A Buddha was Born by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Part 12


The dawn of a new day was beginning to emerge, out of the

house were filled with the chirping of sparrows from sun's rays to

penetrate between some vines caste D Maria, were his delight in

some bunches of grapes that had been left back at the time of

harvest because they are still green, but now had a shiny

appearance and sweet. A short bark of a dog in the distance

aroused over Jose to life on Earth. Opening his eyes slowly and

focusing on the white roof that was visible for some light, passing

through the shutters of the windows, he can once again see the

whiteness projected over it like a movie screen was the color of your


It was usual these views, in which he could spend a lot of time to

enjoy its colors, shapes and undulations.

It was one of the games he did as a kid, but over time these games

were to forget. But they were back again for your entertainment

and comfort. In addition to simply observe them, also had the

privilege to change them at your leisure. What is known and as is

also described in another book, "The Book of Auras", the quality of

thoughts, is that design and determine the auric colors when they

are viewed.

In this play to make this happen is just by changing the thoughts

go, so that the colors are synchronously altered in contemplating the

ceiling, thus by changing their color genuine.

José Cruz

Because the more negative thinking may be, becomes darker and

some Halo certain color in any human person as well as improved

physical thoughts or attitudes and more positive, will enhance the

colors of the individual couple more clear.

Only this morning after the night have known the true Garden of

Starś, colors that were white now witnessed in the most clear and

pure, so with its brilliance was like to the Stars.

So Jose to look more closely at these colors noted that a new color

had never before identified, and now she was the principal can

reveal all that a new shine.

For even before when viewing the Aura, the predominant color of

the blue background was unworthy, and then the other remaining


Only then, and forever that color has become secondary, giving rise

to pure Crystal blue that he had so well in your garden Viewed


The other colors that complemented the Aura no longer vibrate at

certain times almost nothing to stop completely at other times,

depending solely on the will of Jose before, because it was difficult

to calm them.

Lie continued for some time to become aware of these new realities

that had recently been introduced into his being. Astor King was

already high when he completed by all comment.

He got up and went out into the street; he was in grace not by him

but by the Universe who has agreed to accept him. He noted also

that goes more smoothly than before.


A Buddha Was Born

He looked at the Sun and noticed that he saw more clearly and

their pure rays before they even saw them somewhat dull.

The plants and things came to be identified by other sparkles like

the fragrance of the same, becoming more experienced in terms of

essence. Jose took some time to resemble those new standards in

terms of color. That was the time change and finding new schools

that were once unthinkable for him.

While this result began to feel a great inner calm, who was quite

nervous, tense and active at all, his gait became more elegant, due

to inner calm he felt. The mind worked when he wanted, no longer

need to worry about the hours, losing track of them, has been

increasingly developing the Intuition, so if using it for conducting

its work commitments as well as others.

Rediscovered new telepathic abilities, not only for humans but also

animal’s .Developed the psychometrics, which for those who do not

know what it is, will the guesswork of certain things or people by

touch or not the same.

What can be done as follows for example?

Of course, one should practice this technique to be perfect, as in

anything that would rule.

Imagine yourself with a stone in his hand that picked up on a

beach, and that was not touched by someone other than you. Put it

in the palm of your left hand, not the press just feel it, it preferably

in a quiet place. Close your eyes as you do in meditation and just

feel the stone and not think about anything, because you can only

do this exercise in times of no-mind.

Feel it and Visualize it continuing with my eyes closed and

completely relaxed. Then ask through his Spirit to the Universe,

which the stone age as well as its origin, always thinking of

nothing for the channel that the answer will be free.

After asking questions and never expects to despair, and you will

response that number will come to him, this number is the date

when it became this little stone. And as you come to the screen of

the mind, the site where it came from, if that is your intention.

José Cruz

The application of this practice can be made at all, but a lot of

attention and abuse. Because if one wishes to know something for

less scrupulous, and suffer will pay dearly enough that does not

happen again, and if it persists, he developed the technique which is

the energy in the Universe that gives you this knowledge, the same

Universe remove him. All capacities than those described and many

more that Jose acquired, not just from day to night so to speak.

Because there are four possibilities for enlightenment!

The first, a person will develop and acquire knowledge and powers

of the Universe but unconsciously, over one or several


The person simply practices these skills in a thoughtless way, just

practice and nothing else, while will feel good to her.

This type of person usually only applies this knowledge, or her own

or in closer. And do not develop these gifts. Or wanting to know

more detail the exact provenance of this. But the feeling goes, but

only in a particular way does not apply to others. It is so trapped in

cycles of birth and death without evolution. But the seed is cast

into the depths.

Until one day in any one way or another feel that something more

happened within it. And then see their higher powers. So accept

this without any difficulty lighting without feeling surprise, due to

already be accustomed to feel that kind of energy. What typically

are people who find out that transformation, within the family

because it continues to be equal to him?

And then when he leave, as a illuminated.

The second possibility of enlightenment

It may happen when the person who never did, or knew anything

concerning what is enlightenment, but as it has a pure heart

completely, at any time due to less reflected an act, whether

triggered by himself or by others, or even by Nature itself on any

aspect, the time may soon be Auto Lighting.


A Buddha Was Born

Lighting Cases are increasingly rare because people turn away more

and more of them, due to the requirements of the Society.

This type of realization is rare.

Then there is that which has had mentioned previously in the Plans,

the person can perform at the time of his death.

And last possibility is one that will have small Illuminations, the

accepting consciously and further developing these capabilities,

along the various Incarnations, from the Renaissance and

departures so that one of them can bring all this knowledge, going

depleting all the negative possibilities that the mind has been put,

that could be developed increasingly large capacities, which one day

will be Fully Auto Lighting.

José Cruz


A Buddha Was Born