Advice for the Muslim by Huseyin HilmiIsik - HTML preview

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[81] This work was reproduced with the book Minhat al-Wahbiyya in one volume many times by Hakikat Kitabevi, Istanbul.

[82] It is written in Durr al-mukhtâr, a book of fiqh, that this âyat karîma is about the action of slaughtering and burying animals and not giving them to the poor. Therefore, it is ihlâl to bury and not to allow the hungry and needy poor in Minâ to take the animals slaughtered during the season of hajj. Those who do so might become polytheists orunbelievers.

[83] The information about nadhr in Shams ad-dîn Muhammad al-Qonawî’s commentary to Durar al-bihâr is explained in Radd al-muhtâr by Ibn ’Âbidîn.

[84] That author opposes this hadîth sharîf too, and says, “We do not care about the words. We look for the intentions and meanings,” on the 146th page of his book. There are many such statements, incompatible with âyats and hadîths, in his book.

[85] Al-Hajjâj az-zâlim as-Saqafî, who died in 95 A.H. (714), was the Governor of Medina and Iraq during the caliphate of ’Abd al-Malik and his son Walîd.

[86] Dâwûd ibn Sulaimân, Ashadd al-jihâd, written in 1293 A.H., published in Bombay, 1305 A.H. Arabic reprint and Turkish version in 1390 (1970).

[87] Second edition, in Islamic letters, 96 pages, Damascus, 1385 A.H. (1965).

[88] Published by Hakikat Kitâbevi, Istanbul, 1395 A.H. (1975).

[89] See p. 92. See also the 24th article, p. 131, for further examples.

[90] Abu Sa’îd al-Muzaffar al-Kukbûrî (rahimah-Allâhu ta’âlâ) was the brother-in-law of Salâh ad-dîn al-Ayyûbî. He got martyred during the jihâd of Akka castle in defence against the attacks of the Christian armies called “Crusaders” in 630 A.H. (1232).

[91] See the articles 7 and 19.

[92] See Endless Bliss, III.

[93] Muslims should not arouse mischief (fitna) while teaching a forgotten sunna. It is harâm or start fitna. One should not commit the harâm while trying to teach a sunna, but be careful not to make the matter worse.

[94] For the reason that ways of tasawwuf bear different names, see also the seventh article, p. 26.

[95] This hadîth sahrîf, named the Hadîth al-Jibrîl, is quoted as the second hadîth inAl-hadîth al-arbâ’în (Forty Hadîths) by al-Imâm an-Nawawî (rahmat-Allâhi ’alaih). These forty hadîths were translated into Turkish and published by Ahmad ibn Kemâl Pasha (rahmat-Allâhi ’alaih). Mawlânâ Khâlid al-Baghdâdî (rahmat-Allâhi ’alaih) commented theHadîth al-Jibrîl in his Persian book titled I’tiqâd-nâma, which is annotated and translated into English under the title Belief and Islam by Hakikat Kitabevi, Istanbul.