An Urgent Message to Those Holding a Doctorate in Theology! by Ed Nix - HTML preview

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Scriptures changed to degrade the


The Publishers of nearly every new translation of the Bible printed since 1971 has changed key words in the following Scriptures to make them align with the Roman Road to Salvation.

Translators have deleted key words in John 1:12, changed key words in John 3:15, 3:16 and 3:17, and many others of lessor importance. Those changes were made to make newer translations of the Bible agree with the perverted narrative of the gospel being preached today.

In retrospect, there are two types of translations of the Bible, the first being a direct word for word translation. The second is a thought for thought translation, in which the translator inserts what he or she thinks the writer may have intended to say. Albeit the second method leaves room for bias on the translator’s part.

Therefore, you must be careful when reading from thought-based translations, as bias within the text is inevitable. For example, in direct word for word translations, John 3:16 is translated to say 63

(may, should, or might) not perish; but in thought-based translations, it is translated to say (will or shall not perish).

Converts should be cognizant of the fact that several of the most recent versions of the Bible refer to the body of Christ as being believers.

Whereas all the older accepted versions which includes, The Latin Vulgate, Greek, King James, Standard Revised, New American Standard, and New International, all refer to the body of Christ as being Saints, Brethren, or the Elect.

The practice of calling God’s Elect believers began verbally during the early middle-Ages when the Catholic’s were actively selling the title Saint

as an indulgence. Hence, to keep the word Saint hallowed, Catholic Seminarians used the word Christian instead of Saint.

Then eventually, due to the wide-spread acceptance of the perverted version of the gospel, the word Christian gradually evolved into the word believer. This happened, because most of those seeking Christ through the perverted gospel ended up with nothing more than the belief they started out with; that being that Jesus is the Christ.

The word believers were used only twice in the King James text. First in Acts 5:14 where Paul stated, "And believers were the more added to the Lord.” Paul said that, because many of those who 64

had come to believe on Jesus were asking Him to become the Lord of their lives, after which, they were then named among the brethren.

The second place the word is found is in 1Timothy 4:12 where Paul said to Timothy, “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example to the believers.” Paul was simply instructing Timothy to let his life be an example to those who believed in Jesus but had not yet accepted Him, which is something all Christians should be doing.

The authorized versions of the Bible used before 1971 were the Greek, King James, Standard Revised, and American Standard, each of which used the words May, Should, or Might in the above-mentioned Scriptures. However, the translators of The Living Bible Paraphrased, published by the Southern Baptist Association in 1971, made some drastic changes.

They changed John 3:15 from should not perish to may have eternal life. John 3:16 was changed from, should not perish to shall not perish.

And John 3:17 was changed from might be saved, to but to save; and in several other versions they deleted part of the last sentence in John 1:12.

Since carnal-minded translators of the Living Bible was successful in changing John 3:16 from should not perish to shall not perish without any widespread protest, other carnal translators were 65

emboldened to do the same. Hence, in 1973 The N.

I. V. was published, and it also states “shall not perish” in John 3:16.

The now widely used Holman Christian Standard Bible (copyright 1996) states, Everyone

who believes in Him will not perish.” The Common English Bible, also widely used today, states, “Everyone who believes in Him won’t

perish.” Both of which states exactly what Satan wants converts to believe.

John 3:17 KJV states, “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him Might be saved. The word

might mean exactly what it implies, meaning that some might find the straight and narrow path, but due to false doctrine, some might not.

Satan inspired them to change John 3:17 to state: “God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through

Him.” Again, that is exactly what Satan wants people to believe. In fact, Bible illiterate ministers has already convinced most of the world’s population that a belief in Jesus, and one’s confession of that belief, will get them a mansion in Heaven.

The words Might, Should, and May doesn’t even come close to implying that we are saved simply because we believe in Jesus. To the 66

contrary, they imply that getting to know Jesus requires action on our part other than believing in Jesus and asking for forgiveness of our sins. Jesus told us what actions are required in St. John 14:21

saying, “He who hath my commandments, and

keeps them.”

Shall not perish, will not perish, and won’t perish all imply that no action whatsoever is required other than believing. The truth is getting to know Jesus requires at least as much effort as it took for you to pursue your spouse, or that good-paying job you worked so hard to obtain.

Once-Saved / Always-Saved!

Advocates of the once-saved always-saved doctrine promote it as though their lives depended on it. Likewise, those who claim it to be false doctrine preach against it just as aggressively. Such actions make one to wonder why this doctrine is so important to the two greatest powers on earth.

The truth is, it doesn’t matter what you or I may have to say either for or against that doctrine; what matters is what God’s Word states on the subject. That said, the following Scriptures reveals His feelings on the subject, but while reading them 67

remember that Romans 3:4 states, “Let God [His

Word] be true, but every man a liar.”

Church history tells us that until the year 1523, the Catholic Church was actively selling the once-saved always-saved doctrine as an indulgence. This was being done to help them raise the vast sums of money needed to build St. Peter’s Basilica and other great Cathedrals found throughout Europe.

Albeit, in 1517 a Catholic Priest named Martin Luther was so disturbed by the practice that he mentioned it twice in his 95 theses he posted on the Church doors in Wittenberg, Germany.

As previously stated, man’s ability to mass produce printed material was made possible in the year 1521. Shortly thereafter, the Scriptures began falling into the hands of the commoners, and knowledge of God’s word began to flourish among the people. As a result, the practice of selling indulgences was then condemned, and the Church was forced to quit selling them.

Numbers 32 and 52 of Luther’s 95 theses had to do with once-saved always-saved. Number 32

states, “All of those who believe themselves to be certain of their salvation by means of letters of indulgence, will be eternally damned, together with their teachers.” Number 52 states, “It is vain to rely on salvation by letters of indulgence, even if the issuer, or indeed the Pope himself, were to pledge 68

his own soul for their validity.” Luther’s’

knowledge on the subject was based on the following Scriptures.

God said, “When a righteous man turns from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and dies in them; for the iniquity that he has done shall he die.

Again, when the wicked man turns away from the wickedness he has committed, and does that which is lawful, he shall save his soul alive,” (Ezekiel 18:26-27). Paul stated the same thing saying, “If we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins,” (Hebrews 10:26).

Concerning the once-saved always-saved doctrine, the Apostle Paul said, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended, [eternal life] but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press forward toward the mark for the Prize [eternal life] of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 3:10-14).

The Apostle also instructed us saying, “For we are made partakers of Christ, “if” we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the

end,” (Hebrews 3:14). A fact that most of the clergy seems to have forgotten is that salvation is an ongoing process: This is why Paul said: “And let 69

us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, If we faint not,” (Galatians 6:9) .

Jesus stated, “He who endures to the end shall be saved,” (Matthew 10:22). He also said, “But that which you have already, hold fast till I come,”

(Revelations 2:25). Jesus tells us to hold fast because He knows that Satan is diligently working to deceive us into believing false doctrine.

Concerning whether our belief of false doctrine can cause us to fall from grace. The Bible explains one of the many ways that can happen saying, “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the Law, you are

fallen from grace,” (Galatians 5:4).

The Apostle Peter explained another way saying, “As in all of his epistles, speaking in them of these things; some of which are hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrestle [those taught by man] as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction. Therefore, beloved, seeing that you know these things, beware lest you also be led away with the error of the wicked, and fall from your own steadfastness,” (2 Peter 3:16-17).

Speaking to the church in Sardis, Jesus said,

“Remember therefore how thou hast received

[salvation] and heard, [the gospel message] and 70

hold fast, and repent.” Notice that Jesus is telling the Church to repent.

Jesus said to the church, “If therefore thou shall not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shall not know what hour I will come upon thee.

Thou hast a few names in Sardis, which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life,”

(Revelations 3:3-5).

Jesus said only a few of the converts in the Sardis Church had not defiled their garments, and only their names would not be blotted out of the book of life. The parallel to our Lord’s statement is that many names will be blotted out, which is something all converts should be mindful of.

The Bible states, “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption,” (Ephesians 4:30). Our names are written into the Lamb’s book of life the moment we make a commitment to follow Jesus, which is when God places His Spirit with us, giving us the authority to become born-again.

After which, regardless of our lifestyle afterward, our name remains there until the day of redemption. Albeit, we then appear before either 71

the judgment seat of Christ or the great white throne judgment.

Paul said, “And grieve not the Holy Spirit,”

because he knows that God grieves for those, He sees being deceived due to the smorgasbord of doctrines currently being preached. I too would grieve over the possible loss of one of my sons if I knew he was following carnal men. Likewise, God grieves over the possibility of having to blot a converts name out of the book of life because he allowed himself to be deceived with false doctrine.

Our Creator said, “When a righteous man turns from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die in his sin, and the righteousness he has done shall not be remembered,” (Ezekiel 3:20).

Peter said, “For if after they have escaped the pollution of this world through the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and are again entangled therein and overcome, the later end is worse with them than the beginning. For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after they have known it, to turn from the Holy commandments [God’s instructions]

delivered unto them,” (2 Peter 2:20-21).

Jesus taught converts saying, “The kingdom of Heaven shall be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps and went forth to meet the 72

bridegroom.” Jesus referred to them as virgins because they were new converts undefiled by the doctrines of man.

The lamp they each took with them is the Holy Spirit whom God places with us to guide us in our pursuit of truth. “Five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps but took no oil with them: But the wise took oil [a genuine desire to seek spiritual truth] in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

At midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; Go ye out to meet him. Then, all of the virgins arose and trimmed their lamps, and the foolish said unto the wise Give us of your oil for our lamps are gone out. The wise answered, saying, not so; least there be not enough for us, and you, but go to them that sell and buy for yourselves.

And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: And the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins saying, Lord, Lord, open to us, but He answered and said, Verily I say unto you, “I know you not,” (Matthew 25:1-11).

The Bible states, “Draw near to God, and He

will draw near to you,” (James 4:8). Five of the virgins were obedient to the Lord while seeking spiritual knowledge. Albeit five of them did not 73

have time to draw near to God. Perhaps because they were preoccupied with work, hunting, fishing, sports or social media. Thus, five made it into the Heavenly realm and five did not.

In the Parable of the Talents, Jesus told us about three men who received salvation and set out on their spiritual journey. Two of them increased in the knowledge of the Lord which enabled them to produce fruit for Him, but one did not. Later, when their Lord returned, two made it into the Heavenly realm and the other was cast into outer darkness.

Advocates for the once-saved always-saved doctrine rhetorically ask their congregants the following question. “After being born into this world, can you then become unborn? After which, they quickly answer their own question saying, “Of course Not,” and then continue with a false equivalence saying: “And just as you cannot be physically unborn after being born into the world, neither can you be spiritually unborn after being born into the body of Christ.”

Such thinking is natural for carnal-minded members of the clergy but fails to account for the fact that although we cannot be unborn after being born into this world: There are many ways through which an untimely death can overtake us other than natural causes. For example, in the physical realm, cancer and heart disease are the two chief killers.


Albeit, in the spiritual realm, false doctrine is the chief killer of those seeking Jesus.

Hence, we must remember that just as an untimely physical death can overtake us after being born into this life, an untimely spiritual death can also befall us after being born into the body of Christ. Such a spiritual death could be due to disobedience, or by allowing so-called Bible teachers with a kindly manner and a Christ like appearance to deceive us into believing false doctrine.

Paul described a mature Christian saying, “It is impossible for those who were once enlightened

[heard the gospel], and have tasted the heavenly gift [by accepting Jesus], and who have shared in the Holy Spirit [received the Holy Spirit baptism], and have tasted the goodness of the word of God

[read the Bible], and tasted the powers of the coming age [as revealed by the Holy Spirit], if they shall fall away to be brought back again into repentance. Because to their loss, they are crucifying the Son of God all over again, and subjecting Him to public disgrace,” (Hebrews 6:4-6).

When trying to substantiate the “once-saved always-saved”




intentionally deceive their congregants and themselves by quoting the following Scripture 75

which states, “And being made perfect Jesus became the author of our eternal salvation,”

(Hebrews 5:9). But they conveniently omit the remainder of that verse, which states, Unto all

them that OBEY Him.”

Holding on to our salvation depends on our obedience to God in much the same manner that keeping our job depends on our job performance and obedience to our employer. If we obey, we’ll keep our job, if not, we’ll lose it: It is as simple as that.

The Bible states, “We should henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness, whereby they [overzealous power hungry men trying to make a name for themselves] lie in wait to deceive,” (Ephesians 4:14).

The truth is the once saved always saved doctrine is being preached because Satan wants converts to believe their ticket to heaven has been punched, and they are heaven bound no matter how they live their lives afterward.

Peace within the body of Christ

through truth, not silence!


This chapter contains information on several historical events that occurred during the beginnings of Christianity that every Christian should be aware of. Each of which gives real meaning to God’s word stating that, “Satan roams

to and fro seeking those whom he might devour,”

(1 Peter 5:8).

Knowledge of these events will broaden your understanding of Satan’s role in shaping Christianity into what you see today. Each event can easily be fact-checked by going to the search-engine on your smartphone or other device and simply typing in a few key words on the subject, or simply asking Alexa or Sira.

Eerdmans History of Christianity states that during the Dark-Ages, “Satan had an Iron grip on

Christianity.” The Evil one was able to gain such a tight grip on the Church during that period because until the mid-1500s only senior Church leaders had access to the Scriptures, and those leaders ruled with an iron fist.

Most of what the church taught during that period had very little to do with God’s word. For that reason, the Scriptures were closely guarded because the leadership feared that if they were to fall into the hands of the people, they might attempt to hold them accountable for censoring God’s word.


Even their subordinates who were bold enough to question their doctrine, were branded as heretics.

Afterwhich, they were made an example of by cutting off their hands just below the elbow so they could not document their grievances, and their tongues were clipped so they could not voice them!

Others, depending on their Country of residence, were either hung, beheaded or burned alive.

Noblemen / educated men fortunate enough to gain access to the Scriptures that voiced their concern about what the church was teaching, were killed. World History also records that hundreds of thousands were killed because church leaders did not appreciate having their knowledge brought into question by peasants claiming to know God.

Albeit during the year 1517 when the world was beginning to emerge from the Dark-Ages.

Martin Luther, a born-again Catholic priest knowledgeable in the Scriptures, drew the attention of church leaders when he posted a list of 95 evil things the church was responsible for on the church doors in Wittenberg, Germany.

God chose that time frame to inspire Luther to make those things known. Because He knew it would soon be possible to mass-produce the Scriptures by means of the printing press. After which, He would then inspire Luther and others in His service to use the power of the press to take the 78

truth of His word directly to the people. God promised that knowledge would be increased in the last days, and in the year 1521 that began happening.

Shortly after Luther posted his 95 theses on the doors of the Whittenburg church, the German Emperor conducted a hearing on Luther’s decision to expose the church for its evil doings. During that hearing, a tribunal of spiritual leaders offered Luther an opportunity to recant, albeit he refused, and they excommunicated him. Luther then knew the church would soon sentence him to death, hence he sought refuge at the Wartburg Castle.

While there, he translated the entire New Testament text into German. He completed his work in 1523 and after being printed, copies were given to the German governors’ hoping they would discover sufficient Scriptural evidence to render a righteous judgment on his behalf. And indeed, they found that evidence and spared his life.

Although it became possible to mass-produce the Scriptures in 1521, until the 16th Century it remained unlawful for anyone other than senior church leaders to be in possession of them. And the following is example of how the Church enforced that law.

In 1523, William Tyndale a man of God and a key contributor to the King James version of the 79

Bible became so troubled by the spiritual ignorance of the Church leaders in England. He said to them,

“Not many days hence, I shall cause the boy that

drives the plow to know more of the Scriptures

than you do.”

Tyndale kept his promise, and just two years later his Plowboy version of the Bible began falling into the hands of the English commoners.

The Church swiftly met Tyndale’s efforts to make the Scriptures available to the people. As punishment, he was tied to a stake in the town square and burned alive. Reportedly, his last words were, “Lord, open the King of England’s eyes.”

Twenty-seven years later, in 1550, John Calvin left Switzerland for France with Bibles printed in French. Upon his arrival, they were given to both noblemen and commoners alike. Calvin’s efforts to make the Scriptures available to the French people resulted in tens of thousands of people being born-again, simply because they were reading the Bible in search of truth.

While reading the Scriptures these French converts discovered that the salvation message the church was teaching differed greatly from that which Jesus preached. However, realizing they would face certain death if they challenged what the church was teaching. They decided to separate from 80

the church and became known as Huguenots.

(meaning non-Catholic Christians).

With that occurrence, Satan apparently realized that he was beginning to lose some of his control on Christianity. Hence, he then inspired the Pope in Rome to declare war on the Huguenots to force them back into Catholicism.

As a result, during the St. Bartholomew’s day massacre in 1572, Kathleen the Great’s army fighting under direct orders from the Pope, butchered over 5,000 French Christians in a single day, and tens of thousands were killed during the ensuing nine years of war fought to make that happen.

The Pope’s war against the French separatist was fruitless, because while reading the Scriptures they discovered how to be born-again. Thus, through obedience to our Lord they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. After which, they preferred death rather than doing as Peter stated in 2 Peter 2:22: Which for them, returning to Catholicism would be like; A dog returning to his

vomit, or a hog returning to wallowing in the mire.

Those killing the French Christians may have believed they were serving God; just as Paul believed that he was doing when arresting Christians to force them to either renounce Jesus or be stoned to death. Such actions committed by 81

carnal converts is why when appointing those to serve in the church, the Bible states, “Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil,” (1 Timothy 3:6).

Clearly, according to World history, the church was brutal when dealing with the commoners. In fact, when setting the stage for his book titled: A Tale of Two Cities. Charles Dickens wrote about an appalling incident carried out by the Church in France in the year 1775.

Dickens wrote, “Under the guidance of her Christian pastors, she [France] entertained herself, besides, with such humane achievements as sentencing a youth to have his hands cut off, his tongue torn out with pinchers, and his body burned alive, because he had not kneeled down in the rain to do honor to a dirty Procession of monks, which passed within his view at a distance of some fifty or sixty yards.”

The church was responsible for many such actions taken against those who failed to show reverence to members of the clergy. Hence, if you have ever wondered who bestowed the title Reverend to the clergy. The answer is: High-minded spiritual leaders who demanded attention bestowed that title on themselves! Hence, in Matthew 5-3-12, Jesus told us what types of converts would inherit the kingdom of Heaven.


That said, students of World History know that the title Reverend, fits members of the clergy about as well as the title Honorable fits most of those serving in the U. S. Congress and Senate. In fact, due to the sins of the perceived church, Christianity boosts fewer College graduates per-capita than any other world religion. Verified through the Pew Research Center.

The truth is, Satan’s involvement in the framing of the church was designed to steer educated men and women away from Christianity.

He did so because he knew that knowledgeable converts possessing a righteous heart would follow in the footsteps of men like Luther, Calvin, Tyndale and others, and Satan did not want that to happen.

The churches method of dealing with the people was barbaric before the Scriptures began falling into the hands of the people. Nonetheless, despite the best efforts of men who sold their souls to achieve notoriety; knowledge of God’s word increased.

Due to the Scriptures falling into the hands of the commoners in the 1500s. The Catholic Church and the Church in England was forced to make some changes. Those changes led to a truce ending 997 years of war fought for the exclusive right to preach the gospel message!


In summary, Christianity began with Jesus, choosing the Apostles and teaching them.

Afterwhich, He motivated them to record everything He taught them, and the many things they witnessed while with Him. Thereby, establishing the parameters for how His Church would grow in knowledge and scope. Afterward, at Pentecost, Jesus then passed the responsibility of teaching converts over to God the Holy Spirit.

Thus, in obedience to our risen Lord’s instructions, the Bible states, “The Apostles gave themselves over continually to reading God’s word, prayer and the ministry of the word,” (Acts 6:2-4).

While reading the Scriptures, God made them factually know that the information they were being taught could save a spiritually dying world.

That knowledge undoubtedly ignited a fire burning within them to document everything Jesus taught them, and the many things they witnessed while with Him. Then with feather-pen in hand, they immortalized that knowledge on paper, thereby giving us the New Testament text. Finally, with their writings, God’s word was complete, and the Holy Spirit was given everything He needed to teach those of us in this Church-Age.

Upon receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the Apostles were emboldened and no longer afraid of being punished for preaching Jesus. Thus, they 84

preached Jesus to everyone God had drawn to witness His Spirit descending from Heaven on the day of Pentecost. As a result, three thousand people accepted Jesus and were baptized later that day.

Even after being severely beaten and thrown into the prison dungeon for preaching Jesus. The Apostles continued sharing the news of Jesus everywhere they went, until all of them were killed except John, who had been exiled on the Isle of Patmos. Truly, the Apostles fought a good fight against the forces of evil, and in the process, they set an example for Spirit filled men to follow.

Thus, the gospel message was established during the early days of the church, but it was done without the benefit of the New Testament text.

Therefore, during that period, God worked many miracles through the Apostles to let the people know they were His servants. Later, after their epistles were written, couriers were then sent out to circulate their writings among the churches.

In the meantime, Satan was busy doing everything he could to degrade and pervert the salvation message. He began his quest to deceive converts by using self-appointed ministers to teach those seeking Jesus that they must also seek justification through the Levitical Law. However, when the Apostles heard that carnal-minded ministers were telling converts they must also seek 85

justification through the Law. They all came together to discuss how to handle the matter.

After discussing the situation, they agreed to draft a letter to be circulated among the churches that would clear up any misunderstanding on the subject. That letter consists of Acts 15: 24-29, and it would be a good idea to turn this page down long enough to read their letter now!

The Apostle Paul later clarified any misunderstanding on the subject saying: “Christ is become of no effect to you, whosoever of you are justified by the Law, you are fallen from grace,”


The Bible, which contained all the books in the present-day text was not completed until the year 405 A.D. Until then, the clergy had incomplete manuscripts from which to teach, some of which was thought to have been corrupted due to bias inserted by the scribes copying them.

Historical evidence points to the fact that the leaders responsible for organizing Christianity into what you see today were all carnal-minded believers filled with a lust for power, recognition and greed. They were busy selling indulgences to raise the vast sums of money needed to build St.

Peter’s Basilica and other great Cathedrals from which they would rule the people.


Those bringing in the most money was awarded the highest positions of leadership. After which, their focus was on devising new ways to keep converts accountable to the Church.

The Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible was completed in the year 405 A.D. Albeit due to a lack of understanding of both the Greek and Hebrew language during that period, it was thought to have been badly written.

Albeit considering what Jerome had to work with, I believe he did an outstanding job. I say that because during our Lord’s ministry the people spoke a broken version of the Greek language.

History records that it was only through the studies of languages during the late fourteenth century, particularly those of Greek and Hebrew that more accurate translations of the Old and New Testament text began to emerge.

Hence, due to the vagueness of the Scriptures available during the 1500 years following our Lord’s physical death and resurrection. Satan easily took control of the newly organized Church in much the same manner that he had taken control of Judaism, and in the process nearly eliminated the Hebrew language.

However, thanks to the invention of the printing press in 1521, and the efforts of men like Martin Luther, William Tyndale, John Calvin and 87

other Spirit filled men and women deserving of credit. The Light of the glorious gospel of Christ was once again beginning to shine into a world of spiritual darkness. At last, Satan was beginning to lose his iron grip on Christianity.

Satan realized that he could not win his battle being waged on behalf of Catholicism. Nor could he stop the flood of Bibles falling into the hands of the people. He was forced to find a new way to regain control of not only the Catholic Church, but also the new denominations spawning from it. To make that transition, Satan decided to use his many seducing and deceiving spirits that Jesus warned us about in Matthew 12:43-45 to inspire church leaders to initiate his system of teaching.

Allow me to remind you that during the Dark-Ages the Scriptures were enshrouded in a mystery created by the mere fact that only high-ranking clergymen had access to them. God used that mystery and man’s curiosity to motivate those possessing a righteous heart to read the Bible as soon as it became available to them.

Thus, the term Great revival was first used during that period because so many people were being saved and filled with the Holy Spirit as a direct result of reading God’s word in search of truth.


Also, until the year 1523, the Scriptures were only translated into Latin, therefore, only Latin speaking church leaders could read them. Note: Satan created all the conditions necessary for the church to choose Latin as an international church language. And he did so specifically to keep the Scriptures hidden from the people, and yes, he does possess the power to do such things.

In fact, Latin was used to deliver the homily in most Catholic Churches in the postmodern world until public schools started teaching Latin as an elective. Clearly, God fulfilled His promise that knowledge would be increased in the last days, and He did so through the power of the press and the availability of an education to one and all. Hence, there is no excuse whatsoever for those preaching the gospel today to continue as though they are still in the Dark-Ages.

Nevertheless, because of pride, and the fact that old habits are hard to break, and men tend to follow in the footsteps of their teachers. Many of the myths introduced during the Dark-Ages are still being taught today. Albeit, biblical truth should prevail over what Satan is teaching through his wolves in sheep’s clothing, and if you are willing to read God’s word in search of truth for yourself; it will.


In conclusion, just as Jesus offered the Jewish Priest and Pharisees an opportunity to repent of their religious traditions or perish. He is now giving those in error of His Word in this Church-Age an opportunity to repent, and start seeking His truth, or be left behind during a period of separation that has already begun.

Jesus prayed for those seeking eternal life saying, “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, are in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gave me I have given them that they may be one, even as we are one,” (John 17:21-22).

The glory Jesus mentioned in that verse is God's mercy and His grace through which He extends an invitation to one and all to be born-again by having our human spirit fertilized with His Spirit. God desires for His children to become one

"in truth" in the same manner that He and Jesus are one in truth. One of the main functions of the Holy Spirit is to teach us, which is how we become one in truth with our Lord and our brethren in Christ.

In verse 21, Jesus stated why He prayed for us to become one in truth, He said, “That the WORLD

may believe that thou hast sent me.” Indeed, people the world over would be more inclined to 90

believe Jesus is the Christ if all Christians were of one accord. Such a Church would present a united message to the people rather than the many different philosophies currently being taught by carnal-minded missionaries representing what seems to be an ever-growing number of denominations.

Following the formation of The World Council of Churches in 1938: Their first order of business was to initiate a strong movement aimed at bringing about peace and unity between the denominations.

The leaders of each denomination and individual churches were encouraged to join their movement by agreeing not to teach on subjects wherein there exist doctrinal differences between them and other member churches.

Eventually, the leaders of most denominations agreed to participate. And quite frankly, they did so because they were so illiterate in the Scriptures that when challenged to prove their doctrine, they could neither prove theirs to be correct, nor disprove that of their counterparts.

Therefore, it was much easier for them to simply agree to disagree, which allows them to continue in err of God’s word. Thus, the Bible states, “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse

and worse, deceiving and being deceived,” (2



Their agreement simply meant that Bible truths taught in some of those churches in the past, would no longer be taught in the future. More to the point, these man-pleasing ministers agreed on a policy of peaceful coexistence with other churches like:

“Hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil” of other churches no matter what they say or do.

Such brutish members of the clergy came to Christ through the perverted gospel; therefore, they remain spiritually blind. Thus, they lack the ability to understand the difference between physical-unity and spiritual-unity, which makes it easy for them to sit back and do nothing while Satan continues perverting the gospel.

Where would the body of Christ be today if men like Luther, Tyndale, Calvin and others had denied the urging of the Holy Spirit and refused to speak out against those in error of the Scriptures in their day? Due to Luther’s actions the Church excommunicated him and held a death-sentenced over his head. Albeit, like the Apostles and other men and women of God, he was not deterred.

Clearly, our Lord knew that Satan would organize the World Council of Churches to seek peace between the denominations. Hence, Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword [God’s word] , for I am come to set a man at variance 92

against his father, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be those of his own household,” (Matthew 10:34-36).

Truly, God’s Word divides those who have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit from those who were deceived into believing they have.

Therefore, if there is ever to be unity within the body of Christ, it will come only through the teaching of God the Holy Spirit.

Seeking peace between the denominations may have seemed like a noble thing for The World Council of Churches to do. Albeit truth taught by the Holy Spirit is what Jesus had in mind when He said, “And the glory which thou gave me, I have

given them that they may be one, even as we are


The Tribulation Period!

While exiled on the isle of Patmos, Jesus appeared to John and instructed him to write a book about things he would be shown in visions. In that book Jesus explained that there are seven golden candlesticks, one for each church located on the seven continents: Seven stars, one each for the angels representing the seven churches, and seven letters, one to each of the churches,


There are seven seals on the book of life, seven trumpets that must sound, three woes, seven thunders and seven vials filled with the wrath of God. Each of which that will be poured out onto the whore (Mystery Babylon) before the battle of Armageddon is fought. Revelations 2:1 state that

Jesus walks in the midst of the seven golden


Isaiah also wrote about many things that will happen toward the end of this Church-Age.

However, I want to mention just one of them here, because it is now affecting current events.

Isaiah 5:20-23 states, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness! Which justify the wicked for reward and take away the righteousness from the righteous from Him.” This is precisely what socialist democrats in our government are doing to justify their supporters that riot and burn our cities to get what they want: While demonizing righteous men and women thar make the backbone of this country.

All of which, makes conservative members of society that find such actions to be appalling, appear to be evil. Many like Scriptures can be found in the Bible, and they are there to help God’s Elect recognize the signs of the times.


That said, the following Scriptures will help you understand when the tribulation period may begin, and when the rapture may occur. Said Scriptures will explain what the whore is made up of, where the Anti-Christ will come from, and where the “Ark of the Testament” is now located.

However, before reading, please pause for a moment to pray and ask God to help you understand the things you are about to read.

Concerning the Ark of the Testament and its whereabouts. As you may know, several large ministries have spent large sums of supporter’s money searching for it: And then writing about their discoveries, or may I say the lack thereof. One such group claimed they found remnants of it buried beneath the spot Jesus was crucified.

However, there was no mention of gold found in their dig, which is odd, because the Ark including the staves used to carry it were all made with shittim wood, which is a very dense hardwood that in itself is resistant to decay. Afterwhich, each piece was then covered with hammered gold to prevent any possibility of decay.

Their speculation about its whereabouts proves the ignorance of carnal-minded men who seem to have time for everything except heeding God’s instructions. I say that, because if those searching for the Ark spent a mere fraction of their time 95

reading the Bible as our Lord instructs us to do; they would know exactly where it is located.

Revelations 11:19 states, “And the temple of God was opened in Heaven, and there was seen in the temple the Ark of His Testament.” God is preserving the Ark of The Testament because it must be used again during the millennium reign of Christ. This is because the remnant of Jews that will be protected from harm during the tribulation period, must all come to God through the Levitical Law during the thousand-year reign of Christ.

Moving on, Paul stated, “Now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto Him [the rapture]. Let no man deceive you by any means: For that day shall not come, except there comes a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition [Anti-Christ]; Who opposes and exalts himself, above all that is called of God, or that is worshipped, so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing that he is god,” (2

Thessalonians 2:1-4).

The Amplified Bible states, “But relative to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together to meet Him. We beg you brethren let no man deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first, the predicted great falling away of 96

those who professed to be Christians, and the man of lawlessness has come who is the son of doom.”

According to those Scriptures the Anti-Christ will reveal himself, and the mark of the beast will be implemented before the rapture occurs. The temple mentioned in those Scriptures is the remnant of Solomon’s temple, which remains being the most Holy place for the Jewish people.

Some scholars teach that a new temple must be built, and the offering of sacrifices reintroduced before the Anti-Christ will reveal himself.

However, such teaching is nothing more than a ploy of Satan’s to give those not right with God a false timeline to let them know when they should start getting serious about their spiritual walk.

Concerning the future new temple and who will build it, Zechariah said: “Thus speaks the Lord of host saying: Behold the man whose name is the Branch [Jesus]; He shall grow up out of His place, and He shall build the temple of the Lord. Even He shall build the temple; and He shall bear the glory, and He shall sit and rule upon His throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both [God the Father and Jesus],” (Zechariah 6:12-13).

Clearly, the new temple will be built by Jesus and the raptured Saints of God during the beginning of the thousand-year reign of Christ. At that time 97

Jesus will then use the talent of the Saints to make all the materials needed to construct the temple.

The judgement seat of Christ mentioned in Romans 14:10 will take place in the clouds of heaven (the air we breathe). That judgement will be obscured from the remnant of people left behind by the clouds blocking their view, and it will happen immediately following the rapture.

Jesus gave John a vision of that judgment, and he wrote about what he saw saying, “And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: And them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God,” (Revelations 15:2). John used the term “as it were a sea of glass,’’ because he could not understand how people could stand on thin air.

He then said, “And I saw thrones, and they that sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God: And had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hand, but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection,” (Revelations 20:4-5).


Revelations 20:6 states, “Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: On such the second death hath no power, but they shall be

“Priest” of God and of Christ and shall reign with Him for a thousand years.”

Clearly, John saw the Saints who had refused to accept the mark of the beast standing on what he believed was a sea of glass. Therefore, the body of Christ (God’s Elect) will be here when the Anti-Christ reveals himself, which will be approximately 3½ years into the tribulation period.

Jesus warned us beforehand saying: “Behold, I have told you before. If they say unto you, He

[Jesus] is in the desert; go not forth, behold He is in the secret chambers [the Jew’s most holy place]; believe it not, Then if any man says lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not,” (Matthew 24:25-26).

Speaking of events that will occur before the rapture, Paul said, “But now He [God] has promised, saying, yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven,” (Hebrews 12:26). The shaking here on earth begins at the beginning of the tribulation period and intensifies through to the end.

Paul then said, “And this word, yet once more, signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, as of those things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain,”


(Hebrews 12:27). The shaking Paul mentioned is the hardships converts will suffer during the first half of the tribulation, all of which will separate the sheep from the goats.

Converts that cannot be shaken loose of their faith during that period are God’s Elect, each of whom were born-again and taught by the Holy Spirit. Those that will fall during the shaking are the lukewarm who were deceived into believing the perverted version of the gospel. Chapters 8-10 in the book of Revelations explains the events that will happen when the seven trumpets sound. All of which trigger a different segment of the above-mentioned shaking.

Satan inspires carnal-minded ministers to correctly teach that the rapture will occur when the seventh trumpet sounds. Albeit they fail to teach what will happen when the fifth and sixth trumpets sounds because those things were not included in the narrative of the gospel they were taught.

Hence, I present you the following Scriptures that explains what will happen when the fifth angel sounds his trumpet, and what I believe is God’s purpose is for the event.

Revelations 9:1-6 states, “And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star [an angel] fall from heaven onto the earth: and to him was given the key to the bottomless pit. And he opened the pit and 100

there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men who have not the seal of God in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented for five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he strikes a man. And in those days shall men seek death and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.”

Hence, the question arises, why would God do this seemingly horrible thing? The truth is ministers preaching that “believing in God is the same as knowing Him,” has driven many intelligent men and women possessing a righteous heart away from what they perceived to be Christianity.

Albeit God loves those who possess a righteous Heart, and He desires to give such men and women a chance to get right with Him before the seventh trumpet sounds, after which, it would then be too late.


Hence, when those people see God’s-Elect mingling among the locust, but not being stung by them, they will then be willing to hear the true gospel message. After which, they would then seek Jesus with all their heart and soul. Satan does not want converts to be aware of such events, which explains why his wolves teach that the rapture will occur before the tribulation period begins.

When reality hits the many lukewarm believers, it will then be too late for them, just as it was too late for the five virgins that had to go buy oil for their lamps. Sadly, those people will find themselves following the Anti-Christ believing that he is the Christ. This is the falling away that Paul told us about when he said: “Let no man deceive

you by any means: For that day [the rapture] shall

not come, except there comes a falling away first,”

(2 Thessalonians. 2:3).

For those wondering if God’s Elect will face any persecution; Daniel said, “And such as do wickedly against the covenant [those who refuse to take the mark] shall he [the Anti-Christ] corrupt with flatteries: But the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.

And they that understand among the people

[those taught by the Holy Spirit] shall instruct many, yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when 102

they shall fall, they shall be helped with a little help: But many shall cleave to them with flatteries,” (Daniel 11:32-34). (The help Daniel mentioned in that verse is a really big deal that will be addressed later in this chapter).

The Bible states, “And the dragon [Satan] was wroth with the woman [the tribe of Judah from which Jesus descended] and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus,” (Revelations 12:17).

“And it was given unto him to make war with the Saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all Kindred’s, tongues, and Nations: And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man has an ear let him hear. He that leads into captivity shall go into captivity: and he that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience, and the faith of the Saints,” (Revelations 13:7-10).

John also wrote about the shaking Paul mentioned, saying, “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels: and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old 103

serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world,” (Revelations 12:7-9).

Revelations 12:12 states, “Woe to the inhibiters of the earth and of the sea! For the Devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time.”

NOTE: Satan was evicted from his dwelling place in the third Heaven when he deceived Adam and Eve. However, as noted in Job 1:6-7 and several other places in the Bible, he still has access in and out of God’s dwelling place to this day.

Albeit when the shaking John and Paul mentioned occurs, there will be war in Heaven, and Satan and his angels will then be cast out of the third Heaven; never to return.

Referring to the first resurrection / rapture, Paul said, “Behold I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, “At the last trump:” For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed,” (1 Corinthians, 15: 51-52). As noted in Hebrews 12:23, this is when God changes the hearts of just men and women and makes them perfect.

The seventh trumpet will not sound until after the Anti-Christ has manifested himself to the world claiming to be the Christ. Revelations 10:7 states,


“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God

should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants the Prophets.” Meaning; the end of this church age, precipitating the first resurrection which is when God recalls His Spirit from the earth.

Then, as Paul stated, “If the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you,” (Romans 8:11).

Revelations 11:15 states, “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying: The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.”

Satan is then dethroned, and Jesus becomes the God of this world, and according to Revelations 12:5, He will rule it with a rod of iron.

Jesus will then purge and purify the earth of evil while also extracting His vengeance on Satan, the beast, the false prophet and the ungodly (mystery Babylon), by among other things, pouring out the seven vials filled with God’s wrath.

Those taught to believe that the rapture will not occur until the end of the tribulation period should read Zechariah 14:5, which states that the Saints 105

will return with Jesus to participate in the great battle of Armageddon.

Revelations 10:6-7 tells us that when the seventh angel sounds its trumpet, time as we now know it then ends for God’s Elect, this is because they then enter God’s time. Peter explained the difference between God’s time and physical time saying, “Beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years

[to man], and a thousand years [to man] as one day

[to the Lord] ,” (2 Peter 3:8).

Referring to the second half of the tribulation, Jesus said, “For then there shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there would be no flesh saved, but for the Elect’s sake those days shall be shortened,”




according to that Scripture, those who truly know the Lord will not have to go through the entire second half of the tribulation period.

Jesus mentioned the remnant of Jews that must be saved alive in Matthew’s gospel saying: “When you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet [the Anti-Christ] stand in the holy place. Then let them, which are in Judaea flee into the mountains: let him, which is on the 106

housetop not come down to take anything out of his house.

Neither let him, which is in the field return for his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray that your flight be not in the winter, or on the Sabbath day,” (Matthew 24:15-20).

John also mentioned them saying, “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three score days

[3.452 years],” (Revelations 12:6). And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time [the last 3 ½ years of the tribulation period] from the face of the serpent,” (Revelations 12:14).

Those people must be saved alive throughout the tribulation period or there would be no need for the thousand-year reign of Christ. Thus, God will protect them from all the mayhem resulting from the pouring out of God’s wrath and Armageddon.

As previously stated, when referring to the Anti-Christ, Jesus warned His Elect saying,

“Behold, I have told you before. If they say unto you, He is in the desert; go not forth, behold He is in the secret chambers [the most holy place]; 107

believe it not, then if any man says, lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not,” (Matthew 24:25-26). Jesus warned us about those things because He knew that many of His Elect would be here when the Anti-Christ reveals himself to the world claiming to be the Christ.

Jesus explained the events that will take place preceding the rapture saying, “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven [Satan and his angels are tossed out of God’s dwelling place, which is the shaking that both Paul and John wrote about] and the powers of the Heavens shall be shaken,” (Matthew 24:29).

Notice the word Heavens, meaning the first and the third heavens; (the second is the dwelling place for the spirits of those who has passed on).

Also, notice that Jesus did not say immediately after the tribulation, He said immediately after the tribulation of those days, meaning when the Anti-Christ claims to be the Christ.

Jesus then continued saying, “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:

[people around the world will see a symbol of Jesus in the sky] And then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn [those who rejected Jesus and those belonging to other religions will mourn because 108

they will then factually know that Jesus is the Christ], and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

And he shall send forth His angels with a great sound of a trumpet [the seventh trumpet] and they shall gather together His Elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other,” (Matthew 24:30-31). As you can very clearly see, there will be no secret rapture!

You have now read about the rapture during which Jesus does not set foot on Earth. Albeit He wants people all over the world to see Him in the heavens during the first resurrection to both excite and comfort the Saints.

Also, to allow the many just men and women alive at the time that may belong to other religions to see that Jesus is the Messiah. This is because God wants them to have a chance to repent and be judged from the book of life in the second resurrection. However, that will be difficult because the Holy Spirit will no longer be here on earth to help believers overcome themselves.

The Whore and what she consists of!

Writing about of the whore John was shown in a vision, he said, “And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with 109

me, saying, come here, I will show you the judgment of the Great Whore that sits upon many waters,” (Revelations 17:1). I want to point out that when John saw the whore, he saw her exactly as she will appear at the time of her destruction.

Revelations 17:6-7 NIV states, “I saw that the woman [a symbolic figure of what constitutes the whore] was drunk with the blood of the Saints, and with the blood of those who bore testimony of Jesus, and when I saw her, I was greatly astonished.

Then the angel said to me: Why were you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman, and the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns.”

John concluded saying, And here is the mind

that has wisdom [those taught by the Holy Spirit] .

The seven heads are seven mountains on which

the woman sits,” (Revelations 17:9). The seven mountains are the seven continents, each of which is represented by a golden candlestick representing God’s people on each continent.

The beast carrying the whore consists of governments, both past and present that allowed her existence because they believed she was being helpful by teaching good morals. The ten horns are ten kings (government leaders) that did not exist when John wrote the book of Revelations, 110

remember, John is seeing the world as it exists today.

John was perplexed when he saw the whore because he expected her to be made-up of false religions. But what John saw was a woman drunken on the blood of those serving God, many of whom were killed by the Church during the Dark Ages, and Saints killed in the coliseum and amphitheaters by the Romans under Nero’s rule.

Hence, John was disturbed by the fact that the perceived Church could be partly responsible for the deaths of so many people. Nevertheless, what John saw and wrote about is why most Protestant Scholars were taught to believe the that the Catholic Church is the whore, and Catholic Scholars were taught to believe that the Protestants is the whore.

The fact is, if you are a lifelong Catholic in your late seventies you were taught to believe that the whore is the Protestant denominations.

Likewise, if you are a lifelong Protestant in your late seventies, you were taught to believe that the Catholic Church is the whore.

I referred to those in their late seventies because during the 1950’s the World Council of Churches brokered a deal with both sides to no longer teach on that subject. Hence, younger converts are unaware of that information. The fact is, both the Catholic and Protestant scholars 111

recognize that the perceived church could be a part of the whore, but neither is willing to admit to the possibility of being a part of it.

As previously stated, when speaking of the whore, Jesus said to His Elect, “Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached into heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities,” (Revelations. 18:4-5).

Notice that Jesus instructs His children to come out of the whore, now think about that for a just moment! Clearly, what is perceived to be the body of Christ, is a part of what makes up whore!

Speaking of the whore Jesus said, “How much she has glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she says in her heart, “I sit a queen and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow,” (Revelations 18:7). Jesus is the king, and the perceived church claims to be His queen. Hence, the church claims that it will see no sorrow because believers cannot lose their salvation, and the rapture will come before the tribulation begins.

The words spoken in the heart of the whore is another reason some scholars believe the perceived church is the whore. Now, remember that Jesus said He will spew the lukewarm out of His mouth, 112

and I trust that you can envision a mental picture of why they believe that.

To believe the perceived church could be a part of the whore, one would have to believe that Satan will eventually deceive every Christian ministry in the world. But then, that is exactly what Jesus said would happen. Revelations 12:9 states: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole

world.” That simply means that everyone worshipping God in all religions are being deceived!

Referring to the whore, Revelations 18:23

states, “And by thy sorceries [false teaching] were

all nations deceived.” Jesus said, “All nations were

deceived,” albeit nations, such as China, Russia, Egypt, Iran, Israel, India, North Korea and others are all comprised predominately of people belonging to other religions. Thus, we can safely assume that all nations were deceived by false doctrines being taught in all religious institutions.

Clearly, the whore is made-up of all world religions through which Satan will eventually deceive everyone on the planet except God’s Elect.

Each of which were born-again in Spirit and in truth and keep our Lord’s commandments as stated in St.

John 14:21, St. John 8:31-32, and Isaiah 34:16.

Thus, they truly know God and His word.


Those taught to believe that a revived Persian Empire is the mystery Babylon are wrong.

Although, I realize that Satan is currently working to manipulate converts into believing that, because that is what he wants people to believe. By doing so, Satan diverts attention away from what he is actually accomplishing within Christianity.

Many so-called Bible scholars believe that Rome is the city on which the whore sits because they misinterpret the following Scriptures. The Bible states, And here is the mind that has

wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits,” (Revelations 17:9). “And

the woman which thou saw, is that great city,

which reigns over the kings of the earth,”

(Revelations.17: 18).

Many so-called Bible scholars believe that Rome is the city because during John’s lifetime the Roman





government in the world. However, they fail to understand that what John saw in the vision was the world as it will appear during the tribulation period, not as it was during John’s lifetime.

Carnal-minded scholars teach that the seven heads are seven mountains on which Rome was built, but that is not true. You can simply Google the city of Rome and get a good satellite view of it on your smartphone or computer, whereupon you 114

can then see for yourself that there are no mountains in the city of Rome.

Furthermore, it is a well-known fact that Bamberg, Germany, and Rome, Italy, are the only two cities in the world built on seven hills. It is also a well-known fact that some so-called experts can make a mountain out of a molehill to make it fit their narrative of events.

Revelations 17:18, states, “And the woman

which thou saw is that great city, which reigns

over the kings of the earth.” Hence, I would be remiss not to mention that there exist a few scholars that believe New York City could be the city.

They believe that because the 192-member body of world leaders convenes there once a year in the Month of September for the United Nations General Assembly. However, neither the United States, nor the city or state of New York reigns over those world leaders or their sovereign Countries, therefore New York City could not possibly be the city John saw in his vision.

That said, please pay close attention to the following Scripture because it explains a truth that even Satan’s wolves cannot explain away. The angel said to John, “The waters which thou saw where the whore sits are Peoples and Multitudes

and Nations and Tongues, (Revelations 17:15).


Clearly, the angel was referring to all nations and people on earth, every language in the world and every religion in the world. All of which further proves that Rome is not the city.

However, if you are still not convinced pay attention to Revelations 18:3 which states: “For all Nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the Kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” Now, while pondering that Scripture, allow me to pose two questions!

First, are the headquarters of all world religions located in the city of Rome, thereby making it possible for world leaders to commit fornication with them in that one city? Second, has the city of Rome or the country of Italy ever produced such an abundance of goods that it could supply the rest of the world their needs. Thereby making some of the world’s merchants very rich.

The obvious answer to both questions is a resounding no!

However, the many nations of the world grow all manner of crops, harvest seafood, mines gold, silver, and all other raw materials. Manufactures ships, airplanes, implements of war, and all other manufactured goods and products used by the people living in all Nations. Those products are 116

then shipped to every nation located on every continent where merchants then sell them; some of which have indeed become quite wealthy! All further proving that Rome is not the city.

Another fact that should be considered is the fact that when God begins taking vengeance on the whore by pouring out the seven vials filled with His wrath onto the whore. No nation, or group of nations, will be able to come to her aid, because God will allow no interference from man during the last three years before Armageddon, and things will unfold on His timetable.

The only people or armies involved in God’s war against the whore will be those whom He preordained would be. For example, Revelations 16:12 states, “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.”

It will be necessary for God to dry up the Euphrates River to make way for the armies coming from the east to join the great battle when He is ready for them. This is because due to prolonged war in the Middle East, all bridges in the area will have been destroyed, and due to nuclear fallout creating Ionizing Electromagnetic radiation in the Gamma frequency, motorized vehicles in the area 117

will not operate. Hence, troop movement will be limited to either foot, horseback or camelback.

Due to God’s power to limit the power of world leaders during that period; John said, “The kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bond man, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains, And said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the lamb: For the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand,” (Revelations 6:15-17).

Shortly after pouring out the first six vials filled with God’s wrath, Armageddon will then take center stage. Referring to Armageddon, God said,

“Behold the day of the Lord will come, and thy spoil shall be divided in the mist of thee. For “I”

will gather “All Nations” against Jerusalem to

battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those Nations, as He fought in the day of battle. His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the 118

midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a great valley and half of the mountain shall move to the North, and half of it toward the south,” (Zechariah 14:1-4).

Revelations 16:17-19 states, “And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple in Heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightning; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since man was upon the earth [the same earthquake mentioned above]. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the “Cities” of the Nations fell: and great Babylon [the world governments] came into remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath.”

Notice John’s words, “And the Cities of the Nations fell, and great Babylon came into remembrance before God.” Be mindful of the fact that many of the world’s largest cities has a seaport where ships are either loading or unloading cargo at any given time. Also, as noted in the following Scriptures those on board the ships will witness the destruction of those cities, while every city in the world is being destroyed.

Revelations 18:17-20 states, “For in one hour so great riches is come to naught. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and 119

sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off; and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, what city is like unto this great city. And they cast dust on their heads, and cried weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea, by reason of her costliness! For in one hour is she made desolate? Rejoice over her, Thou Heaven, and you Holy Apostles and Prophets; for God has avenged you on her.”

Speaking of the whore John said, “And in her

was found the blood of prophets, and of Saints,

and all that were slain upon the earth,”

(Revelations 18:24). That Scripture informs us that the whore was responsible for the deaths of those killed while serving God, and she was judged for having spilled their blood. Remember, it was the many so-called religious people belonging to all persuasions including the early church that killed hundreds of thousands of those serving our Lord.

Also, be mindful of the fact that it was the lazy so-called ministers of the gospel that choose to be complicit in deceiving the entire world by simply sitting back and doing nothing to hinder what Satan was doing.

To obtain a better understanding of what you’ve read thus far, you should read Revelations chapters sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen all of 120

which are about the whore and her destruction.

Then, read the first seven verses of the nineteenth chapter where you will then learn that the only thing left for Jesus and the resurrected Saints to do afterward is the clean-up operations.

Satan will then be bound and locked away until shortly before the end of the thousand-year reign of Christ when he will then be loosened for a short season. Clearly, the aforementioned information concerning the whore indicates that all religions including a lukewarm Christianity is what makes up the great whore, known as Mystery Babylon.

The 144,000, and who they are!

The 144,000 are made up of 12,000 coming from each of the twelve tribes of Israel named after Jacop’s sons. Each of whom must be sealed with God’s Spirit preceding the first resurrection.

Converts to Christ are sealed the moment they receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but the 144,000 are all young Hebrew children that died before the birth of Christ.

Therefore, they must be sealed with God’s Spirit before the rapture occurs, or they would not be raised from the dead. The Bible explains why stating, “But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up 121

Christ shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you,” (Romans 8:11).

In Revelations 7:1-8 we read about the 144,000

first born sons of the Israelites led out of Egypt being sealed with God’s Spirit. However, immediately after they are sealed, the resurrection /

rapture then occurs. Verse nine then states: “After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no

man could number, of all nations, and kindred, and people, and tongues stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes,”

(Revelations 7:9).

To better understand the significance of the 144,000, we go to Revelations chapter fourteen verses 1-3, which states, “And I looked, and lo, a Lamb [Jesus] stood on Mount Sion, and with Him an hundred forty and four thousand, having His Father’s name written in their foreheads.

And I heard a voice from Heaven, as the voice of many waters, and the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping. And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beast and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty-four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.”

Revelations 14:4-5 states, “These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb 122

whithersoever He goes. These were redeemed from among men, “Being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb.” And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.”

Can you imagine a boys’ choir numbering 144,000?

The Anti-Christ!

Another word for “Anti” is anticipatory, which means in anticipation of something, and the word

“Christ” means “Messiah.” Born-again converts factually know that Jesus is their Messiah, however, the Jews which included the tribe of Benjamin did not accept Jesus. Hence, they are still anxiously waiting for their Messiah to come and deliver them from their enemies.

The Scriptures foretold of a coming Jewish Messiah, but none spoke more eloquently than did Isaiah who said: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder: And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace,” (Isaiah 9:6).

Later, when referring to predictions made about the Messiah, Isaiah asked, “Who has believed our report?” (Isaiah 53:1). Clearly, most of the Jewish people did not believe it, and to this day they 123

reject Biblical revelations that Jesus is their Messiah. However, because of the miracles worked by Him, they do accept Him as being a Prophet.

Albeit they reject Revelations 5:5, which states, “Behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book and to loosen the seven seals thereof.” The Jews’ cling to the belief that their Messiah will conquer their enemies and bring about a lasting peace, and it is based on the following Scriptures.

Jacob prophesied saying, “Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thy enemies; thy father’s children shall bow down before thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp: From the prey, my son, thou are gone up: he stooped down; he crouched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? The “Scepter” shall not depart from Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be [the rapture].”

(Genesis 49:8-10).

The Jewish people are still looking for their lion from the tribe of Judah. Therefore, the Anti-Christ will undoubtedly be a Jew whose ancestry must be traceable back to the tribe of Judah or the Jew’s will not accept him. The Jewish Anti-Christ will be a man of war, and he will come onto the 124

scene at a time when Israels destruction seems imminent.

Thence, it should be noted that if Hamas, the European Union, the Iranians, China, Russia, and this new generation of democrats that have taken over the party continue to have their way, we truly do not have much time left.

Referring to this Church-Age, Jesus said, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign;

but there shall be no sign given,” (Matthew 12:39).

More than ever before this generation of lukewarm converts seeks miracles on which they can base their belief in Christ. Therefore, the Anti-Christ is presently readying himself to give them the miracles they are looking for.

Speaking about how he will manifest himself, John said, “And he doeth great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven onto the earth, in the sight of men. And he Deceives them that dwell on the earth by means of those Miracles, which he has power to do,” (Revelation 13:13-14).

To convince the entire world that he is the Christ, the Anti-Christ will perform many miracles, all of which people will witness on television.

Afterward, he will then enter the Jews’ most Holy place claiming to be their Messiah. Shortly thereafter, most of the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindu’s, and the many lukewarm Christians will 125

support him. Shortly thereafter, he will then claim to be god.

Having said all the above, you have now seen scriptural proof that before the rapture occurs converts will be faced with the harsh reality of having to either accept or reject the mark of the beast. Clearly, according to the Scriptures you’ve now read, the rapture will not come until after the mark of the beast has been implemented.

However, the rapture will occur before the second of the seven vials filled with God’s wrath is poured out to torment the whore. How long God’s Elect will remain after the Anti-Christ declares that he is god, and the mark of the beast is implemented, I cannot say for sure, but I have solid reasons to believe that it will be weeks, not months.

The Bible clearly states that “If a man has not

the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.” (Romans 8:9). That Scripture vividly explains why a carnal-minded Judas Iscariot who had witnessed many miracles was willing to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. And, when faced with death before receiving God’s Spirit in him, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times on the night our Lord was arrested.

Likewise, those who have not received the Holy Spirit baptism will not be able to stand against the Anti-Christ. God’s word clearly states, “Not by


[your] might, nor by [your] power, but by My

Spirit, says the Lord,” (Zechariah 4:6). And, as previously stated, we do not receive the power needed to stand against the wiles of the Devil until after the Holy Spirit takes up residence in our heart.

Spirit filled converts living during the time the mark of the beast is being implemented know they may be killed, but they also know they will not taste death. For example, when Steven was being stoned to death for preaching the most eloquent sermon ever preached. The Bible states, “Steven, being full of the Holy Spirit, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,” (Acts 7:55).

Steven then said to those stoning him,

“Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God,” (Acts 7:56). Jesus was on His feet ready to receive Steven’s spirit into the second Heaven. Hence, while Steven was being stoned Jesus had already taken him by his spiritual hand, and his spirit was no longer in his body. (That is an example of the help our Lord will give His Elect, as mentioned in Daniel 11:34).

Satan’s wolves preach a perverted message on salvation to deceive converts into believing they will not have to suffer any hardships in the last days. This is because Satan does not want converts 127

to be spiritually prepared for the perilous times to come, just as Peter (before receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit) was unprepared when faced with the possibility that he might be killed by those who arrested Jesus.

As stated throughout this writing, Satan does not care if you believe in Jesus; his goal is to keep you from knowing Him. This is because it is only through being born-again that we receive the spiritual power needed to stand against the evils we are confronted with throughout our lives.

Indeed, God’s Elect will be confronted with having to take the mark of the beast, which is part of the shaking Paul mentioned in Hebrews 12:26.

Those who know our Lord will with great joy refuse to take the mark, because they know their redemption has finally come, and they fear not what man can do to them. However, converts that have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit will accept the mark hoping they are doing the right thing.

Revelations 12:9 states that Satan will deceive the entire world: Hence, God will not call His Elect home until every living adult has made his or her decision to either accept Jesus in Spirit and in truth or simply follow carnal-minded men.

How much time we have left before that happens, no one knows. When Jesus was asked that 128

question, He said, “But of that day and hour

knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but

my Father only,” (Matthew 24:36). However, I will say this, those belonging to other religions were deceived long ago, hence Satan is now devoting all of his time to deceiving those seeking Jesus.

When asked when the end of the world would come, the last thing Jesus said was, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the entire world for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end come,” (Mathew 24:14).

Some Christian leaders would say the gospel is now being preached in every nation on earth through radio, television and missionary’s. But no, the gospel currently being taught through them only beget more lukewarm believers most of whom will never know God. Hence, they are no threat to Satan; and instead, they are unknowingly serving him.

The Bible states that when the many so-called Christian ministries in the world have failed, God will then send forth an angel to fulfill His promise.

John wrote about witnessing the fulfillment of that promise saying, “And I saw another angel fly through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting

gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every Nation, and kindred, and tongue, and 129

people,” (Revelations 14: 6). Note; when God says that He will send an angel, it will be an angel, not a satellite as some have taught.

The angel will have but a short time to preach the gospel because, when he appears on the scene the Anti-Christ will have already manifested himself to the world, and implementation of the mark of the beast will be in its final stage. However, God wants His message preached to those living during that period, because eventually they will all bend their knees before Him at the white throne judgment, and they must all be found without excuse.

Referring to the destruction of the whore, John said he saw another angel flying in the air saying,

“Babylon is fallen [meaning the worlds religionist institutions], because she made all Nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,”

(Revelations 14: 8). The angel of the Lord will not be allowed to make that declaration until every ministry in the world has rejected truth.

He then said, “And the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice, if any man worships the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand: The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God,” (Revelations 14: 9-10).

Meaning the pouring out of the seven vials filled with God’s wrath.


As previously stated, shortly after the image of the beast has been set up, and everyone on earth has been forced to either accept or reject his mark, God will then call His Spirit back into the third Heaven.

After which, the Lord will then send His two witnesses mentioned in Revelations Chapter 11 to preach the true gospel to those left behind for a thousand two hundred and sixty days.

Then, as stated in Revelations 11:10, after they begin preaching the Anti-Christ will do such a good job convincing the people that these two Prophets are evil. God then allows them to be killed, afterward, the people will then send gifts to each other to celebrate their death. The Bible states,

“And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt,


