A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 12



V1-2 Paul addresses the ecclesia about spiritual things. The word ‘gifts’ is erroneously added by the KJV in line with the perceived context, but is not in the original manuscripts. Paul does indeed speak of spiritual gifts shortly, but in following chapters addresses other spiritual matters not restricted to gifts. Important to note is Paul’s reference to the Gentiles grafted into Israel as adelphos which refers to either a brother of the same parents, or a fellow countryman. As reiterated throughout my commentaries, it is abundantly clear from the epistles that Christianity did not replace Israel, but rather is Israel ruled by the Messiah, which is accommodating of Gentiles who are prepared to be grafted into the true Israel.


Yeshua hence did not do away with the laws of Israel which He personally dispensed to Moses on Mount Sinai, as is falsely taught in the Torah-bashing churches of today. Paul hence does not discriminate against the grafted in Gentiles who once followed aphonos eidolon/voiceless, dumb idols, but rather shares with them the spiritual truths afforded to the true believers of the congregation of Israel cf 1 Ki 18:26-29. Further proof of the Gentiles grafted in being considered as part of the congregation of Israel, lies in the fact that Paul collectively accommodates them when referring to ‘our fathers’ in 10:1.


V3 ‘Anathema’ is in the Tanakh translated ‘cherem’ cf Josh 6:17; 1 Sam 15:21; 1 Ki 20:42 and Lev 27:21,29. In the Septuagint LXX Bible used in Paul’s day, cherem in the Hebrew is translated as anathema. From these passages we discover the true meaning of anathema as something not only accursed, but devoted for utter and complete destruction. No man under the influence of the Holy Spirit would refer to Yeshua the Messiah as such. Additionally, only a man under Holy Spirit inspiration would refer to Yeshua as Master or YHVH.


The former pagan Gentiles led by false idols, would have also spoken in tongues or under the influence of other demonic spirits in former times, cursing Yeshua, and declaring their gods as kurios/lord, master such as the false Greek gods Zeus and Diana cf Acts 19:28. This verse has been abused by charlatans in the churches of today claiming their inspiration to be of the Holy Spirit for simply declaring Yeshua to be Lord. Yet we need to carefully consider Yeshua’s very frightening words in Matt 7:21-23. It is hence critical to consider the deeds of one such person declaring Yeshua to be Kurios/Master, Lord. In the succeeding verses of Matt 7:24ff it is clear that following Yeshua’s Torah commandments needs to go hand in hand with declaring Him Kurios, if one is to be known of Him.


V4-6 Paul lays out the Triune nature of YHVH as being one, despite the manifold gifts, administrations and operations disbursed to the ecclesia. Diairesis is better translated distinctions, of which there are several pertaining to:


a. charisma/gifts of the singular Holy Spirit of Elohim

b. diakonia/service, office, or ministration of the singular Master Yeshua the Son.

c. energema/workings, thing wrought of the singular Elohim the Father, who operates wholly in all things pertaining to Him i.e. Elohim works in every member found in the wholeness of the body of Messiah.


In summary the gifts of the one Holy Spirit are administered to various offices of ministration in the ecclesia by one Lord Yeshua the Messiah, to operate efficiently through Elohim the Father for the complete machinery of the body of Messiah to function together.


V7 This is the litmus test of the Holy Spirit to separate true believers from dormant false ones. The evidential workings of the Holy Spirit are given to every member in some form or shape to sumphero/contribute, benefit the congregation. There are many who sit in churches week in week out, contributing nothing to the church and hence being spiritually bankrupt, and effectively render themselves spectators of the body of Messiah, foolishly and dangerously believing that they are participants of the body cf 1 Pet 4:10-11, Eph 4:4-7.


v8 -11 Paul then lists these manifestations to be observed in the body of Messiah, of which if one is lacking any of the listed, cannot possibly identify themselves as an active participant in the body of Messiah. These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit in different measures and amounts per believer, according to their standing based on faith and grace bestowed upon them cf Rom 12:3,6. Contrary to church teaching, there are more than 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit, as evidenced in Rom 12:6-8 which adds ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, ruling and mercy.


Also, more gifts listed in Eph 4:11. Note also in verse 9 the plurality of the gifts of healing, indicating that each disease is accompanied by a unique gift of healing to counteract it. Some ministers in the ecclesia specifically heal the blind, others heal inequality of length of limbs, some cancers, some heal all diseases altogether. Also interesting is the fact that faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit. We cannot depend on our own faith to perform miracles but need the faith of Messiah to be increased in us cf Lk 17:5-6; Jn 3:30. No power manifesting through us is of our own strength, but by the increase of Messiah in us, which is directly proportional to obedience of His commandments Jn 14:11-17.


V12 The congregation of Israel, which is the composition of the body of Yeshua, is analogous to the human body in that it is formed of many members, each with a unique function, yet necessary for the efficient sustenance of the remaining members. The body for instance may lack a leg through amputation, or an ear or a kidney, but although still functional would not be performing optimally. 


V13 Furthermore there is no respect of persons in the body of Messiah, be you Jew or Gentile, slave or freeman, as all are baptized by one just and unbiased Holy Spirit into the congregation of Israel and are partakers of the water of life emanating from one Holy Spirit i.e. we drink of the gifts of only one Holy Spirit cf Jn 7:37-39.


V14-22 The body of Messiah would not function efficiently if each member performed the same duty. If all were preachers, who would heal? If all spoke tongues only, who would interpret? If all were to only prophecy, who would perform miracles? Even the perceived menial gifts of helping and giving, would be sorely conspicuous in absence, were the church to wish to function efficiently. Furthermore, it is Elohim who chooses what role each member should play within the body, depending on one’s fervent desire for that particular gift, and their active petition for it cf v31; Matt 5:6.


V 23 Indeed those parts of our body which we consider atimos/of less esteem such as the gall bladder or pancreas, tend to cause immense pain and even death when they become diseased. No matter how great a preacher one may be in his church, if nobody were to lay out the chairs, and help usher believers into the congregation, there would be much chaos and possible shutdown of the service. Preachers, pastors and ministers of today must never lose sight of the fact that they do not own the congregation as it belongs to Yeshua the Good and Great Shepherd, and they are simply caretakers of the flock cf Jn 10:11; Heb 13:20. Every member of the body of Messiah is equally important despite some having been disbursed greater duties than others, which shall work out for greater gifts being awarded at the judgement of the righteous, provided these duties are performed in humility on earth.


V24 Despite specific duties in the congregation appearing to have no need such as a healer or exorcist within the ecclesia, Elohim sunkerannumi/comingles, unites, assimilates the body of Messiah, surprisingly giving more deference to the members of the congregation who appear hustereo/behind, inferior, lacking. That saint who ensures the doors of the church are opened on time, the unseen member who sweeps before and after the service, that individual that lays out and packs away the chairs week in and week out without mention, that usher never thanked who attends to every member’s needs, these are the seemingly less distinguished members, yet highly honoured saints in Elohim’s economy.


V25 It is imperative that the congregations of Messiah adopt this much needed attitude of treating everybody the same and not respecting others according to worldly-perceived importance and worth cf Jm 2:1-9. There are massive schisms in church life today due to the Nicolaitan system much maligned by Yeshua, that has placed preachers, pastors and ministers on pedestals, with senseless titles derived from delusions of grandeur. Bishop, father, right reverend, apostle, doctor, are but a few of a myriad of titles that church leaders bestow upon themselves. Humility lacks in the pulpit, and the prosperity gospel deception, has caused much division between the haves and have nots within the churches cf Rev 2:6; 3:14-17.


V26-27 A true congregation should feel the pain of one member in their time of distress, and the joy of another in their time of happiness. If one has for instance a ruptured appendix, one usually says they are in agony, not specifying the organ. Or if one feels satiated or light-headed after a meal or drink, they tend to say I am happy, not that their belly is happy or their brain joyous. If one part of the human body causes the whole to feel joy or pain, then so should the body of Messiah.


We live in a world where church members do not even know each other by name, let alone by one’s life experiences. Members congregate to watch their favourite preacher engross their attention in vain teachings, unperturbed by the suffering of their neighbour, nor caring enough to even know of such trial. The joys of their neighbour are frowned upon in jealousy, totally dismantling the framework of the supposed body of Messiah they claim to be elements of.


V28 Paul next lists in order of rank of importance in duty, various positions of service in the body of Messiah. One holding such a position is not more important in prominence than another member in the body of Messiah, but rather holds a more demanding role in responsibility, which would undoubtedly attract greater reward in heaven at the bema seat judgement of the saints, than the less tasking positions of service. It is interesting to note that speaking in tongues, of which most Christians perceive as the benchmark of spiritual maturity is at the bottom of the list. Also being a helper in the ecclesia is of considerable importance.


To be an apostle is not an easy task, as it requires setting up congregations, and ultimately bearing the other 7 gifts that follow. We should aim from the very outset of our Christian walk to ultimately become true apostles, who live eat and breathe the life of the ecclesia, serving Yeshua to our greatest potential. It must however be borne in mind that it is not for the faint hearted, judging from the turbulent lives filled with trials and tribulations, and ultimately martyrdom of those apostles who lived for the gospel.


V29-31 Paul reiterates the fact that the body is composed of different counterparts, each aiding in the optimal functioning of its framework. Despite there being a diverse number of gifts, he still encourages us to covet the best. The best however can only be managed by those fully cognizant of the perils attached to them coupled with the great degree of humility associated with such.