A Layman's Commentary On Genesis by James Demello - HTML preview

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Genesis 50: The Burial of Jacob and the Death of Joseph


Jacob dies at 147 years old and Joseph gets Pharaoh’s permission to take him to Canaan to be buried with his wife Leah. After the funeral he returns to Egypt. The children of Jacob grow in number and Joseph gets to see his third generation children and then, before he dies at 110 years old, he has his children promise to take his bones to Canaan for burial. He is embalmed and placed in a coffin in Egypt. So ends the chronicle of Genesis which is then continued in the following book, Exodus.


In the 1980s a partial statue and tomb was discovered of a non-Egyptian ruler. His head-dress was Semitic, he had a ruler's “throw stick”, was wearing a coat of three colors (red, black and white) and his tomb was empty.  This was found in the area of Goshen.


Whew! A breathless tale, told from the point of creation, whenever that may have been, until about 3700 years ago. Creation, the Fall, and the implementation of the the Plan of salvation of all men to restore them to the lost garden of Eden through a Messiah. Some commentators try to show that Genesis was a fabrication of many writers and redactors and not the work of one inspired man, Moses. I truly believe no uninspired man could have fabricated such an amazing and epic narrative with such detail in geography and validation by archaeology. Genesis is the true history of Man and the prophecy fulfilled by The Man.

