An Encounter with Yeshua by Isabelle Esling - HTML preview

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“After six days, Yeshua takes with Him Peter and Jacob and John, and brings them up a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before them. His clothes became radiant and brilliantly white, whiter than any launderer on earth could bleach them.” (Marc 9:2-3) “My dear child, you accepted to answer my call. The time has come for you to be prepared for your mission. It will require your attention and your obedience. Put all your trust in me.

I am preparing you, because nobody goes to the war without weapons.

Before my life went public, I spent hours alone in prayers. It took time. Our Father prepared my heart and gave me all the strength I needed to fulfil it.

You will go through a process of purification again. Trust the process and hold my hand. I am here with you. I love you so dearly, my child.”

“I trust you my Yeshua. Speak to me and I will listen. “

“My dear child, is there anything to fear where perfect love is present?”

“No, my Lord, there is nothing to fear about.”

“You are right. But you fear seeing me in glory, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do my Lord. I know this would probably scare me.”

“Why did I make you read the episode of my Transfiguration?”

“I suppose you did it for me to reflect on it.”

“My dear child, how do you think my disciples felt in this moment?”

“I think that they didn’t expect it to happen. They were probably very frightened. They didn’t understand the whole meaning of it.”

“Neither will you understand everything I will show you and tell you. It is ok. You don’t have to. Some of the things I will show you will become clearer progressively. My daughter, be conscious that I am coming in glory. Be more conscious of who I am. Be open to new experiences. You don’t risk anything in my loving embrace. What I will show to you, you are able to see. Where I will transport you, you can bear it. I need more trust from you. Should I appear to you in glory before my return, do not fear. I am your Lord and my love for you is a fire nobody can extinguish. Do you promise to trust me more?”

“Yes, I promise, my Yeshua. I will do my best to put more trust in you.”

My cup overflows

“My heart is so joyous today, my precious Yeshua. I feel in total harmony with the whole universe. I feel abundant. I feel happy because you are with me. My heart sings you psalm 23, dear Guardian of my soul.”

“My dear child, my children’s love songs are my favorites. The more you offer me with a grateful heart, the more you will receive from your Lord. You will bathe into the Spirit’s everlasting love. My dear child, my beloved daughter, and the closer you are to me, the more you will understand there is nothing to worry about. Live each single second in my presence.

I never leave you. I am never absent from your life. When I am silent, I am listening to you.

When you are silent, I am speaking to you.

Imagine you’re sitting near a water fall. See the beautiful surroundings, the trees and the plants near the water. Smell the flowers’ wonderful scent. Your soul will be refreshed any time you are thirsty. You will drink pure waters. I love your soul, my daughter. I want to fill it with precious gifts, with pearls of wisdom. Let me enter when I knock at the door. I want to let myself known to you.

Because you love my Name, I will show you hidden things. I will shower your soul with fresh water.”

“Oh my sweet Lord, the door to my soul is always wide open for you. Be my guardian and my guide. I will walk on your path with delight.”

“A lot of people are making a common mistake. Some people claim that while sleeping one is missing out a relationship with me and that one should get up early to pray. The spiritual truth is quite different; the connexion with me is never disrupted: somebody who is strongly connected with the Holy Spirit stays in permanent prayer, even during sleep.

When you are asking me for a deep communion between us before going to sleep, this will always be granted to you. My daughter, did you notice that you speak to me and that you are seeing me in the depths of your sleep? This is how it is meant to be. My followers must trust the Holy Spirit much more: allowing the Holy Spirit to take control of your ship is ensuring your safety.

“I learnt to let the Holy Spirit lead me. I am really happy I did. It killed all kinds of worries and removed selfishness from my heart. Keep leading me, dear Lord. It is a great adventure I am living with you.”

“You will see much more my dear child.”

“I just love the wonderful friendship that unites us, my precious Lord.”

“My dear child, I want this connexion with each individual. But so people many keep rejecting me. I never force love; I do respect their free will. I am sad about the lost souls.

Sometimes I rescue lost souls on their way to hell. I don’t want anybody to get lost.

Unfortunately, some people intentionally choose the enemy as their leader.”

“I know my Lord. You always talk to us. Sometimes we just won’t listen. Why did you create us so stubborn?”

“My dear child, you just made me smile. I do respect people’s free will. Usually I manifest myself to people when I sense a quest. A quest for truth, a quest for love always moves me. I want to rescue people, but I don’t rescue them against their will. I like it when people are audacious and provoking to see how I will answer them. I always reply in different ways.

People are so much surprised when I show up in person. Oh children of men, don’t you know that your Yeshua is alive?”

Our Lord always makes me feel His presence. As I was sitting in the park, listening to the birds and watching the sky, I felt His strong arm around my shoulder. Yeshua is shielding me daily, and for that, I am so much grateful.

I spent half of the night talking to our Lord; I expressed Him my thirst to come closer to Him.

As I closed my eyes, I felt that my beloved was approaching me. I saw His white, dazzling clothes, but strangely the clothes I was looking at started revealing me Yeshua’s inside.

Yeshua’s beautiful soul became visible to my sight. The purity that was revealed to me in this moment let my tears flow abundantly, like a river. It purified me to a deeper level.

The closer you will be to Yeshua, the more your unworthiness will become evidence. At the same time, you will know that, in spite of it, Yeshua loves you deeply and accepts you as you are.

Knowing Him is accessing knowledge of true love. No Bible scholar will ever teach you that.

Seek Yeshua before you seek anything else. Have a sincere quest; a true thirst for Him is always answered. Being in His embrace is worth thousand prayers.

A lot of people do not access intimacy with Yeshua. Why is it so? Many people are not willing to drop their selfishness. Their quest is based on the wrong motives; usually they want their ego to be satisfied. When you will make Him your number one, Yeshua will respond you. When your greatest motivation will be Yeshua Himself, our Lord will give you insights about His person.

When I eventually fell asleep, while holding me tight against His chest, Yeshua showed me a recurrent message: “My daughter, I don’t like the way my Jews are treated in your country.

It is a pain to me.”

One of my Jewish friends is arguing with me that if Yeshua is really the Messiah of Israel, why didn’t he do anything when the pogroms happened all over the Centuries? Yes, He allowed it to happen and it was very painful. Some people lost faith because of what happened during World War II.

In the same way, a lot of horrible things happen in the contemporary world such as the persecution of the Eastern Christians by Isis. All bad comes from men, not from God. God has His timing for retaliation and judgment of the nations. Despite of what our senses are telling us, we should trust His perfect timing.

When we suffer, Yeshua suffers with us. Our Lord is never indifferent to our affairs. In a world that is teaching indifference, we as followers should make a true difference in lighting up the world through kindness. We should soothe pain whenever we see it.

When our Messiah Yeshua will return, He will restore perfect peace and destroy the evil doers.

A New Covenant with Israel

“Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”

(Jeremiah 31:31-34)

“My precious child, men are always trying to interpret things that are so much beyond their understanding. What I allow (even if it is immense suffering) is always there for a precise purpose. In the depths of their wounds, my people will find me-if they are willing to seek me.

A lot of events are still veiled in their meaning-at the time of my return the veil will be removed. My people, I know you are so familiar with pain. However, do not let pain close the window of your soul. Children of Israel, I suffered for you in first place. It was my purpose to sacrifice myself. I knew you would reject me. Some of you see me as a criminal. I haven’t done anything wrong. All my life I have spoken the truth, but some ears weren’t ready for it.

I carried your pains, my folks.

I had to be cut off from the very heart of my people for pagan nations to access Salvation.

But I haven’t been cut off forever. Now is the time for you all to recover from blindness. Open your eyes: Moshe and the Prophets announced me. I am the One you are waiting for. As long as you will be waiting for somebody else, you will be misled.

Open your ears: I am now being revealed within Jewish communities. The more you will open your hearts to me, the faster my return.

My New Alliance with you my people has been announced so long ago through the mouth of prophet Jeremiah. Accepting me is fulfilling the Torah. Wherever you will look at in your Tanakh, you will find me.

Do not let the burden of man-made tradition blind you to the law of love. I want to save you, my Jews, my chosen children. There is very little time left. I am warning you all; make sure you are ready for my return.

My Name has been made unpopular to you; Christianity has left your hearts wounded.

Children of Israel, I am not Christianity; do not let it define me. Do not let a distorted image of the person I am fool you and take you away from me.

My Jews, I am one of yours. Over the Centuries you have seen me through a veil. The veil of incomprehension has been removed. The Prince of the Face (Sar HaPanim in Hebrew), who is mentioned in your Rosh ha Shana prayers for atonement of sins, your High Priest Yeshua, will be revealed to you all. In me you will find peace. Accept to look at my true ID of Yeshua haMaschiach. I am Yeshua your Messiah, your long lost brother, who has been announced to the pagan nations and who is coming back to you.

My dear child, spread this message for my beloved Jews.”

“I will, my dear Lord.”

I sat in meditation in the presence of our Lord. In the depth of my silent prayer, Yeshua came close to me and held me tenderly. His presence was so strong and His hand pressed my shoulder.

I said to my Lord: “I love you.” The wind of the Holy Spirit enveloped me and Yeshua kissed my left cheek twice very tenderly.

The sacrificial Lamb

“He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:2

“Very few people are familiar with the meaning behind the “Lamb of God.”

During the episode of Exodus, the blood of the lamb was a clear sign that distinguished Hashem’s people and the Egyptians. It protected them against the angel of deaths’ sentence when people applied it on their doorposts. Hashem would spare the children of Israel and each first born of Egypt would die.

The feast of Pessah celebrates Israel’s freedom from slavery. In the same way, my blood will set anybody free from the bondage of sin.

People of this world will reject suffering and usually they will do away with the notion of sacrifice as well. To the world, the language of Hashem is foolishness. But as you know, my beautiful daughter, God’s plan is full of wisdom.

People are confused about sin. It is so much deranging for people to look at it and admit that it spoils everything in the relationship to God in particular. When you are telling people that their sin offends our Father who is pure and perfect, they will react either with anger or great disbelief.

The truth is, sins have to be paid in expiation. No matter how “good” or “bad” individuals think they are, they ALL deserve the same DEATH PENALTY for their sins. I am the sacrificial Lamb and I paid this debt IN FULL. Whoever comes to me with a sincere, repentant heart, I will save. I will erase his debt and make him a child of the Father.

When people express doubt about me, ask them if they know of any other name that will grant them the Salvation of their souls.

One of the worlds’ greatest delusions is to deny the need of a Savior. Oriental philosophies point at a personal “enlightening”. Having positive thoughts will not grant you Salvation. It doesn’t work that way. You know it, you have been there.

“Dear Lord, I can testify to the world that you are my only Yeshua, my only Salvation.”

“My dear child, your mouth expressed the truth. I want my Jews to understand that I am their Passover lamb. I will progressively remove the veil from their eyes. Salvation will flourish like a beautiful scented garden. My daughter, you will be a witness to my folks.”

“When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”

“At the time I was living in Galilee, I raised this question: “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”

I was thinking about the end times. A lot of people are currently deceiving themselves with prophecies about the exact time of my return. They are also emulating insecure people who walk by fear. Despite the fact there are very precise signs announcing my return, people should stop this “rapture madness.” Didn’t I state clearly that only Abba knows? If you are getting involved into these insanities you are taking the risk to miss the very moment of my return.

Only your readiness will preserve you on the Day of the Lord. This day will come by surprise, when you expect it the least. Practice continuous prayer with the Holy Spirit. Spread light and love. Do works of faith and remain humble at all times. You are saved by grace and by grace only.

My children stop your doctrinal arguments, stop arguing about unimportant details. Love each other instead. Be careful not to be tempted. In the dark times that are coming, your light must shine brighter than ever. Stop judging your differences; seek unity with the Holy Spirit. My eyes have seen a lot of lies and iniquities within your assemblies. Many of you are judgmental and merciless. Beware: your lack of mercy will be your own judge.

I am raising a remnant of pure and loving hearts to set an example before your eyes. I will bless those who bless them and curse those who curse them.

Be very careful, because very few will enter the Gates of Heaven: I am tired of your vain rituals and your empty hearts. I tested your inside and found it cold as ice. You vipers talk about love: learn the meaning of this word before it enters your lips. Have you forgotten that I can read your hearts?”

Invaluable teachings of the Passion

“My beloved, it is still difficult for me to picture how you managed to go through so much physical and moral pain-especially considering that you didn’t deserve it at all.”

“My precious child, I was made the last of you all. The Passion is a teaching about humility. It will also show you that love will always carry you through. It is in human nature to become hateful when you suffer-either physically or mentally. During my humiliation and pain, I never showed hatred to my enemies. The pain was very intense; I never stopped praying.

Sometimes I was drifting away into another dimension. It was a spiritual battle. Taking the curse of sin is not an easy affair. I sent them persecutors my love. It is hard to perceive it for a great majority of people, but my compassion was even greater for the ones mocking me. I knew they acted in full ignorance. In each moment, and as the pain was intensifying, I asked our Father to forgive them all.

Therefore, my daughter, be compassionate with the ones who slate me, so many talk about me out of ignorance.

Our Father taught me full obedience and humbleness. My child, a true follower must stay humble. The world teaches people to elevate themselves and I say to you: “humble you and you will be elevated.”

“My precious Lord, you are the greatest of us all, our dear brother, and you accepted to be treated at the lowest level. My sweet Lord, when I see the scenes of your torture and humiliation, my soul contemplates the purity of your soul. My heart is in communion with your bleeding heart. I am overwhelmed with the ocean of your unconditional love. I contemplate the beautiful face of my Lord that has been mistreated. Your tears mix up with your precious blood. The thorns are wounding your head and causing you tremendous pain.

My soul is begging you for the lost souls. I have confidence in your immense mercy for the ones who do not know.”

“My beautiful daughter, you are very close to my heart. The spirit is giving you more insight about my person. The world is losing itself; it greatly rejects Salvation. However, before I return, the Good News will be preached everywhere. Everybody will be given a chance to repent or to reject my message.”

“My sweet Lord, your humbleness moves me to the depths of my soul. I dearly love you.”

“My dear child, I gave you my heart before the Beginning. I am yours, forever. You know it.”

Changing times: the nations will be shaken

“My precious Lord, today carries the double meaning of the liberation of the Hebrews and your death on the Cross; this year Good Friday and Pessah totally coincide.

In addition the third bloody moon will be visible to the nation of Israel today. Big changes are coming. When I look at the political configuration, I can see clearly that America wants Israel’s destruction. I know that you will intervene soon. Even if the crowds are blind to see it, your return is so much obvious.”

“My dear child, the symbolic of this year is very strong. It links to the liberation of the Hebrews from Egypt and to the liberation of mankind from the sin. I told you that I am judging all nations. American leaders will get what they deserve. They are talking about peace; they are plotting war-they are pushing me to react. They will program their own destruction. They all forget that I am Lord. I will rescue my land in unexpected ways. You arrogant world leaders, do you think that I am indifferent when you are touching the apple of my eye, the children of Israel?

Do you remember the plagues of Egypt? I will punish America in the same way. All nations that turned against Israel will be shaken. Repent leaders of the world, before it is too late.”

“My dear Lord, I fully trust that you will rescue your nation on time.

I do meditate on your wounds and the Cross they forced you to carry. I can feel the heavy weight on mankind’s sin on your shoulders. I can see the crowds shouting and pushing you from all parts. Some individuals throw insults at you, some others weep in desperation. I can imagine how difficult and destabilizing it was for your disciples to see you sent to death when they had put all their hopes in you. It was hard to decrypt the signs of times and Hashem’s will.”

“My dear child, I told them, but their mind was unable to catch the very meaning of my words. They thought that my reign was an earthly reign. As you can see it from the Scriptures, they often argued about earthly things too. I had to make it clear that I came to serve while they were having a dispute about who is the greatest of all.”

“Pilate had a glimpse of your divine nature when he asked: ”Where are you from?””

“He guessed I wasn’t of this world, but he had to preserve the interest of his nation. He felt much more concerned about an insurrection in Israel than about me as a person.”

During the night that preceded our Lord’s glorious Resurrection day, while I was in deep sleep, Yeshua placed His hand on my heart. It was feeling heavy. In the same moment I saw a matzah (unleavened bread of the Hebrews). The matzah is a symbol of freedom over slavery for the Hebrews, and it is also a symbol of Yeshua’s bruised body for our Salvation.

As I woke up in the morning, my heart was full of praise for our risen Lord.

The Resurrection is on my mind. I think of my Lord of Glory and the Spirit reminds me of His presence: doves are flying around me, reaching to the blue sky. I am joyous, I am so happy and my Lord is with me.

O joy of my risen Lord! I would like to share it with the entire world.

“Spread the word, my dear child. Tell the world that your Lord is risen. You are a witness of light. My daughter, rejoice in me, your name is written in Heaven.”

“My heart feels elevated to Heaven today. Rivers of joy flow from the very center of my heart. My beautiful Lord of love, I praise you; your Name is the incense of my soul. I cherish you, Yeshua.”

“My dear child, do you know that all my redeemed souls are my greatest source of joy? I rejoice for each of you who come to me.”

Developing your inner ear

“She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord's feet, listening to His word.” Luke 10:39

“My dear child, I am teaching you about developing your inner ear. You know, it is so easy to get distracted when you are speaking too much: there is no space left for the listening part if you are caught in an overwhelming flow of words. Do you remember the story of Mary and Martha? Mary was seated at my feet and she listened to me. I want you to develop this attitude with me.

Yesterday night, while you were sleeping I called your name loudly and I woke you up. I wanted you to become more attentive to your voice. I will speak to you more clearly when you will be ready to create this space of silence.”

“My precious Lord, I realized that speaking too much opened a door to sinning. Please forgive me for the words that flew out of my mouth without me controlling them. Forgive me for the ones that offended you. I am offering you my teshuva (repentance in Hebrew).”

“My dear child, you are forgiven. You are learning. I am placing you in different situations in order to teach you a wiser way of acting. I also want you to know that I am happy for each moment that you spare-especially for me. I love you, my child, be sure of it.”

“My precious Yeshua, each time you are approaching me I can see my flaws. I will do my best to improve myself on the path to sanctification. I promise to always give you my priority. I love you, my Lord.”

“My daughter, I appreciate your dedication, I appreciate your love. You are mine. Please make an effort about your inner ear, as I told you. You will experience more with me. I dearly love you.”

“Let me offer you my joy and my inner smile. Let my heart give you a song of praise, my Yeshua, my joy and my Salvation.”

“Do not expect people to understand that I set you apart. Just show it in your actions. All your actions shall glorify your Lord’s Name.”

“Yes, my life is meant to be a love letter to you. It will be made of joy and praise. Your light will shine from my being. I will spread your love wherever I go. My Yeshua, I am wrapped into your Spirit; I can feel your heavenly protection. The sunlight becomes pale in front of your immense glory.”

They preferred traditions of men

The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.” Isaiah 29:13

I had a conversation this morning with our Lord about the weight of traditions. This is the message He gave me for all His children who seem to place traditions of men before the Creator:

“A lot of people, Jews and Gentiles, both of them do prefer traditions of men to the truth.

My Jews, you are speaking of 20 Centuries of traditions that prevail over the revelation of the Name of your Messiah? How blinded are you? Don’t you know that you are hailing man-made rules instead of honoring your Creator? You admit preferring a highway to hell to a perfect path to Heaven? How foolish are you?

And you, people of Christian churches who are ignoring my words intentionally and who revere man-made rules and traditions? You need to stop putting humans on a pedestal. You need to be humble and serve your Lord instead of arguing about unnecessary rules! You need to stop gossiping as well. Serve me with a single-hearted spirit.

Should I remind you again: WHO is your Lord?

You all need to put me first and everything else will fall into place. Stop saying: “God said”

when you refer to human speech. My words are carefully recorded. You must abide them before you honor men’s speech.

A lot of you are so much confused in their practice: give up your vain rituals, your traditions and give me your heart instead. Only dedicated hearts will be justified.”

The meaning of separation

True disciples of the Lord part ways from this world. As they are born of the Spirit, they are walking towards a life of sanctification. They are the witnesses of Yeshua’s light in a world that is losing itself.

 “The concept of “set apart people” is a misunderstood and misinterpreted concept. It is not your belief that will separate you from the world and no assembly will do it for you either.

You are set apart when you receive my Spirit. In this very moment you become children of the Creator which implies that you are different. Being born from above is also accepting the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will teach you about me and instil into you a desire for sanctification. The wisdom of the Spirit will show you what pleases me. In precise situations you know that you have to withdraw you from worldly customs. A lot of worldly manners lead to sin. Talking in disorder is one of them. More than anything else always be careful to always watch your lips. When somebody is throwing insults at you, it is better to ignore them. Pray for them and forget about their demeaning words.

My daughter, may your words be rare and filled with the intelligence of the Holy Spirit.

When somebody talks too much, it is an easy trap to get caught into their words. A lot of misplaced words destroy innocence. Examine yourself. Remember that you are not of this wold anymore.

“My precious Lord, I do realize that I have to be cautious with people who are not led by the Spirit.”

“It is good to be bathing into silence: your soul opens up to my presence automatically. You must be willing to withdraw you from the world. Cultivate silence where the world spreads noise.

“O my Lord, nothing is more precious than your beautiful presence. It is such a good feeling to know that you are watching over me.”

“My dear child, remember that what the world is calling “loneliness” is called “presence of the Lord”. I am here with you. You can feel my presence so strongly because you accepted to go away from worldly preoccupations. I reveal myself to people who accept to spend some time with me and who put me first. How would I let myself know to people who don’t consider me a priority?”

“I know, my Yeshua. We must renounce ourselves and the world doesn’t like it.”

“My dear child, the world is filled with pride and deceit. It produces dissatisfied and lost souls.”

“Nothing can replace the peace I received from you. I have no interest in mundane things.

They are boring to me.”

“Always remember that you are not here to please people. If they are offended because you do not think and act like them, let them be angry. Loving people doesn’t mean approving their way of life. You are present for a testimony. Therefore you must ab