A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 4



V1-2 Chapter 3 in summary encouraged the Corinthian ecclesia to embrace all genuine preachers sent to them through Messiah, and not to favour one over another based on their capacity to impress them in whatever aspect of their preaching may have tickled their fancy. It is to be expected for one preacher to surpass another in knowledge, or to be more articulate, or more presentable in appearance. This however should not be reason to prefer one over another as this foments disunity, and has been the reason for creation of over 40 000 denominations worldwide. What matters is the heart of that minister, which if not faithful in character and teaching to Elohim, and if he seemeth wise in this world in self-deception, must then be turned away from.


In these first 2 verses of chapter 4, Paul implores the ecclesia to reckon himself and the apostles as huperetes/servants, slaves following Master’s commands of Messiah and as oikonomos/servants who are superintendents or managers of Elohim’s household especially concerning the mysteries of the gospel revealed to them. Anybody who claims to hold such an office must be found faithful. Many a pastor have fallen short of such a requirement, being found to live double lives contrary to the requisites of 1 Tim 3:1-7.


V3-4 Paul had conducted himself in the manner expected of Elohim, and was not perturbed by the false judgement of man but rather awaited the true judgement of Elohim cf Acts 16:19-21;18:12-13; 21:27-28. His main focus in life was to do Elohim’s will irrespective of man’s estimation of him. Preaching must never turn into a popularity contest, as we are but faulty vessels through which Elohim works through, by His Holy Spirit for His counsels.


V5 It is not our duty as Christians to judge other saints, especially those working as ministers and stewards as is the context here, since this is not our vocation. As marked out in 2:11, regardless of our suspicions, no man can know the spirit of another. Only the Holy Spirit does, and is thus by Yeshua haMashiach the true judge, responsible for revealing the intents of the hearts of men at His second advent Jn 5:22; Acts 17:31. At the bema seat judgement, once these counsels and hidden things of the heart are revealed to all, then shall all men who receive their prizes no matter how great or small, receive some measure of praise regardless.


It is essential to note that this praise is not in reference to non-believers and those who are of the world, as they shall have a separate judgement at the great white throne judgement, devoid of praise but condemnation unto eternal damnation cf Rev 20:11-15. Note also further proof that this exhortation not to judge is restricted to the saints, as Paul in the same epistle clearly judges the actions of apostates even wishing their carnality to be given up to Satan cf 5:3-5.


V6 Paul then associates himself and Apollos as those referenced in 4:1, pleading to not be judged, scrutinized nor pitted against each other for the sake of partisanism in the ecclesia, as this would be contrary to scripture. The scripture available to them in that era would have been none other than the Tanakh/Old Testament, which exalts none other than YHVH Elohim and not men. Hence to phusioo/inflate, puff up one leader over another was strongly rebuked by Paul.


V7 Besides, if all truth, knowledge, wisdom and other gifts of the Holy Spirit come from none other, why then as the recipient, foolishly behave as if you have special innate gifts of your own?


V8 Paul uses sarcasm to denigrate the Corinthians smug, high-minded behaviour. The Corinthian ecclesia’s behaviour is very much alive in churches around the world today. Riches and excess and self-worship are the order of the day, being foolishly perceived as evidences of Elohim’s blessings. 


V9 True apostles are to be expectant of a ministry bereft of glamour and pomp. Satan and his minions loathe true saints in this world that they currently have dominion over, and will not hesitate to bring great misery within the confines of heavenly jurisdiction upon the ministers and stewards of Elohim. Every Apostle excluding John the revelator, died by crucifixion or beheading according to Foxe’s book of martyrs and this has continued throughout the ages. Do not be fooled by the sweet lies of wealth and prosperity in this evil world preached by many a flimflammer that has hijacked the pulpit. There is a vicious war against the saints and we are to embrace death as a possible outcome for being a true follower of Messiah.


V10 Paul again uses derisive sarcasm against those deluded about their standing in the Christian walk. It is no stroll in the park and we must never become haughty and lulled into a false sense of security, but rather be circumspect of the journey cf Eph 5:15-17. Lack of strife perpetrated by the kingdom of darkness in one’s walk, should be worrying and awaken us to seek YHVH fervently. Christians of today seek honour and lack humility, that shown usually being pretentious and lacking depth. Paul rejoiced in his sufferings, as he knew this was undeniable proof of Satan’s hatred for his ministry, which was pillaging his demonic armies cf Rom 5:3-5; 2 Cor 12:9-10.


V11-13 Paul suffered greatly, his nutrition deprived, his body stripped naked and punched frequently, lacking a home to call his own Acts 13:50; 14:19; 16:22-24. Despite this, as a tentmaker he laboured where he could Acts 18:1-3. Paul fully comprehended the concept of loving your enemies, enduring their persecution for the gospel’s sake. Where reproached he blessed cf Lk 6:28. When reviled he still exhorted good, preaching gospel truth in the midst of unbearable antagonism, from both Jew and Gentile.


He was considered perikatharma/refuse, filth and peripsema/scraping, which in our modern vernacular would be termed scum of the earth. It is rare to find a Christian today considered this way, and certainly no televangelist seems to be living in such a state of abuse, yet Paul exemplified the true spiritual walk and puts modern Christendom to shame. The world can truly only describe such as fools for Messiah.


v14 -16 Paul, ever full of love, did not want to humiliate the Corinthian ecclesia, but rather intended to wake them up from their deep stupor of false security, to be awakened to the true reality of the very narrow path which few find that leads to eternal life Matt 7:13-14. So many instructors/paidagagos have plagued the churches of today with a watered-down Christianity that is leading many to the broad path of destruction.


 I pray that these commentaries may awaken you, dear listener/reader to the very sobering reality of the wrath of Elohim and possible eternal damnation that awaits those who fail to persevere to the end, and prefer to join the hordes of deluded souls pandering to false teachers. Let us be followers of, and behave as those who are bearing fruit and living like Yeshua did. Paul was an exemplary spiritual father for the sons in Messiah to follow. Father and son are metaphors in Hebrew culture for teacher and disciple.


V17 Timothy was Paul’s protege, 2 epistles having been canonized for him, laying out how one should lead a true Christian walk in the various departments of responsibility in the body of Messiah cf Acts 19:22. Timothy was to remind the ecclesia of Paul’s deeds and not only his teachings. Ministers of Messiah must walk the walk and not only talk it, if their congregations are to profit personally.


V18-20 Furthermore Paul was to visit the Corinthian ecclesia to search the deeds of those haughty and high-minded members, to establish if they were lining up with scripture, which demands a walk filled with the workings of the Holy Spirit, and not hot air alone.


V21 Paul having given his admonition, then asked if the Corinthians would be receptive of it, in which case he would appear to them in love and meekness; or if they would remain stubborn and stuck in their arrogant ways, wherein he would have to discipline them figuratively with a rod. Ministers and stewards of Elohim must not fear berating their followers who fall out of line, as a loving father would a son, for the saving of his soul.