A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 4



V1 Paul beseeches us to peripateo/walk, live, conduct ourselves in the klesis/calling, invitation, vocation in which we are called. What walk could he be referring to and what standard should we base this walk upon? Well, if it is according to the invitation of Yeshua the Messiah, then surely we should walk as He did and as no other, since the purpose of His life on earth as one of us was to set forth an example of how to follow the Torah of Elohim in Spirit and in truth cf 1 Jn 2:3-6; 1 Pet 2:21; 1 Jn 1:6-7; Ps 85:13


V2 -3 V2 outlines the qualities of Yeshua’s earthly ministry cf Matt 11:29; Zech 9:9; 2 Cor 10:1. 


V3 stresses the binding together and oneness of the Spirit of Elohim in the body of Messiah. Only the deceived believe that there is the law set aside for the Jews in the ecclesia, the Gentiles within this same body being exempt from it. This is a great derision of the sanctity of the HOLY Spirit. Torah is holy, just and good, which are the qualities of the Holy Spirit Rom 7:12


V4 -6 Paul cannot be more clear through His repetition of the oneness of the body of Messiah. It is not divided. There are no separate rules for Jews and Gentiles. The body of Messiah is the congregation of Israel cf Isa 41:8, Gal 3:29. We Gentiles who were once aliens from the commonwealth of Israel Eph 2:12 were grafted into this body and are nourished by the same root as that which nourishes the natural branches which represent the Hebrews cf Rom 11:24-26.


The Holy Spirit working in the Hebrew believers is the same as that working in the Gentile believers, and we are baptized the same into one faith, being brought close to one Elohim our Father, who operates through us all 1 Cor 12:13. Our Master who is the Son, together with the Holy Spirit and the Father all expect the Torah to be observed if we are to abide in them and them in us cf Jn 14:15-16,15:10; 1 Jn 3:24. Why is it then that falsehood is being taught in the church that the Torah has been done away with and only applies to the Jews?


V7 The grace bestowed upon each member of the body of Messiah differs in measure depending on the gift of faith distributed by the Holy Spirit. Both grace and faith, though abstract qualities, are gifts given to each of us members. If this faith is increased by the recipient to work unto love, which is defined by Torah observance, the level of responsibility and gifts are increased as well cf 1 Cor 12:4-6; Rom 12:3-6; Matt 25:15; 2 Cor 10:13-15.


Despite different proportions of grace being apportioned and different measures of faith unto works of love, each individual does not have too much nor too little cf Ex 16:18; 2 Cor 8:15. It is however important that we do not sit on our laurels and be like the lazy servant who hid his talent, as this gift of grace if unused, could deem us destined for damnation cf Matt 25:24-30. It is frightening that the greater part of modern Christendom believes in the once saved always saved lie, oblivious of the fact that we are to bear fruit through the gifts bestowed upon us to avoid the lake of fire, regardless of having once believed.


V8-10 The Greek for the translation captivity captive is aichmaloteuo aichmalosia which is better translated he captured captivity i.e. Yeshua went down to Hades to capture the captivity who were the righteous souls in Abraham’s bosom, ascending with them on high into the current paradise in heaven. In v 10 the term ‘fill all things’ is the Greek pleroo pas which means to complete or fulfil all i.e. to fulfil scripture. Hades, prior to Yeshua’s first advent, comprised of 2 compartments a. Hell for the wicked souls after separation from the body at death and b. Abraham’s bosom for the righteous souls. There was an impassable chasm between the two.


After Yeshua conquered death and Hades, he took these keys from them and ascended to heaven with the first fruits on the very feast day, on that morning of the first day of the week, having resurrected from the dead. Hence why Mary Magdalene mistook Him for a gardener, as Yeshua would have had the sheaf in His hands to go up to heaven to wave to the Father as was required on the feast of first fruits.


Let us study scripture carefully to substantiate this. Ps 68:18; Lk 16:19-26-Abraham’s bosom for righteous souls vs hell for wicked prior to Yeshua’s resurrection; Rev 1:18-Yeshua now has keys of death and Hades; Lev 23:10-12-Foreshadowing of Yeshua’s resurrection and ascension with the first fruit souls; Jn 20:11-18-Yeshua just before fulfilling feast of first fruits, having already fulfilled feast of Passover and unleavened bread through His beatings and shedding of blood as our Passover lamb at calvary; 2 Cor 12:4-paradise in heaven. Rev 6:9-souls no longer go to Abraham’s bosom after Yeshua’s first advent.


V11-13 50 days after Yeshua ascended on high with the freed souls from Abraham’s bosom, the day of Pentecost, the fourth of the seven Feasts of Yehovah of Lev 23, was fulfilled too Lev 23:15-16. whereby the Holy Spirit, our comforter was given to the believers in Yeshua cf Acts 2:1-4,17, Joel 2:28-29. These gifts of the Holy Spirit build up the body of Yeshua through edification and exhortation, perfecting us as Messiah is, which is the ultimate goal of His redemptive work. V 11 apostolos means one sent forth with orders, a delegate. This is clear proof that the apostles were not limited to the 12. Besides scripture elsewhere proves this cf Gal 1:19-James brother of Yeshua not of the original 12, Acts 14:4-Iconium apostles


V14 cf Gal 4:1-7 The same word nepios/infant is used to delineate those who are of helikia/maturity, translated ‘of the stature’ in v 13. Infants in Christianity i.e. newly converted members of the body of Messiah are susceptible to false didaskalia/teaching, doctrine of equally immature teachers, pastors and preachers or by those who enter unawares into the congregation, to do the bidding of the devil i.e. false shepherds with an agenda to destroy the ecclesia outright. Hence why verses 11-13 stress the importance of Holy Spirit gifts within the ecclesia to edify and exhort us, bringing us to this maturity, whereby we may confidently resist and conquer all manner of false doctrine, which has bedevilled the majority of Christendom.


V15-16 As mature Christians let us rather speak truth in love, which Messiah our head represents. One may ask what is this truth in love? Let us explore scripture to define truth and love: a.Truth Ps 119:142,151,160; Jn 14:6;17:17 b.Love Gal 5:14; 2 Jn 1:6; 1 Jn 5:3; 1 Jn 2:5; Jn 15:10;14:21. It is inescapable that Torah is truth and love embodied in Yeshua, and its obedience is the only evidence of maturity in the body of Messiah. I do not wish to be perceived as using sleight, cunning or craftiness to deceive, and hope that you, oh dear listener will read this same scripture for yourself to be convinced of the liberty and perfection found in following Torah in Spirit and in truth Jm 1:25; Gal 5:1; Ps 119 45; Ps 19:7-10.


V17-19 It is unfortunate that within the churches of today, the vast majority of congregants walk in great mataiotes translated vanity in v17, but meaning devoid of truth and appropriateness. Their understanding is indeed darkened by deceived and false teachers, preachers and pastors, and coupled with the ignorance of the congregants and apalgeo/apathy, translated being past feeling in v19, Christians of today remain alienated from the life of Elohim found by simply reading scripture for themselves, to find life-giving truth in Torah! Cf Rom 7:10-11, 2 Cor 3:6, Lev 18:5.


V20-21 Strangely many commentaries on Ephesians teach that Paul was majoring on the Gentile church living outside the law, yet these verses totally disqualifies such false doctrines. If we claim to have been taught by Him (Messiah) then how come most Christians totally do a 180 degree turn on Matt 5:17-19?


V22 This old man is that carnal life steered by lusts of the flesh wish are at great variance with the spiritual law of Elohim cf Rom 7:21-23; 8:2-8.


V23 nous/mind is the higher powers of the soul, the faculty of perceiving divine things. The Bible strictly states that the flesh and carnal nature are at enmity with the law and Elohim which are spiritual. Never are we informed of the psuche/soul being at enmity. However, we must not live psuchikos/soulish lives either 1 Cor 2:14; James 3:15; This is translated the natural man or sensual. It is the sensuous nature with its subjection to appetite and passion, governed by breath. It is the lower, bestial nature. Pneumatikos/spiritual on the other hand, is the higher, renovated nature. The devil and his demonic host operate through our members, the flesh, to hijack our soul in order for it to be subject to appetite and passion, that is psuchikos/sensuous and operating in its lower bestial nature. The Holy Spirit conversely operates through our nous/mind to perceive divine things, renovating our soul to a rational state.


V24 We become a new man living in Holy Spirit truth, able to follow Torah in liberty, devoid of carnal lusts. Once the Holy Spirit enters the soul, the evil spirits previously residing within, flee in terror of the Holy nature, and hence permitting us to follow the holy Torah in holiness too, not in a carnal, sensuous nature.


V25-31 In so doing we live a life of holiness. Lying, unrighteous never-ending anger and rage, subjection to the devil, theft, sapros/rotten, corrupt speech, distressing the Holy Spirit, pikria/bitter hatred, thumos/passionate anger, protest/clamour, blasphemy and depravity become alien to us, being evidences of the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

V26 quotes Ps 4:4. Righteous indignation is exemplified by Yeshua in Mk 3:5. 

V29 cf Col 4:6


V32 Forgiveness is of paramount importance if we are to truly personify love. Multitudes profess to be filled with love in their hearts yet harbour unforgiveness, which can only lead to damnation, as our heavenly Father cannot rightfully forgive those who refuse to forgive others cf Col 3:12-13; Matt 6:14-15; 1 Pet 3:8-9. Failing to heed this results in demonic torturers being released upon the unforgiving sinner cf Matt 18:23-35.