A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 15



V1-2 Remember this is a continuous letter, hence there would not have been chapter separations. These verses simply continue the theme of the last verses of ch 14. As is Paul’s style repetition is used to drive a message home and eliminate all ambiguity.


V3 quotes Ps 69:9


V4 Hence like Yeshua and as was written in OT scripture which illustrated and defined living in righteousness, we must follow the example of Yeshua and such writings, denying ourselves of permissible behaviour, that may be perceived by the immature recently-born-again believer as contrary to his current measure of faith, in order to prevent Satan gaining the upper hand through his wiles of causing offence to the novice, who ultimately may walk away from the faith due to our innocent preferences of food or drink. Hence why Paul says all things are lawful to him, but not all are expedient 1 Cor 10:23-24. 


V5-7 In this vein, we must all behave in this prescribed manner of ch 14 as Yeshua did and wishes of us, in order for all, be they mature or immature in spirit to glorify Elohim in agreement. We additionally must accept the immature into the congregation as they are justified through their faith, just as much as Yeshua did us, when we were once in a depraved state of immaturity soon after being justified by our faith too.


V8-9 These 2 verses beautifully confirm that Paul’s message of ch 14 was not abolishing Torah, nor contradicting it by pushing aside Sabbath day keeping, observance of the Holy days of Lev 23 nor by permitting eating of unclean foods of Lev 11. If so then these 2 verses would again raise suspicion of a bipolar mental disorder on his part, as these verses are clearly stating the contrary to the misguided interpretation of his words in ch 14. It is true that Yeshua’s first advent was for Israel and not for the Gentiles Matt 10:6; 15:24 and Isa 49:5. How then could He possibly have come to abolish Torah amongst a nation specifically chosen by Elohim to be priests and preachers of Torah to the rest of the Gentile world? Ex 19:6; 1 Pet 2:9. Additionally it is categorically stated that Yeshua came to confirm the promises made unto the Torah observant fathers cf Matt 5;17-19. Yeshua’s purpose of being sent was also to provide a means for the Gentiles to partake of the covenant fellowship and promises too. Never was the plan to abolish Torah.


V10 a quote of Deut 32:43 confirming that the Gentiles are to join Elohim’s chosen people in rejoicing in Torah-based Spirit and truth. The Israelites never at any point in time rejoiced outside of Torah. If anything, they always were punished for breaching Torah mostly by plagues or by being sent into exile. Why should Elohim suddenly decide to discard His truth for simply having mercy and grace upon the Gentiles to partake in this truth? It would be absolutely senseless.


V11 Ps 117:1


V12 Is 11:10 Why would the root of Torah-abiding Jesse be glorified, if He were to go against all of the principles that Jesse himself followed? Never. It’s a terrible misunderstanding of scripture that has brought the Christian majority into darkness.


V13-14 Note that true joy and peace come from Elohim through the power of the Holy Spirit, the purpose of these qualities being to increase our hope. In such Holy Spirit filled believers, goodness and sound knowledge for the edification of weaker believers will surely abound. Also note that once the Holy Spirit of Messiah is in us, we have ALL knowledge and goodness at our disposal. We simply need to appropriate these blessings and utilize them according to the will of the Father.


v15-16 The purpose of the Holy Spirit and the Word may be summarized thus:


1. Holy Spirit begins the work of sanctification before we know Messiah.

2. Draws us to Messiah

3. Reveals Messiah

4. Gives us the grace to choose freely

5. To those accepting this free gift, continuous transformation and growth as we study the Word, our mirror

6. Consequently, leading us into the image of Yeshua

7. And ultimately offering us up to the Father as acceptable sacrifices after being fully sanctified by the Holy Spirit.


V17-19 Paul has much to glory in carrying out Elohim’s will, and assures the reader that all his writings are direct instructions from Yeshua Himself, and hence cannot be disputed. Furthermore, his epistle is geared to lead the Gentiles into obedience not only by word but also by deed. The only set of rules in the Bible ever laid out to be obeyed are Torah hence it is foolishness to think Gentiles are to obey something else. If that were the case then I beg the peddler of such a preposterous belief to present us with proof in scripture of any replacement set of rules that Paul has said we are to obey in word and deed! cf Matt 7:24-27.


To place the final nail in the coffin to such perversion of scriptural interpretation regarding Torah observance, Paul declares that through mighty signs and wonders by the power of the Holy Spirit, he has preached from Jerusalem of the Jews, to Illyricum (modern day region of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia) of the Gentile world. Why would the Jews care to listen to him if he were to preach a Torah despising gospel? It is absurd to imagine such cf Acts 25:8.


V20-22 Paul justifies his ministry to evangelize to the Gentiles where Messiah had not been preached before, fulfilling Isa 52:15. Not surprisingly Satan’s kingdom resisted this ministry from flourishing freely.


V23-24 Paul’s Gentile ministry intensely desired to reach all corners of the known world, so as not to miss any souls positively receptive to the gospel. I pray that this teaching may do the same to Yeshua’s glory.


V25-26 Again proof that Paul could not possibly be peddling an anti-Torah gospel and yet still expect to be welcomed in Jerusalem. That would have been suicidal to his purposes and intents.


V27 The very least we can do as saints is to return in kind to the needy, as a means of showing appreciation to Elohim for His ineffable mercy and grace bestowed upon us cf Matt 25:37-40.


V28-29 We should have full confidence in the holy Spirit seeing us through our endeavours to evangelize the gospel, no matter how tough the resistance from Satan’s kingdom.


V30-32 Paul ends of by asking for prayers from the saints to survive the impending persecution he was to encounter from the unbelieving, Yeshua-hating, Jews of Jerusalem. He was literally entering the lion’s den that he once served in his previous Messiah-hating life, and hence knew that his chances of surviving the wrath of the masters he once served were slim, and only intense prayer for Holy Spirit protection could possibly see him through.