Unmasking a Church in Denial by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 A Famine of the Truth


 God said that his people are perishing from lack of knowledge,  and the many that proclaim that they’re in charge, and us buying- into-it, with all their formulas and intelligence, makes His statement  true; many are literally starving to death. The masses are being told  that the great stronghold of satan will send them to hell, producing  a group of folks running to escape instead of running to the Love of  God. And when they continuously preach about the dark side, and  its guts and gore; aren’t they spreading a form of worship in the  wrong direction? I’ve always heard all of my life that one will  become that in which they hate, or at least dwell on. And if Jesus  has already made every enemy His footstool, and He has, then can  someone really have the ability to name my enemy? I think not.  Are we to come to Christ, and His Truth, by the vehicle of fear? Or is  it the Love that’s shed and spread throughout every molecule of  space that draws us into His bosom? Of a truth, fear is a motivator,  but it’s Love that holds us steady and on course.


 For more than several decades the ‘church’ leaders have known  that their attendance was going down, and therefore their coveted  tithes, and many-a-conclaves and round-table meeting has been  held to combat it, and instead of preaching the Truth, they have  developed scores of programs and schematics to capture the  attention of those that are still young in Christ, therefore leaving  many hungry for the void in their heart to be filled. Not all wakes  are destructive, but the wake of these man-made schemes, and the  egotistical thoughts of the mind are; and at a price that no-one with  the mind of Christ wants. We can forward our own inventions, or  the Kingdom, but not both from the same source.


 When someone forms a committee, has an idea and presents a  program to those under him or her, and then using techniques to  make sure that their egos are not let down, and they think that they  can sell a drowning man a cup of water, stir up a people into  believing that this is from God, and will please Him, but all it really  is, is their fear of failing, thus overriding the righteousness of God.  All these silly plays and programs might have worked for a while, but  people will always be people, they want the Truth, and they want  the void within each and every man to be filled with the Peace of  God; and these formulas haven’t, and will never work, for that void  can only be filled with the presence of our Christ. And I’m not  speaking about knowing about Him, but actually having an intimate  relationship with Him.


 Consistent patterns and formulas of false teachings, and the  years it took for the masses to buy into it, has brought about a  diversity of inconsistencies that have most folks confused; some of  the disorders are called denominations. With our freedom of  religion, which I endorse, means that anyone with any formula has  the right to lay down a foundation of their choice, and find as many  would-be follows as possible, and promote their form of godliness;  and that is exactly what has happened. Those that had the biggest  stick, the greater power of influence and muscle, and willingness to  use it against any who oppose them are now one of the  denominations that rank at the top; we all know who they are. In  the past, many lives were lost and taken by those that opened the  womb at the birth of this man-made creation; it certainly wasn’t of  or from God, it was all man, but, as a whole, we bought into it.


 Can you imagine a man, wanting heaven, thinking he’ll get there  on the back-bone of being a catholic, or a baptist, or methodist, or  presbyterian, or any other main-stream, or non-main-stream  religion? Thinking about it, no one would answer yes; but in fact,  millions think that way, or they’re not thinking at all, for these  vehicles of religion have been ridden for centuries for just that  purpose; that my friends, is exactly what this consistent and long- term indoctrinations have done to Gods’ people. So, I hope, it now  begins to be understood why God is calling His people to pray, seek  His face, and turn from this wickedness, that a people would be  healed, forgiven, thus enlightened into the arms of a forgiving and  loving God.


 There are tens of thousands of ‘preachers’ out there that have  observed what has worked in the past, or so it seems, and followed  the same patterns of the congregations of those that proceeded  them have already tried and tested. What I’m speaking on is the  attempt to involve and capture as many parishioners as possibly  with their schemes and programs of appealing to the flesh. This, the  tactics, are not something new, nor is it uncommon among  preachers, and although many are sincere, the normalcy and  acceptability these acts of the carnal flesh are so customary, that  most think them to be recognized as a godly way of entertainment,  and pleasing to God; but they are not. Just because it seems that  many have gotten away with these ploys of trickery, others do the  same things, believing it will also build their own self-centered  status among their peers. If a youth group is started so the ‘church’  can continue their growth far into the future, and do it by capturing  these young folks with fun and games, how is God served? If we  make a big-deal out of mothers’ day, or fathers’ day, with the  flowers of praises, and the acknowledgements of appreciation, how  can we justify that God is being worshipped instead of the abilities  of man in his flesh? We can’t, these are all methods to build up man  with praises and honor at the expense of true worship to the only  God that all thanksgivings belong. The true Church, the called-out- ones of God, might make mistakes, and we probably make them  often, but when understood that that which we’re doing is not  pleasing to the Father, will lay down our own thoughts and ways to  follow He that is worthy, for each will readily confess our mistakes,  grow from it, and then move closer to the Lord.


 It shames me to see that our deserving God has been brought to  a human level of foolishness. It was not by accident that the Lord  left us with the scriptures of chastisements, which are really  blessings for our benefit if heeded. This process of the recklessness  of our behavior, and the selfishness of men in leadership have  created an acceptance among their own peers, but have polluted  the throne of God, at least in their world, and it is now time that  ‘the called-out-ones’, those that love God more than self, come out  from among ‘her’. The people, world-wide, are starving for the  Truth of the Lord, for this famine is the creation of man. What does;  ‘if My people that are called by My name’ mean? Are we not called  by His name, or is this verse only talking about the other guy? I  know that human nature wants to imitate and live up to the  examples of those in their chosen vocation, but the misled vocations  of the ‘leaders of the church’ are but small fragments and are not  what Jesus was building upon His Rock. His Church, the called out  ones, are built in faith, not works; we are built with Love, not strife  and envy; we are built in hope, not wishing for the advancements of  the flesh and the power and prestige that has been so coveted.


 Jesus’ true Church is the Rock of stability and Love, not tossed by  every wave of contention, for it, His Church, seeks to be founded in  Truth. When a flood comes pushing against His Rock, it will not  move, nor does it attack the waters that try to dislodge it, but  instead, prays for its’ enmities, those that are hostile to her, that  speak contrary to it, and when evil arrives, prepares a supper in the  midst of it; for Gods’ people are established on this unwavering  Truth.


 The body of Christ, which is us that follow, is a many membered  body, fitly joined together, with a diversity of gifts that work in  harmony one with the other. Some are fed with milk, and others  can eat meat, but all work together as one with Christ as the Head.  There is no contention, and nobody starves, for each of us feed on  the Truth from where each is at, and there are no big people, nor  little people in the true Church. When a brother or sister strays  from the truth, we are there to place our arms around them, to  maybe show them a better way, to teach them with love the better  things of God; but will not, because they are wounded, destroy any  part of their growing relationship with the Lord.


 Let me tell you a true story that happened in a western state  during the early seventies. There was a couple that had been  married for more than a few years, they loved each other, but were  seemingly growing apart to some degree, maybe call it a mid-life  crisis. The husband was having trouble finding himself, and didn’t  quite know who he was, struggled to find himself. One night he  robbed a store, and some days later, was caught, and placed in jail;  he began to ponder. During his routine of life, working, managing  the affairs of the home, being a husband, somehow lost himself in  the shuffle of life. But being in jail gave this man the opportunity to  stop and take a deeper look; he didn’t like what he saw, but was  glad he saw it. His priorities were mixed up, and did not feel he was  recognized by any in this fast moving life that was supposed to be  on his side, and rebelled against it.


 Later, the man’s trial was held, he was found guilty, which he  was, and sentenced to five years in prison. At this same time he was  reevaluating his own life, so was the wife. She too saw that this  world offered something it couldn’t give, and had spent most of her  life chasing it, and finally saw that the world didn’t have the answer  that it claimed it did; she was coming to herself in this same quite  time.


 Both of them were hungry and thirsty for the rich things of life,  but hadn’t a clue as to what it was, and hadn’t even recognized that  something was missing until all the noise of the world was gone; for  they both were sitting quietly by themselves, him there and her at  home.


 Years earlier they both went to church looking for that  ‘something’, but not, as yet, knowing that the ‘something’ that was  missing, was even missing; but they both silently knew things  weren’t exactly right. They had lived to the standards that were  customary for clean living, except for this desperate act of the  husband, and although their values were mostly in order, they still  yet knew something was missing, and until this time without the  clatter of life, did they both come to the understanding that their  life wasn’t full.


 So as the wife sat lonely and with much time on her hands, she  continued to evaluate her marriage, her home, and her husband  that had done this foolish act, in fact her whole life. And after more  than a few weeks of pondering decided that the above mentioned  was worth every effort to salvage, so she made a plan.


 What she had done, was to chain herself to a metal light pole in  front of the jail where her husband was incarcerated, and was to  stay there until he was set free, for she now knew that her marriage,  home, and life was meaningless without this man beside her.  Determined, the wife was bound by the chains of her past, for the  hope of opportunity that they again could start all over with these  changed attitudes. Night and day she was bound to the cold metal  pole without provisions of comfort, not to mention food and drink.


 At first the passers-by would gawk, laugh, and humiliate the  determined wife, and thought her to be totally out of her mind to  pull such a stunt; but she persevered. Every morning and each  evening, when the pedestrian traffic was the busiest, she was there  still fastened to that hunk of cold steel, tolerating the jeers of the  many folks that would shout their slurs of indignations, but at night  it was a little more bearable.


 After several weeks of the side-walk traffic, and the insensitive  verbal stones that were being thrown, the wife stood her ground  and the disgraces and tones seemed to have eased-off. It was  mostly the same people that walked that same path each day, either  going to work or coming back, plus the regular folks that did their  daily shopping, that witnessed this lady’s prolonged agenda against  the correction system. But as of now the affronts from these  witnesses were slowing in decibels and the rage, that at first were  almost intolerable, but now, in spite of the cold nights, were easing  off, but not much.


 As the weeks passed, the wife still tied to that metal light pole,  and still in her turmoil of the issue of a missing husband, noticed  that every day the taunts were getting less and less, in fact, a few  would occasionally stop and talk with her. The same people that  thought her completely insane, would now sympathize slightly with  her, but still thought she was nuts, and were ever-so-slightly looking  at her life thru empathy; for at least they could now visualize from  where this woman was coming from. The more the weeks passed,  the more that people would stop and talk with her, and the  situation that at first was critical, was now called a dilemma, and  even a few seemed to hurt for her. But this circumstance appeared  to have no real effect on the judicial system at which it was aimed;  she just wanted to have her man freed and brought back to the  arms of a changed wife.


 It’s now obvious to the reader that this state of affairs was slowly  changing, for as time passed, the thoughts of the daily side-walk  crowd was also evolving into a compassion for her, instead of the  cruel remarks of those of many weeks ago, she began to make  friends, and by-in-by, she did make many friends. At times someone  would sit with her thru the night, and several would gather in the  day, they were there as a support to a woman that had seemed to  have lost everything, or at least, all that was now important to her;  even the newspapers began a daily diary on her struggles. It was  not long after this that a petition was put in place to have the  husband of this woman freed, for at this time many believed that  both he and she were sincere and rehabilitated, not just hundreds,  but thousands signed the petition and was then presented to the  mayor’s office.


 It didn’t take long after the mayor had gotten this strong  response that he was moved with compassion, and took action to  set this woman’s husband free.


 Now, if you can imagine that just this one single person could  have this much effect on a whole community of folks, and her doing  it virtually by herself, and through persistence and longevity,  completely changed the way the town was thinking; then is it hard  to understand how centuries of teaching of the wrong so-called  gospel, (the teaching that does not align with the Word of God),  could influence our whole world? And if one person had this much  power, then how much more so did the ‘great church leaders’ have  over those in times pass; and why so many bought into it?  Repetition is like brainwashing, it becomes familiar after a while,  and, we have all been fed a dose of a man-made religion that  started in the early part of the first millennium.


 Yes, it was started by men that had but little knowledge of the  character of Christ, and certainly not being led by the Holy Spirit, but  enough knowledge that, with their authority, could force their self- agenda on the many that wanted a relationship with the King of  kings. Of course I’m not speaking of the apostles or any of those  that really did have a close encounter with Jesus, but those that  came afterwards envying for the same power of authority.


 What this lady, from the story told, could do, was an established  understanding of the men of old; if you can say it long enough,  institute it as truth through the unity of those around them, and  have a fleshly power group to back it up; eventually, it will be  authenticated as truth, therefore accepted as truth; and that is  exactly what began in the early years. Jesus Christ is building His  Church upon the Rock, which is the foundation of Love; loving God,  and loving our neighbor, and by faith we can put Him in charge,  even when the circumstances dictate that it’s not reasonable. God  is Good, and He’s Good all the time, even when we can’t, as yet, see  the end results; therefore it is our faith in God when the  understanding is not there that establishes the intimacy of our walk  with Him.


 We live in a world that’s starving to have the inner being of each  of us fed with something other than that of this world, or for that  matter, other than the misguided truths of the ‘church’. All of us  want that inner void fulfilled with what it was meant to receive, and  that is the Love of God and our dependency upon Him. Without the  fulfillment of Christ taking His throne in the designed place of our  heart, we will always feel empty. This emptiness has been  attempted to be satisfied, through the centuries, with the  replacements of what this world has to offer, and also, with what  the fleshly ‘church’ says it’s offering; but it doesn’t work, nor will it  ever work, for only when Christ can take His rightful throne in our  heart will the void disappear.


 The above story can give us an insight of how tradition and long  term observance of a wrong act will slowly and subtly condition us  to accept something as normal, when in fact it is completely out of  place, but we know of nothing else than that of which we’re  accustomed too. If the Truth was being preached, would the famine  be world-wide? Of course it wouldn’t. If the ‘church’ had what it  says it has, then why does so many hunger and then try to replace,  in the heart, where the voids sits, with the things, people, hobbies,  jobs, relationships, and a vast number of other stuff, all of which are  counterfeits, with that which is TRUE and tested? It’s because we  weren’t really taught the Truth with the power of the Holy Spirit  that will truly affect our lives with substance. Jesus said that His  Kingdom and His residence is in our heart, and that place has been  reserved for Him, and Him alone, and no counterfeit will ever take  His place; it’s been tried too many times, and for too many years, for  that to ever happen, for Jesus is the sole owner of our heart. So the  famine continues, and until many will stand up and preach the  gospel of the Kingdom, will it ever happen that He can take His  rightful place in the sons of the living God; us?