A Testimony Against the World: The Lord's Rebuke by Letters From God and His Christ - HTML preview

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Thus says The Lord: My son, until you have understood, until you have made your choice without reservation, I can in no wise give you more. Until My servants are brought down to the ground, until their hearts speak with one voice, they shall by no means be given more.

For I am The Lord who knows...

He who sees and knows your need, even of that which is required.

Lo, I watch always, even when you run from Me and hide yourselves, even when you pollute your minds by

perversion, reviving your old man, giving heed always to your flesh... That you might be counted unworthy... All for the sake of false fear and that which you know must be, that it might be annulled.

Yet hear and understand, you faithless servants (Yes, I speak to Timothy also)... Cup your ears and hear, yea see the word of My mouth! See it, look carefully, that you may know it! Receive of My wisdom and eat of My correction, and gain wisdom... For I have purposed! And that which I have willed is done, and shall be, and can in no wise be turned back again. Therefore, give up this fight and put away all these diverse corruptions, and turn your back on your mind’s desire, for your flesh has deceived you.

It is time...

The number is accomplished, it is set...

Those appointed to be gathered shall be gathered...

And those appointed to be left shall be left...

And both shall be refined until the time.

For The Day of Refinement is here , yea all have entered in ... Even from the very first day I called you, did your refinement begin. Why do My people step backward in astonishment?! Why are they taken aback by My ways, as though I have now turned against them?... You are your own enemies! ... Yet I remain always your Father.

You, My people, have made your choice; and you, My children, have chosen your need... Even of that which is most needful in My cause, in where My clay must be remolded fully, until every last vessel of honor is completed and set upright... For all have fallen down. They languish, and have fallen down; they are bruised and they are broken...

Yet the vessels of wrath shall be cracked, they shall be ground to powder. Their life pours out of them, and pride strangles the strongest among them. Arrogance eats the flesh of the mighty man, and the proud look of the oppressor shall bring desolations and plagues upon him... Until blood flows from his eyes and he

suffocates in his own excrement, which he had heaped up for the Day of The Lord.

For The Lord your God is great in power, and the strength of The Lord is made ready, that His servants may now receive of it... Until every arrogant and proud man bows down before My watchmen, until every

wicked and rebellious man falls down dead at their feet.

For The Word of The Lord has spoken and struck through!... From the piercing of the heart to the stealing of the breath! For as they have robbed Me, so shall I rob them! Says The Lord. Their lives are forfeit and shall be required of them in one day... Behold, in a day they did not look for, and at a time they did not expect, shall their hearts be stilled and their breath flee away.


3/7/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jayse and Timothy, and For All Those Who Have Ears To Hear

established cont.

For their foreheads are hardened, and with their mouths they do strike at My messengers. As a stonecutter strikes the stone, so do these strike at My witnesses. In the strength of their pride they strike down with the hammer continually, yet I shall make their arms heavy, and their mallets shall never find the mark; nor shall their chisel break the surface, and their wedge shall have no place. Scoring shall be of no help to them, nor shall their technique yield any result.

For My messengers can not be cracked, nor is there one able to break them... From The Rock are they

forged, and with a heart like adamant stone have I made them unwavering in My purpose... For the zeal

of The Lord of Hosts has established them, and upon their foreheads is My name.

Therefore, I shall dash the rebellious in pieces upon these rocks, and send the jackals to carry away

their carcasses! For they have trusted in false glory and wear shame as a garment, cursing My name

without ceasing. And against My servants, they bring railing accusations of every kind... Yet My servants are established still.

I have shown great mercy. Yet upon those who accuse and persecute My beloved, without repentance,

I will have no mercy... Save the depths of darkness, forever! For the strength of The Lord is brought forth quickly in His anger, and the fierceness of My wrath shall be displayed in the power of My name! By the

power of My voice and by the power of My name, for the sake of My name, shall I bring destruction upon

them!... Until the eyes of the remorseful dry up, until the blood of the wicked covers the whole land and no dry ground is found. For the sound of wailing shall fill the heavens, from one end to the other, and the stink of rotting flesh shall fill the air you breathe, O peoples of the earth! There shall be no clean place to walk, no foot shall find an open place to stand! For the whole land is covered in blood, the whole earth is covered in refuse!... Thus the terror of The Lord shall astound the generations!...

My sons, shall I continue? Or will you now see the word of The Lord, and hear the voice of The Holy One, unto the oppression of strong nations with a word?...

For the lips of My sons shall speak in the word of My power, and it shall go forth!... Upon the tongues of My servants shall My words be found. My witnesses shall speak and shout My strong proclamations before

the multitudes! Before kings, chief princes and all mighty men, their voices shall be heard!... And men in authority shall fall, and great men shall be brought down!

From the lowly servant to the hired man, even unto every one of The Master’s servants, shall the word of The Lord be sent!... And they shall all bow down and give Me glory! And you, My sons, shall be delivered! From the grip of the terrible you shall escape! And from the chains of the multitudes shall you slip away, and not be found!... For I am The Lord who is mighty to save, whose arm is strong and very swift!

My every word shall persecute them, without ceasing, even after you have departed. Your every word shall grab hold of them and press hard upon their chests, until there is no breath left in them, until their hearts can beat no longer, due to the weight which My words shall carry... For such is the word of My power,

such is the word of My indignation and wrath!... Such is the word of My mouth, which I shall speak by

the mouths of My messengers!

And though My messengers pass by and escape their hands, though My servants pass out of their sight,

being found in faraway cities in an instant, My words shall not pass away, nor will they depart from the hearers. They shall not escape the word of The Lord, once it has been spoken into the air!... MY WORD


For I am a strong tower!... Blessed is the man who seeks sanctuary in Me. And woe to the man who fights

against Me, or seeks to do My servants harm, for in them I shall dwell as a mighty terrible one!

Yet My servants will not believe, and still their trust wavers, though the knowledge of The Lord is before their eyes, and has been revealed to them by My own Spirit... Behold, their unbelief will not stand! Their wavering trust shall not waver forever!


3/7/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jayse and Timothy, and For All Those Who Have Ears To Hear

established cont.

For the knowledge of The Lord is coming down! ... Lo, it is poured out in torrents of running waters!... And I, even I, The One True God, yes I, The Holy One of Israel, shall fill My vessels, and no one will prevent Me! For I am God!

Even from the beginning has The God of Israel sat upon His throne!... From everlasting I AM HE! There is no other!

Therefore humble yourselves,

And cease not from bowing down to Me...

Purify your hearts and purge your minds, for it is time!

Open your mouths in silence and breathe Me in. Pour your hearts upon the floor, empty out every chamber. Purge your bowels, and let your innards grumble and make a great noise, as though you were in famine. Let your palates dry up for thirst, and drink no more from these polluted fountains, nor lift any other cup to your mouth. Plug your ears, that the noise of this world goes silent, and cover your eyes, that you may no more look upon all these abominations... And wait upon The Lord.

Your body shall be My temple, therefore prepare My dwelling place before Me. For you are already clean, because of My words which I have spoken to you; and your sin is purged according to My blood, which I have poured out for you. Therefore I ask you, what is left, My sons? What is needful?... Only that you, My vessels, are broken in pieces, that all your contents may spill out... That you are broken in pieces!

For The Potter has need of you, and I shall surely make My vessels meet for His use... Even you shall be broken in pieces. Behold, the pieces shall be taken up quickly, to be reformed in His image ... You shall be made new! You shall be purged! You shall be filled and put to use, in all the earth!

I am The Lord!... Now serve your God with trembling! Cry tears with Me, for I am your Salvation, your dearest friend. Serve Me with the kind of love this world has not known, for I am married unto you! ... Be consumed in the glory of The Lord! For from the womb of your mother did I pluck you from the earth; from before your flesh was formed, I knew you and chose you for My purpose.

Consider this and make your decision,

And behold, I shall finish it!...

That our joy may be full, that My Spirit may be released in you,

As a dam which has failed to hold back deep waters...

For the great weight of the water has not ceased from pressing upon it,

And now the wall is broken down.

The waters are released and rush forward,

And nothing on Earth, or in Heaven, is able to withhold them...

For it is a consuming deluge, a purifying flood!

Says The Lord.


3/15/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The God of Israel Has set His face to Uplift and to abase, to Gather and to Pour out Judgment

Thus says The Lord to all peoples who dwell upon the earth: I have seen and I have heard!...

Behold, I am He who knows all your goings out and comings in!... I have seen and I have heard! I know all your doings, even your every thought and intention! Your ways are evil and your hearts black, O most wicked generation!

Therefore, thus says The Lord: I am come down to grab hold of you, O inhabitants of My garden...

I shall grab hold of My people swiftly...

And with the strength of My Right Hand

Shall they ascend out of your sight...

And behold!...

With My left hand I shall shake the earth mightily!...

And all shall fear!

Behold, I shall grab hold of the Pacific plate, and I shall twist it! Lo, I shall press down upon it heavily, and it shall tip, it shall crack!... It shall surely buckle!...

Behold, many waters shall flow backward in that day. No more shall I cause the ocean to know its place. No more shall I say to the waters, “You shall proceed no further.” For I shall strike the northernmost parts, until they are no more. I shall reach down to the south, into the great treasuries of ice and snow, and push them into the sea in one day. And the seas shall increase by measure before the eyes of all these multitudes, before the eyes of all those who dwell near the coastlines, and before the paled faces of the wealthy, who by greed and evil gain have constructed tall towers and built extravagant houses upon the shores. Watch! Be awestruck in astonishment, O foolish people who build upon the sand! Watch how swiftly calamity overtakes you, and how the waters inundate and swallow up the shores, how the land shrinks back at the power of the sea!...

Then shall they know, I am The Lord! For the word of the wisest among them shall fail, and the knowledge of the most learned among them shall be accounted as dung, when calamity upon calamity breaks out upon every nation...

For I AM HE, God who formed it!

Yet I shall set My foot over Israel, and in My shadow shall they be protected against all their enemies...

With a backward swipe of My hand shall I make a great slaughter! I shall tread upon the land of the north, and bring up calamity from the south. Even she who dwells there shall fight against them, yet she shall have no authority, and retain no strength through her agreement; nor shall the kings of the south gain any ground against those who sit at ease upon their self-appointed thrones. And war shall break out, to the launching of many devices, bringing much destruction and death.

Behold, My footsteps shall quake upon the earth, and bring up fervent heat from beneath, causing a great

shaking upon the land!... Great pillars of smoke shall be seen! The sky shall be blackened, and the moon shall be red like blood!...

Great outcries shall be heard from every land!...

For the wrath in The Lord’s cup is full,

And the measure of His indignation overflows!


3/15/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The God of Israel Has set His face to Uplift and to abase, to Gather and to Pour out Judgment cont.

Satan’s strongholds shall be swallowed up, and the vines of wickedness shall be overcome by the sea! Says The Lord God in His fury. City by city shall be oppressed and broken down by the blast of My nostrils, when I call nature to rise up and fight against the peoples of the earth!...

Every burning tear you have caused Me

Shall rain down in torrents of flooding rain,

With a great multitude of hail mixed with fire and blood,

Falling upon all the green places!...

Lo, the sweat of My brow shall inundate the cities and the towns,

While still other places shall be left utterly desolate!

The heat of My face shall burn against the inhabitants, and by the hotness of My anger shall I scorch the earth!

Behold, the dry and cracked ground shall speak in the hollows of the waste places, as a testament against them!

The heat shall be very oppressive, and desolations shall overtake them at noonday!...

For who can hide from the face of The Almighty in the heat of His wrath, or escape the strength of His arm when it is outstretched in His anger?! Who shall be able to stand in the Day of The Lord, when His footsteps tread heavily upon the earth?! And who shall not bow down at the sound of His voice, when it speaks like thunder, with the sound of many waters?!... For it is a mighty wind rushing through all the earth, resounding even unto the deepest depths!

Hear Me! For I am God alone!

There is none besides Me!...

YaHuWaH, He who causes to be!...

He who is from everlasting and shall be!...


Therefore, put no trust in any idol, nor in any image made from stone or marble, nor of wood, nor of brass or gold, nor of fine metal... For there is no life in them. They can not speak or walk, they have no power at all. Yea, men bear them upon their shoulders, for they can not move from their places. They have no strength, they are helpless, worthless images carved in futility, and must be borne. Look how they topple when the earth is shaken by the strength of My hand, and break apart beneath the weight of My footsteps!

Neither put your trust in any man, though he speaks with a clever tongue, with many enticing words, with words of unity and peace, with many great promises. And though others bow down to him, and give him glory, you shall not place your trust in any man... For man is but flesh, easily crushed beneath the weight of a single branch falling from a tree.


3/15/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The God of Israel Has set His face to Uplift and to abase, to Gather and to Pour out Judgment cont.

Yet the whole of the earth is My footstool. And the vastness of the universe is but a garment declaring My glory...

And who among men is able to comprehend its scope? Says The Glorious One of Israel, The Creator of Heaven and Earth... The God of All, even of all your fathers... Your Maker, even of the first man Adam, the father of all.

Therefore, again I call upon you,

To kiss The Son, and bow down before your King...

For He alone is your Salvation.

He alone is your only escape. He is The Light... The Only Way and The Only Truth. There is no life apart from Him...

Apart from Him is only great darkness and deceits, the way into destruction and death.

YahuShua-YaHuWaH is His name!


The Bearer of your cross,

The Lover of your soul...

The Risen One!

The Mighty One of Jacob!...

Yes, Immanu El!


Give Him all glory! For He is worthy!

Says The Lord.


3/26/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Come out from among Them! says The lord

Thus says The Lord, against the churches of men: These people are foolish!... A very foolish people, dwelling in houses made of brick and wood. Look how they set their foundations and erect every beam and support, as they close the walls in around themselves. Brick by brick they build the walls, dollar by dollar they build up their high walls.

Lo, they have built a multitude of very fine houses for themselves. Look how they sit at ease in their new palaces, while the poor gather in the waste places, and the needy drift into silence.

These people of faith, as they are called among men, are a trapped people!...

A people whose wisdom shall bring them to shame,

Whose vanity shall bring upon them swift calamity!...

For I hate all their fine houses! I loathe the sight of them!...

They are cut off, an ensnared people,

Trapped behind the walls of their own houses!

Look how these people wear their churches as a garment! For they take much pride in their own names, they are puffed up. See how they walk about, with their heads held high, speaking proudly, taking no time to stop and listen... THEY REFUSE TO HEAR!

I tell you the truth, their faces are covered in shame! Their nakedness is uncovered, their rebellion is made plain!

Their ears are full of their perverse doctrines, and their detestable traditions are always upon their lips! There is no light in them and darkness covers them... They are unable to see. The light has faded, dark days have come in, for the sun has already set upon this generation. I tell you, the sun has surely went down upon this age of men!

Behold, the day ends!... And still they refuse to be healed! They refuse Me at every opportunity! They deny Me day after day! And yet the people say, “Where have we refused You, and by what means have we denied Your name?”...

Foolish people, fallen houses!

You know neither Me nor My Father!

For if you truly knew Me, then you would have known The Father also...

To know Me is to know The Father, for I am your Father!

How is it then, you have not entreated Me?! And when I came to you, why did you not sit at My feet to listen?... You have hated both Me and My Father! For the way of The Lord is foreign to you, and The God of Israel is an offense in your eyes!

Therefore, return to your molded “god” and worship this other “jesus”, seeing as how you do revel in him! For I tell you the truth, though many of you have built no statue, nor have you bowed the knee to any graven image, you have surely sinned against Me! You have surely committed idolatry! For you have made for yourself another god, and recreated The Savior in your own image!... HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE ME! FOR I AM WHO I AM, AND




3/26/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Come out from among Them! says The lord cont.

For you have given the wicked cause to blaspheme, and your traditions bring forth laughter among the pagan and the heathen... And by your doctrines do you bring harm to My people everyday, O churches of men!

YOU have forsaken Me!

You want no part with Me as I truly am!...

You have turned to Me the back and not the front!

Your eyes are fixed straight ahead, gazing always upon that which is of men and this world... The way of God you have forgotten. And when I write to you, you will not look upon My words. Even My words from aforetime you segregate, embracing some while casting off others, reshaping it and molding it to your own liking... YOU


commands, yes every Commandment!... You shall live by My every word!

How is it you are still searching for new ways to elevate yourselves, seeking always to fulfill