A Buddha was Born by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Part 11

Garden of Stars

It was late and another day's work finished, had once been

busy as always, the Twilight of the night was approaching

increasingly leaving denote shadows. It was a night like many in

the middle of the autumn season, Jose took a shower quietly.

Feeling the water running through his whole body and soften his

skin, while refreshing. All these feelings were felt to the smallest

detail, was one of many meditative techniques he developed.

Because the action of any meditation practice is passive or active,

the fact that results in full, there is only in virtue of being

completely aware 1oo% to what you do. Be what nature is.

The difference is only in the application of conscience in any act to

be done. Be inspired once, if this is done in full consciousness,

although in a very short space of time is regarded as a meditation,

with the same benefits as any other, as in a lotus asana or pin, or

simply lying. What is the most difficult to maintain among many

others. Although it seems the easiest but is not due to the initial

temptation to fall asleep.

So to say all asanas as well as all the exercises and techniques,

whether still or moving, like walking or dancing, among many more

Thousands of examples that could give, to achieve the purpose is

always the same. That is through complete attention to every move

you make, even if it is simply looking at a flower, this act of

observation must be done with the utmost attention.

José Cruz

Only some of the other may differ only in terms of faster

development, in particular depending on the purpose of any action

in any one wants to give. So what benefits have to come faster?

We take the following example!

If a person needs more energy in the body up, should adopt a

position at Lotus because that way the energy, the legs are crossed,

it will move from the Basic Energy Center up to the top of head.

But if the practitioner need to further develop the existing area of

the energy in the head more in particular, will choose to asanas that

allow hanging upside down to have a greater circulation and blood

pressure in this area. But if the person is very active in terms

Biorhythms, and thus feel tenser for a practice that requires a

complete relaxation, the practitioner may choose to hike among

others, as exemplified in the books previously written a "Reunion of

Light ". How do these practices can be developed regardless of age

or difficulty of any person to develop these practices in a healthy,

painlessly and quickly and sustainably?

And Jose after completing his bath so Displayed, put on pajamas

and went to bed, not sleeping, which was not his habit for many

years, but simply to rest the body that also involved the mind.

He felt completely relaxed in all aspects; naturally lay casually on

his back, hands at your sides as he always did to meditate, but that

night did not feel like entering into deep meditative state.

Simply rest and nothing else, but at the same time felt a bit strange

or something in his heart, wondered to himself what would be

putting all your senses in observation. But nothing, only felt that

something was happening that he had ever felt in a previous

Reincarnation, because it is a feeling familiar but he could not

identify where it came from. In this state continued lying, but

attention to it still never felt that his last life.


A Buddha Was Born

The house as is always found calm, a smoldering stick of incense in

the burner, the room was completely dark outside the house all was

quiet; the dogs slept and occasionally heard the hoot of a Cuckoo a

nearby tree. Jose still continued in the same position with eyes open

and attention, staring without blinking the immensity of darkness

that shrouded the white plaster ceiling.

Much later after having extinguished the incense stick, and still

feeling the aroma, Jose began to realize a small pigment intensity of

Light, come begin to stand out of the darkness in which the room

was that insofar that were becoming increasingly more lit this space


While Jose was still in perfect consciousness in the waking state,

again as well as other more deeply meditated, when he was at the

beginning and began to unwind after hearing the creak of the

springs of the mattress while your physical body, stood around a

couple of feet above the bed, this testimonial for him when he was

left completely to feel the body as well as breathing Astral and

could testify that the body was in levitation.

Except that this never had happened with his eyes open, let alone

with all that saffron-colored light which illuminated the entire


Jose continued attention to everything that was going on, all that

energy and surrounding color about him that came from his own

body, but more markedly in the area Aurica your head. Such an

event took some time, possibly about a good time.

And all the brightness of a moment's notice is extinguished; Jose

wondered if after all was what it was to be made known.

But no!

José Cruz

After that thought away, because that cuts out any form of energy

is the human act of thinking, something the Supreme and Grand

was about to happen to Jose!

Then moments later when his body was still in the air, but at the

same position from lying down, arms hanging from it, and only the

fingertips lightly touching the sheet, vibration felt great while

breathing became more active, and its chest heaving enough, while I

felt a tremendous energy more subtle invading her body completely,

was a crystalline color energy. That the next moment disappeared,

and after strong vibration the body began to settle gently on the

bed. Just like when Jose returned from astral travel and getting

back into the physical body.

After sitting through, a new Light began to dawn in the room, only

now it was not saffron as initially, but a vivid Crystalline blue in

tone as pure as before Jose had never before seen or viewed, even

Astral in which the colors are completely pure because there is no

kind of pollution, such as that on the Earth.

So he continued in a property only to observe everything that was

happening, until at one point began to identify small dots of Light

in Infinite far, almost impossible to describe but could see. But try

to give maximum shine this phenomenon in terms of reading.

Because through telepathy would be much easier to describe.

But come on and try to complete this part representative of

sensations and images that forever was stored in the file of your


Points of Light became increasingly larger, than when they were

closer or more at a time felt completely unidentifiable, can now

contact Jose to detail their magnitudes as well as their form of

Light star model. Of which stood out Incandescent light rays of all

colors and brightness’s exist in the Cosmos.


A Buddha Was Born

He could not believe such beauty, and at the same time (even

questioned), that the Universe will be in the form of light come and

get me to join them? But this has not happened, only that Jose was

able to testify to the Nobility, Power and Light that came from him

and from that moment would offer to Jose, that he is from that

time also to feel the whole Universe, and part of it in full


That same total he spent designing full powers from all over the

Cosmos, so that through his stay on earth while living up to apply

them, not in your favor but to others. And you making it clear that

the purpose of his Mission on Earth, which would be to help people

spiritually, especially the younger ones or to whom he refers to


After hearing and feel that he completely flooding your entire being,

began to feel the eyes fill with tears and they fell on both sides are

cushioned and wetting the sheet of fine silk.

At the same time he felt his whole being with the exception of the

physical body to unite at Cosmic Universe amazing colors. During

this long time he remained in that state of full enlightenment Pure,

he felt like his one true Spiritual Garden, where they were planted

in lieu of flowers, there were Stars. He closed and opened eyes

several times to make sure what was happening was Real or was it

more of a delusional antics created in the mind, or whether he was

going mad or if anything has changed Plan.

But after reviewing what he felt, came to the conclusion that

everything was in Truth and Absolute Reality, as well as feel

completely in terms of a much higher awareness than before, and

that all questions had not yet made a reply of the Universe from

that moment, felt that he had nothing to question, to something

huge that it was now felt in a part of himself. The Holy Light in

embracing and admitting in his own Eternal Light. “Cosmos"

José Cruz


A Buddha Was Born