A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 11



V1 followers is a misleading translation, as it gives the impression of a cult leader seeking followers for his own beliefs. Rather mimetes is better translated imitators. Paul by imitating Messiah, was living a Holy Spirit led, complete Christian life. Hence his request to the saints in Corinth and for us to imitate such holy conduct.


V2 Paul applauded the ecclesia for being mindful of him and for keeping the paradosis/precepts that he had delivered unto them. The preceding chapters bear record of some of the ordinances referred to, which were broadly divinely inspired revelation from Yeshua Himself.


V3 Paul continues to dispense more divinely inspired ordinances, in this case regarding the hierarchy of mankind. Yeshua who is YHVH the Son submits to YHVH the Father, to whom Paul refers to in his epistles as Elohim. Man submits to Yeshua, and woman submits to man. This is the divine order of authority, which is irrevocable. Feminism has taken over most societies and corrupted that which was ordained by our creator. Such societies have subsequently been bedevilled by anti-biblical laws such as promotion of homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, transgenderism, and all manner of demonic behaviour which with time is worsening, with some nations campaigning for bestiality and paedophilia rights.


Once the divine order is desecrated, Satan and his minions, being given an inch of a portal of evil, take the whole mile and run with it. cf Eph 5:22-23; Col 3:18. It is clear that this hierarchy is in reference to men married to women, as much as the ecclesia is married to Messiah. It does not mean any random woman must be submissive to any random man of no relation. In society, some men are labourers and some women are managers. This does not mean the manageress must submit herself to her subordinate male employees.


 Also, to note in Ephesians and Colossians is the use of the word hupotasso which is Greek for submit, be subject to. This does not mean to be a slave of someone, but to respect and be yielding to one’s admonition or advice. Yeshua is YHVH the Son, who is co-equal with YHVH the Father, yet is subjective to the Father. The husband and wife are co-equal in matrimony, since spiritually the two become one body. However, the wife should follow the example of Messiah’s obeisance to YHVH the Father, by being submissive to her husband too. Even the animal kingdom obeys this principle, which is divine in nature.


V4 propheteuo/to prophesy refers to speaking forth by divine inspiration, and is not restricted to foretelling the future. This verse and those following, unfortunately due to the stubbornness and arrogance of Christianity in this day and age is interpreted metaphorically, despite Paul repeating himself over and over to emphasize the point. The worldly church tends to allegorize anything that they feel may challenge their carnal cultural passions such as eating Kosher, observing YHVH’s feast days versus pagan ones like Christmas and Easter, and in this case submission of women to men and head coverings. Satan never misses an opportunity to ridicule Elohim’s chosen people.


The Jews through kabbalistic and Talmudic writings, which are traditions of men of which Yeshua detested, tend to turn divinely ordained practices upside down. Those practising Judaism today, be they real or false Jews, cover their heads when praying. A vast number of Messianic Christians in their almost sycophantic endeavours to adopt all things Jewish to be accepted by Jews, unfortunately lack discernment and wear prayer shawls and Kippahs to fulfil customary requirements held by Orthodox halachic authorities that the head be covered. This goes totally against Bible principles.


V5 The woman on the other hand should cover her head when praying or prophesying, the reasons of which Paul divulges in succeeding verses. Temple prostitutes of pagan cultures, shaved their heads as prescribed by their demonic sexual rites. This is the comparison Paul was most likely alluding to.


V6 What an uproar and great upheaval would be aroused, if the women praying in today’s churches today were to be audited, and this precept of shaving those praying with uncovered/unveiled heads were to be instituted and actioned! In this current era of ‘emancipation’ of women, a term so grossly abused, women find it unfashionable to wear head coverings, and associate it with misogyny and worse still, it has become fashionable for women to wilfully shave their heads clean, not only amongst the non-believers, but also in the church. Female bishops and priests worldwide, all unbiblical posts in nature, some even openly homosexual, are also found sporting clean shaven heads, to insult Messiah ever the more! The deep slumber in churches of today shall only worsen with time, until we revert to the days of Noah when evil was constantly on the minds of all mankind.


V7-9 Paul shares this amazing divine revelation that explains the headship and the coverings. YHVH the Father and YHVH the Son and the Holy Spirit have always been in existence. However, YHVH the Son chose to be made a little lower than the angels and for the sake of mankind’s redemption, chose to be born into the world as man cf Heb 2:9. We are made aware of another dimension to this matter.


Angels are higher in authority to mankind. Because Yeshua chose to become one of us, as was the will of the Father, He by so doing, voluntarily became subjective to the Father, as He was at a lower state, being born into this world as one of us. However, He regained His authority and position of being higher than the angels after conquering death and Hades cf Heb 1:4,13; 2:8. The Father did not become one of us and live amongst us as did the Son, hence by nature the Son became subordinate to the Father, strictly by choice borne out of His intense love for mankind whom he chose to die for and redeem by His precious blood. Man, although lower than the angels, differs from them in that he is the image of Elohim of which Yeshua is but in complete brightness of his glory cf Heb 1:3. This is why Yeshua refers to man as his brethren cf Heb 2:11-17.


Angels are a different creation and cannot be referred to as Yeshua’s brethren or children. In essence we are blessed beyond measure to be such a creation, which explains Satan and his fallen angels’ intense hatred for mankind. Man is the eikon/image and doxa/glory of Elohim. It is very important to understand the wording of Gen 1:26-27 for one not to find my succeeding statements offensive, nor unscriptural. Adam, Hebrew for man pertains to both male and female for verse 26 clearly states that let THEM (in reference to the word Adam) have dominion. So, it is irrefutable that both man and woman were created in the tselem/image and demuwth/likeness, similitude, manner of Elohim, and not just man alone. Gen 1:27 further repeats that adam/mankind was created in Elohim’s image and categorically states that image as being both male and female, to dispel ambiguity.


Why then does Paul in verse 7 distinguish man and woman? He does so by introducing the word doxa/glory. Male and female humans are the image of Elohim, but males are the glory of Elohim, whilst females are the glory of males. This is because as explained in v8-9, woman came out of man whereas man was created from dust. Hence this dust formed into male mankind was the glory of Elohim. Mankind needed a companion, and by using the rib of Adam, the first male, woman was created as the glory of male man! cf Gen 2:20-23. Ishshah/woman came out of iysh/man.  The word ek translated ‘of’ in 11:8 is misleading and is better translated ‘out of’ or 'from' for it make sense. 11:9 dia translated ‘for’ again is better translated ‘through’ or ‘by means of’ for better clarity. 


V10 Since as explained and shown earlier angels are higher in rank and hence glory than man, it all then makes perfect sense why women need to cover their heads when praying or prophesying. Man is the glory of Elohim, who is above the angels. Woman is the glory of man, who is below the angels. Because man is the glory of Elohim, he does not need extra protection when praying or prophesying. If he were to cover his head he would be denying and hence insulting Elohim’s glory. However, a woman who prays or prophesies, without covering her head would be depending on protection of man’s glory, which is inferior to that of angels. Satan and his horde of fallen angels would hence have free reign over the unprotected woman and easily bedevil her with doctrines of devils/demons.


It is thus very clear how the spiritual world is far more profound in reality and intensity than this physical tangible world of ours. Covering of the head gives the woman exousia/authority, which protects her from the prying eyes of the fallen angels, a mystery which shall be revealed to us one day in the afterlife cf 1 Cor 13:12. Num 5:11-31 which I shall refer to in verse 13 gives insight into the significance of the head covering being a spiritual sign of man’s divinely ordained authority over his wife.


V11 Regardless, Paul reiterates that neither male is separate from the female, nor female separate from male in YHVH. Undoubtedly this is in reference to holy matrimony, as woman and man only become one in YHVH when married cf Gen 2:24; Matt 19:4-6; Gal 3:28.


V12 Paul repeats in summary that the woman is ek/ out of, from the man relating to the rib of man which she was created from. From Eve’s offspring and thereafter, man was born of woman and hence is indeed dia/through, by means of woman. Note that v9 rightly says man was not created dia/by means of, through woman. However, men after Adam have since come into being dia/by means of, through woman via birth not creation. Paul is therefore not contradicting himself. Adam was the first man created, Eve came out of him, all other men are born by means of women.


V13 Paul urges the ecclesia to krino/determine, scrutinize, judge for themselves whether it is prepo/fit, comely for a woman to pray or prophesy with an uncovered head. Our modern culture being so far out of touch with godliness, cannot relate to what was previously deemed abhorrent. It is worth studying Numbers 5:11-31 to understand the significance of the head covering. When a husband suspected his wife of adultery, he would bring her to the priest and before YHVH’s presence, for a rigorous examination to determine her guilt or innocence. In v18 the husband would give permission for her head to be uncovered, by so doing spiritually removing his protection over her, in order for the trial to proceed and relinquishing his authority over her to that of our supreme judge YHVH, the potentate.


Also note in Num 5:31 that by removing the covering from the woman, the glory of man is removed from her, in order for the outcome of the trial to not affect the man, but the woman only! When man and woman marry, they become one flesh, the man’s glory upon the woman being represented by the head covering. If the woman sleeps with another man behind her husband’s back i.e. if she commits adultery, she defiles this man’s glory, and places her husband in this state by so doing. It is hence imperative that when she is placed in the very presence of YHVH to answer to the allegation, that the head covering representing the man’s glory is removed, in order not to compromise his glory, in the event that she be found guilty, but rather that the woman bear the iniquity committed by her alone. 


V14 Culturally in Paul’s day men with long hair were considered effeminate, as is clear from this statement. It is for this reason that I personally am sceptical of those that claim to have had visions of Yeshua and describe his hair as long and typically similar to the modern paintings of the effeminate Caucasian man with blue eyes and blonde or brunette hair portrayed by terribly deluded artists. Not surprisingly, our modern culture which is largely anti-Messiah and in the clutches of Satan, embrace and celebrate men with long shaggy hair.


V15 On the contrary it is a glory for women to have long hair, given her as a natural covering or veil. The context differs from that of preceding verses, whereby Paul was referring to a physical veil for women to cover the head when praying or prophesying as a means of protection from fallen angelic interference, regardless of whether the woman in question has long or short hair. In public life outside the congregation, Paul also encouraged women to have long hair instead of short, as although not praying or prophesying outside of the ecclesia, they still would have a natural covering, spiritually defending them from evil angelic intrusion. This chapter is undoubtedly one of the most difficult of Paul’s writings to understand, but when context is closely scrutinized, and misplaced allegorizing eliminated, his teaching is crystal clear and profound.


V16 Paul’s teaching was likely to have caused strife amongst the stubborn men and women who were stuck in their ways within the Corinthian ecclesia. Paul made it very clear that this was not some new precept created and developed by him, but was actually the customs of not only the Hebrews (the ‘we’ referred to by Paul) but also of the ecclesia of Elohim. In our day and age where contention still prevails regarding this teaching of head covering, and submission of wives to husbands, it must be remembered that a believer in Messiah has chosen to become grafted into the congregation of Israel, the body of Messiah, in which these customs are immutable. There is much rebellion in the churches of today, much to the detriment of one’s Christian walk.


v17 -18 Paul having praised the ecclesia for keeping the ordinances presented to them at the outset of this chapter (v2), turns to reproving them for their schisma/division, dissension amongst each other when congregating for the Holy communion of Messiah, which actually works out for the worse than the better. He must have been given a very detailed report, for him to have believed these shenanigans, and acts of hypocrisy.


V19 cf Matt 18:7; 2 Pet 2:1 hairesis is the Greek translated heresy in English. It means dissensions arising from diversity of opinions and aims. These schisms resulted in the sifting of the righteous (the approved of Elohim) from the unrighteous. Elohim truly works in mysterious ways, even using such situations to His will and purpose to separate true saints within a divided ecclesia, from the charlatans.


V20-21 Paul was chiding the ecclesia for desecrating the sanctity of the Lord’s supper/Holy communion by their conduct which involved some bringing their own food to feast on, in advance of the sacred rite, whilst others were famished possibly attending the communion in the hope of satiating their hunger. Worse still, some brought so much liquor into the church to the point of being inebriated, adding greater insult to the event.


V22 Paul had every right to be greatly frustrated by such shameless behaviour in the congregation of Messiah. One would never expect such poor, selfish behaviour to be openly publicized in a sacred house of worship. It also was an insult for the well off to bring abundance of food to eat in the presence of the poor. Paul was equally annoyed at the fact that they knew he would find out and yet still expected him to commend them. This truly was a messed-up bunch.


V23 -26 Paul then reminded them of Yeshua’s instructions regarding the holy communion, as conducted on the night he partook of it with the disciples. The body of Yeshua is represented by the bread, breaking of which equates to His bruising for our healing Isa 53:4-5. Had Yeshua not been crucified, we still as saints would have been given the provision to call upon His name to be healed by his stripes 1 Pet 2:24. The blood was shed separately on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins which He bore for us Isa 53:8,10.


V27-29 A very stern warning is given here for those partaking in the holy eucharist. It is essential that this service be not viewed as a frivolity. It is so solemn that anybody partaking of it irreverently, shall be enochos/liable of the body and blood of Yeshua, that is to say they bring damnation upon themselves. It is better to refuse to partake of it, if you are fully aware that you are not in good standing with Messiah. Paul soundly advises each individual to dokimazo/test, examine, or scrutinize themselves, to ensure they are spiritually fit to eat of the bread and drink of that wine. Verse 29 makes it pretty clear that sickness is connected to sin, the remedy being given in Jm 5:14-15.


V30 It is due to unworthy participation in the eucharist that infirmity, sickness and untimely death bedevils the churches of today. If only this could be preached loudly to the ignorant masses full of unforgiven sins who are led to their own folly by participating in a service that they do not fully comprehend. I personally feel that these lackadaisical preachers shall partly be held accountable for having withheld such pertinent information relating to the ramifications of irreverent participation in holy communion, notwithstanding their perception of the whole Sacrament as trivial.


V31-32 cf Jm 1:23ff. Mirror of judgement is the Word of Elohim i.e. the Torah. One must use it to correct himself to prevent Elohim’s judgement. YHVH will from time to time paideuo/train children, chasten us in order to walk uprightly in this life Heb 12:5-11. This will save us from eternal damnation to be issued at the Great White Throne judgement for the unregenerate world cf Rom 8:1 with Rev 20:11-15.


V33-34 The Corinthians when congregating to eat, were advised to patiently wait to be fed, and not effectively selfishly gorge themselves at the expense of others. If one found himself to be so hungry as to need to satiate himself so badly, Paul advised them to eat at home prior to congregating to share food together, in order for the whole purpose of the assembly and communion itself to be deemed saintly in nature. Paul assured the ecclesia to iron out the other minor details regarding their love feasts and communion, when he would next meet them. These matters must have been too petty to mention in his epistle.