A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 12



V1-2 Bearing in mind what a great work Elohim has presented and provided for us in the mystery detailed in His Son Yeshua’s life, death and resurrection to heal us by His stripes, redeem us by His blood, justify us through faith in Him, and sanctify us by His Holy Spirit, would it not thus be our duty to present our bodies on the spiritual altar of sanctification as living sacrifices , holy and acceptable to the very Elohim who has had such undeserved mercy upon us? Surely it is an insult to our Creator to dare revert to a life that is spiteful of Torah truth and life, returning to our beggarly ways like a dog to its own vomit.


V2 outlines the will of Elohim to be met in our renewed minds as being:


a. Good

b. Acceptable

c. Perfect.


I ask you dear reader is not this a description of Torah in Rom 7:12 which is:


a. Good

b. Just

c. Holy? 


Suschematizo translated ‘conformed’, means to conform one’s mind and character to another’s pattern. Modern day Christendom has indeed fashioned itself according to the politically correct ways of this wicked world. Many governments have exempted churches from paying taxes, provided they conform to their anti-Torah, and antibiblical laws such as acceptance of abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, acceptance of all religions inclusive of satanism and witchcraft to mention a few.


However according to scripture, we are to be metamorphoo/transformed which is Greek for metamorphosis or transfiguration. Like Yeshua at His transfiguration where the same word metamorphoo is used in Matt 17:2, when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, our mind is to be totally transformed or metamorphosized from a worldly pattern of thinking to a wholly spiritual fashion, in line with that of Yeshua. This occasions complete obedience to Torah, led by the Holy Spirit. In essence this metamorphosis turns us literally into a new creation cf 2 Cor 5:17.


V3 A stark reminder and warning is given not to boast as in Rom 11:18, nor be puffed up and elevate yourself, as you were undeserving of this grace and mercy and should hence conduct yourself with all humility and fear and trembling. Whatever gift you are given is according to your measure of faith, not due to your in-built ability as all works of the carnal flesh are at enmity with Elohim. Even faith itself is a gift from the Holy Spirit so as to stifle boasting of one’s faithfulness cf 1 Cor 12:9.


V4-8 Note that each member of Messiah’s body is given various responsibilities that operate in tandem with one another, and differ according to the grace bestowed upon us. None of it is of our own doing hence why Yeshua commanded us to carry out our duties without expectation of remuneration and praise as grace and mercy are our wages that have pulled us out of the once assured destiny of hellfire cf Lk 17:7-10.


V6 cf Eph 4:7-Grace is a gift given by Messiah, and it is at His discretion governed by His infinite wisdom and knowledge of each individual’s persona and heart’s condition and inclinations, which determines to what measure each gift is dispensed, depending on how we may be able to handle the particular responsibility given to serve in His body. It would be unwise for instance to give a recently born-again Gentile believer devoid of Torah understanding, and lacking knowledge of the Bible, the gift of teaching. Hence why as one grows spiritually in knowledge and wisdom, he is instructed to crave for various gifts, which he becomes eligible to be given once in a state of readiness to use them cf 1 Cor 14:1,39; 12:28-31


V9-10 Brotherly love must replace pretentious love for one another. The word ‘preferring’ in KJV is the Greek ‘proegeomai’ which means ‘leading by example’. The KJV translation unfortunately gives the impression that we should favour our own in love over others, which would do disservice to Yeshua’s parable of the good Samaritan, whereby we are shown to love even strangers as our own. The essence of verse 10 is for each believer to lead others by example.


V11-18 More qualities of our conduct as transformed believers with renewed minds, doing Elohim’s will, are listed by Paul. 


V11 cf Rev 3:15-16


V12 cf Phil 4:6


V14 cf Matt 5:44


V15 cf 1 Cor 12:26


V17 cf 1 Tim 3:7


V18 cf Matt 5:9-this is obligatory for one to be an adopted son of Elohim


V19 Deut 32:35, Matt 5:39-We must defend the weak and pursue justice but not retaliate.


V20-21 Pro 25:21-22, Matt 5:44


This all proves that Paul was not preaching anything new about righteousness, but was simply giving a commentary on how Torah should be lived as was already stated in the Tanakh, of which the Jews through following it in the flesh, had corrupted, by traditions of men i.e. teachings of scribes and Pharisees having suffocated its simple truth.