A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 13



Let us be careful in reading the correct context especially of v1-8. These verses clearly indicate being subject and respectful and honouring of those in authority IN the body of Messiah, as opposed to worldly power which invariably is bestowed upon rulers by the current prince of the world, Satan himself Lk 4:6. Rom 12:8 and 13:3,46 qualify this statement. It is highly unfortunate that many a rogue state headed by merciless dictators and outright servants of Satan, and more recently so-called liberal democratic nations opposing all things Torah e.g. exalting homosexuality, premarital sex, abortion, transgender communities, bestiality and the like, have had the blessing of deluded preachers who base their support on this passage. 


V1 cf Lk9:1; Acts 4:35; 5:29; Rom 12:8-as the body of Messiah we must be subject to those appointed to lead in Holy Spirit power i.e. true apostles of Elohim given the authority to organise and pastor congregations in spirit and in truth.


V2-4 The sword being referred to is that borne by Elohim, not the minister of Elohim of whose Elohim-ordained powers we must be subject to. Elohim sets up apostles and pastors and teachers for our good and growth in spiritual truth. If we, having been instructed by Elohim’s ministers to do good, choose evil instead, then the sword of Elohim is not borne in vain and vengeance shall be met upon the evildoer by Elohim Himself.


For those who interpret that the sword is that of the minister or even more erroneously some government system ordained by Elohim, totally contradicts Paul’s preaching literally a few sentences earlier in his epistle in Rom 12:19. Context is key to understanding scripture to prevent creation of wild unfounded teachings. It is because of this that even Hitler and his Nazi machinery, Stalin and his communist agents of Satan, have ridiculously been preached of as being 'Elohim-ordained', due to complete butchering of this passage of scripture.


V5 Paul then solidifies his point that we must be subject to Elohim’s ordained ministers, who are not a terror to good works (v3) but to evil (terror to Satan’s kingdom through spiritual warfare), not only to avoid the wrath of Elohim for disobedience, but also for our conscience’s sake. We must not live a righteous Christian life simply because we want to avoid hellfire, but should genuinely aspire to do good because we are good, lest our intentions allow for pretentious love to creep into our hearts cf 12:9


V6-7 The tirelessly working ministers are deserving of their efforts cf 1 Tim 5:17-18. Note that it is the duty of the believer gaining from the works of the minister to reward him willingly out of a grateful heart. The minister should never demand to be rewarded nor choose to take up the post expecting reward for what is an Elohim-ordained duty of service cf Lk 17:7-10.


Note the word translated custom is telos which also together with custom, is Greek for purpose. Verse 7 stresses the need to pay the leaders what is owed for their duties. This may apply for taxes owed to unholy leaders cf Matt 17:25; 22:21. However I hope dear student of scripture that you see with great clarity that this passage is in no manner relating to world leaders, who invariably and to a greater degree are agents of Satan’s plans. Never forget that love of the world means enmity with Elohim Jm 4:4; 1 Jn 2:15. We can’t escape these immutable Bible principles, lest we contradict Elohim Himself to our own detriment.


V8-10 We must rid ourselves of material debt, and rather be indebted to loving others to fulfil the principle purpose of Torah Gal 5:14; Lev 19:18, Jn 13:34. Paul was not preaching anything new.


V11 This is proof that salvation occurs at the end of the race and is not given at the beginning. As we grow in spiritual truth, we approach ever closer to that goal of salvation and eternal life that awaits us after physical death cf 1 Pet 1:5,9.


V12-14 Paul expands and explains this statement in 1 Thess 5:1-11.