A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 10



V1-3 Paul repeats his desire for his people’s salvation. He acknowledges their intentions of finding Elohim, but unfortunately reject the only way, truth and the life personified by Yeshua of Nazareth. Yeshua personifies Elohim’s righteousness Rom 3:21. As Paul has exhaustively explained thus far it is impossible to seek justification/righteousness by one’s own efforts and deeds as all have sinned and come short of the glory of Elohim Rom 3:23.


V4 is a verse latched onto by just about every antagonist of Torah and viciously misinterpreted due to the English translation’s creation of ambiguity. The student of scripture must remember that Paul does a commentary of OT scripture which was at the time up until 325AD, the only source of inspired writing. He is quoting Ps 119:96 which read in full says ‘I have seen an end/limit/extremity/qets of all perfection/completion/tiklah: thy commandment is exceeding broad. When read in its full context from v89-96, the section of this psalm is glorifying Torah, and a vow never to forget Torah is expressed by the writer.


In v4 the word translated end is telos in Greek. It does not mean end of a period of time, but rather the end of some act i.e. its fullness/limit/purpose/conclusion i.e. Yeshua is the purpose/limit/extreme/fullness of Torah for righteousness to everyone that believes in Him, and I am sure for the student who has listened thus far, Paul has thoroughly convinced you that he is not, and does not intend to teach abolition of Torah. V4 hence is totally in sync with the rest of the epistle and not remotely contrary to it except for those interpreters who despise Torah truth.


V5 Furthermore Paul qualifies this statement written by Moses quoting Yehovah’s words verbatim, by quoting Lev 18:5. Why would he promote Torah abolition and then in the next verse justify its adherence? Nit-picking scripture is very dangerous and creates doctrinal lies.  Everything must be read in fullness to not lose track of the message.


V6-8 are quoting Deut 30:12,14. The fact that he is quoting from the Pentateuch proves that righteousness of faith was operating in Moses’ time and is/was no new concept. The Jews even before Yeshua’s time were seeking righteousness through their own works, instead of by faith in the Messiah who was prophesied from the opening chapters of scripture cf Gen 3:15.


Paul gives a commentary on the scripture he quotes again elucidating to his Jewish brethren Yeshua’s references in these passages of scripture, which till then must have baffled them. Yeshua is the word that is nigh us, in our mouths and hearts, and He is the word of faith, which we know is righteousness. Note in verse 7 ‘the deep’ is abussos/the abyss where the fallen angels are in chains of darkness. Yeshua descended to these lower parts to proclaim/translated preach in the KJV to the spirits in prison, the spirits being the fallen angels/sons of Elohim of Gen 6 which took wives of men cf 1 Pet 3:18-20.


V9 Salvation starts with audible oratory confession, and belief in the heart that Elohim raised Yeshua from the dead. If the resurrection of Yeshua is denied, then it is impossible to believe in the efficacy of His atoning blood, and subsequent power of the Holy Spirit unto righteous works leading to salvation.


V10-11 Belief in the heart sets of provision of justification, oratory confession sets of provision of salvation. V11 quotes Isa 28:16


V12-13 cf Joel 2:32. Paul repeats again the equal, fair, free offer of justification by/through faith to all mankind irrespective of ethnic background. Simply calling upon the name of Yehovah will suffice to set the wheels in motion. Note Joel uses the word delivered, translated saved/sozo in v13. The epistles clearly state that salvation is attained at the end of the race. The first stage of the race is deliverance from Satan’s grip. The last stage is salvation and presentation of eternal life to those who last till the end of the race of life. Deliverance does not guarantee salvation. Salvation is only achieved after living a Holy Spirit led life to the very end cf 1 Pet 1:9.


V14-15 Commentary of Isa 52:7 and Nah 1:15. The gospel needs to be preached by those sent, that the Gentiles may hear it in order to believe it, so they may respond to the invitation/calling of justification through faith. This is the great importance of good preaching of which I hope this Bible study may prove to be Amen.


V16 Unfortunately the Jews in great number rejected this good news. Isa 53:1


V17 The word of Elohim i.e. gospel of Yeshua must needs be preached in truth for faith to be nurtured


V18-21 Paul quotes prophecies of Israel’s rejection of the gospel


V18 Psa 19:4


V19 Deut 32:31


V20 Isa 65:1


V21 Isa 65:2