Religious Books
Online Bible Study - Made Simple
"Online Bible Study-made simple" serves as a digest for quickly understanding 24 major life-topics contained in the Bible, God's communication to all Mankind. The life-topics apply to everyone, and are explained by hundreds of related Bible verses grouped together into the 24 subjects. About...
Out of This World
This book is about the Millennial Reign found in the Bible. The author does not pretend to actually describe in this book what the millennial reign will be like or to predict the time for the beginning of those 1,000 years. This is all fictional speculation, a sort of "What if . . ." story based...
There are no Such Things as Gods
This book demonstrates that early Christians went out of their way to free the world of false worship and pagan gods. Christianity was never meant to be another theistic movement but rather an atheistic one.
God's New Word
The topic of this book is Christian Satanism and what it does. Christian Satanism has been my art, practice, and work for years and here it is presented to any of those interested. Those that follow... More > it take the daring title of being a "Christian Satanist." A whole new philosophy has been...
The Quran in the Right Order
The Quran in the Right Order 2nd edition has new pages added, such as: a few Sunni verse translations vs. a few Quran (alone) verse translations on page 478; The Battle over the word begot and the crucifixion of Christ on page 487 ; a poem from me; I’m not a split Shiate, or Looney like a Sunni...
Jesus Christ Atheist
Contrary to popular opinion Jesus Christ did not teach monotheism. The Jews already had monotheism and had worshipped only one God a thousand years before Jesus was even born. Believe it or not Jesus taught Atheism.
Studies on Fraudulence of Falun Gong's
Among the Falun Gong teachings, "Consummation" is the most tempting and cheating aim. In order to achieve "Consummation," some Falun Gong disciples abandon their family and possessions, and even lost their lives. Some disciples venture themselves by challenging laws and confronting the society...
Falun Gong's Attitudes on Freedom of Speech, Public Interests and Human Rights
There exists such an organization that claims itself to be a cultivation practice group but the members of which attack other people and organizations that hold different opinions from them in a shameless manner of mobbing besieges and lodging excessive lawsuits against them. The members are so...
Handbook of Falun Gong Issue
Falun Gong Issue
A Testimony Against the World: The Lord's Rebuke
True and actual conversations with God the Father & Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ... Given to His modern day servants, for modern man's sake. Hear the Word of the Lord, spoken to this modern & final Generation! NO PAYMENTS ALLOWED. Just the Truth, for FREE.