APOCALYSE or ARMAGEDDON? by Archie Facey - HTML preview

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INTRODUCTION - Why This eBook?

This eBook was motivated by the extreme frustration of trying to point out to some Christians, and their leaders, where several of their teachings differ from the Bible. Scriptures that are quite clear are simply rejected. It’s amazing how people who claim to believe every word of GOD, sometimes choose to totally ignore what He plainly says. The conclusion was that it’s a waste of time trying to tell religious people what their Bible really states. Hence it was decided to compile this eBook to set the record straight for anyone who seeks the truth. It’s free, as it should be, with no follow up. If, by chance some want to assist, they could share this as widely as possible and save the file. One never knows if this might be taken down sometime as much truth is censored these days. Hopefully this will be translated into other languages asap.

The Bible is the most printed book in the world. It’s been translated into at least 704 languages. Nevertheless, Christianity is in a mess. Let’s not pretend otherwise. Churches are closing, attendances keep falling, and scandals are commonplace. Pedophilia is rampant and seemingly entrenched in some quarters, and cover-ups abound. This reflects badly on GOD. Many church teachings don’t reflect what the Bible says, and some are complete fabrications, or even “doctrines of demons”. ‘Leaders’ in some mega churches grow mega rich from the generosity of supporters. Naturally tithing is heavily promoted to keep the money flowing. Some televangelism resembles a circus more than a Christian meeting. Many televangelists live lavish lifestyles which bear little resemblance to the lives of Christ and His Apostles.

The amazing preacher Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) once said that “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.”- how prophetic. “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons” 1Timothy 4:1 ESV “Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales;” verse 7.NIV To the outsider, Christianity is as confusing as it is irrelevant, with over 25,000 different denominations and countless churches. Most have different teachings to each other and to the Bible. God’s power is virtually non-existent as are the Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit. Fake healings and smoke & mirrors abound. One infamous televangelist can’t provide medical proof of a single case of healing, yet many thousands of gullible believers fill his coffers every week. He’s also accused of skimming off $60million plus a year for himself. Christ warned: - “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are plundering wolves.” Matt. 7:15. Discernment and testing the spirits are sorely lacking. Far too many believe what a human says instead of GOD.

While churches are trying to be relevant to the world, they are becoming less like the Church which Christ started. Read 1Corinthians chapters 12-14 to see how the Church was conducted and why people wanted to attend. Islam is building mosques at the same speed that churches are being bulldozed, or converted to shops, houses and even mosques. Why not? The Church is dead for all intents and purposes, and God is not working in it by and large. Many will protest these statements, and cry “critical spirit!’ No, just critical thinking and facing reality. Go into any church and see if you can see absolute undeniable proof of God’s presence and power, not just a lot of noise, babbling, strobe lights, empty words, entertainment, bragging, even flag waving or meaningless, repetitive rituals. Are they trying to conjure up Christ, or the Devil?

One Pastor once asked his church why there wasn’t any miracles happening? When it was put to him that perhaps it’s because of some false teachings he rejected it totally. He was also a former Bible College teacher. When shown irrefutable evidence of the error of one teaching he rejected it totally and became agitated when pressed to prove his teaching. “They worship me in vain because their teachings are rules taught by men.” Matt 15:9. Does this explain why God doesn’t seem to be in Church these days? How many false teachings can a church promote before it’s not Christian anymore? It’s claimed that the word Laodicea means “people’s opinions”- this is an apt description of much of the church today. Facts become irrelevant. The truth is whatever you want it to be. Man-made traditional teachings are more important than the Truth “There will come a time when people will not tolerate sound teaching. They will collect teachers who say what they want to hear because they are self-centered” 2 Tim 4:3 (CEB) “Even though they will make a show of being religious, their religion won’t be real. Don’t have anything to do with such people.” 2 Timothy 3:5 CEV.

We need to remember that the Church was literally commandeered by Rome not many years after the last Apostle died. Historian Will Durant noted that “Rome didn’t get rid of paganism, it adopted it.” More than a few beliefs, customs, garb and practices came from the many pagan religions that infected the Roman Empire. This is historical fact and is easily proven.     Protestantism kept much of what Rome taught, and afterwards so did the Pentecostals and other groups. Some false teachings are more recent, such as ‘the Rapture’. Combined, all this ‘fake news’ about God paints a vastly different ‘religion’ to what the Bible presents. Christ/The Word is the chief corner/foundation stone. Builders know, that if the cornerstone is out of alignment so will be the whole building. If Christians get the Word wrong, the whole church will be out of alignment with God. There’s a multitude of warnings about false teachers and false teachings in the Bible. We are told to ‘prove all things’ and ‘test the spirits’ to see if they are from God. It’s a rare thing to see doctrines properly tested in any church today. Most blindly accept what some human tells them to believe, unlike the Bereans who diligently checked the scriptures to see if it was true. Acts 17:11

We truly are living in dangerous times. The world may be on the cusp of the biggest financial crisis ever, (January 2022). It was planned long ago as one step towards a One World Government and Religion. Fake news abounds as does deception. Lucifer controls most of the media and is working to control the alternative news via the Internet. They already have the power to shut the Internet down whenever they want to. A.I. Robotic systems will censor comments before they are broadcast and ‘troublemakers’ will be banned from the Net, if not worse. When digital currency takes over, they will have the means to cut people off from their money, if they are fortunate enough to have any money after the bank ‘bail-ins’ and confiscations. Dark days are coming, and time is short. God’s people must jettison all these false teachings and get back to the original Truths. Christ promised He would send His Spirit which would lead into all Truth. What spirit is leading people to reject GOD’s Truth and believe lies? Even a child could understand the scriptures they ignore. ‘Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.’- Einstein.

Christ’s warning is also in Mark 7:7: - “Their worship of me is useless, because their teachings are rules made by humans.” In other words, people are wasting their time worshipping God if they are going to believe and teach falsehoods. God won’t be a part of a mixture of good and evil, true and false. That’s what happened with the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, and it continues today. Do diligent research before you accept something as God’s Truth. The following chapters discuss some of the more prevalent false teachings. The links to articles will assist you. These articles by others although accurate about the topic, may digress into error about another teaching. Use discretion, trust nobody, prove all things yourself. “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, and all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have instead delighted in evil.” 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12. Seek the Truth always, reject the lies.  Unbelievers may think this is all irrelevant, but they will end up knowing more about what the Bible really says about important subjects, than many Christians.

It's vital that the reader approach this book with an open mind and a genuine desire to find the Truth, and, to jettison false teachings like the plague.

(All emphasis added throughout. Christ’s own words in red).