An Encounter with Yeshua by Isabelle Esling - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 2: Yeshua’s call

“As the deer longs for streams of water,

So I long for you, O God.”

Psalm 42:1

It is evening time. I am standing in my Lords presence, eyes closed. My mind is silent and ready to receive. The refreshing water of the Spirit rejoices my soul. I am immersed in Yeshua’s wonderful presence. Like a waterfall, Yeshua’s words are suddenly breaking the overwhelming silence. They are catching my ear and attention.

“My dear child, I am calling you.

Fear not, for I am with you. I will place you outside of your known context and I will direct your path.

I will be with you my child, trust me. Feel my presence as I am holding you tight in my arms.

Will you accept to serve your Lord?”

Yeshua, my beloved was wrapping me into His Holy Spirit. I could feel the comfort of His wonderful presence. As I opened my lips to answer my Lord, I felt that my faith in Him was renewed greatly:

“Yeshua, my beloved, my heart is ready and willing to follow you. Send me wherever I need to be. Your will be done, my love.”

In a half awaken state-at night-the Spirit of Truth took me to the Western Wall. I saw people praying. Our Lord was sitting on a throne, inside of the wall. My king of Glory was shining in heavenly light. I heard Yeshua’s voice say to me: “Tell my people that I am coming soon.”

“My dear child, you heard that I am coming soon. I want people to be ready before my Day.

Of course, I don’t want people to be obsessive about it. Continuous prayer is the best way to prepare you. Stay in permanent communion with your Lord. I will let you know about my will.

Time has come for the judgment of all nations. Warnings have been sent; now the sword of my judgment is falling upon them. They are hurt, but they do not repent.

Repent nations of the world, before it is too late. I am talking in different ways to you all. If your ears are deaf to listen to your Lord, I will send tragedies to wake you up. I will grow your neediness. If you do not turn your hearts to me, you will be destroyed. I will make your vain glory vanish from the face of the earth. These are truly the times of the last warnings: lost souls turn to your Lord now; make the right choice. I am full of compassion; I will never reject anybody who comes to me.

The Day of the Lord will be a terrible day of judgment. I want people to be spared. My heart is bleeding for each lost soul. Beware - I am coming to fight for Israel and to judge all nations. Turn to me all of you, souls who are longing for mercy.

Oh my remnant, your task is immense! Spread my light into the world before darkness covers it completely.

I am coming. Everybody, believers and unbelievers will see me. You will all see me in glory.

Your eyes will contemplate the King of the Kings in His might.

My friends will rejoice and glorify my Name. Unbelievers will fall down and cover their faces.

They will mourn and cry for mercy, but I will show no mercy.

I keep warning them: open your ears open your eyes, open your hearts!

Nations of the world, soon you will know WHO governs you.

My dear child, the tears I shed while being tortured is the water to your soul. My tears transformed into a river that washed your soul and turned you into a new creation. This is true for any of my believers. I will appease your thirst. I wanted all human beings to be part of my Salvation work. Unfortunately some souls will burn in hell. People who constantly reject my grace will have no part with me.

Some wicked people want to make my sacrifice look vain. Therefore you followers are my living testimonies, prove them wrong, show them your Lords goodness, and win them to Heaven!

Numerous are the people who deny the very existence of the Creator. The spirit of evil is spreading blasphemy worldwide. Each time you look around downtown, you are discovering ads mocking me, either my virgin birth or my Cross. This is deliberate. Demons are at work in a world of wicked people. I have been patient and slow to anger. But human beings have become deaf and blind to the messages I have kept sending them.

You read in your Bible that Hashem is a jealous God. I want people to come back to me.

Tragedies will happen. I want them to repent and seek my face instead of running after idols or stating “I have no Creator”.

“Soon people will see signs of my Coming in the sky. The Day of the Lord is coming unexpectedly; it will take them by storm. Darkness will soon cover the earth. The children of man will not understand what is falling unto them.

I will preserve my followers: you are the living testimonies of your loving Lord. Spread my love in a world that is losing itself.

I am currently judging anti-Semitic acts. The time is ready. I told you: I am coming back soon to restore my Kingdom. Tell my people that I am the One they awaited for so long.

Israel, listen your Maschiach of love is coming to soothe your heart. I will heal your wounds.

Come to me, Israel, my first love. Come to your Lord. I will welcome you in my arms. Fear not, my folks, your elder brother loves you tremendously.

Open your eyes: I am your sacrificial Lamb. You did not recognize me at the time of your visitation; your eyes were blinded for the nations to access my Salvation.

Now the time has come for you my children, to understand that I am your Yeshua.

My child, I am returning soon, spread the news among my folks.”

“I will, dear Lord.”

Keeping the commandments

“My dear child let me ask you a question: “If you broke one of my rules and you consciously knew you did, would I still love you?”

“Yes, my dear Lord, I know you would.”

“Yes, I would never remove my love from you, whether you’d ask for forgiveness or not.

Then I have a second question for you:” Is that an invitation from me to break the rules I established?”

“No, of course this is not an invitation to break the rules. It just means that whatever happens, you will always love me. If I break a rule, your love for me will remain the same.”

“You answered well, my dear child. Now let me ask you a third question: “if you respected all rules, but lacked heart completely, would I agree you?”

“I think you would rebuke me, dear Lord. What you are asking your children to have is a heart full of love.”

“Talmida tova, (good student in Hebrew), you understood it all. So why did I create the rules?

“My precious Lord, I think that you created rules because the whole universe needs to be governed by harmony and order. We need to learn how to live together in harmony. This is why you gave us the Torah. It is more than a book of law; I know it is a book of love.”

“My dear child, I wanted mankind to know my heart and my Spirit. But mankind is unable to live like me, in love and holiness. Therefore I came in flesh to teach them. But their hearts were hardened.

I also came to take the burdens of sins away. I paid humanity’s debt to the Father.

Very few embrace my path of love, though.

My dear child, it is important to know my rules. They are written in the Bible.

However, like I said it many times, one could recite my Word by heart and still be damned.

You need a heart. If you are acting according to your Lords heart, I will love you.”

“My precious Lord, I am so grateful to be loved, so unconditionally, by somebody much greater than me. Yeshua, my best friend, I love you so much.”

“My dear child, you are loved and so much loved! Imagine something bigger than the whole universe that carries your little heart. I know each cell of you. I am your Maker.

What matters is the love you feel in your heart for me and I know your little heart is burning for your Lord! What also matters is your capacity to love the persons you encounter and to show love, no matter what. Keep your heart full of love, my dear child; this is the KEY to Heaven.”

Tonight Yeshua held me in His arms. I felt so much love, so much tenderness and so much compassion. My soul was shivering. I addressed to the author of my Salvation and said: “Who am I, for you to love me so much? I am dust.”

Yeshua responded in a very soft voice: “You are my daughter.”

“My dear child, I don’t care at social status and positions. I don’t care about what the world honors. The only thing I really care about is a person’s heart. I chose you because of your heart.

Because they have hardened their hearts, very few people will now be saved.

Can you picture this crown of thorns I wore? It caused so much pain to my head and scalp. It left me badly injured. But the pain inside of my head was much greater. I had mercy for the ones mocking me as “The King of the Jews,” not knowing that they were uttering the truth.

I am now crowned in glory and people like my glory. Most people are afraid to look at my pain.

If you cannot look at my crucifixion, you will have no part in my glory, people, face it!

Our Father in Heaven likes humbleness. I was born humble and I died humble. Therefore I was resurrected in Glory.

Only a humble heart can please our Father. Remember that truth, my dear child.

I want to warn you that a spirit of evil is spreading, even among my followers. The enemy will instill pride in some of them and they will prompt to give them titles of glory like “prophet, apostle, minister, and so on.” Do not give yourself any title, my child, besides the ones I gave you: you are my follower, I made you my disciple. This is enough. People giving themselves titles already have their reward, but they will be considered less in Heaven.

Remember: who is the greatest?

The last of all and the most humble will be number one in Heaven.

Even some followers seem to have lost it! Oh my children: what do you want? Do you want men’s glory or do you want your Lords’ glory?

I am Lord. I will judge pride. If you elevate yourself, you will be humbled down like never before!

Children, my children, do not fall for Satan. The enemy will be of great deceit in these end times. Beware.

In these days a lot of people are calling “good” “evil” and “evil” is praised like never before. I am angry, because evil is hallowed in its scariest dimension under the cover of “goodness”

and “freedom.”

I will punish lovers of blasphemies. You have been running your mouths for too long. You are inciting the masses to follow you. The masses will follow and a cloud of damnation will cover them.

I will be judging you. Either you will repent and come back to your Lord, or you will be destroyed like in the days of Noah.

You know, my precious child, I would love more people to turn to me. I cried tears of joy when you accepted me as your Lord and Savior-and Heaven rejoiced with me. I am so happy for each soul that comes to me, especially in these times.”

“Lord Yeshua, you shed tears for my “yes”. This really makes my heart melt. You are such a good and loving heart. I love you.”

“My love for you is bigger than the stars; it cannot be contained by the universe. I cherish you in a way you never experienced before. Have you noticed how much wrapped you are into my Holy Spirit? I surround you; you are feeling my warmth in the cold. The Holy Spirit is your armor. Fear not, your Lord is with you. I will guide you through each step. Your eyes will see how much I cherish you.”

Dear reader, can you imagine how much Yeshua’s beautiful heart rejoices when a soul turns to Him?

His beautiful and heartfelt words to me, His daughter, are the expression of an infinite love.

I am so small in my Savior’s protective arms; yet, I am so much shielded by the power of his immense love. Say yes to the person who loves you most, you will never regret your decision. Yeshua will rejoice so much when you will accept Him and He will offer you a tenderness never experienced before. Being His child is really something special. Your Savior is longing for you. Do not hesitate: make Him your King.

Assemblies of men won’t save you

“My dear child, a lot of people are spreading confusion about local assemblies. No assembly will ever save anybody. The concept “church” is also something that has been distorted over the centuries.

You know that the original concept of an assembly of believers is Jewish. A synagogue, or beit haknesset in Hebrew, is a place of worship, but much more than that: it is the heart of the community. People do pray there, but they also gather to discuss in regards of the community.

People said that I founded the Church. I didn’t intend to change the existing synagogues into a place of total different worship. Our Father is and remains the same.

The Church, my “bride,” this is another misunderstood point: a lot of people mistake the church for different man made buildings. Hashem doesn’t reside in temples made by men.

Hashem resides in the heart of the true believers and followers. He wants to be worshipped in truth and spirit.

Anybody can come to a church or a synagogue. Demons gather there as well. Some people lead by the spirit of evil will visit churches and synagogues regularly.

My bride is the heart and soul of each true believer and follower. This you can call “church.”

Some other people seem to be inside, but they are indeed outside of me.

Using my Name doesn’t save you. If you haven’t committed your heart to me, you are not saved.

Repentance is the first step if people want to know me. I accept humble hearts and I rebuke arrogance.

Do not misunderstand me about assemblies, my dear child. I know you have been hurt by some of them, but assemblies that are governed by the Holy Spirit can be a huge source of blessings.

When a community is alive, love for one another is always present.

My beloved disciple gave you a point of discerning, in John 13:35: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

This expression of genuine love for one another will distinguish you from people who are from the world. You will walk in light. Such places do exist, even if they are rare.

“Thank you, my rabbi, for your teachings.”

Your life must reflect that I am the way

“Dear Yeshua, how can I convince people that you are the only way?”

“My dear child, you don’t have to convince people. Your life must convince them. Your actions must speak louder than your words. Do what I say. Show kindness, be slow to anger, help the needy and I will bless you in return. You must forget about yourself and become me.

I know you are imperfect and I love you just as you are. If you do what I command, my Spirit will be reflected in you. People will see the One you are serving, thus my Name will be glorified.”

The more Yeshua approaches me, the more I do realize that praising Him with our lips won’t suffice if our hearts are not committed to do what He expects from us. A true follower has Yeshua’s heart. It doesn’t mean that we will never make mistakes; it means that we will do our best to kept Yeshua’s words and apply them in our daily life.

When Yeshua says “Love one another as I have loved you” , you perfectly know that you cannot take His place on the Cross. But showing daily acts of kindness, loving the unkind, forgiving offenses, helping persons in need is a concrete example of the way He expects us to live our lives.

Choosing love where most people would have chosen hatred, retaliation and contempt will make a true follower of you. Always remember that this pure love you have received from Him you must spread to the world.

“Do not impose me. You know how you would have reacted a few months ago if somebody came to you with my Name in his mouth. I know you would have rejected this person.

However you must talk to persons who are thirsty about me. If my Name occurs in a conversation, tell them what you know about your Lord.”

“You are so right, my precious Yeshua. I know I have to act wisely.”

“My dear child, you have my Holy Spirit to guide you. Listen to the Holy Spirit and you will know what to do in different situations.

My dear child, I know you love talking to me, but you must learn to listen more. I know how much you rejoice in my presence. It is hard for you to keep silent, but remember that the confession of faith for Israel is: “Shema,” “hear, o Israel”.

My child you will only hear my voice clearly if you stop all the chatter. Your mind must be silent. Here comes a time when you must stay in front of me without uttering any word.

You can feel my strong embrace. I am here and I won’t walk away if you do not talk. My beloved child, why is it so hard for you to understand that I am with you, always?

Don’t you know I will never break my Covenant with you?

You do think in an earthly way; I am from Heaven. I gave you access to Heaven through my Spirit. Remember our bond is eternal. Trust me.

Do you remember that little child you were? I reminded you today of the 7-8 year old you were at this time. Do you recall that little girl who just loved who I am and who believed in my goodness?

Be that child again. I am the same Lord and you are the same soul. Keep calm in my arms. I love you and I want to take care of you. I came to you and I will never leave you. You are under my protection. Just love me like the little child you were, with simplicity.

Be humble and I will reveal you hidden things. Make silence into your heart, feel my presence and my embrace. I am here, with you, any time. My Spirit is wrapping you, you know it.”

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want (Psalm23:1)

I often use night time to speak to my Lord. Sometimes, I come up with precise requests.

Yesterday evening was different. As Yeshua approached me with immense kindness, my mind knew that I didn’t need anything else but Him. I felt this neediness of Him like never before. I became conscious of His goodness again, like the little 7 year old I used to be. As my Savior held me in His embrace, I wept in His arms. These tears became like abundant, clear water. I felt them running from my cheeks, as an expression of deep love for my Lord whose arms were holding me so tight against Him.

My beautiful Savior then gave me a wonderful vision. I saw His hands holding water. It was the clearest water I have ever seen. “Drink it from my hands, my dear child” , Yeshua said to me.

As I saw myself drinking the pure water from Yeshua’s beautiful hands, my soul felt instant relief.

All my needs were fulfilled. The purest person I have ever known had appeased my thirst and refreshed my soul instantly. I was feeling warm. While my Guardian was watching over me, I sank into a state of deep sleep.

Once you will reach this state of neediness of your Creator, all earthly desires will vanish, you will not want, as the Psalmist says. When Yeshua fills your heart, you become WHOLE.

A perverted generation is being judged

“My precious child, I am giving you a discerning spirit for the times to come. Watch closely what is happening to this generation and praise me because I separated you from the wicked.

They are talking about peace; they induce war. They are marching for freedom; their perverted minds are filled with words of blasphemy against their Creator. They are indeed longing for more; these pigs are enjoying eating their own dirt.

Government officials are the accomplices of evil; many citizens are now blinded puppets of their accomplishments-soon you will see the same defenders of freedom accept governmental restraints on their own freedom. Governments will impose restraints on individual liberties and the masses will praise them.

You are foolish; there is no security out of your Lord.

Come back to me! Destruction is coming and you are all blind to see the signs of these times.

I came into the world to give you eternal life; I didn’t come to judge you. Repent while it is still possible. When the Day of the Lord will come, then you will be judged without further warning. Don’t be unprepared. I am coming like a thief in the night. The cup is full and my Day is approaching very fast.

Children, what is going through your heads? You are stating that I should have a sense of humor when people are spreading blasphemies?

Holy is my Name; one shall not put dirt upon it.

Fear me, I mean-respect your Maker. If you saw my Glory, you would all fall on your faces and beg me for mercy. You must understand WHO I am. I know each cell of your bodies. You are my creatures. All elements, Heaven and earth praise me constantly, so what happened to mankind?

My Name is meant to be hallowed, not to be trashed.

Repent of your evil deeds. I am Lord.”

“Yeshua, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving me from the generation of the wicked. I will honor and sanctify your beautiful Name of Glory.”

“I appreciate your love, my beloved child. I will always cherish you for you are mine.”

Teach me how to praise you

“Rabbi, can you teach me how to praise you? I would like to create words of praise so beautiful for you. Let my heart be on fire for you; let my soul become a well that never runs dry.”

“My dear child, there are multiple ways to praise your Lord. One of them is to use your book of Tehilim (book of Psalms) and to recite a heartfelt prayer. King David knew how to praise me and his inspired words are always available.

Being grateful and happy is another way to praise me. When you appreciate life, my gifts and blessings, you are automatically praising me and I do rejoice.

Praying in your own words can also be an option.

There is another form of praise yet unknown to you. You must get away from all kind of distractions if you want to do it properly. Start with words of praise coming from the depths of your heart. Your heart must be the starting point: you MUST feel what you will be saying.

Once you are filled with my joy completely, ask the Holy Spirit to take over and direct your praise. Be fearless and be prepared for supernatural manifestations; you will be taken to other realms.

I will show you. You are going to love it. You will see how close you will come to your loving Lord. I heart you, my child. The love I have for you breaks the frontiers of human imagination. I am love in its purest form. I will pour an ocean of love into your thirsty heart.

Spread the love you receive from me and speak about your Lord’s goodness whenever you can.

Silent adoration is another powerful way of praise; when you are completely calm and out of all earthly distractions, you can sit silently. From there you can descend into your temple and open up to my presence. You know that each time you are thinking about me, I will manifest you my presence. Staying in my powerful embrace without uttering a word is a way of praising me.”

During night time, I gave Yeshua’s model of praise a try. Although I was conscious that the words of praise offered to my dear Savior were quite far from what He probably expected from me and that I still had to learn how to surrender completely to the Holy Spirit, He was showing me His appreciation. Yeshua was holding my wrist tightly while I rejoiced in Him.

I closed my eyes and sank into sleep instantly. While sleeping, I felt Yeshua’s presence again.

He was pressing me strongly against His chest. All of a sudden my spiritual sight opened again: Yeshua was standing in front of me, wearing a white, shiny robe and smiling at me.

Eyes closed, as I saw my beautiful Savior, I exclaimed: “My Lord and my God!”

My lips uttered the same statement twice, as my soul totally identified my Lord.

I then realized that I just made the same confession of faith as Thomas when he saw His Redeemer for the first time after His resurrection. I probably do resemble Thomas very much. Unlike a common opinion, this disciple was not just a big doubter. One must replace his doubt into context.

After Yeshua’s torture and crucifixion, many disciples were shaken in their faith. Not all of them were really conscious that the Son of Man would resurrect from the dead-which is understandable.

Thomas’ personality united doubter and believer at the same time; I think he was the kind of disciple who needed to see and feel. I feel very much alike.

I do appreciate my Lord’s manifestations of His presence. Sometimes I doubt, I admit this weakness.

But every time I doubt, Yeshua comes to me and shows me how much real He is. For that I am very grateful. He never left me in doubt, because of His wonderful, compassionate heart.

Whenever you fear, whenever you doubt, do not condemn yourself. It is very human to go through such feelings. However do not stay in that state of mind. Ask Yeshua for help and He will rescue you. He does it for me all the time! I am just a student learning to walk on the path of faith. Little by little I am making progress like a very small child who is learning how to walk. When I fall, He catches me.

I am doing my best to live in praise. Each second is a wonderful occasion to develop gratefulness. My heart is perfumed with the scent of roses and incense: I feel so much LOVED.

My dear Lord is my Shepherd; I don’t need anything but His beautiful presence. He fills me with a heavenly joy that is hard to describe to the world. This type of joy is like a beautiful symphony that takes over my whole being; it resembles birds’ early notes of joy to the Creator at dawn.

When my heart is full of praise, I am joining the harmony of the universe. I am becoming love and I do melt into Yeshua’s beautiful heart. I am joining angels’ choruses in Heaven. We enumerate our King’s greatness.

Yeshua wants the same heavenly joy to be yours. Just invite Him into your heart. He will never leave you.

Daily metro life and compassion

“Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

Matthew 25:40

When you are taking public transport in big cities, you can observe a lot of suffering.

A young man in need in his late 20s entered the coach. I could read pain in his eyes, but no bitterness. He was even smiling while asking the passengers for a few coins.

I understood that he needed more than just a few coins to survive, so I lent him my ear and gave him a little bit of compassion. He gave me kind words in return and a nice smile.

Yeshua then spoke to me: “You see all these people in need; all these people seem abandoned by mankind. Our Father loves them, though. He loves them as much as the others who would call themselves “respectable citizens.” The Father doesn’t take these criteria into account. You are all loved UNCONDITIONALLY. So why does man in his wickedness treat them needy people as if they were nothing? Sometimes they do feel less than animals. I can read their hearts, so I am letting you know about this. Their hearts are very hurt and need mending.

It is not all about Tsedaka (charity). What matters is the way it is done. The amount of money you are giving doesn’t count as much as the kindness you are putting into your act.

People who are giving with contempt and who make the needy feel inferior are not doing an act of charity. When these people will stand in front of me, I will deny them.

Tell them, my dear child, that only pure hearts will enter Heaven.”

“My wonderful Lord, you touched my own heart, a few months ago. I had become cold as well. My heart had become a big stone full of selfishness. Thank you for your teachings of great value. I love you, my rabbi.”

“My love can be tough sometimes. I taught you a quite tough lesson you are not about to forget when I encountered your path. But you took notice and corrected your ways. You understood that what you had done, you had done to me.”

“Yes, I did and I regretted it. Thank you for showing me compassion. I didn’t really deserve it on this precise day.”

“Each time you are making a mistake and ask for forgiveness, you are forgiven. Your Lord loves you. You know it.  Should you fail completely, my love for you would remain the same.”

Waiting again for the metro, my ears caught a wonderful melody of praise. A young man was singing a gospel melody that was echoing deeply into my heart. I decided to offer him my most beautiful smile as a sign of appreciation.
