APOCALYSE or ARMAGEDDON? by Archie Facey - HTML preview

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Discussions about the Trinity and the nature of the Holy Spirit go hand in hand, so it’s recommended to read the first linked article below.

A few points to consider: -

  • Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. If this was a person, that would make the Holy Spirit the father of Christ. We know this is not correct as God the Father is Christ’s father.
  • Belief in Trinities existed in paganism long before Christ. There’s no indication in the Old Testament that the Holy Spirit was a person.
  • None of the Apostles included the Holy Spirit in their greetings to the churches. An extraordinary omission if the Holy Spirit was a part of the Godhead.
  • When questions get too difficult, the fallback position of Trinitarians is “it’s part of the mystery of the Trinity” It’s a mystery because it’s an invention.
  • Why is there no mention of the Holy Spirit in John 1:1? “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” The Word is Christ. Actually, the whole Bible is Christ in print.
  • “But you aren’t self-centered. Instead, you are in the Spirit, if in fact God’s Spirit lives in you. If anyone doesn’t have the Spirit of Christ, they don’t belong to him. If Christ is in you, the Spirit is your life because of God’s righteousness, but the body is dead because of sin. If the Spirit of the one who raised Christ from the dead lives in you, the one who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your human bodies also, through His Spirit that lives in you.” Romans 8:9-11 CEB These verses make it obvious that the Holy Spirit is not a person, but it is the Spirit, or essence of the Father and Christ.
  • If Christ sits on the Father’s right, why doesn’t the Holy Spirit sit on the left?
  • Christ doesn’t consider Himself equal to the Father so how can the Trinity consist of equal identities? He will put Himself in subjection to the Father eventually. “When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.”1 Cor 15:28
  • Different Bible versions add to the confusion. The KJV says “itself” (neuter in gender) but the NKJV says “Himself.” There’s not three persons in the Godhead because the Holy Spirit is not a person. The attached links provide more details on this subject but be discerning. Most groups have at least some errors in their teachings even though they may be accurate about this subject.


https://lifehopeandtruth.com/god/holy-spirit/the-trinity/ http://www.trinitytruth.org

