A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 1



V1 Paul was indeed called by Yeshua to be an apostolos/delegate of the gospel cf Acts 9:15-16. Yeshua’s actions and decisions are all in accordance with His Father, Elohim’s will cf Jn 4:34; 5:30; 6:38. Sosthenes, Greek for ‘saviour of his nation’, was a chief ruler of a synagogue in Corinth who was beaten before the judgement seat in Corinth under Gallio Greek ‘one who lives on milk’ cf Acts 18:9-17. The irony of the meaning of their names is startling as Yeshua is one who indeed is the Saviour of His nation, the congregation of Israel, which is comprised of Jewish and Gentile saints. The Corinthian church additionally was one living on milk, as we shall see in this epistle, and were desperately in need of growth spiritually.


Sosthenes is referred to as an adelphos/brother of same mother and father, or countryman, an appellation of which Paul almost exclusively reserved for Jewish Messianic Christians. Notwithstanding, it would have been unusual for a Gentile to have been a chief ruler of a synagogue. It would hence make sense to presume that Sosthenes was a Jew in the diaspora, overseeing a synagogue in Corinth as a chief ruler, who clearly accepted Yeshua as his Messiah.


V2 The ecclesia being the body of Yeshua, is rightly so that of Elohim. The body of Messiah are referred to as saints/hagios, as they are sanctified/hagiazo i.e. made most holy, by the very fact that they are bathed in the Spirit of Yeshua. This consecration to Elohim is offered by Yeshua to all who are called/kleito-better rendered invited, as to a banquet-by Him, but few call upon/epikaleomai the name of Yeshua in response to this invitation cf Joel 2:32, Rom 8:28. Only those who love Elohim by choice/freewill, the love being exhibited by obeying Torah are called cf 1 Jn 1:7; 2:6; 3:4,24.


The called are justified and ultimately predestined to be conformed to the image of Yeshua. In order for one to be delivered from the grip of Satan, the first step towards converting to Christianity, is to call upon that name of Yehovah in whom the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are one. By saying Messiah is both ‘theirs’ (the ecclesia in Corinth i.e. Gentiles) and ‘ours’ (the Jewish ecclesia), Paul is expressing that both classes comprise that one body of Messiah, and hence are not separate, but are one in the congregation of Israel.


V3 cf Rom 1:7; 1 Pet 1:2; Eph 1:2. The grace of Elohim always precedes peace. We live in fear and uncertainty outside the confines of Elohim’s protection and love. On committing to Him by answering Yeshua’s invitation, we are undeservingly afforded the grace of Elohim through His Son Yeshua Heb 4:16. Through grace do we obtain the mercy of Elohim for our innumerable sins, of which we are deserving of hellfire. This ineffable mercy given to us brings peace into our hearts. Also, cf Num 6:25-26. The peace is not merely attained to no longer fear Satan’s grip over us, but more-so to know that we shall not be subject to the more fearful wrath of Elohim upon the unrepentant souls. Paul as observed in his epistles, refers to Yehovah the Father as Elohim, distinguishing Him from Yeshua the Messiah. The triune Yehovah is distinctly comprised of three individual entities who are one in that omnipotent name.


V4 This grace from Elohim the Father is given to us by His Son Yeshua and cannot be bestowed unto mankind by any other. This grace is our only means of mercy being given us to save us from eternal damnation, hence why Yeshua quite rightly states that He is the only way, the truth and the life Jn 14:6; Ex 23:20.


V5 Ploutizo Greek for ‘enriched’ is only also used in 2 Cor 6:10; 9:11. When taken into context it is undeniably referring to spiritual enrichment not physical, as avaricious, prosperity gospel fraudsters would leap to conclude. Yeshua enriches us by the grace of Elohim the Father (v4), spiritually in ALL things, not just partially. We must never allow the lie of Satan to cloud this truth. We have access to the full gifts of the Spirit of Yeshua, and must at every opportunity tap into this reality in faith, which is one of the gifts of the Spirit of our Saviour cf 1 Cor 12:7-11. We are enriched in all logos/word and gnosis/knowledge when the WORD/Yeshua resides in us by His Holy Spirit.


V6 The witness of Messiah is the gospel, which is established in all believers.


V7-8 The Corinthians, although spiritually immature as we shall soon discover in 3:1, came behind in no gifts, compared to the other ecclesiae. This proves that having spiritual gifts does not necessarily mean that one is spiritual in their walk in Messiah. Paul unequivocally identified the Corinthians with carnality, of which we know is diabolical in nature cf Rom 8:1-8. This would explain Matt 7:21-23. We must not be fooled by wonders and signs by ministers who blatantly live worldly lives. Unfortunately, this is rife in megachurches of today, whereby bed-hopping, drunkenly, avaricious, law breaking pastors and preachers, still hoodwink the laity by their gifts of the Spirit, and live in the fast lane of worldly fame and riches.


Despite their carnality, the Corinthians awaited the second advent of Yeshua even in the first century, in full knowledge of His need to return for us to be given incorruptible bodies at the rapture, in order to be found blameless in the day of Yeshua cf 1 Thes 4:16-17; 1 Cor 15:51-53. The grace of Elohim mentioned in v 4 shall bebaioo/confirm, establish us till the end of our Christian walk. This 'day' where we are to aspire to be found blameless would be no other than the Day of Yehovah prophesied throughout scripture, whereby He shall return in the form of the Son Yeshua to initially gather the blameless (the dead raptured first, followed by the living) cf Phil 1:6; Col 3:4; 1 Thes 3:13. After this He is to punish the wicked and judge the world for their iniquity cf Joel 2:31; Isa 24:21-22; 13:9-10; Jer 46:10; Rev 6:15-17. There are over 80 verses in scripture describing this day of Yehovah. It is clear from these verses that ‘the day’ refers to a period of time greater than 24 hours.


Anenkletos is Greek for the word translated ‘blameless’ and is better rendered ‘unaccused’. The devil is an accuser and does so day and night Rev 12:10. He accuses us of sin. Sin is defined as transgression of Torah in 1 Jn 3:4. Hence for us to be found blameless/unaccused in the day of Yeshua can only mean to be found observing His Torah in its entirety, in order for Satan’s accusations to be deemed futile. This is only achievable by the Spirit of Yeshua residing within our hearts and mind as we are unable to do so of our own volition cf Rom 7:22-23; 8:1-2.


V9 Elohim is indeed faithful to establish Yeshua’s Spirit in us who respond to the calling, our fellowship with Messiah’s Spirit giving us access to sound leading unto the strait and narrow path that leads to salvation cf Phil 1:6; 1 Jn 1:3.


V10 If a congregation is to operate to its full capacity, it is incumbent upon its members to be in unison Spiritually and having the same nous/mind which is the higher powers of the soul, the faculty of perceiving divine things, of recognising goodness and of hating evil as Strong’s concordance beautifully defines. The congregation additionally must be united in gnome/mind concerning what ought to be done, translated judgement in KJV. Satan has clearly made massive in-roads in dividing the ecclesia into innumerable denominations, disagreeing on a myriad of doctrines, the greater part of which are man-made from interpretation of scripture, where it should be taken literally instead.


V11-16 The adelphos/brethren of v11 would be fellow Jewish and Gentile saints grafted into the congregation of Israel, Christians who were apparently exposed by the house of Chloe, of their sects within the ecclesia based on preference of leadership, foolishly venerating men of faith over the originator of the faith itself, Yeshua the Messiah. The main sects were split into the following classes:


1. Paul-chosen to preach to the Gentiles-Rom 11:13

2. Apollos-a learned Jew from Alexandria and mighty in the scriptures who
    became a Christian and a teacher of Christianity Acts 18:24-28

3. Cephas/Kefa-Simon Peter chosen to preach to the Jews Jn 1:42; Gal 2:7-8

4. Messiah-Although rightfully venerating Yeshua, they were using His name as a faction perpetuating the schism within the congregation, which proved counterproductive.


Crispus was the ruler of the Jewish synagogue in Corinth, baptised by Paul Acts 18:8. It is unclear which Gaius Paul refers to, as there are several mentioned in the epistles cf Acts 19:29; 20:4; Rom 16:23; 3 Jn 1:1. Stephanas would have been a Christian convert from Corinth.


V17 It is interesting to note that Paul’s vocation was so magnified, almost to that of Yeshua’s, that preaching the cross was found more important than majoring on baptizing cf Jn 4:2. We are all as members of the body of Messiah, assigned various roles, of which baptizing is of paramountcy, as the great commission enunciates cf Matt  28:19, however this was not Paul’s major calling. Besides, Paul did not want to give anybody reason to feel they were to venerate him or feel part of his sect through being baptized by him, as the Corinthians were foolishly doing with other apostles of Yeshua.


Paul although a highly learned individual in worldly academia, expressed the futility of such wisdom when related to the cross. The Greeks found worldly wisdom and fine speech intoxicating, and used it as a barometer for respect of persons. Paul took it upon himself to dissociate his preaching from such vanity. If anything, Paul, contrary to contemporary belief, was possibly a poor orator and expressed himself better in written form cf 2 Cor 10:10; 11:6.


V18 logos/word is strangely translated preaching in KJV. The logos/word of the stauros/stake, cross is to them that are apollumi/destroyed, of perdition moria/absurdity. It is quite frustrating trying to preach to proud people who think they know it all, through worldly wisdom. Many doctors, scientists, philosophers, lawyers and men of worldly distinction, fame and praise find it impossible to accept the simplicity of preaching of the cross, and to their eternal detriment rubbish it as fantasy and an opium for the masses. If only they could but humble themselves to experience the very real power and glory of Elohim of true healing, miracles and true understanding and knowledge of things unseen.


V19 Isa 29:14 is quoted and when read in context from v12-16, it is seen that worldly wisdom invariably turns truth upside down, and wrong is seen as right, and right as wrong. Hence why Yehovah shall destroy this rot. Today worldly wisdom is structured on Marxism, Darwinism, New Ageism, ecumenicalism, feminism, homosexuality, transgenderism, dark sciences which are but a few of the practices enshrined in veiled and at times overt satanism. We are hurtling back to the days of Noah as prophesied by Yeshua where transhumanism and evil persistently on the minds of men was the order of the day. This will mark the epilogue of the last days cf Matt 24:37; Gen 6:4-5.


V20 Isa 33:18. Despite man’s so-called discoveries in the arts and sciences of the kosmos/world, it is but foolishness when alienated from the true source of Wisdom, Yeshua Pro ch 8. The great scientists and artists of old who brought about great inventions and postulations since Yeshua’s ascension, were truly men who sought Elohim’s heart. Currently, dark arts and sciences in the form of nuclear weaponry, Hollywood, medical meddling with genetics leading to genetic modifications and hybridizations to mention but a few, are all the workings of satanically minded men, whose contributions have brought about much confusion, physical, spiritual and moral death into the kosmos.


V21 Despite this worldly decay, the apparent foolishness of kerugma/proclamation, preaching still reaches those souls who seek salvation, who are poor in spirit and believe in Yeshua. It is significant that this was Yeshua’s first beatitude Matt 5:3, and also in Ps 51:10 David requested a right spirit. The spirit NOT the soul can communicate and commune with deity; if the mind could reach deity, all philosophers would unfairly have the wisdom of Elohim, and the uneducated lack it.


V22 This was the order of the day cf Mk 8:11-12; Jn 2:18; Acts 17:18-21.


V23 The Jews, despite having the Tanakh, at their disposal, of which they thoroughly studied from a world view, were blind to the prophecies of Messiah’s first advent as the suffering servant-Ben Yosef. They were awaiting a one-time advent of Messiah as the warrior king of the Davidic lineage, Ben David, coming in glory to save Israel. It was truly a scandalon/snare, stumbling block to their sensibilities, to accept a Messiah born into poverty, in a manger, brought up by a stepfather, living in the mountains, associating Himself with prostitutes, tax collectors, fishermen and the dregs of society, dying on the cross for the salvation of mankind. This they could not digest. To the Greeks such a story was found to be fanciful and could not be taken seriously, considering the pomp and fame of their gods and demigods such as Zeus, Hercules and Diana.


V24 Believers in both camps, Jew and Greek, which were generalised terms for Hebrews and Gentiles, who believed in Yeshua as the Messiah, were subject to the power and wisdom which characterised and embodied Yeshua. Yeshua is indeed wisdom as illustrated in Pro ch 8; 1:22-33, Lk 11:49; Matt 23:34.


V25 Even the most uneducated man with normal functional faculties is cleverer than the wisest donkey and the weakest man stronger than the strongest ant. Hence if possible, the foolishness and weakness of Elohim (which surely do not exist) would far exceed the strength and wisdom of the greatest of men. The point made here being the futility in glorying in mankind’s strength or wisdom. King Solomon, the wisest of all that ever lived outside of Messiah, scribed the vanity of such comfort in the whole book of Ecclesiastes.


V26-29 For this reason Yehovah invariably throughout the course of humanity’s existence, has used the poor, the weak, the uneducated, in essence the underdogs, to out manoeuvre and expose the foolishness of dependency upon mankind’s wisdom and power, or lack thereof. Paul carefully says not many wise and not many noble, to dispel any misunderstanding that it is a curse to be wise or strong, as there are few examples of wise and powerful men in history who have been used for the furtherance of Elohim’s will, purpose and counsels. No matter how well any of us succeed in life we must never boast in Elohim’s presence, but should give all glory to Him, no matter how mundane a success it may be.


V30-31 Yeshua does not give sanctification to anyone. He IS our sanctification. When His sanctification overflows our lives, we are truly sanctified in Him! Once we allow Yeshua into our hearts, He becomes our sanctification, wisdom, righteousness and redemption and much more e.g. our healing, joy, peace and all fruits of the Spirit. Hence why it is futile to seek righteousness through our own works. We may try to observe Torah as the Messiah rejecting Jews did, and still do but never succeed. We may seek healing from shamans, and even worldly medicine but find it to be temporary e.g. cancer being treated but never healed.


We may seek temporal peace in prescription drugs e.g. antidepressants or in alcohol. We may seek joy in cars, houses and money yet find it short-lasting. But until we decide to be in Messiah and Messiah to engulf our every thought and action, can we not find permanently lasting righteousness, redemption, sanctification, wisdom, and the rest of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit of Him in us. Once one accepts this sober reality may one understand Jer 9:23-24’s to give all praise and glory to and in YHVH.