was with me from the beginning,  but little was I aware of it then. I remember, as a young teenager,  that an inner voice continued to tell me that I was to be set apart  from the main stream of society, and be a voice as one crying from  the wilderness; John the Baptist was frequently on my mind.


 I spent several years in the world, being a part of it, engrossed  and fascinated with all that it could offer. There was very little that I  could have done, that I didn’t do; I tried most everything that was  stupid, at least once. I remember saying that the only things I didn’t  do, were those that I just didn’t think of; for back then, I had but few  limits.


 As a young child, and up through my teenage years, I was  dropped off at Sunday school, and the service that followed. The  only times that I enjoyed ‘vacation Bible school’ was when they fed  us ice-cream afterwards. Out of all the kids in my age group, and  with all the years of the leaders teaching us, I could see no  difference in anybody’s behavior, no matter how many ‘stars of  approval’ we were given; none of it ever took hold. My parents  lived a life that seemed Godly, and strict were their rules, but little  mention of God, good or bad, was ever heard; but they were good  parents and raised us to have morals. Back in the fifties and sixties,  life was a lot less complicated, for even the ‘big wheels’ and skate  boards were unheard of; but we still managed to make life as  complicated as possible.


 At the age of twenty-five, after being married for about three  years, and having our first child, I came to have a personal  relationship with God thru His Christ, and this was the first realized  beginning of how God could put so many matters together, without  my knowing he was doing so, and the seed planted earlier by Him  now began to come, just barely, together; but it came and my  growth had begun.


 I’m sure that most of us can look back and see things of our past  that were thought of then as insignificant, but instead now view  them as ‘I wouldn’t want to tackle this world without that  experience’, a great blessing. I had many of these experiences, and  most of them came from my foolishness, but are now viewed as  platforms, or stages, from which much growth has been had, and  hopefully much more to come, as I remember those yesteryears.  Several years ago I wrote an autobiography with many of the  knuckleheaded adventures, and mishaps of the strain of growing up  called “The Man Within” that spoke about how they, the silly antics  of a stupid child, provoked me into eventual adulthood, and how  they had come together to position me to an observance of the  transparency of these silly games people play, and call it ‘church’.


 In the late seventies, fully involved in ‘church’, excited about the  things God was doing in my life, I occasionally took to the pulpit to  preach and testify of the sights and sounds that God was giving me;  it was a wonderful experience. One of the messages, that on more  than several occasions, were shared, but was felt and received by  me of the Lord was; ‘the ‘church’ is the only institution or  organization on earth that kills their wounded’. Now at the time  that this was spoken, I had but little understanding of what it meant,  but knew, even then, that this message was to be proclaimed, but it  still took many years before it was transformed within me into a  truth that was easily seen.


 Even in my early years I had a zeal for the Lord, and wanted to  know as much as I could about Him. Being young and independent,  all that I knew to do was group myself with a body of ‘believers’, and  like a sponge, absorb all I could about this potential Life with the  Lord and His son Jesus; I was very much excited, but still a little  confused. Preachers and teachers loved having a student like me  around and took it as an opportunity to give me all the great  wisdoms that they themselves possessed, and I was under the wing  of many folks. I guess this was when I learned that there is no  consensus among any, even in the same body of ‘believer’, which  only added to my misperception; but God was speaking to me also,  but as a man in his twenties, I was to learn from my elders.


 Now I’m not saying that any of these folks didn’t believe, for I’m  sure they did, but after several years of this tutoring, I came to the  understanding that they were as misguided as the stuff that was  going on in my head, for they each gave me what they had, but it  was still the blind leading the blind. With the way that people  understood the things of God, it wasn’t hard to see that the  harmony among them was as elusive to them as it was for those  that didn’t care about the things of God. When trying to explain  something to me, no two could come together, and it was as if they  felt like something had to be said for an answer, even if they didn’t  really believe it, but was passing on what was taught to them; it  come out as rhetoric and many times contrary to scriptures. Flags  were beginning to go up in my head, signals of warning, so I spent  the next years in prayer, still involved in the ‘church’, but focused on  God’s Word for understanding instead of the learned men of  ‘cemetery school’. (I know how to spell it, but it now makes better  sense this way.) The Holy Spirit that knows all things teaches all  things; these were the words that were given to me.


 One day, while in communion with the Lord, sitting on my front  porch, and as my mind began being silent, the Lord came to me in a  gentle softness that overtook my thoughts.


 He said in a quiet voice of a caring gentleman; Ross, I want you to  forget everything that you’ve been taught.


 My first thought was a reaction; “but Lord, all that has been  taught to me cannot all be wrong. I was even taught that Jesus is  Lord.”


 “Ross, it isn’t; not all that was taught is necessarily wrong, it’s just  that I want to teach you.”


 And that was the end of this conversation, and really, it took  several years of being quiet and listening before it was understood,  and only then did I begin to realize what God had in store for me.


 Many years did I spent in the ‘church’, some teaching, some  preaching, but all of them was spent learning in the same ratio that I  would allow myself to listen as the Lord continued to reach me thru  all the rhetoric that I was willing to give up.


 Scripture was beginning to be revealed, as each day was started  with; Lord, you said that if any lacked wisdom, you would freely give  to those that ask; I’m asking.


 I had no idea where all this was going, and I had no agenda, for all  I wanted, was to know His Way and Truth, His Life; and it started  coming, sometimes in spurts, and sometimes in waves; and every  time it was revealing a new and complete surprise. I began to see  early that the formats and programs that the ‘mainstream church’  were using to bring in the masses with their appeal to the flesh.  People, in those years, were joining in droves, and many of the  ‘mega-churches’ were being born, but even the small and country  ‘churches’ were seeing a great incline of folks added to their charted  membership. Through trial and error, a platform was established, a  program of success, a method that many seemed to have accepted,  and thus fallen into; it had then been elevated to a ‘show’. It was  then that the ‘full gospel’ took off as they seemed to have a deeper  meaning to the fullness of Gods’ Word; so it seemed. It is probably  true that the ‘full gospel’ leaders had found a deeper value about  the Life that God was sharing with us, but still stopped short of the  meaningful, uninhabited relationship, that God had provided for us  thru His son Jesus.


 It was about this time, in the seventies, that many broke away  from the traditionalist and began flocking to what was then  untraditional; thus many home groups were born. These home  groups knew that the ‘church’ couldn’t provide them with this newly  accepted offered life and relationship, but they too were seduced to  the same formats under a different disguise; for they continued in  the same ritualistic systems; and with a leader at the head, and the  same formalities of praying, singing, praying again, taking up  offerings, singing another song, then praying once more, began their  service under the same fashion and bondage that really never did  work with all those that preceded them, but what else could they  do, according to the flesh, that’s all that they had ever been taught  in these past centuries. And I too fell into these systems for a while,  but soon learned that they too, at best, could only appeal to the  flesh; for they too wore thin on releasing people to have an intimate  individual relationship with the King of all kings.


 I don’t fault anyone in this process, nor do I fault myself, for each  of us seems to have to do it wrong, to find out what doesn’t work;  and it wasn’t working. This same captivity was portrayed in the  movie “Shawshank Redemption”, based on a book by Stephen King.  Brooks, a man that had been in prison for fifty years, was finally  freed on probation and sent into a world that he’d not conceived  had existed; and he couldn’t make-it, and not having the mentality  to survive, he took his own life. Some years later his friend Red was  also released into this same world that he knew little about. Red  also came close to taking his own life, or maybe committing a crime  that would place him back into the only life that he had ever known,  but thru a set of circumstances by his friend Andy, took a leap of  faith and pulled thru. These were institutionalized people that lived  inside a set of bars, and rules, that dictated their lives from the time  they awoke in the morning until they awoke again the next day.  When they first arrived at the prison, the bars and rules were hated,  but after some years, they began to get use to them, and as the  years lingered on, they each began to depend on that, which a few  decades earlier, were so hated; they were institutionalized. The  gates and bars that held them captive had little hold on them in  comparison to the institutionalization of doing the same things day  after day. The narrowed life that they were placed in, with its  repeated behaviors, and limited views, held them hostage to a life- style that is extremely hard to break.


 Andy had to crawl through hundreds of yards of human  excrement for his freedom; Red, after accepting that he was cursed  by the stupid act of his youth, was released. Though it took  endurance and perseverance, the two men found their freedom by  a hope that life was bigger than the walls of humanity that were  built around them; WE CAN BE FREE. WE HAVE BEEN  EMANCIPATED, not by president Lincoln, BUT BY GOD.


 I think that most of us could inventory our own lives, and look  honestly at the walls that were either built before us, or by us, and  see that these same walls, these prisons of whatever sort, are just a  façade, a thin harassing veneer of superficial containments that  keep us from living in the freedom that God has provided thru His  son Jesus. It’s not just that we can be free, we already are; but the  institutionalization of our way of thinking has limited us to only that  which we allow our eyes to see, we have limited ourselves to the  five senses.


 Can you see the parable in the above story?


 The Kingdom of God is within each, and Jesus was specific to  teach us just that, but if our vision is confined to that which was  taught by the leaders of this so-called ‘church’, then those same  bars that kept us so bound to their rules and regulations, can be  destroyed by the simple touch of faith; we are already free. Jesus  came once, and He came for all; the price has already been paid,  and no other debt is owed, and if we can get through this rhetoric of  working by our hands and mind, and understand that none can earn  this great Gift, then all that’s left is Christ freed from the cross, and  sits at the right hand of the Father, which is in your heart.


 I too was trapped in the accepted system of religion, but only for  a short while; it was then that God began to answer the prayers of  this knuckle headed guy that just wanted the plain truth. Revelation  after revelation began to flow as I had a long lists of questions; each  one just didn’t seem to add up to the explanations that the leaders  were giving, but God was faithful. In fact, several times, the  enlightenments were coming faster than this immature being could  handle.


 I wanted to know what was meant by dying daily; what did it  mean that we are healed by His stripes? What was that mill-stone  that was thrown into the sea? Why did Jesus wash the feet of His  disciples, or why Moses had to take his sandals off on that  mountain? Who was the sower, and what were the seeds? How  could God proclaim a great Love for every person, but according to  doctrine, had great wrath upon them? Who is this church of the  Laodiceans’, that we were all taught was such a bad group, but is  quite evident that Christ cherished them with hope and promises?  The list goes on and on, and the answers began to come at a rate  that the mind had no opportunity to grasp; it was a wonderful  experience.


 It seemed that the more that I settled into the teaching of Gods’  Word, the more I was separated from those ‘in the know’. Some of  this, by their choice, some by mine, but the two couldn’t be  contained in the same jar, so-to-speak. Virtually no one was going  to let some ‘pip-squeak’ mess up their ‘sand-box’, and the  separation began; but at the time, I didn’t know it; I was too busy  just loving the Love that flowed thru Him.


 There was a time, after some persecution, that I was feeling  unworthy and inadequate, but was then, shown by God, that He  chose for His disciples, the low-life’s, the thugs, the dirty, all of those  that were unacceptable by the ‘mainstream’, to give the inner  secrets of His Kingdom to.


 Sometime in the mid-nineties, still starving in the Sunday  meetings, the call came to me from God to come out of this fleshly,  man-made structure, and follow His Christ only. I was to completely  change the way I thought (repent) and to open my life to the Spirit,  and allow Him to show me Gods’ Way, Truth, and Life. The burden  of the inadequate and traditional ways of our forefathers’  misunderstandings had been lifted. There were still times of  wanting, like the Israelites, to run back to the addictions of the past,  and twice I did just that, but each instance that I did go back, was  reminded that these people shut God out of their services with their  preplanned formulas of worshipping with the flesh. After that  second time of wavering, I understood clearly that God wanted His  people to be let go.


 It was then that a light bulb, so to speak, was turned on, and  again, the daily manna fell from heaven to feed me with its fresh  revelations. I was still in the wilderness, but now I was being led by  a Cloud by day, and a Glow by night, and my walk was purging me  from the ‘old man’within.


 I wrote a book called “The Man Within” that can be seen on the  web that is the complete autobiography of this same author. It is a  little funny, or could say strange, but it tells about how I found the  man that lived within this odd being.