A Testimony Against the World: The Lord's Rebuke by Letters From God and His Christ - HTML preview

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blood Pours Down

Thus says The Lord: Blood pours down, a waterfall of tears flow down...

Rivers of tears and blood run through the desolate places, yet no growth is seen!... Nothing at all sprouts forth from the hard and cracked ground. The sound of the charadrion is not heard, neither do the doves come out of their hiding places in the morning... No song is heard.

Blood pours down to cover the mountains...

Blood pours down and tears cover the land...

Blood and tears fall upon the parched ground!...

Yet only dust and ashes remain.

The earth cries out in the morning, and the people mourn at eventide...

From dusk until the dawn, the bodies are piled up in heaps. The whole world loves violence, and over all this murder barely a tear is shed... The voice of weeping and lamentation is rarely heard above a whisper. And the cries of every unborn child is muffled by the sound of their mother’s dying womb, as her heart becomes stone... The light of her eyes darkening... Her life, forfeit.

Mankind is covered in wickedness...

The breadth of the whole earth is filled with every kind of evil. Every tree is dry and bears bitter fruit. For the heart of man is black, the void within him, deep... A widening chasm filled with deep darkness, sheer cliffs on every side. Every branch withers, no more will leaves appear... Dry and dead branches, ready to be broken off and cast into the fire.

The heart of The Lord your God is very heavy...

The heart of the Lord is enraged, and is very heavy...

The sorrow of The Lord is deep and infinite.

My people, let it be known to you: I take no pleasure at all in what I must do, in what must be done... NO

PLEASURE AT ALL! Says The Lord...

As My hand draws back, blood pours down. As I strike the earth in My anger, My tears run down. As famine spreads forth across the land, My heart is rent inside Me over the hardness of men’s hearts! As My face fills with the heat of My fury, My eyes are set ablaze with fire, over that which I see!... My tears run down, My blood pours down.

As My own servants turn from Me and run...


2/14/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy, During an Online Fellowship

For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

blood Pours Down cont.

As My own beloved, whom I have called sons and daughters,

Turn and fight against Me...

As My own body betrays Me...

My blood pours down, My tears run down.

As the nations come together, and bind My hands and My feet, My tears run down. As they bruise Me and spit in My eyes, while mocking Me, My tears run down. As they pierce My side, My blood and tears run down together!

As My own people drive in the nails still, I am risen up from My place with My arms spread apart, waiting to receive them... My blood runs down, the tears run down.


Hard generation! Sleeping children! Even My own fall asleep, unable to watch with Me for one hour... Their hearts hardened, unwilling to weep with Me in this last hour...

Do you not understand My sorrows, little flock?... They refuse to be healed! Therefore I must destroy them! My blood runs down, and they refuse it! My tears fall like rain upon the nations, yet they will not lift their head, nor do they hold out their tongue to drink it!... Where have all My children gone?!

They choose death!...

They choose death!...

And at the last day, they shall surely receive it!...

They shall taste of it to the fullest! Therefore do My tears run down! Therefore do the rivers run like death through the waste places! Beloved, they heap up death, only to throw themselves upon the heap! Lo, they have made their covenant with death, and with the grave they are in agreement! They burn candles and make sacrifices to other gods! Yea, they bow down to them!... Behold, they shall be slaughtered and burned together!

The whole field is diseased! Every leaf is blighted and withers, every stalk is rotten even to the roots!... It must be purged and burned with fire! Therefore do My tears run down, therefore does My sorrow continue on, forever.

The wound is incurable!...

Therefore My love will weep and My heart will wail, forever.


2/14/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy, During an Online Fellowship

For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

blood Pours Down cont.

Have you not read My words, little flock?! Are your ears yet dull in hearing?!... Yet My words shall not return void...

For the beasts of the earth languish, and the creatures of flight fail to soar, for they know what is coming. Lo, I have nourished and brought forth young children to weep in your places, for you were unwilling.

And still the mighty stand proud, and the feeble follow close behind in their example, refusing to bow down...

Covering themselves in pretense, while wearing many disguises... Until the face they behold in the mirror has become unrecognizable to them... THEY DO NOT KNOW ME!

My blood runs down, yet I do not know them! My tears run down, yet My own people remain unclean, hiding

always in their deceitful houses! From the least to the greatest, I tell you, they have surely hated Me! Therefore, I am come down, to take My spoil, to purge and to slaughter!... Blood and fire!... Rivers of blood and pillars of smoke!

This world is condemned, and The Father has declared its end!...


Says The Lord.


2/22/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The Glory of Men Must Die!

Thus says The Lord: Did you think My wrath would tarry forever?! Did you think My judgment sleeps?! Are My eyes closed to all these atrocities committed upon the earth, day and night, without ceasing?! Are My ears also stopped from hearing?!... Lo, I have seen and I have heard!

My face draws near to this earth!...

My eyes are filled with fire and fury!...

My forehead wrinkles, and is set hard against you,

O inhabitants of the earth!...

For it is time!

It is time to shake the cities of men by measure, and to bring up wrath from beneath! City by city shall be

punished... One here and another there. Behold, it shall come upon them suddenly, and men shall fear, and with great perplexity shall their hearts fail!... A great trembling shall now come upon all people!...


It shall come in swiftly, and you shall not know from where it shall come!

It shall come upon city after city, without warning!

For I have caused the earth to become angry. Lo, the depths of the earth tremble at My nearness, and soon this planet shall rage!... It shall rage against you, O deceitful generation! It shall devour and consume this generation!...

Scouring from the earth all man has made!

The Scriptures do not lie! And My prophets speak, yet the people refuse to hear!... They will not listen. Even My own people will not believe, yet their belief is not at all required... For My will is set, and can in no wise be turned back! The truth of My Word stands! It speaks throughout the generations and echoes throughout eternity!...



I am EL Shaddai!...

And I shall surely perform all I have spoken.

I shall not cease, nor relent, nor shall I be turned back from My purpose!... The kingdoms of men must die! And the evil of men must be destroyed!... All must be wiped away!


2/22/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The Glory of Men Must Die! cont.

Peoples of the earth, you have hated life!

You have polluted MY garden!



And so I am come to cleanse! And to wipe away!...

I am come down!...


Do you feel the heat of My wrath, O ignorant and vain peoples?!... You retain no knowledge at all! Only greed and wickedness, wickedness upon wickedness, passes before your eyes without ceasing... And oh how you love to have it so!

DEAD GENERATION! Your hearts are stone!... Day after day you build up wrath, the vessels overflow! Day by day, the bodies are stacked up in heaps! Day by day, the unborn are slaughtered!... Whole generations of people murdered without cause! Multitudes of innocent cast off as refuse!... Yet you think Me too harsh, and My punishments too severe, My judgments unfair?!



All you see, from the ground beneath your feet

To the farthest reaches of the universe, is MINE!...

And I shall do as I please!

I shall do according to the counsel of My own will...

For I am God!

Therefore, O peoples of the earth, because you have slaughtered the innocent and murdered your neighbor... Lo, you have even made for yourselves laws, that all may do their pleasure in unrighteousness and perform evil at their leisure... So then shall I also declare MY Law, and it shall fall hard upon the backs of all nations!

Yea, I have put forth the decree, and hasten to carry out your sentences, O peoples of the earth! And what is the sentence, you ask?... Look upon the slaughtered innocent, look upon their torn and broken bodies... Behold how they are torn in pieces! See how their blood pours down and their limbs are strewn about!... LOOK!!! Look how they are scraped out of their mother’s womb!... Look upon the works of your hands, you evil and most wicked generation!... LOOK UPON YOUR WICKEDNESS!!! LOOK UPON ALL YOU HAvE DONE!


2/22/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The Glory of Men Must Die! cont.

Thus says The Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth: Because of this blood, which remains on your hands, because of all the multitudes of slain you have piled up in heaps, because of the evil works of your hands in where you have agreed together, to both do and allow them, to make them law... THUS SHALL I, IN LIKE MANNER, DO


Lo, even double shall you receive at My hand, and double again, until there is no place found that is not laid waste, until every land is polluted by the stink of rotting corpses. Both man and beast shall lie down in death together!...

They shall be as refuse upon the land!

I shall tear down your cities

And break apart all your dwelling places!...

I shall tear your leaders in pieces,

And pour out the blood of your mighty men upon the ground,

Until it reaches unto the neck!

Behold, all mighty and evil men shall be torn in pieces, with their limbs strewn about in the open fields and in the waste places!

Behold, the great army, the astonishing company, the assemblage of nations who have come together to fight against The Holy One of Israel, shall be broken in pieces without hand!. .. For strong is The Lord, and sharp is the sword which proceeds from His mouth!

Behold I, even I, The Lord of Hosts, shall scrape every last vestige of man and his inventions from the earth at the last day!... For I am God, and the glory of My strength is revealed in My Holy One!

The glory of men must die!...

Declares The Lord of Hosts, The Only Creator!... The God of Israel!

Yes, I AM HE!... YaHuWaH!

Hurry now, those who hear!

Hurry now, those who know Me!...

Hurry, and kiss The Son!

Hurry now, and kiss Me upon My face,

All you who know My name!...



3/7/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jayse and Timothy, and For All Those Who Have Ears To Hear