A Book of Bible Doctrines by Toby Cribbs - HTML preview

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What day should we worship on? There is much said about what day should we keep as the worship day, Sabbath, or Sunday.

We want to look to the Word of God, the Bible for the answer.

The word (Sabbath) in the Hebrew is (Shabbath) which means, a day of REST or RESTFUL, the Greek word for (Sabbath) is SABBATON) which means, a day or week repose from secular avoca-tions.

In Psalm 147:20 it reads, He hath not dealt so with any nation and as for his judgments they have not known them, Praise ye the Lord. God has dealt with the nation of Israel different from all other nations. In Acts 7:38, This is He, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to Him in the mount Sinai with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us. We can see from this verse that God gave unto the Jews and to the Jews only the oracles (law). In Romans 3:2, Much every way chiefly because that unto THEM (JEWS) were committed the oracles of God.

Again, we see God gave the ORACLES (LAW) to the JEWS only.

We read in Joshua 23:6, Be ye, (JEW) therefore very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the book of Moses. Again, God is speaking the JEWS, and not the GENTILES. In Joshua 8:31

and Deuteronomy 28:1 that the Jews were given the LAW and were to keep the LAW.

In Luke 16:16 we find, the Law and the prophets were until John since that time the kingdom of God is preached. This verse shows that the LAW ended when the prophets ended.

Now there are those that will have you to believe Sabbath School is the first day of the week, but according to the Bible, the Sabbath is the 7th day of the week. See Exodus 16:25, 26; 20:20; Deuteronomy 5:14.


Sabbath Day Rest

In Genesis 2:1-3, we find that God finished His work and rested on the 7th day, which is the Sabbath.

God blessed this day and sanctified it. We find in many scriptures that God made the 7th day the Sabbath a holy day of rest, hallowed it. See Exodus 12:16; 23:12; 31:15; 35:2-3; Leviticus 16:31; 23:3; 23:32; 25:4.


Who Does the Sabbath Belong To

In Exodus 16:29, it reads, see for that the Lord hath given you Sabbath. God gave the sabbath to the Jews and the Jews only as their day. See Exodus 31:14; Psalm 147:20; Exodus 31:16; Leviticus 23:24.

Each of these verses show that the Sabbath was given to the Jews – and to them only.

In Exodus 20:12, we find that the Sabbath was a sign between God and Israel not a sign between God and any other nation.


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In the New Testament we find that God and Jesus states that the (LAW) belongs to the JEWS which is the Nation Israel. John 8:17, Jesus said, It is also written in YOUR law…John 10:34, Jesus answered them, Is it not written in YOUR… John 15:25,…that is written in their… John 18:31, …take ye him and judge him according to YOUR law… All of these verses show that the law belongs to the JEWS, Nation of Israel. Also see John 19:7; Acts 15:1-6. In Romans 2:14 says that the Gentiles have not the law, they were never under the law. So we conclude that the Sabbath belongs to the Nation Israel-JEWS.


Sabbath Day Of Worship

In Exodus 20:8, the Jews are told to keep the sabbath holy. It was a holy day for them and them only. In Leviticus 23:15-16, and Numbers 28:9-10, we find that the Jews were to bring an offering on the Sabbath.

In Isaiah 66:23, the Jews were commanded to worship on the Sabbath. Also see Deuteronomy 5:12; Ezekiel 46:4,12; I Chronicles 23:31; II Chronicles 2:4; II Chronicles 8:13; II Chronicles 31:3; Nehemiah 10:33; Ezekiel 4:17; Ezekiel 46:3. Each of these verses speak to the JEWS, Israel as their day of worship.

4. Should Not Profane Sabbath

We read in Psa1m 47:20 that the Nation Israel is the only Nation that has known God’s judgments.

In Numbers 15:32, we see the judgment for fathering sticks on the sabbath (32-35), that a person was stoned to death. They were told not to sell, buy, or do any work on the sabbath day to profane it. Nehemiah 10:31; 13:16-19; Jeremiah 17:21-27; Lamentations 1:7; Ezekiel 20:13-16; Ezekiel 22:8; 23:38; Hosea 2:11; Isaiah 56:2-6; 20:13-16; Ezekiel 22:8; 23:38; Hosea 2:11; Isaiah 56:2-6.

5 What Jesus Said About The Sabbath

In Matthew 12:1-5; Mark 2:23-26; Luke 6:1-2, Jesus did not command that his disciples be put to death for plucking the ears of corn on the sabbath but justified what they did.

Jesus said He was the Lord of the Sabbath, Matthew 12:8. Jesus healed on the sabbath and did good on the sabbath and stated it was alright. Matthew 12:10-13; Mark 3:1-4; Luke 6:6-9; Luke 13:14-16; John 7:22-23; John 9:13-16.

Jesus was accused of breaking the Sabbath by the Jews, John 5-18. Do not forget Jesus came to fulfill the law and made an end of the law. See Matthew 5:17.

6. What The Disciples Did On The Sabbath

We find the disciples teaching and going to the synagogue on the sabbath. Why? Because the Jews had not accepted Jesus as their Saviour and King and they still believe they were under the LAW.

The Jews continue to worship on the sabbath, and the disciples knew they could find the Jews in the synagogue on the sabbath, so they went there to preach Jesus to them.

There was no need of going to the synagogue on the first day of the week. Sunday the place would have been empty, no one to teach or preach to. See Acts 13:14, 42-44; 16:12-13.


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7. Resurrection Of Jesus

If the Sabbath was to be a New Testament Day, why did Jesus choose to rise on the first day week, Sunday and not on the 7th the sabbath? Matthew 28:1-6; Mark 16:1-6; Luke 24:1-7; John 20:1-2. The sabbath had ended and Jesus arose on the first day of the week Sunday.

8. Pentecost (Feast Of Weeks)

The word Pentecost means fifty (50). Please read Leviticus 23:15-16. The Harvest Festival was 5o days after the Passover. Passover was on the 14th day of the first month, Leviticus 23:5, Unleavened bread day of first month, Leviticus 23:6. Jesus arose on the first day (Sunday) and 50 days later Pentecost took place which was on Sunday. On that day Sunday Jesus gave unto the Church the fullness of the spirit. If the Sabbath was the New Testament Day, why did it not happen then on the sabbath.

Jesus died on Wednesday Nisan 14th day; the day lamb was to be slain for the Passover. Jesus was our Passover lamb, Exodus 12:6; John 19:14-18.

In the Old Testament Pentecost occurred 50 days after Israel left Egypt and the Passover lamb was slain, Exodus 12:6; Leviticus 23:15-16.

In the New Testament Pentecost occurred 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus on Sunday first day of the week.


at Exodus 32:25




and as you study in this chapter and chapters before it ,we see that on the 50 th day 3000 were slain and in Acts 2:1 41, we


find 3000 being saved, what a contrast


or more reading, Matthew 27:62; Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54; John 19:42, 31; Exodus 12:15. Day of Preparation Day

9. Ten commandments

You can only find in the New Testament NINE of the Ten Commandments.


Exodus 20:3 no other gods Matthew 4:10; 22:37-38


Exodus 20:4 no graven image Romans 1:23-25; Acts 17:29


Exodus 20:7 do not take the Lord’s name in vain Matthew 5:33-37


Exodus 20:8 remember sabbath day—not in New Testament 5.

Exodus 20:12 honor father, mother Matthew 15:4; Luke 18:20; Ephesians 6:3


Exodus 20:13 not to kill Luke 18:20; Matthew 5:21; Matthew 19:19; Romans 13:9


Exodus 20:14 not commit adultery Luke 18:10; Matthew 19:18; Romans 13:9


Exodus 20:15 not Steal, Luke 18:20; Matthew 19:18; Romans 13:9


Exodus 20:16 not bear false witness Luke 18:20; Romans 13:9; Matthew 19:18


Exodus 20:17 not covet Luke 18:22-23; Romans 13:9; Romans 7:7


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Here are all Ten Commandments as found in Old Testament Exodus 20 and only NINE (9) of them can be found in the New Testament. The one that is not in the New Testament is keeping of the Sabbath, 7th day of the week, Saturday.

So, we conclude that the DAY OF WORSHIP is the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK-SUNDAY.


What does the word Sabbath mean in the Hebrew and Greek?


What does Psalm 147:20 say?


Acts7:38 Who did God give the oracles to?


Exodus 16:29 Who did God gave the sabbath to?


Exodus 31:16 Who should keep the sabbath?


Romans 2:14 Where the Gentiles ever under the law?


Acts 13:14; 17:1-3; 18:1-4; 13:42-44 Why did the disciples teach and preach on the sabbath?


Matthew 28:1-6 On what day did Christ arise?


Where are Ten Commandments found in Old Testament?


Which of the Ten Commandments is not found in the New Testament?


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A Commandment is a command or a mandate and also is a divine command from God.

There are over 600 Commandments in the Old Testament. And in the New Testament also over 600 commandments.

When the Lord tells us to do something that is a command from Him. Each time the Bible says to do or not to do that is a commandment.

The Ten Commandments are found in Exodus 20:3-17.

The Commandments from God begin in Genesis.


What is a Commandment?


How many commandments in Old and New Testaments?


Where does the Commandments of God begin?


John 13:34 What new commandment did Jesus give?


Deuteronomy 4:1-2 Was Israel to keep the Commandments or could they add or take away from them?


Exodus 20:3:17 Which of the Ten Commandment is with a promise?


Matthew 4:4 What are we commanded to live by?


Name the Ten Commandments, Exodus 20:3-17.


Name some New Testament commandments, Romans 13:9.


I Thessalonians 5:16-17 Name commands here.


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Abraham gave unto Melchizedek, King of Salem, king of Righteousness, which is King of Peace.

We notice Abraham GAVE the tithe he did not PAY a tithe. Jacob also GAVE a tithe and did not PAY a tithe. Genesis 14:18-20; Genesis 28:18-22

The tithe belongs to the Lord God, and it is holy unto Him. We are to bring the tithe unto the Lord’s House. The Bible tells us also when to bring the tithe. I Corinthians 16:2

We are to give because the Lord commands us too. In giving we honor and show love to God.

Other reasons for giving: more blessed to give, Christ endorses it, and in giving we are not robbing God, Malachi 3:8-10; John14:15; Matthew 23:23.

Tithing was 430 years before the Law, it was later incorporated in the Law, and Christ brought it out of the Law and instituted it in the New Testament.

A tithe is a tenth of all that we have (money-time-service).


Genesis 4:4 To whom did Abel offer his offering?


Genesis 14:20; Genesis 28:18-22 Did Abram and Jacob give or pay a tithe?


Leviticus 27:30 To whom does the tithe belong?


Malachi 3:8 How has man robbed God?


Malachi 3:10 Are we to bring part or all of the tithe?


I Corinthians 16:2 When are we to give or tithe?


John14:23 In keeping God’s Word are we to tithe?


Luke 6:38 What type of blessing is there in giving?


Acts 20:35 Is it more blessed to give or receive?


Matthew 23:23 Did Christ endorse and command giving?


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