APOCALYSE or ARMAGEDDON? by Archie Facey - HTML preview

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EVOLUTION - Science or Theory?

It was decided to discuss this subject early on because if the reader believes that Evolution is how we got here, they may have a degree of difficulty following the rest of this book. After this chapter we may lose them anyway LOL. Many people may not even understand all the claims made for Evolutionary Theory. Always remember, it is still a theory, not scientific fact, no matter how it’s dressed up.

There are links below to various articles which explain the subject in far more detail, but it’s worth highlighting some major points. Evolutionists tend to come up with many different answers when confronted with irrefutable facts. For instance, when one was asked where did the ‘cloud of gas’ come from, he responded that it came from ‘another dimension’- Really? This is what we get, opinions, not science, and silly opinions at that. It’s more like voodoo than science. Although, without realizing it, he is partially right, as is covered further on.

One science teacher in Year 9 told his students that “you can’t make something from nothing - it’s a physical impossibility”. The next year he took the same group for Biology and told them -“a cloud of gas appeared, from somewhere”, and it exploded and formed all these stars, and our Sun, and then somehow single cell amoeba formed in a chemical soup (try and make water from nothing.) and eventually these grew into fish, which crawled onto land and morphed into reptiles and then into birds and then into all the animals we see all around, and then us. Plus of course, the mass of insects, flora etc.

So, the teacher told a lie in one year, but which year? At a quick read it sounds an OK theory, but it’s full of big holes! Firstly, where did the cloud of gas come from? He already admitted that it couldn’t have come from nothing, but for a minute, let’s pretend it did. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Old question but it only has one true answer. You can’t have an egg appear from nowhere. It takes a fully grown chook, and a mature male chook to fertilize it. All its reproductive organs must be in place, as with any creature. The chooks had to be complete birds.

Besides this simple, but important issue, what inspired/pushed these lifeforms to advance so amazingly? Why would a fish just start turning into a reptile? What would make that reptile decide to turn into a bird, and start to grow feathers and wings? Evolutionists have clever answers but it’s not science, it’s another religious ‘faith.’ It can’t be proven. They start out with a false premise in the first place, then try to make everything fit, no matter how silly and ‘unscientific’ it is. They hate to accept there’s a GOD who made everything, including themselves. Maybe some of them did come from a monkey?

Many species on Earth are totally dependent on other species to survive. And the biggest question evolutionists can never answer satisfactorily is: if it took millions of years for plants and creatures to evolve, how did they survive? How could bees survive without flowers, birds without certain seeds, nectars, grubs, insects etc. Some species only eat one other species. Some plants can only be pollinated by one other species. And how did that grub turn into a butterfly?

Also, why are there so many varieties? Millions, not to mention the ones we can’t see, except with a microscope. Surely one would expect that only a few species of birds, fish, trees, grass etc. would satisfy a dumb, blind force pushing these changes? And why do those baby animals look so cute? The more one uses one’s brain, and seriously thinks about this theory, the crazier it looks. Scientists can’t make a single blade of grass, but they expect you to believe everything you see and breathe came from NOTHING! Every living thing has an incredible complexity to it. Dumb blind ‘Mother’ nature didn’t design any of this, all she could do is help creatures adapt to their surrounds, not grow wings and fly away!

Another problem: - where are all the fossils of half evolved animals? There should be millions of them, many more than the fossils of ‘completed’ creatures. They are not there. Even Charles Darwin finally admitted before he died that he couldn’t find any missing links. A bit late Chas, the damage is done, as planned, but that’s another story. They’ve tried to invent some ‘links’, but they were either mistaken or outright frauds. Some people, like Darwin, will travel all the way around the World to try to disprove God’s existence and Creation, and they waste their lives. They can’t do it! Where do they think their far superior intelligence came from? Although one wonders sometimes how intelligent they really are. Deceptive might be a more accurate term.

These are ‘minor’ issues though. The BIG questions are how did these plants and creatures survive for many millions of years, (even one year) without all their features? How did a fish survive on land until it developed air breathing, or legs? Mexican Walking Fish are just that, nothing more. How did a reptile survive without its scales and thick strong bones? When it was slowly turning into a bird, with lightweight bones this time, how did it avoid predators without its protective scales until it could fly away? How did a lion or any other meat eater, survive until its teeth grew? Or a shark? Did they suck the flesh off their prey? What did those massive eagles do while there waiting for their huge wings and talons to grow? What did sucking insects do while they were waiting for their suckers to grow? There are a few suckers around these days.

Another argument for Evolution is that plants and creatures ‘adapt’ to give themselves more chance to survive predators etc. How does that explain why some birds and animals have such brilliant patterns, and colors so spectacular they would be spotted from ten miles away by a sharp-eyed predator? If all this wasn’t enough, what about the DNA, millions of cells, fungi, bacteria, microbiome that goes into just making a flea?! Let alone what’s involved with keeping us together and thinking. It’s ironic, humans are the smartest creatures by far, but at times the dumbest.

What about migratory birds? What made them desire to fly halfway around the world and back every year? How could they possibly find their way without an inbuilt program which allows them to navigate somehow. How could they navigate with half of the software? Simplistic or ‘scientific’ guesses won’t wash. It’s probably hard for scientists who think they came from monkeys, to comprehend the most logical and simplest answer. They prefer to believe in dumb ‘Mother Nature’ than a super intelligent GOD who made everything.

By the way, have you ever seen many half-finished creatures or plants around? Which ones need more ‘evolving’ to make them perfect? They all seem perfect already, what a coincidence. Go outside, look around at nature, any plant, animal, or insect closely, and tell yourself - “This just happened by chance.” We’ve been conned by professional deceivers.

We could fill a thousand books with images of amazing, intelligent designs in Nature. This link  http://dandydada.com/gb/animali/177-saturnide.html  is  to a picture of what looks like a scary owl or fox’s face. It is actually an image on the back of a moth. How could that image evolve there? What could possibly cause it to appear? The moth wouldn’t even know it exists. How did it survive when it only had a part of a ‘face’?  Just one of many obvious signs that this ‘image’ was made by an intelligent Being are the small portions of white near the top of each black pupil. They appear as light reflections from a curved eyeball and make the image look very real, even though of course the ‘eyes’ are flat. I’m sure some evolutionist will be able to invent some ‘scientific’ reason for this, but it will be just another invention unfortunately. Eyes, another extremely complex device. How would they ‘make’ themselves? Imagine all these quarter, half blind animals and insects groping around for millions of years waiting for their complete eyes! (laughs) It’s like magic this ‘theory’, it can make anything! But not quickly, it’s dependent on the magical ‘Time Wizard.’

We could go on, but if just those simple queries can’t be answered scientifically, with proof, then it’s long past time to jettison this silly invention of men. None of it stands up to any very basic scrutiny, let alone logic, but it’s taught as scientific fact in most of our education systems. It must be the biggest con job ever in the history of science, with major ramifications. We’ve seen just a fraction of the problems with this crazy stupid unscientific ‘theory’, and yet it’s rammed down our throats and taught as a proven ‘fact’.

It’s more like smoke & mirrors, and don’t look behind the curtain. It’s no more scientific than all the myths the pagans carry down through the ages of how things came to be. It’s as if different pagan groups each invented a story to satisfy an inquisitive kid and then keep it going for thousands of years. Evolution is just like that except it’s Darwin’s more elaborate pagan myth, perpetuated by people in white coats. LOL. At least the pagans had an excuse, Darwin didn’t.

Research ‘Intelligent Design’. At least some scientists have come to realize that on the molecular scale, there are internal machines which would have been impossible to have just evolved. Tiny cellular motors etc. that enable things to exist. It’s a fascinating look at how amazing things really are. Don’t expect your school or MSM to tell you about it though. We’ll move on to cover the more prevalent ideas of how, and when everything was made.

As well as the Theory of Evolution there are 4 other main schools of thought. Probably the main Christian viewpoint is that God made everything umpteen million years ago. Another, ‘opinion’ is that God made everything, including dinosaurs etc., 6,000 years ago. This is the second most silliest theory after Evolution. Adherents choose to ignore many facts, including that there are no modern humans or animals in the fossil records with the dinosaurs, which can be up to a mile deep under sediment. No logic here either.

Another viewpoint is that God made the Universe including Earth many millions of years ago. Then He initiated the chemical soup and let Evolution take its course. How anyone, let alone any Christian, can swallow this guff is mind boggling. The same issues that were raised above for Evolution apply here also. Animals and plants etc. can’t survive for very long as only a part animal or plant. Without your lungs, stomach, heart, liver, kidneys, bowels, anus etc., how long would you last? Not to mention our amazingly complex brains. This ‘theory’ is busted along with the preceding fairy tale.

Another viewpoint is that God did indeed make the Universe and the planets, from nothing, many millions of years ago. At some point the prehistoric creation came into existence, but this was wiped out through a sudden catastrophe. Some say an earlier flood was the cause, some say volcanoes. Fossils are generally formed when the remains are covered over reasonably quickly with ash, silts and/or sands and gravels which preserves them, but there are fish fossilized as well. Some are actually in the middle of swallowing another fish, so it must have been very sudden. Perhaps a sudden influx of fresh water? Or perhaps a sudden drastic change in the water temperature? It’s similar to the suddenness of Pompeii’s disaster in some ways. Anyhow, after this seemingly worldwide destruction, it’s claimed that there was a period, or a ‘gap’, after which, approximately 6,000 years ago, God recreated life on Earth. This is when modern man appeared, along with all the ‘modern’ animals we see today, such as sheep etc. Out of the four viewpoints, this is the only one that fits the Bible and the geologic record. It’s up to the reader though to decide which is the most plausible and logical. Some links below may help to gain further insight.


Part of a very good article below which raises some excellent points: - “Advice to students of light.”

“Students in secular high schools and universities who reject the Theory of Evolution in favor of creation are commonly ridiculed, insulted, shunned, and punished by fellow atheistic students, and teachers. The atheistic teachers will punish the students who reject evolution by using these psychological control techniques. Students who challenge the Theory of Evolution risk punishment by receiving a lower grade, simply for raising questions that expose the unscientific conclusion of the Theory of Evolution. This website advises students to study the material presented in class in order to obtain the best test grade possible, while concealing your disagreement with the teaching. This approach is Biblically supported. Jesus refused to talk to the Pharisees on many occasions. He talked in parables so they could not understand Him. He refused to answer at times. God turned to the Gentiles with the gospel of grace because of the unbelief of the Jews. There comes a point where it is hopeless to try to change a hardened atheistic heart.” (Ain’t that the truth?)



Pass me a banana. I want to be an ape… https://www.icr.org/article/evolution-real-science-or-nonsense/

It’s easier to deceive someone than it is to convince them they’ve been deceived, and this fairy tale theory has deceived hundreds of millions, as planned. Hopefully this Chapter has prompted some to think about things more deeply. Now we’ll get back to what this eBook is all about – setting the record straight about what the Bible really says, not what someone wants you to think it says. Whether the reader believes in GOD or not is largely irrelevant. There’ll be no sleight of hand or smoke & mirrors, just the facts and the Truth.

Here are some more links to just a fraction of the truly amazing designs in Nature which show a Master Designer. To claim that these colors and patterns ‘just happened by chance’ is to show a lack of logic and wisdom, let alone common sense. This photo of the Venezuelan Poodle Moth is truly amazing, https://twistedsifter.com/2012/09/picture-of-the-day-the-venezuelan-poodle-moth/

This pic  https://twitter.com/danrather/status/1400621538966183943?s=12 shows America’s largest moth in a retweet by Dan Rather. It’s from the wonderofscience site, but what science has to do with it is beyond me. God should get all the credit. A few more links below to show a true artist at work.



