A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 3



V1 Paul identifies this ecclesia as immature despite the fact that they exhibit gifts of the Holy Spirit cf 1:7. Being a Christian does not guarantee that one is spiritual/pneumatikos. If anything, this congregation was sarkikos/fleshly, carnal, under the control of animal appetites. They were as nepios/infants in Messiah, meaning they were unskilled in their walk. They were hearers but not doers of the word cf Heb 5:13-14. This is a very labile area to remain in as one is susceptible of slipping back into an outright psuchikos/sensuous, brutish, worldly state of non-believers.  In essence we gather from this chapter that a Christian is either: 


a. sarkikos/carnal, brutish in nature and hence has a soul lacking Holy Spirit leading, culminating in a cycle of poor judgement and bad decision making and recurrent sinful deeds.

b. pneumatikos/spiritual in nature and hence has a rational soul governed by the Spirit of Messiah and capable of discernment and scrutiny that leads to good decision making, and good deeds.


V2 Being fed on milk means being taught the basics of scripture repetitively in order to understand right from wrong cf Heb 5:12. This involves being taught Torah as one would a child. One who does not have basic Torah understanding cannot really understand the deeper mysteries of Messiah, which would necessitate walking the walk i.e. bearing fruit through bringing lost souls into the kingdom of Elohim through proclaiming the word and use of signs and wonders, whilst living a holy life too, free from sin.


V3 It is quite clear that a Christian man who is carnal is almost identical to a non-believing sensuous man. Believing in Yeshua is the entry point for the path that leads to salvation. It does not guarantee salvation. Believing in Yeshua, yet refusing to follow his commandments as expressed through fleshly behaviour as listed here by Paul-envyings, strifes, divisions-probably would place that Christian’s destiny in greater jeopardy than the non-believer. By this I mean a non-believer is expected to be brutish by nature and is destined for eternal punishment.


However, if one is to believe in Yeshua, and not commit to Him after having been forgiven of their sins by that precious blood that was shed for him, this would clearly be an insult to Messiah’s sufferings for him, and to Elohim the Father who sacrificed His only begotten Son for us cf Heb 6:4-6. Hence why Paul lived his life with fear and trembling, as he understood what great a task he had undertaken by choosing Yeshua as his master to follow cf Phil 2:12; 1 Pet 1:17; Gal 5:16.


V4-7 Again Paul berated them for venerating the slaves/bondservants of Messiah instead of focusing on Messiah himself. Denominations within the churches of today are no different from these strifes, envyings and divisions that beleaguered the Corinthian ecclesia. To identify oneself as Roman Catholic, Anglican, Pentecostal, Messianic, Lutheran etc is exactly the same as identifying oneself as of Apollos, Paul, Peter too. Within each denomination will be present genuine saints provided for every man v5. No man is perfect regardless of where one searches truth, and Elohim will use genuine committed saints within each denomination to proclaim the gospel within the confines of their faith cf Rom 12:3.


Elohim searches the heart, and yes, it is true some denominations are terribly off the wall and greatly divergent from the truth of the gospel, but ultimately NO denomination has proven to have the complete truth either. We must not forget that Yeshua dealt with synagogue attending Hebrews, whose hearts may have been seeking truth, yet were fed pharisaic, Talmudic lies every Sabbath that were at great variance with Torah. This did not stop even Yeshua Himself attending every Sabbath.


However, no matter what situation He found Himself in, He focused on doing and preaching the will of the Father. We also should not be perturbed by what congregation we find ourselves in provided we make a concerted effort to proclaim gospel truth, in order to win true disciples for Messiah. Elohim will then give the increase to whomever we may draw closer to Him cf Col 1:18. 


V8 Each member of the body of Messiah shall individually reap what he sows. Note that Paul stresses that the reward is according to his own kopos/labour united with trouble and toil. How many souls are brought into the kingdom i.e. the fruit of one’s labour, appears less relevant than the actual effort made by that Christian to bring them in. So, for instance Noah spent 120 years preaching to the reprobate society he lived in yet only he, his wife, 3 sons and their wives i.e. 8 people were converts.


On the other hand, Jonah spent possibly a few days in Nineveh half-heartedly preaching repentance to the wicked nation, yet the whole nation was saved from the wrath of Elohim after responding to the message and repenting. This would in no wise guarantee greater reward for Jonah than Noah, who toiled in preaching the gospel for probably longer than Jonah lived! Regardless, bearing more fruit by bringing more into the kingdom through one’s labour is always a bonus no doubt. Cf Lk 6:38; Mk 9:41-42; Gal 6:8.


V9 Being co-workers with Elohim, demonstrates what an honour such an omnipotent, omniscient power would bestow on us to consider us part of His team. Every member of the body of Messiah is special and has a purpose being the cultivated land and building through which Elohim operates to do His will.


V10-11 Elohim does not need us to help Him, yet by His grace we are considered co-workers, Paul even being deemed a wise architekton/architect laying down the foundation of Messiah and Him crucified, upon which his converts were to wisely build upon cf Rom 15:20. No other foundation but Yeshua and Him crucified was and to this day is to be laid down in the ecclesia.


V12-13 Allegory of the quality of one’s laying on the foundation of Yeshua during their Christian walk is given here, to illustrate how on that day of judgement of the saints, known as the bema seat judgement, the quality of one’s life shall be tried by Holy Spirit fire to determine one’s reward cf 2 Cor 5:10; 2 Tim 4:8; Rev 22:12. The materials allegorized were ordered in descending scale of value, durability and combustion denoting varying degrees of sincerity, commitment and endurance in one’s spiritual walk towards salvation. By Elohim’s justice, we shall receive differing degrees of reward in heaven as saints based on merit, just as much as the degenerate shall receive different degrees of punishment in hell based on degree of wickedness.


V14-15 Clearly good works shall survive the test of Holy Spirit scrutiny. However, half-hearted deeds shall fail, although not necessarily leading to loss of salvation, but rather to smaller rewards in heaven. The greater labourers in their walk shall have more amazing mansions and responsibilities/ranking in heaven than the lesser. The rewards shall undoubtedly be distributed equitably cf Matt 25:21-23; 2 Jn 1:8


V16-17 The Holy Spirit specifically dwells in the body of the redeemed only, not in those who are worldly cf 1 Cor 6:19 and Jn 14:17. It is interesting to note that Paul identifies the body, not the soul nor our spirit as the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. The heart is that part of the body where the Holy Spirit dwells as is confirmed in Ezekiel 36:26-27; 2 Cor 1:22. This makes complete sense because it is in the heart where our thoughts dwell. Our thoughts are the top of the chain of command which determines our emotions and judgement.


If our thoughts are hence those of the Spirit of Yeshua, as opposed to the spirit of the world, then may our mind which is at the top of the chain of command of the soul, be able to be renewed to allow positive brain function, attitude, judgement, health and communion with Elohim.  Should a Christian then wilfully choose to ptheiro/defile, destroy the heart wherein the Spirit of Messiah resides, Elohim will surely ptheiro/destroy him too, for a redeemed Christian, born-again of the Holy Spirit is made holy and hence why is called an hagios/holy one, saint.


I cannot stress what a massive responsibility it is to commit oneself to Yeshua, by accepting Him as one’s Master and Saviour. If Satanists worship Satan (who has been stripped of his power by Yeshua) with fear and trembling, how much greater are we then supposed to fear YHVH Elohim, the source of all power and dominion. We need to wake up from our stupor and realize that YHVH Elohim is a fearful Elohim, whose wrath upon the unholy is to be feared more than hell itself.


V18-19 Worldly wisdom has deceived mankind for millennia. The ways and wisdom of the world are associated with the kingdom of Satan as they are contrary to that of the kingdom of Elohim Jn 8:23; 15:18-21; 17:14,16; 1 Jn 4:5-6; 5:19-20. V19 quotes Job 5:13. We need to become fools in Messiah if we are to attain true wisdom. This foolishness in the message of Messiah crucified is how the world perceives those who are believers.


V20 quotes Ps 94:11. Worldly wisdom is profitless when related to eternal salvation. Worldly wisdom which in our current epoch is referred to as enlightenment, is hellbent on disproving the existence of Elohim, and thrives on baseless senseless theories such as of evolution, the big bang theory etc, of which have all died a painful death as science itself contradicts itself by proving each and every unholy theory wrong.


V21-22 We are to only glory in Messiah the way, the truth and the life.  Paul concludes his point regarding preference of preachers/apostles cf v5. We must not idolize preachers in preference of others who are genuinely saints of Elohim, but must embrace all as they have all been brought into our lives by Elohim, for the greater purpose of increasing our spiritual growth cf 7. Past holy preachers, the present and future are all ours for our edification and must not be categorized, neglected nor rejected as they are all ours, sent for the greater good. The world is ours to reign over with Messiah in His millennial reign, eternal life is promised us too. Death is ours but for a means of graduating into eternal life. Things present and future are ours to rejoice in, provided we live in Messiah cf Rom 8:38-39


V23 Collectively then all saints are Messiah’s, by virtue of them being members of His body. Messiah Himself is Elohim’s by virtue of Him being a member of the triune YHVH Elohim.