A Buddha was Born by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Part 7

The White Planet

After Jose begin to feel increasingly difficult to follow the

course of his life in a healthy way, and finding that the drugs he

was taking for his supposedly solve or mitigate for what went on

general health, or the many different therapies and physiotherapy

that also led to an ever greater suffering. By that time felt then as a

click, you raise awareness, that only he alone is the same way that

they admitted all the evil that he persisted in the physical and

mental, that would also have the same ability to withdraw

completely and heal itself. When you begin to feel that they can

begin to unravel everything that he brought the wretched

deplorable condition to any human being.

No longer had the sense to identify himself and now begin to dig in

its intimate, how to make to survive through what deceptively

created through the mind, and start to live in complete freedom

with his Spirit as did was a child.

This was one of the connections that began immediately, which had

suffered and still continued to suffer, seeing several times at his

side of Death Scythe to mow his life. But he always refused to feel

right there in your deepest intimacy that the moment had not

arrived and the mission that brought him to Earth would still have

to meet before leaving it.

José Cruz

By denying death so many times and madness too, felt a new being

begins to immerse himself in it, that more was not that his Spirit

was returning back to command your whole Being. This way he can

see that had to move on to ignore all the pain, and felt mental and

physical, and solve the problems that burden when he became the

physical body for its continued life, would have to be overcome in

terms to once again have the same mobility that was when a young


It was the dawn of the morning when the writer sat in practical

terms to describe what had happened during that night. The Sun

was beginning to show its first signs of his presence Honorable, it

preceded another hot summer day. The writer where he was to write

this book while Jose was going to dictate, other than that it would

hear the chirping of birdś small, some Turkish doves and

occasionally appeared a blackbird friend, wearing his costume gala

black and yellow beak, who came up with a French window, and

pecking the ground were the remains of small seeds and bread. That

almost ended when entering the home or threw themselves against

the glass door, flapping their wings to attract attention.

The dogs that amounted to safety during the night also lay nearby,

also beginning to catch the early morning sunlight to recharge the

energy expended during the night. One was completely black with

the name of Black because of their color, animal to weigh out there

a good seventy pounds, a Castro Laborer that its size had nothing

to do with his heart full of tenderness, just loved to eat, barking

loudly, sleep and party for whom do that.

The other friend gave much smaller for several names; the main

Flinstone was due to have been born between some rocks and fine

sand from an existing well in near. This race belonged to the friend

Marialva, the yellowing and curled tail, could be considered that

this was the head of another, because it was always the first to give

an alarm signal, it immediately followed the other, that when he

ran, until they do, felt the ground vibrate.


A Buddha Was Born

They were great friends and they were beside the other one

looked like a dwarf and giant.

But ahead!

That night Jose who just went to bed for some time to rest his body,

due to much longer will have lost the habit of sleeping, he was

wandering in the Astral through the Spirit for hours. But

sometimes spent some time due to accumulation of energy that was

charged to your physical body, the place where he slept was full of

static energy, and that it put into vibration the physical body. Oh if

he wanted to continue the journey, would have to get up and

continue elsewhere.

He lay on a carpet of red cotton color because that keeps the body

warm, and cover over with something light.

Because when the Spirit leaves the vehicle or the body to the Astral

Plane that cools devoid of the Spirit. After retiring in body

position, that is face up and arms at your sides with palms down,

closed the eyes and breathe deeply for three times, then Visualized

all the energy centers from the ground up from the top to bottom,

following the departure of all the tensions of the physical body.

After being completely relaxed going to feel the blood and vital

energy to go throughout the body, then began to denote the auric

colors that are projected inside his mind as if it is a TV screen.

The colors presented themselves in a circle, which rose vertically

from the enteric body to the Astral Plane. Because the human being

has three bodies, a physicist who is the flesh and skin and bones,

the second is that the enteric energy, and the third the Astral.

Colors that were presented on a background indigo around like a

fried egg to visualize where it ended and started the enteric auric

colors, these in turn disappeared through the indigo in the Cosmos.

The preparations were made for the trip, he felt free like a feather

that hangs in the air aimlessly. And began to travel in the Astral,

the bag of bones was no more sense, and the Spirit began to rise


José Cruz

He could identify the extent that it amounted small points of light

and the higher he climbed, the more it looked like bright stars, as

often when looking for a moonlit night and Fallen Stars come in

Astral also happens the same, that give a great sense of not being

the only ones traveling this Plan, being able to cross the Stars and

other Planets without any difficulty.

After walking some time wandering among the Stars piercing and

some Meteorites, due to travel on Higher Consciousness and the

eyes and the Spirit, which is composed of Subtle Energy Cosmic,

everything can go through, as if a ghost it be. One Planet began to

marvel at the Infinite, was huge and round and completely white.

It was the first time Jose had seen, all colors Cosmic left behind,

and only exist in a Crystal blue Planet around this unforgettable.

Slightly reduced the speed of thought that is lower than that of

light, in order to better appreciate the distance that beauty rare

white, which surprised him.

After his Spirit slowly began to fall as if it were a plane, and that

whiteness that before looked more like a gigantic ball of cotton in

the distance, was to become increasingly approaching Earth on a

fully formed only by ice .

Jose approached over there to hang widened at the sight. Huge

mountains of ice spectra with huge upturned white unpolluted, and

lower down the display, he may find that a clear yellowish stood

out more about certain funds, which gave a resemblance to the

rivers on Earth. For there he continued to search White Planet in

hopes of finding some form of life. But there was nothing more to

see than that pure whiteness.

The morning was to draw near and thus awakening was happening

in that part of Earth where Jose had left his bag of bones before

departing for Astral.


A Buddha Was Born

With the awakening of the people and animals, the Earth begins to

have more vibration than during the night when it is at rest. Thus

the traveler feels any vibration in your Silver Cord, inviting him to

return to the physical body. Realizing this call cast one last glance

at the White Earth and undertook the journey back to his bag of

bones. Very slowly Visualize your body of upper, lying on the red

carpet, and began to descend slowly through the Silver Cord,

because so slow when the Spirit re-enters the physical body, not

back ailments.

It's just like when a Plane descends to land, if it lands softly,

passengers do not even provide for it. If it is a more rough may feel

nauseous. The same goes for Astral travel, both from re-entering as

should always be done gently.

Here is an important reminder to people who have heart problems!

They should not try to make these trips in any way on health risk.

Because you never know what may come to find, although they do

not hurt. Only it may be surprised with many realities that never

expect to find. So refrain from this or look for someone qualified

trust to accompany these trips especially in the first steps, because

after mastering the technique is easier to drink water because it is

not spent any effort. For the traveler is just a mere observer in

nothing can touch or change and that just brings up memories of

these trips Astral rich and unforgettable.

José Cruz


A Buddha Was Born