Advice for the Muslim by Huseyin HilmiIsik - HTML preview

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FOOTNOTES (96-109)

[96] See also article 7, p. 26.

[97] One of the âyats is about Yûsuf (’alaihi ’s-salâm).

[98] This âyat karîma and hadîth sharîf are the evidences of the fact that none of the Sahâbat al-kirâm (’alaihimu ’r-ridwân) became a murtadd, because the îmân of all of them was real (haqîqî). If the Shî’ites had known this sublety, they would have slandered none of the Sahâbat alkirâm.

[99] This hadîth sharîf is quoted also in the Wahhâbite book Fat’h al-majîd

[100] Nowadays, those women who go out unveiled and those who take alcoholic drinks, that is, sinners, and those who do not perform ’ibâdât, defend themselves against Muslims by saying, “You should judge one by one’s heart; our hearts are pure. Allah judges our hearts.” This âyat karîma shows that such claims are wrong and corrupt. We noted abovethat the Hadîth ash-sharîf declared about the heart: “If it becomes evil, the whole body becomes evil,” which also proves that such words of sinners are lies. The hadîth ash-sharîf, “Allah does not look at your appearance; He looks at your hearts and intentions,” is about those who perform ’ibâdât and charities. In other word, ’ibâdât must be performed for love of Allâhu ta’âlâ in order for them to be accepted.

[101] Since the effects of the duties on the way of tasawwuf are confirmed,performance of supererogatory ’ibâdât as riyâdât is preferred.

[102] Thanâ’ullâh ad-Dahlawî, author of the Persian book Irshâd at-tâlibîn from which we have translated the above extracts, was a great walî educated by Mazhar-i Jân’i Jânan. He passed away in Paniput, India, in 1225 A.H. (1810).

[103] More than a hundred letters selected from Maktûbât are translated in ourEndless Bliss.

[104] Ibn ’Abd al-Wahhâb said ‘harâm’ for many things which are halâl, even for ’ibâdât. Even more, he said ‘polytheism’ for some of them. This âyat karîma shows that Allâhu ta’âlâ does not love him. He has shown the way to get saved from punishment when a believer commits a sin. He declares that the one who commits a sin will be forgiven if he repents of it and gives the kaffâra (attonement). Ibn ’Abd al-Wahhâb attacked against dawr (performance in a circle of poor Muslims) of isqât and said that such things were fabricated practices that caused evil people to sin. Would he charge against Allah’s forgiving sins of those who repent and atone? Would he dare slander the ease and mercy shown by Allâhu ta’âlâ by claiming that this would cause ill-willed people to commit sins?

[105] ’Abd al-Ghanî an-Nabulusî, Al-hadîqat an-Nadiyya, v. I, p. 190, Istanbul, 1920.

[106] Ibid, p. 648.

[107] He was martyred by the soldiers of Jenghiz in Harezm in 618 A.H. (1221).

[108] ’Abd al-Ghanî an-Nablusî, Al-hadîqat an-Nadiyya, v. II. p. 103.

[109] Sayyid ’Abdulhakîm-i Arwasî used to pray saying, “Oh my Allah! I have done nothing for You worthy of mentioning -I come to Your Audience with my face in shame! But, I have borne hostility towards those who want to destroy and annihilate Your Religion, Islam! Forgive me on account of this hostility of mine on Your behalf!”