A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 3



V1 Paul frequently referred to himself as a doulos/slave of Messiah. Everyone who believes in Messiah and is justified by/through faith becomes a prisoner of Messiah, being bound by the covenants that are attached to accepting Him as our Saviour.


V2-5 in verse 2 oikonomia is translated dispensation which is better translated as management or administration of household affairs, in this case the household of Elohim cf 1 Cor 9:16-17. This administration of the grace of Elohim was indeed a mystery for even Satan and his demonic host were unaware of it until after the crucifixion and resurrection of Yeshua, after which it was too late for them to turn back the hands of time 1 Cor2:7-8. This musterion/mystery/hidden purpose was made known to Paul, which he was entrusted to preach amongst the Gentiles and his kinsmen the Jews. 


V5 genea/ages is better translated generations. The mystery was not revealed to prophets pre-Messiah’s resurrection, as Satan would have caught wind of it. Rather once it was too late for Satan to reverse events post resurrection, the Holy Spirit has since revealed this mystery to post resurrection apostles and prophets. V6 confirms that these apostles and prophets were Hebrew.


V6 The purpose of this mystery being revealed to Hebrew apostles and prophets was in order for the gospel to be preached to the Gentiles, in order to accept the invitation given by Elohim’s mercy/grace to partake in His covenants, by believing in His Son Yeshua haMashiach who justifies us through faith, unto righteous works. By so doing we become heirs to the promise and are grafted into the congregation of Israel. We are not replacing Israel nor are we a different entity from Israel as is erroneously taught, but are through great pity for us previously lost hopeless souls, offered to be one with the initially chosen nation of Israel cf Gal 3:21-29, Rom 11:17-27.


V7 Paul states that he was made a diakanos/servant/attendant. Unfortunately, the term minister in this day and age is interpreted and viewed as one who has masterly powers over a subordinate laity, when the opposite is true. Ministers are supposed to serve the people, being themselves prisoners of Yeshua the Master who gives the commands to be executed. Yeshua hates the deeds and doctrine of the Nicolaitans Rev 2:6,15 who conquer over the laity, which is what present-day ministers of society, and more worryingly so, of the churches of today do. Also note that grace is a gift not a deserved right. We rightfully deserve to be sent to the lake of fire, yet Elohim through mercy has bestowed this gift of grace offered freely to those who would believe upon His Son. This grace is given by Holy Spirit power.


V8 Because Paul had in previous times persecuted the ecclesia, he felt undeserving to be ranked amongst the holy ones, and considered himself the least. What great humility considering that his works and writings have had such a profound effect on future generations of believers, possibly greater than the works of all the other epistles of the apostles combined cf 1 Cor 15:9; 1 Tim 1:13. The riches of the mercy bestowed upon believers in Yeshua, which delivers, justifies, redeems, sanctifies and saves us is indeed unsearchable and immeasurable.


V9 More than clear that Yeshua created ALL things. This more than ever proves His deity. Note in Genesis 1 and thereafter the use of the term Elohim which is plural signifying the triune Elohim-head. Additionally, in Gen 1:26 it is stated ‘Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness. The Spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters Gen 1:2, and Elohim the Father spoke the Word which was personified in the Son, Yeshua, which Word created all things cf Jn 1:1-3. Paul again repeats that the mystery/hidden purpose revealed by Yeshua to him, was his duty to share with the world cf Heb 1:2; Col 1:16; 1 Cor 8:6.


V10 The mystery also included revelation to the ecclesia, of the existence and operations of the spiritual world in relation to principalities and powers, which is the level where spiritual darkness operates cf Eph 6:12. In times prior to these, the operations and characteristics of the realm of darkness were unknown to the people hence why Yeshua casting out demons and commanding them was regarded as a new phenomenon cf Mk 1:26-27.


V11-12 This mystery was Elohim’s will predetermined in times past cf Eph 1:11, this mystery having been manifested through the life, death and resurrection of His Son, for us believers in Him to be brought closer to the Father with confidence of eternal life and not spiritual damnation.


V13 Paul wilfully and gladly suffered thlipsis/pressure/affliction for the body of Messiah cf Phil 1:12-14; Col 1:24


V14-17 Yehovah Elohim is the Father of us all in heaven and earth who are part of His family. We can only become a member of this family through adoption as children through His Son Yeshua of Nazareth cf Gal 4:6-7; Rom 8:14-15. Once adopted we are eligible to be strengthened by Holy Spirit power dwelling in our hearts and in the eso anthropos/inner man which is the area of conscience or the mind cf Phil 2:13; Rom 7:22 and Jer 31:33; Eze 36:25-27. The ultimate purpose of this power is for us to be rooted and grounded in love which represents the works of Torah through faith cf Gal 5:6.


V18-19 We through this mystery of Holy Spirit power afforded us believers in Messiah, are further brought to understand the breadth, length, depth and height of this love i.e. all spheres of it in totality, in order for us to be able to fulfil Torah as outlined in Gal 5:14; Lev 19:18. Also cf Ps 103:11-12; Job 11:7-9; Isa 55:9. This love huperballo/surpasses knowledge cf Phil 4:7. It is only through fulfilment of Torah through complete demonstration of love for our neighbour that we may be filled with all the fullness of Elohim Col 2:9-10.


V20-21 Paul praises the Father yet again for such great mercy and its consequent promises. The triune Elohim-head is again displayed in these verses. Unto Him refers to the Father. The power that worketh in us is the Holy Spirit. The Son is obviously Messiah Yeshua. No matter what we ask of the Father we must always bear in mind that under the right circumstances i.e. of complete faith unto works of love, He is able to answer exceedingly abundantly beyond what we may require or fathom.