A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 11



V1-4 The closing verses of ch10 would leave the impression that there is no hope for Israel, but Paul hastily dispels such a deduction and continues with the theme of a chosen remnant, derived from scriptural prophecy to back up his sayings.


V1 He for one is proof of a remnant being present. Note that the so-called 10 lost tribes of Israel after exile into Assyria in 722 BC is somewhat of a fallacy as almost 8 centuries later, the likes of Paul could trace their tribal lineage cf Anna of tribe of Asher Lk 2:36.


V2 Ps 94:14


V3 1Ki 19:10,14


V4 1Ki 19:18


V5-6 That remnant even in Paul’s time was not chosen due to their own works, but was that which chose to submit to Yeshua and believe in Him to be justified by faith in order to follow Torah in Holy Spirit truth.


V7-8 Israel failed to find justification by its own works and most certainly not through pharisaic Jerusalem or Babylonian Talmudism, which strangulated the law even more, by promoting the traditions of men, losing focus on the Torah at large. ‘The election’ refers to those Israelites who responded to the call to accept Yeshua the Messiah as their justifier by faith in Him, fulfilling the prophecy of the remnant.


v8 cf Deut 29:4 and Isa 29:10. This spirit of slumber has been given since Israel rebelled in the wilderness described in the Pentateuch. In the heavenly realm Satan accuses us day and night, and when he succeeds in exposing rebellion amongst unprotected people i.e. those devoid of the protective seal of the Holy Spirit, he legally has the right to seek permission for demonic spiritual attack on such.


The evil spirit of slumber has been utilised against Israel since immediately after their exodus from Egyptian captivity, to this very day, due to open rebellion to Elohim’s will, and especially the stumbling block in the personage of Yeshua of Nazareth, whom they not only refuse to believe is the Messiah, but also blaspheme, mock and ridicule.


V9-10 Ps 69:22-23


V11-12 Paul reveals a mystery of the supreme and infinite wisdom of Elohim, whereby He has used the stubborn and stiff-necked nature of the Jews to provide a means for deliverance of the Gentiles instead, and their justification unto salvation, in order to provoke the spiritually blind Jews into jealousy over losing the promises which were first offered to them.


Furthermore, if these great riches are given to what was once an alien people and a lost hopeless Gentile world, what more to those jealous Jews, who may eventually see the light and be compelled to repent and return to Torah in Messianic truth. Note v11 was foretold in Deut 32:21.


V13-14 Paul identifies his ministry as being a delegate of the gospel to the Gentiles, which we must remember was not his full job description cf Acts 9:15. V14 clearly exposes the grand plan of Yeshua of using Paul as a vessel to provoke to jealousy and ultimately attract a remnant of the Jews, by taking the gospel to the Gentile world. 


V15 Pretty much repeating v12 in different phraseology cf Eze 37:1-14 to understand his use of life from the dead.


V16 Allegory using OT scriptural metaphors is used to present the relationship between Messiah (the first fruit and the root cf Jn 15:1-6) and His chosen (lump, branches)


V17-21 He further warns the Gentiles who are as wild branches, upon whom grace and mercy has been bestowed, into taking part in covenant fellowship with Elohim, to not become puffed up with pride as the Jews did, lest they also become broken off too. We are only thriving in covenant fellowship with Elohim through Yeshua the root. We the branches (natural/Jews or wild grafted in/Gentiles) cannot survive without the root and hence have nothing to boast about. We should with fear and trembling strive to please Elohim to avoid his wrath and subsequent rejection of us. Justification is not salvation. It only leads us onto the long, narrow, difficult road of our Christian walk of which many stumble and fall, and fail to make it to the gates of glory and salvation Matt 7:12-14.


V22 It is very important to realize that we do not serve an irresponsible, insipid, namby-pamby Elohim. Rather we serve an Elohim who has moral goodness/chrestotes to those who persevere/continue/epimeno in goodness, and is severe to those who once knew Him, yet stumbled and rejected His will. His will ultimately is for the believer to live in Torah life and truth of His Son Yeshua of Nazareth. The Christian walk is one of perseverance and is not a one-time guarantee to eternal life, but rather a very serious conscription, which has rules that must be abided to, lest one is severely reprimanded by the commander-in-chief. The ‘once saved always saved’ doctrine is a fallacy.


V23 There is still clear hope for the rebellious Israelite to repent as Yehovah is longsuffering and wishes not for any of us to be sent to the lake of fire. Death is the cut-off point at which one cannot turn back from the choices they make regarding this free provision of Torah life in Messiah, leading to eternal life cf Ex 34:6; Ps 86:15; Rom 2:4; 2 Pet 3:9.


V24 cf v12,15


V25 This is the mystery which was alien to the host of hell, of Elohim’s grand plan to usher in the Gentiles into covenant relationship with Him, by Israel’s rejection of Him. This blindness is temporary, seeing as once the full number of Gentiles are delivered and saved, the remnant of Israel shall also be ushered in, on realising their folly cf Rev 7:2-4; 14:1-5.


V26-27 cf Rev 14:1-5. All/pas in Greek means all as in a part of a collection of things e.g. ‘the whole/all world has gone after him’ does not mean all 7 billion+ people. Hence all Israel refers to a representation of all 12 tribes, as it would be foolish to think every single Israelite irrespective of their sins shall be saved. This is a prophecy of the 144000 representing all 12 tribes to be saved and ushered into the millennial reign of Yeshua. Paul quotes Isa 59:20-21.


V26 quotes unholiness being taken away from Jacob/Israel. What would this unholiness be? The only OT definition of unholiness is breaching of Torah! If in the end days Yeshua the deliverer shall be returning to bring back Israel to Torah adherence in Spirit and in truth, what in the world possesses preachers of today to imagine that Torah was abolished by the very same deliverer? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to teach that Torah was done away with.


V28 Despite the greater part of Israel being at enmity with the gospel, does not change the fact that they were initially chosen by Yehovah as His peculiar people Ex 19:5-6. Hence the mystery of His stratagem to bring them to jealousy, through grace being apportioned to Gentiles, in order to avoid jeopardising these promises made in times past. Yehovah cannot go against His word. He is not a capricious Elohim.


The Greek word pater translated fathers', is not relating to Elohim the Father, but rather to the patriarchs i.e. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, for whose sakes the Israelites are still beloved of Elohim, as they were elected as participants of the covenant agreements which YHVH made with these patriarchs. Otherwise, were YHVH not bound by these promises, He would have destroyed the rebellious Israelite nation long ago, as He did Sodom and Gomorrah.


V29 This verse is a confusing translation, old KJV English giving a confused rendering of the Greek when read as modern English.  Gifts/charisma is better translated favour. Grace/charis is favour from Elohim and klesis/calling is an invitation. Without repentance/ametameletos also means unregretted. This term is derived from the Greek word metamellomai which means irrevocable. The verse is better translated


‘For the favour and invitation of Elohim is unregretted/irrevocable.’


V30-31 Referring to the Gentiles Paul reminds them that they did not even believe in Elohim at all (unlike Israel who did but rebelled), yet they were fortunate enough to still be given the provision of Elohim’s mercy and favour, due to Israel’s unbelief in Messiah. The message being driven home to the Gentiles is to not be arrogant and despise the Jews as if it were not for their unbelief, then Yehovah may not have been compelled to turn to the Gentiles. Hence the beauty of the mystery of Elohim, as it reconciles all mankind through wonderful ways. Israel ultimately will repent and be justified by faith, because of the Gentiles being provided with justification through faith, just as much as the Gentiles repented and were justified because of Israel’s unbelief. Hallelujah and all praise to the Most High Yehovah Sabaoth.


V32 Both parties were guilty of unbelief:

a. The Gentiles not believing in Elohim outright

b. The Jews not believing that Yeshua is the Messiah. Yet Elohim provided a path for both to be justified


i. The Gentiles through faith and

ii. The Jews by faith.


V33 If you dear student of scripture have grasped this teaching by now, you like myself and like Paul will gasp at the infinite wisdom of Elohim, that also hoodwinked Satan the wise himself, for had he known he would never have allowed for Yeshua our Justifier to be crucified Hallelujah! 1 Cor 2:7-8


V34-35 Yehovah is not owed anything by anybody or any part of creation. Who are we to dare think that He needs us, or depends on us, or requires our assistance in knowledge and wisdom? He could truthfully destroy all creation and start afresh, but because it goes against His ineffable love for us, He by grace and mercy provides a route for us to be cleansed of our unrighteousness and start afresh by and through His Son Yeshua haMashiach, whom he allowed to be sacrificed for our pitiful decrepit selves. 


V34 Isa 40:13


V35 Job 35:7, 41:11


V36 With this knowledge in mind how can you oh dear student of scripture not feel an uncontrollable urge to burst in praise and give all honour and glory to such a wonderful, magnificent, magnanimous Elohim!