A Book of Bible Doctrines by Toby Cribbs - HTML preview

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The Bible states that wine and strong drink is not to be drank by anybody and those that drink it trespasses against the commands of God. It is a SIN to drink wine or strong drink. Jesus never drank wine or strong drink, and we should follow in his steps.

There are (10) Hebrew words for the word (WINE). The word CYAYIN) means, fermented, intoxicating, banqueting wine. This word is used in many verses showing someone getting drunk from wine. Genesis 9:21; 9:25; 19:32-35; Leviticus 10:9; Numbers 6:3; Deuteronomy 14:26; Proverbs 20:1; 21:17

The word (TIYROSH) fresh grape juice, as just squeezed out, or new wine. Genesis 27:28; Numbers 18:12; Deuteronomy 7:13; 11:4; 12:17; 14:23

The word (SHEKAR) an intoxicant, intensely alcoholic liquor, strong drink. Numbers 28:7

The word (YEQEB) to excavate a trough, wine vat, a press fat for wine. Deuteronomy 16:13

The word (CHAMAR) fermenting, pure red wine. Daniel 5:1-2; 4:23

The word (GATH) treading out grapes a wine press, a vat for holding grapes. Nehemiah 13:15

The word (MAMCAK) mixture, wine mixed with water or spices, mixed wine, drink offering. Numbers 15:10; 28:14; Deuteronomy 32:38

The word (CHEMER) wine fermenting pure red wine. Isaiah 27:2

The word (ACIYC) fresh grape juice, as just trodden out juice, new sweet. Isaiah 49:26; Joel 3:18

The word (ENAB) to bear fruit, a grape or ripe grape. Hosea 3:1

In the Greek there are four words for wine.

The word (OINOS) wine as a strong drink or an intoxicant drink, liquor, or alcoholic. Matthew 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:38; 1:15; 7:33; John 2:3

The word (GLEUKOS) new wine or grape juice. John 2:9-10; 4:46; I Timothy 5:23; Acts 2:13

The word (PAROINOS) given to wine. I Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7

The word (OINOPHLUGIA) excess or wine. I Peter 4:3


Genesis 9:21 What is the Hebrew word for wine here and what does it mean?


Leviticus 10:9 What are we commanded not to drink and why?


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Proverbs 20:1 What does this verse say about wine-strong drink?


Isaiah 5:11 What does strong drink and wine do unto you?


Proverbs 23:30-32 What does wine do to someone?


Romans 14:21 Is it good to drink wine?


Ephesians 5:18 What should we not be?


I Timothy 3:3 What should we not be given to?


Matthew 9:17 What is the word for wine in this verse?


Mark 2:22 What does the word wine mean in this verse?


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What Is Temptation

Webster says: to attempt to persuade (a person) to do something evil or unwise, inducement to do evil, to entice.

Bible says: James 1:14 But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed.

Temptation is an inducement to evil, often set in the attractive promise of a forbidden pathway. Our conscience may alarm us but not stop us. God has given us freedom of choice. It would not be for our own good to be exempt from temptation in life, for life is. So ordered that strength comes from overcoming temptation.

Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13 Satan tempts here buy trying to bring doubt.

In Genesis 3:1-7, Eve is being tempted by Satan when she is drawn away by her own lust. God had forbidden them to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Genesis 2:17. Satan tempted Eve by lying to her in verse 4 and putting doubt in her mind. Exodus 32:1-8, 15-29

We find in Exodus chapters 14 to 17 that God had delivered, the Israelites out of Egypt and cared for them and destroy their enemies. He blessed them and delivered them. Then in chapter 32 the Israelites were drawn away from God by their own lust They were tempted by Satan only after they were drawn away by their own lust and wanted a god that they could see and touch.


James 1:14 When is man tempted?


Matthew 4:3-9 How did Satan try to tempt Jesus?


Genesis 3:4 How did Satan tempt Eve?

Who Is the Tempter

In Matthew chapter 4, we can see that the Devil is the tempter. In Mark 1:13, Satan is the one who tempted Jesus. Although Satan is not named in I Thessalonians 3:5, as the Tempter we can see he is because of James 1:13, where God says He does not tempt anyone, so the serpent called the Devil and Satan is a deceiver. Satan tempts us by deceiving us as with Eve in the garden (Genesis 3:4) when he lied.


Matthew 4:1 Who tempted Jesus?


I Thessalonians 3:5 Who is the tempter in this verse?


James 1:13 Does God tempt anyone?


Revelation 12:9 Give the names of the tempter and deceiver.


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Who Is Tempted

You may ask yourself who does Satan tempt, the saved or the lost? Satan does not tempt the lost, they are his, (John 8:44). Satan does not need to tempt his own, he has them where he wants them.

So, Satan tempts the saved. The reason Satan tempts the saved is to ruin their witness and testimony.


James 1:14 From what is a person drawn away?


Matthew 6:13 Who is the US in this verse?


Matthew 26:40-41 Who was Jesus speaking to?


I Corinthians 10:13 Who does the YOU refer to in this verse?


James 1:12 Who receives the crown of life?

How Are You Tempted

We are tempted when we let our guard down by letting ourselves to pe drawn away from God by our own lust. In I Timothy 6:9, the key word in this verse is (WILL). They that WILL be rich, fall into temptation and a snare. We in some manner wish to be rich and in doing so we fall into devices of Satan. Satan will tempt us in thinking in following him, he will make us rich, but in truth he only makes you fall into his snare. Satan will let something that seems beautiful and pleasant to the eye but does not show the end result. A sample of this is smoking, drinking or drugs. Satan shows a beautiful girl or macho man smoking, drinking or taking drugs, but does not show them with disease, bad health, cancer or loss of a good mind. Satan never shows the end results of SIN and TEMPTATION. (James 1:15)


James 1:14 How is a person tempted?


James 1:15 What does lust bring?


James 1:15 What does sin bring?


I Timothy 6:9 Those that will to be rich fall into what?


I Timothy 6:9 What type of lust do they fall into and what is the end result of temptation?

How To Overcome Temptation

When we awake in the morning and pray for that day needs and protection, God will hear and honor our prayers. We should also ask God to lead us not into temptation. We are to watch that we enter not into temptation because our flesh is weak, and we need God’s help. Many times, our Spirit is 34

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willing, but we find our flesh is weak. Satan knows our weaknesses, so he hits us where we are weak.

God does not let Satan tempt us beyond what we can bear. When tempted we need to go to God for help. We can find help in His Word (BIBLE), Christian Friend, or a Pastor. Jesus is always able to succor us (aid, relieve, help) when we are tempted.


Matthew 6:13 What are we to ask God about temptation?


Matthew 26:41 What are we to do so we will not enter into temptation?


Matthew 26:41 What part of us is willing to overcome temptation?


I Corinthians 10:13 Are we tempted above what we can bear?


I Corinthians 10:13 Does God always make a way of escape?


Hebrews 2:18 What does the word SUCCOR mean?


II Peter 2:9 Does God know how to deliver the godly out of temptation?


Hebrews 2:18 Where can we find help during temptation?


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The Scriptures present judgment as God’s strange work, but while this is true, it is also His sure work. Judgment is made certain by God’s Divine appointment. The nature of God justice demands judgment, Judgment is not to be identified with death. Death presupposes a judgment which has already taken place.

There are those who believe in a general judgment for all, at the end of the world. There is no Scripture that show or proves this. The Scripture show plainly that there are various groups to be judged and that various circumstance and conditions characterize theses Judgments. There is the Judgment of the Cross, Self-Judgment of the Believer, Judgment of the Believer Works, Judgment of Israel Judgment of the Living Nations, Judgment of Fallen Angels, and the Great White Throne Judgment, Each Judgment takes place at a different time.


Psalm 50:4 Will God judge his people?


Psalm 96:13 How will the Lord judge the earth and the people?


Ecclesiastes 3:17 Who will God judge?


I Corinthians 11:31-32 Should we judge ourselves?


Galatians 2:20 Where are sins judged at Calvary?


II Cor 5:10 Who is judged here?


James 1:12; I Peter 5:1-4; II Tim 4:8 Who will receive these crowns?


Psalm 50:1-7 Who is being judged here?


Matthew 25:31-32 Who will Jesus gather to judge here?


Joel 3:2 Who is being judged and where?


I Corinthians 6:3 Who will judge the angels?


Jude 6 Who will be judged here and why?


Revelation 20:12 Who stands at this judgment?


Revelation 20:12 What were the death judged out of?


Revelation 20:13 By what were the people judged?


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