A Buddha was Born by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Part 8

Energy Rebalancing

Travel outside of the body was the only pleasure that Jose

had in life beyond Earth. Because no pain and when I returned to

the physical body had been renovated with new energy that helped

him keep his life. At the same time felt their energy centers that

were previously locked up, thus not passing the energy due to the

cells that feed the body, which thus dragged the body and mind to

making a living death shine all deaths, and keeping Spirit


When you first become aware that something is wrong in any of

the three bodies, any dysfunction or blockage of energy that exists,

automatically continue to spread further to other organs and parts

still healthy.

Thus consciousness is the great driving the stop due to strong

enforcement of Spirit over matter in this case is the physical body.

The spread of evil but the evil remains stagnate remaining in itself,

so you have to be removed so aware because it was previously

created unconsciously.

Because we assume that a person ignore the evil that is suffering,

and systematically keep the food, however much they say you

should not do this or that and that he is aware that this will bring

more harm, that person way is to be Aware.

José Cruz

Because if it were to do nothing and ignore the background signals

that perfect human machine gives you, to call attention that

something is going less well in these various forums humans.

Thus after having awakened to block any energy, it must be

accompanied by consciousness as much as possible. Because it is

only through it and through it you may begin by the beginning of a

path that will lead later to a full release at whatever level is. Thus

the small energy centers located one on each foot, which did so

much harm over Jose due to lack of a perfect blood circulation and

energy, made him feel that feet and legs weighed like lead.

Earlier this malaise was done through small feel itching in these

areas to the hips, was the beginning of the veins and other subtle

channels start to become more clogged, that over time the legs began

to swell and start to take a darker color, due to poor circulation.

That way leads to the development of so-called problem of uric acid

in the body, continue to ignore it begins to gain lime in the bones,

especially in the joints of the body. Who continue to ignore can lead

to severed in many cases these weaker members.

Jose as he walked overshadowed by the mind took so many drugs

that are not true, but after having awakened to the reality that

afflicted him, slowly began to leave these prescriptions come to

exchange them for more natural products, because it is common

knowledge that any drug is good when not natural to a particular

organ but in most cases does harm to others.

Then he through meditation that increasingly occupied his life,

began to question the power of the Universe as it should radiate

that bad which was already eroding the bones bend making rickets,

as if he had a very advanced age, because everything was in

complete break bones were visibly showing their deformities that

were presented from head to toe, which gave the impression that

walked by wires attached.


A Buddha Was Born

So in these meditations he was informed that such evil could be

eradicated from your physical body, changing food habits and

starting to eat more healthily and Aware, and all day taking the

equivalent of three cups of coffee (espresso) a day of pure seawater

sea, but who is unable to access this exists magnesium chloride,

which causes the same effect but must be described by a person

having knowledge of such. This saltwater will clean the whole body

of impurities contained in it, and out forth below.

After about a year after starting this treatment Jose eradicated this

problem completely. After this problem solved Jose began to feel

that their Conscience led him to take note of the first major energy

centers of the human body, as all are circular in shape, and which

exudes energy that spreads in the area fed by this Chakra.

This Center located in the pelvic area, brought him many troubles

when he was out of harmony which was most of the time.

They were very strong pain that he picked up the lower parts are

more than five minutes remain standing without stirring, until the

point of feeling a complete numbness there, and then sharp pains

that sounded sharp knives that penetrate from the bottom up,

bringing a huge discomfort of excessive heat that seemed more a

huge blaze.

This Energy Center located at the base of the spine; it is through

him that is generated all the physical strength that man needs for

physical and reproduction of the same species.

Thus when in disharmony may feel a great need to externalize this

energy contained in that location, through brute force physics, and

in the love always feel great desire for intercourse.

José Cruz

The way Jose discovery to relinquish soothing drug which had been

taking for years, was to exchange the drugs which came to numb

the mind and the body rot, for natural foods that contain the same

characteristics in terms of relaxing at the same time the fed as well

as other actions that led him to relax more and that way let it run

energy more fluidly. One was the lettuce the other royal jelly and

others of the same class. Is now more in communion with Nature,

walking barefoot whenever possible feeling the earth under the feet

in walking, because that way all the excess energy is discharged to

earth, and when it was also put in too much in the same hands, the


By these means, and joining the passive meditation, lying on his

back, eyes closed in a position of Christ, totally relaxed view this

area of the body, felt and saw more and more energy to circulate

more releases and unlock each Again this area, that after three

months was completely normalized, it brought back old feelings of

well-being as a child.

Increasingly being rediscovered through meditation and the

questions put to the heavens for the same, and each passing day felt

better as it would apply these new terms of experience, which

increasingly moved away from what seemed a period survival

endlessly from top at Earth.

Another Energy Center shortly after the descent was Umbical


For this center is that it should spend the majority of energy that

defines the decision-making in all matters that any human being

will have to take. When harmony is not passing this energy

decision-making, transforms everyone's life a living hell. First there

is the call begins to fluid retention, which can be solved by drinking

plenty of water smooth and fresh food to the base of vegetables and



A Buddha Was Born

In addition, the person begins to feel when it comes to conditional

decisions, or at any time want something and then want to follow

another, and often without knowing what decision to make.

Thus leaving the person drag the problem, more will start to feel a

lack of self confidence that in time also leads to begin to undermine

self-esteem. To prevent this happening must resort to consciousness

and begin to adopt a selective and life as healthy as possible.

In order to regain self confidence back, you should slow down the

most of the accelerated pace of life it takes, and start slowly taking

small decisions, more and more aware, and get used to be

increasingly just to begin to reconnect again with their spirits, as

when he was confident, just by going to let things go normally,

without losing sight of, but without being mixed with them.

Because all things that are beyond anyone not part, of itself, is that

many people (think) said yes, but to remind those people who were

born without any material when you leave and take the same as

when born, will only part of it are nothing but illusions that one

goes through the mind leaving you create when they are not

implemented, to keep stress to lead to bigger problems.

Another Chakra soon after stood more or less in the stomach, and

identified by the name of the Solar Plexus.

Jose had several conflicting situations characterized by a

malfunction of this. Because this center is the regulator of body

temperature, and in harmony, so quickly did feel a cold chill

through the body, or an enormous heat that seemed that it was on


José Cruz

To overcome this, back to the previous criteria on the wheel of

healthy foods, and it is noted that all the energy centers have a base

color, and so when you feel one way or another that are in

harmony, it should if you consume more natural foods as mentioned

previously, and the same with the same colors corresponding to

these energy centers, because will be taken immediately enforce

their qualities about this center, which in turn after passing

through the cells will change the functioning smoothly.

Later on will describe the colors of these energy centers, and is then

only necessary to assimilate the food, looking through the colors; the

breeze is most people are unaware that the human body works up

very simply in total perfection.

What if this center is already known that when there is excess heat

should be given fluids and juiciest fruits or vegetables, and when

the body cools will have to look the other way round, warm water

or warm fruit such as bananas, but never in excess?

Another center that also very moved to Jose, was the Heart, which

has nothing to do with the heart, but is near it is often influenced

by the heart muscle.

That with regard to matters of love!

Why is destabilized when the person often loses the ability to love

both you and others, and then sit between the sword and the wall

so to speak when it is attracted to these symptoms, whether or not

to take into account what feel.

Because on one hand can be attracted to someone physically, when

it is, is part of the mind, but when it is simply to be attracted by

something more than make you feel good, then it is matter and the

symptoms that come heart, and yes it is these that must be taken

into account, and not others that are created by the illusory mind.


A Buddha Was Born

The good recovery follows the same in terms of previous termite

food, but here will have to give up certain things, for example, that

also do harm to the proper functioning of the heart. It should

always be possible to catch good air and hiking or other sports

without being too stressful.

It is advisable to also practice some meditation by the time they

think is best in a quiet location. And so in truth to question what

they feel about someone!

A little further up is in another region of the throat energy center,

known as the larynx, which for some years choked the voice of Jose

and the power to communicate with others.

He felt to express themselves to others, but the voice was often

retained and thus lost the courage to start an initial conversation.

But soft, soft overcoming this difficulty has been through some

insight, and a few choice words to give a sum total of what he

wanted to express. By this point his voice began to change

significantly due to long hours spent in deep meditation, in various

asanas. That through these techniques, which initially people are

beginning to release the physical body, rising above the Astral,

breathing rate, low enough just breathing is the minimum to

maintain the physical mechanism at work and nothing else.

That as more and more develops these techniques, anyone can spend

a few minutes without breathing, in the case of Jose came to reach

between fifteen and twenty minutes.

Because the brain that made the cycle can lower the minimum, and

we can thus only breathe through the navel that connects the

physical to the Spirit.

Jose to have mastered his breath, and through the Energy Center

View this combined with a lot of meditation, which was sometimes

inert for two or three days without moving, he can remove a stain

that had lodged in a lung due to an intoxication, years before that

almost made inoperable left lung.

José Cruz

Hence it increasingly began to feel your vocal cords changed from

having a more serene and gentle voice, accompanied by a certain

vibration to completely unknown to him before, as well as to others

who knew and dealt with it.

Rising more than a little in your physical body Jose, as he slowly

unlocking all the energy centers, increasing energy rose higher up,

then began to feel increasingly itchy on the forehead, the site where

the houses Third Eye Chakra, the center is one that when fully

unlocked, allows anyone to have the capacity to see your own Aura

as well as the other animals or things, and reading them. It also

relates to clairvoyance, and movement of objects.

This center is fully up and running, brings a lot of discomfort

because of the fact that energy and blood circulate in very different

channels, then originates in the area of the head which is the second

last to be released a higher concentration of them.

So Jose felt his forehead burning completely, even the same skin

color changed gaining scales that were later disappearing, or itching

in this huge central area, which should never be tempted by some

scratching, if it costs more to go this adjustment in the body due to

new energy.

To this is due rather to meditate a lot, and for those who still sleep

must sleep the most. Because of rebalancing is more difficult than

you can spend, because the membrane that hides the Third Eye, is

being banned from the center like the drop of a veil.

The itch that nothing else can feel that vibration is sent through the

Universe, which to connect with the person, more thrills in this

most sensitive area, that depending on the acceptance of what the

universe sends you may take long or short.


A Buddha Was Born

Everything is bearable to humans because it just sends the Universe

that can support and nothing else is that some people (think) they

cannot and are stunted and bad livers, turning to other ways the

darkest, or getting in the middle feeling confused.

Finally, every human being is possessed of an existing Chakra at

the base of the same ever, the so-called Conorário; the Energy

Center is one that requires a connection to the Cosmos, Universe or


When you pray or you want to connect with all or apply Telepathy

is through this center that makes the connection.

Jose left him about it over many years almost completely closed.

Because when that happens the person fails to keep in touch with

yourself and thus with the Universe, and then feel a part of it goes

lost somewhere. Only with a slowly reopening of Consciousness for

this purpose is that everyone starts believes and recognize again the

Cosmos as absolute Lord of all including him.

When this center is one of harmony as much as we want to believe

in something higher, it becomes extremely difficult to just believe in

their physical and intellectual abilities, not on anything that

belongs to the Sacred.

With great difficulty Jose was admitting that there was again

make it flourish, something that had so long been buried deep in his

heart so forgotten. As you learn one language and over the years by

not practice, this will be forgotten for lack of practice. He once

again managed to overcome a difficult stage, as well as all other

gradually. We used a variety of resources and techniques to reach

the top of him, and after checking that the Universe was there all

the time and that was part of it. This was overcome only by

himself, will base a lot of passive and active meditation. Due to an

extremely troubled by his very strong biorhythms, but when God

makes the call to anyone, whatever barriers were unthinkable to

any human mind, they only go beyond just giving up.

José Cruz

As pointed out earlier, here are the colors of the foods that should

be taken in compliance with the various energy centers.

The colors of the foods you should eat the food wheel called, must

match the colors of the Chakras, for their release, as well as a good

physical maintenance.

Thus, the Basic