A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 16



V1-2 Phoebe/radiant, one of many names of the goddess Diana. She clearly was a Gentile. Servant/diakanos is better translated deacon/attendant. Cenchrea was an Eastern port of Corinth.

Succourer/prostatis is a woman set over others to assist-as deacons should, not to lord over as is presently occurring in the churches. The service should supersede the official title.


V3-5 cf Acts 18:2,18,19- These are the two Jews who took Apollos the eloquent Jew, who was only familiar with John’s baptism, under their wing to bring him up to speed with Torah living in newness of Holy Spirit life cf Acts 18:24-28. They, like Paul, were also tentmakers.


Note the ecclesia/churches met in houses and were resultantly more personal and effective at preaching the gospel effectively, as opposed to theatrical mega churches of today that are stadia for entertainment, which unfortunately lack true spiritual substance.

Note they laid down their necks for Paul’s soul/psuche which qualifies Yeshua’s meaning in Jn 15:13. Most erroneously believe that we must die for others due to mistranslation of the Greek meaning. Rather, it suffices to lay down your neck for another. We are more useful alive here on earth, winning souls for Messiah, than seeking to be martyrs for other human beings. We should only be martyrs for Yeshua, when He is ready to call us home.


V6-7 Fellow Israelites who were converted before Paul are greeted.


V8-16 More Gentile Christians greeted, including Herodian a Jew. Note use of ‘household’ depicting ecclesia meeting in houses to fellowship rather than in grandiose church buildings, usually devoid of the presence of the Holy Spirit-I base this on lack of healings, miracles, casting out of demons and speaking of tongues (real, not imagined or choreographed) in most of these buildings and arenas.


V13 Rufus/red most likely same son of Simon the Cyrenaic who bore Yeshua’s cross cf Mk 15:21 both Africans/Libyans also see Acts 13:1.


V17-18 Quite ironic that this epistle has probably created more false teachers and false doctrines than any other book in scripture. This epistle’s gospel of Torah truth clearly infuriated Satan so much to have brought into the church much confusion by twisting of Paul’s writings.


V19-20 We must indeed major on being good and avoid evil at all costs, to guarantee Elohim defeating Satan on our behalf.


V21-24 Those in Paul’s company also sent out their greetings. Note Tertius penned Paul’s words. Cf Acts 19:22 and 2 Tim 4:20.


V25 cf Eph 3:20


V26 cf 1 Pet 1:10-12


V27 cf 11:33