A Testimony Against the World: The Lord's Rebuke by Letters From God and His Christ - HTML preview

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The fire Is Kindled

Thus says The Lord God: I am come in the power of My strength! In the righteousness of My anger, I am come down! I am come to destroy and to take vengeance upon My enemies!

My wrath shall be poured down like a flooding rain upon the mountains!

And the heat of My countenance shall melt the hills!...

Behold! The rivers of the valleys run dry at My presence!

And still the people say, “There is no God in Israel”... Behold, the enemies of The Lord gather! They gather and set themselves in battle array! They gather together to destroy MY nation! They seek to break apart the covenant!... Lo, the cleverest among them devise plans, and the most knowledgeable forge weapons of war...


My strength, and My face is set to defend! And when I strike, who shall withstand My assault?! Who shall be left, when the hand of The Almighty comes down upon them?! For My hand is swifter than an eagle! The strength of My arm has crushed leviathan, and I shall not withhold!

The word of My mouth breaks apart the mountains!... Whole ranges of mountains bow down when I pass by!...

Look how the earth trembles at My nearness and shakes beneath My footsteps! My eyes are flames of fire! My tears fall and scorch the earth!

The whole world is set ablaze

At the outward glance of The Almighty,

In His hot displeasure!...

A cleansing fire, a purifying flame, of which none shall quench!...



4/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The lord Has Turned to the World His back, and not the front

Thus says The Lord, to this accursed generation: You brood of vipers! YOU nailed Him to the tree!... And still you crucify your King, again and again! Even now you drive in the nails! Even now you refuse to drink the blood, which was poured out to heal you!... ACCURSED GENERATION, YOU SHALL DIE! verily I say unto you, you shall ALL

surely die!... Unless you bow to The Son, whom YOU had pierced.

Therefore My servants, do not cease from telling this dying people what I have done for them, for it shall be for a testament against them... For The Lord their God has turned His face away from them! They shall not see Me again, until the day they all bow down before Me, saying, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord.”

Therefore, all who have protest, DEPART FROM ME!...

For The Lord your God is a Great King!

And His glory shall surely be revealed!...

With His wrath poured out upon this wicked, lying and corrupt generation!...

For I have looked upon you... I have seen all your reveling, in where you have taken much pleasure in all your lusts...

Lusts of every kind! And DEBAUCHERY!... Walking always in your pride... YOU SHALL SURELY DIE! Declares The Lord. For The Son of Man has spoken it, lo I have declared it before the nations... Death shall chase you into the corners! It shall be found among you, and in all the high places shall it come to dwell! For yes, I have spoken it, and I say it once again, “I HAvE SEEN IT!”...

Therefore, thus says The Lord: No more shall MY name be profaned among you! You are all as dogs before Me!...

BE REMOvED! You are cast down!... Be removed from My holy city, all you squawking birds! For your God has surely spit you out! You are a trapped and confined people... Captive children!

You shall not see My hand giving you bread, anymore! You are all cut off, and My hand is removed! Hence, you are given up to the fire! And it shall burn you... Yea, it shall assault you, seven times!

This wicked generation is accursed in My sight! They are deaf, they refuse to listen!... Look! Behold! They have hated Me! They have no love for God in their hearts. Therefore did I send My servants to prophesy to them, yet they will not listen... They are cut off!

I do love them, yet they refuse to hear My voice... And when I speak to them, they surely reproach The Living God!

Therefore, they shall all, from the least even unto the greatest, perish!... Says The Lord.

The wicked shall be consumed!

In the heat of My indignation, they shall all be removed!

Yet I shall not make a total end...

For I have reserved to Myself a remnant, a great harvest among the second...

And as gold in a raging fire, so shall these be purified...

Says The Lord.


4/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

I shall be Terrible unto Them

Thus says The Lord, against the accursed generation: I shall be terrible unto them!...

For they push out the hand against My speech, and treat My prophets as though they were babbling mouthpieces which speak lies, knowing nothing, casting them off without cause... Though it is I, even I, who fills their mouths with the word of truth, and their hearts with the knowledge of The Holy One!

Therefore, I shall not cease from causing My servants to prophesy, rising up early and sending them... I have put MY words in their mouths, I have opened their ears so they may hear. For I shall cause My words to be a terror unto all peoples! For it is MY Spirit which has come to reside in My witnesses!... Says The Great YaHuWaH, The Word of God who speaks... YahuShua!

And because of all these blasphemies, by which this arrogant people have blasphemed My word and My glory

without ceasing, shall they be made to suffer ... Much wailing, a multitude of tears...

Tears shall be for their drink when they thirst in the morning,

They shall have sorrow for their meals at noontime,

And pain shall be for their bed at night.

For all their disobedience is made plain...

It is always before My face, shown up in their rebellion.

Lo, they shall soon come to abhor all their adulteries against Me!... Every last one of them! Says The Lord... Yet first, the falling away...

Lo, even some shall run from Me, many shall depart from Me. And when they tire, when they finally fall down and repent, then shall they turn and run from all their perverse transgressions, which they had committed at noontime.

And when they realize that indeed, it was I who had pursued them, and it was I who had brought them back, then oh how they shall love My Sabbaths; and of My Holy Days, these they shall cherish ... In those days, ten men from every language of the nations shall lay hold on one Jew, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”

Fear not, My servants, nor be swallowed up over much sorrow, because of all these captive children, for My mercy shall not altogether depart from them. And though they remain prisoners in this world, they are greatly beloved of The Lamb... For if I do not correct them for their disobedience, truly I say to you, they may never enter into My rest.

Therefore have peace, O sons of service, for My own power has come to reside in you, and shall cause you to

prophesy. And though you are suddenly weakened, nothing is awry, for you have submitted yourself to My power, having made room for The Holy One to come in... And He shall surely come to dwell within you, fully, in due season. The power of My presence has always caused My prophets to be set apart in The Holy, to feel as though they would wither, as though they would die... For indeed, it is a death of another kind.

And those, who do not know Me, need to depart from My chosen, taking with them all their ignorant chatter,

by which they clamor against My servants continually, having no real knowledge of the Truth. .. For they have provoked Me to anger! My jealousy is aroused!

For I am indeed very jealous over My servants. And My passion is shown in My zeal, over all these who have cast away their filthy robes. For they shall surely receive new robes from Me, robes of white in My sanctuary... Let all, who are in My favor, taste and see that The Lord is good! Says He who is faithful, He who is true.

And all those who refuse to know Me, who hold fast to hate and strive hard in their rebellion, whose hearts are as adamant stones, refusing to be broken, resisting always My correction and shutting their mouths tight against repentance, these shall also come to realize that they too were created for My glory, to reveal the power of My might... vessels of wrath, prepared for destruction.


4/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

I shall be Terrible unto Them cont.

And no matter how much incense they burn to their idols, no matter how many possessions they own, or how

much money they lay hold of and shove down their wide necks, congesting their throats to their own destruction...


For I am sickened by all their conduct!...

Over and over they pierce The Holy One with spears of many sorrows,

As they endeavor to pin their King to the tree, again and again,

As though letting Him hang high was not enough for them!

Therefore shall My voice continually persecute them, until the consummation! And the sorrow shall be great throughout every land, growing deeper and deeper among every people!...

The seven thunders shall roar at them! And they shall not escape, except by martyrdom! Says The Lord... BEHOLD, MY PEOPLE! Look upon this great city, which I love... This great city, called Martyrdom! I call you to drink!... Drink of His blood, all you high-minded! His blood shall bring you low enough to pass through, low enough to enter in.

And to those of you who continually provoke your God to anger, who cease not from testing Me as Israel tested Me in the desert forty years, I call you to repent in truth with many tears, to return, that I may receive you.

And if you refuse, I call you to DRINK!... To drink fully from this cup I am about to pour out ... That you may choke on it! AND DIE!... That you may be no more before My face, with your wicked ways far removed, your detestable speech silenced!... That you may rest from all your evil, by which you have greatly wearied yourselves.

For you have caused Me much grief;

I am acquainted with much sorrow on your account...

O My people, who are not My people,

You refuse Me and seek NOT to know Me as I am...

Lo, The Man of Sorrows has become a prince, and now a king...

The King of Sorrows...

Heaven is filled with My tears, from one end to the other.

Therefore am I come out! And from a cup of wrath, which is poured out without mixture, am I come to purify and to cleanse!...

DRINK, all you wicked!... A raging fire is prepared! It waits for you!... It awaits all who have proven themselves worthy of its flame, altogether worthy to be blotted out!... Refuse to be tossed away and burned up! Yes, you have proven yourselves fully worthy and meet for destruction!... vessels of great dishonor taking pleasure in all your evils, in all your slaughter, in all your falsehoods and lies, in all your immoral behavior!... Superfluity of naughtiness overwhelms your minds in the daytime and fills your bellies at night!... YOU SHALL ALL SURELY DIE! For this is your due reward! Says The Lord.


4/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

I shall be Terrible unto Them cont.

O peoples of the earth, take heed and wail loudly! For The Face of The Almighty has waited eagerly for the time!...

Lo, it is time!...

And I shall send Him into the house as a thief, to rob and to gather. He shall snatch them away, and from you they shall be taken... My faithful children, both awake and those asleep, whose lives were not their own... Lives given up, then received anew on account of Him, in whom they had placed all their trust and did not waver... For Love has saved them.

Therefore, keep watch. For you know not the time of The Lord’s return. Whether it be in the first, or in the second, or in the third watch of the night, you know not the time, you know not the day or the hour. Therefore, I declare to you, all your setting of dates shall come to nothing, and all your precise predictions shall fail! For I may take them before, or after ... For I am God...

The first election is made, the time of bundling is passed, and those who stand outside the gate have already begun their clamor, and cease not from their complaints, for I know them not... Even so, amen.

Behold, a cloud is risen in the west, the hard rain is come!...

And who shall prevent it as it draws near,

Or hinder it when it arrives?

The wind blows in the east,

Yet who is aware of it, until it has overtaken them?...

Says The Lord.


4/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

sick, Diseased Churches... Foolish Children!

Thus says The Lord, to all these sick and diseased children: You are all dying! You are passing from My sight!...


The sound of My voice shall come to weary you. Day and night will I utter My judgments against you, because of all your adulteries you have committed against The Lord your God... I, The One True God! Each of you seek to justify yourselves, while casting stones at My servants... You are accursed in My sight! Therefore, I shall not withhold My correction, and My discipline shall be severe!

Look at My Son, look at My beautiful Son... How do you see Him?... Your vision is marred! Your hearts are corrupted!

You have all blinded yourselves to His image! For the multitude of these idols surround you, and your shame covers you still... Preaching, to My people, another “Jesus”!... YOU BROOD OF vIPERS! You shall all starve, as HE eats the fat of the land and gathers His spoil! You know not the voice of The Lord your God!... Lo, I have spit you out! With bitter tears I weep, as I tell you, I DO NOT KNOW YOU!

I had sent My servants to you, yet you had no eyes to see. They spoke to you, yet you had no ears to hear. Therefore have I caused My sons to prophesy against you! THEREFORE SHALL I SPEAK AGAINST YOU! For your ways I do

hate! All your pride and showmanship are a great perversion of My majesty! And when I called to you, saying,

“COME OUT!”, you would not hear... You refused to listen!

Churches of men, look on all you have done! You are trapped, ensnared by all your harlotries, which you have in common with your estranged mother, the catholic church... Satan shall devour you together!

Yet many of you will come to sing in that Day! And though you are left desolate, and brought to utter ruin, I have reserved to Myself a great remnant from among you... A great multitude who shall sing for Me, even unto their dying breath... For I am God, and this is My will.

My sons, I know this scroll, once eaten, is very sour in your stomachs. Yet know and understand, it will surely accomplish My purpose. And when I cause you to open your mouths, I shall speak, and I shall be very terrible unto them...

I shall utter My judgments against this generation and tear this people...

And as a piece of unshrunk cloth tears away from a garment,

So shall this people be torn...

I shall rend their hearts...

A rent which is deep, a rent made wide...



4/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear