A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 2



V1-2 Again Paul reiterates that he had no intention to use Greek based sophistry to katagello/proclaim, declare the gospel, but endeavoured to seek souls believing in the redemptive work of the cross that leads to salvation. The testimony of Elohim is unquestionably defined in Joshua 24:26-27 as the Torah in its entirety. Paul was not seeking fame and applause, as the Greek noblemen of the day craved. His mission was to win souls for his master Messiah, without the spotlight being shone upon him, the slave of Messiah.


V3-4 Despite modern day preaching filled with pomp, magnanimous words and over confidence, Paul, aware of the danger, trials and tribulation related to the Christian walk, preached with much fear and trembling. The Christian walk is not to be taken lightly, being a commitment that places one in danger of greater damnation than non-believers if the participant were to backtrack on their promises to their new Master, Yehovah Elohim cf 2 Cor 4:8-12; 7:5. Also Josh 24:14,15,19,20. Oratory eloquence was superfluous to Paul’s ministry, as he depended more on demonstration of gospel truth through Holy Spirit supernatural power, for the conviction of souls unto Messiah.


V5 By demonstrating the power of the cross and Messiah crucified, Paul’s goal was to win souls for Yeshua by such pure means, rather than using persuasive speech mixed with deceit.


V6 Paul, however reserved divine wisdom for those who were teleios/complete, mature and in essence doers of the word, who were growing daily in spirit and in truth. A very important understanding is to be drawn upon here. Signs and wonders are generally for the immature Christians and non-believers, as a means of demonstration of the power of Messiah, in order for conviction of their souls. To feed such a group on the deeper truths of scripture as an entry point of belief, would only lead to confusion and possibly lose them altogether.


Once a believer is entrenched in the gospel, then should their elders move them onto weightier aspects of the gospel that lead to spiritual growth. Unfortunately, many mega churches continue to focus on the theatrics of signs and wonders, which really should be reserved for outsiders in the streets and prisons. An ecclesia with a body of Messiah meeting regularly should rather be focusing on disseminating the wisdom of Elohim for further growth instead, as they no longer need convincing through signs and wonders that Yeshua is Lord. He establishes that the wisdom referred to is not worldly nor of the archon/princes of this world i.e. the evil angelic rulers of this world under Satan’s rule cf Dan 10:13,20. Their wisdom though greater than that of men still falls short of that compete wisdom of Elohim, reserved for the saints.


v7 -8 The wisdom of Elohim as demonstrated earlier is Yeshua personified. The mystery surrounding the death, burial and resurrection for the redemption of mankind unto salvation confounded even the satanic realm, for they never would have orchestrated His death nor rejoiced about it, had they known of the far-reaching positivity that was to emanate from that pitiful, yet glorious event for mankind cf Eph 3:2-12. Yeshua being the King of glory, is evidence amongst a myriad of Bible verses proving His deity and unity in YHVH. 


V9-10 cf Isa 64:4. Only after Messiah’s resurrection and indwelling of the Holy Spirit in men after that day of Pentecost of Acts 2:1-4, was this mystery revealed to those called of Elohim. Despite this progressive knowledge, we still as spiritual believers have not remotely experienced the greater and more glorious things that await us in heaven. The love of Elohim is infinite, and by being so means that perfection in understanding and experience will continuously increase with each moment in heaven and never end. It may be impossible to comprehend this concept, but shall be made clearer to us one day when we eventually meet Yeshua in renewed bodies cf 1 Cor 13:12.


It is interesting to note that it is in the heart NOT the mind where these mysteries are revealed. The mind is NOT the brain. The brain is a physical organ where the thoughts of the mind filter into, to cause the individual to subsequently operate in a specific way. The heart on the other hand is more than just an organ as within it resides the thoughts and imaginations of man, which determine the functional role of the brain in creating positive or negative proteins from the DNA strands in the cell that are activated by the neural pathways responding to chemical signals initiated by our thoughts! Hence why our hearts are absolutely in need of a right Spirit residing within it if the whole mind, body and soul are to operate in tandem with the Holy Spirit cf Gen 6:5; 8:21; Pro 6:18; Eccl 9:3; Jer 4:14;17:9; Matt 15:19.


V11 It is essential to note that the spirit of man is not the same as the Spirit of Elohim, although the spirit of man belongs to Elohim and returns to Him at death Eccl 12:7. Only the spirit of man knows what is in himself and not in another man. However, the Spirit of Elohim knows what is in all men, being able to divide soul and spirit to know the thoughts and intents of the heart Heb 4:12. Even Satan and his angels cannot discern the thoughts of man, but can influence these thoughts through temptation via man’s flesh and soul i.e. they cannot act on our spirits. Therefore, one can sell their soul to the devil, but not their spirit. The spirit is holy and belongs to Elohim, and if the spirit has dominion over the soul and body as Adam had before the fall, then can one lead a perfect life. This is now achievable for mankind since Pentecost due to Messiah’s victory at calvary hallelujah!


V12-13 Because of this victory at calvary, as promised by Yeshua in Jn 14:15-18, He gives His Spirit the parakletos/comforter, advocate, succourer to those that abide in Him through faith and keeping of His commandments, the Torah. Charizomai translated ‘freely given to us’ is better rendered ‘given by grace’. The Spirit of Elohim is given in fullness so that our knowledge and speech, in our new birth is filled with wisdom of Elohim and not that of the world nor of Satan’s kingdom, which is inferior.


This explains why witchcraft cannot work against a believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit, as the false power of Satan is way inferior to the true power of the Spirit of Yeshua, who defeated him at calvary and was given ALL power by Elohim the Father cf Matt 28:18-19. Wisdom of the world cannot comprehend the spiritual world, hence a Holy Spirit filled believer becomes somewhat of an enigma to non-believers, as evident in their lack of understanding of spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, and healing of the sick.


V14 psuchikos/sensuous nature subject to appetite and passion is translated natural in KJV. Ps 92:6 better translates this to brutish or foolish. This is the nature of animals. A man devoid of the Spirit of Elohim lives a bestial life and like a dog returning to its vomit, finds himself returning wilfully and gleefully to the same sin. His soul is irrational. Discernment that is spiritual precludes the believer from this inexplicable bondage to sin.


V15 The pneumatikos/spiritual man has a rational soul which anakrino/examines, investigates, scrutinises ALL things, yet is scrutinised/judged of no man but only by Elohim. By examining all things from a rational mindset, a spiritual man is able to make holy decisions, and not be tempted whatsoever into making sinful decisions as a sensuous/natural man. The thoughts of the heart being governed by the Spirit of Yeshua will ALWAYS make the right decision from good intentions, unlike the natural man whose heart is subject to demonic manipulation.


V16 cf Isa 40:13 The nous of Elohim is the reasoning of Elohim. The natural man has no chance of understanding Elohim’s ways, yet they want to instruct Him by defiling His creation e.g. genetic manipulation, and immorality on grand scales such as transgenderism, bestiality and homosexuality. They dabble with witchcraft, yet refuse to accept true spiritual power. The Holy Spirit filled Christian on the other hand has Messiah residing in him, and thus has a mind governed by Messiah, which has perfect discernment.