Religious Books
BAPTISM - Its Meaning, Methods, and Recipients
This book examines the purpose, meaning, methods, and proper recipients of Christian baptism. Should baptism be administered by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion? Should infants of believers be baptized or only those who have come to faith in Christ? This book will use the Word of God to help...
Handbook for Lose Weight Naturally
Throughout life many people forget the correct way to feed themselves. As is known is because human evolution itself, demand often far exceed the Social gains they need and can Taking and many of them lose control of themselves. To the extent that the soft and squishy they develop the most diverse...
The Book of Auras
For those who still do not know me by what I write, I can only illustrate this work about the Auras, reflects a stage of my Spiritual development, and therefore do not have much regard for many years. And much less turn it into the Book. But as a result of numerous people as knead me, in watching...
Ethical Thoughts on Teachings of Falun Gong
Falun Gong was banned by Chinese government according to applicable laws in July 1999 but gained some supporters in several western countries and regions. Apart from political elements, the incomprehension on Falun Gong is an important reason why they support the much controversial organization...
Case Studies on Victims of Falun Gong Obsessed Members
Many of the Falun Gong followers, bewitched by Li Hongzhi's heresies, have done so many absurd and tragic deeds. This book will see into the in-depth causes of each living example of the Falun Gong victims, and demonstrate the enormous harms brought about by Falun Gong heresies to individuals...
Uvod u evanđelja. U knjizi možete dobiti informacije o Isusu Kristu, evanđeljima općenito, o svakom evanđelju zasebno, o autorima, kanonu evanđelja, povijesnim i zemljopisnim činjenicama vezanim za evanđelja idr. Možda najvažnija značajka knjige je prikaz sinoptičkih evanđelja koja...
You can Know God
You can know God, our Heavenly Father, through his Son, Jesus Christ and through the working of the Holy Spirit of God by carefully studying the written Word of God. Jesus knew the rewards of righteousness and came to share them with all of mankind. What do you think Jesus would have us do today...
The Word of YHWH
How can you claim that Faith is the wherewithal to Righteousness if you don't know the meaning of Faith or the meaning of Righteousness? Through the four levels of the Faith that saves, Scripture is now being fulfilled. Malachi 3:16-18 The beginning of the end of Religion. Jeremiah 5145...
Chaplains Book of Prayers
Chaplain's Book of Prayers is a combination of prayers used in the field for Emergency Response Personnel, and Military Chaplains
Moses, Elijah and You
We resolve problems by finding resolutions, our society has evolved so much that we are hopping to find a database with all the life solution problems! We have it and do not consider it to the fullest. Faith precedes Victory, and for faith to grow you need to go through a circumstance, and for...