An Urgent Message to Those Holding a Doctorate in Theology! by Ed Nix - HTML preview

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(Revelations 11:8).

Speaking of the two witnesses John said,

“These have power to shut heaven that it rains not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with plagues as often as they will. And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall kill them,” (Revelations 11:6-7).


“And after three days and a half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell on them that saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying, come up here, and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them,”

(Revelations 11:11-12).

Speaking to lukewarm converts, Jesus said, “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I wish that you were either cold or hot, but because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth,” (Revelations 3:15-16).

A note from the Author!

This writer grew up in a farming community back in the early 1940s and attended a local Baptist church. As was the custom in those days, I accepted Jesus at the age of eight and was baptized in a saltwater creek. Then again, at the age of twelve I recommitted my life to Christ and was baptized in the new church baptismal.

In those days there were only a few churches in the rural areas, hence most of the people living within a twelve-mile radius attended the same place of worship. While attending church pastors would come and go, albeit there was one that made a 132

lasting impression on me. However, after hearing him preach an impassioned message on Matthew 10:37-38, the church fathers dismissed him, and shortly thereafter I dropped out of church.

Nonetheless, due to what I had been taught I considered myself to be a Christian. However, approximately eighteen years later my wife rededicated her life to Jesus and was born again in Spirit and in truth.

That occurrence created some confusion in my life because I knew that what I was witnessing in her life was lacking mine. I could not deny the changes I was seeing in her, and I’ll never forget her saying to me, “Ed, I want you to know that you can know, and love Jesus better than you know and love me.” She then added, “I know because I now love Him more than anyone including you.”

I was shocked and somewhat hurt when she told me that, albeit her words triggered a flashback causing me to remember having heard similar words in the past. I then recalled the one minister I had connected with in my youth telling the congregation that they could know God better, and love Him more than their husbands, wives and children.

After witnessing my wife’s conversion, I rededicated my life to Christ, but on this occasion, I took the advice of the matriarch of the church my 133

wife was attending. Following her advice, I dug into the Scriptures as though my life depended on it.

While reading the Bible, I discovered why God instructs us to read His word. This is because one of the first things I learned is that I had not been a Christian. Although, I had been taught from my youth that I was, simply because I believed in Jesus and had been baptized according to Acts 2:38.

While reading God’s word I was drawn deeper and deeper into the Scriptures. Every time I picked it up the Bible to read, I would ask Jesus to help me understand His word, and to manifest Himself to me as He had done for my wife.

Several months later while on a business trip to St. Louis, Missouri, rather than passing time in the hotel piano bar in the evening, I stayed in my room and read my Bible. The next morning before going to the office, a strange feeling came over me and I then realized that I too loved Jesus more that all else in the world including my wife and children.

That event awakened me to the spiritual realm of life, after which, I knew exactly what my wife had experienced. After wiping away the seemingly endless tears of joy and regaining my composure, I phoned my wife to let her know that I too had received the Holy Spirit into my heart.


Afterward, I spent more and more time reading God’s word, and one of the first things I learned is that when I stand before Jesus to be judged, there will be no one there to defend me for my spiritual ignorance. This explains why the Bible instructs us stating, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,” (Philippians 2:12).

With the passing of time and reading the Scriptures as God commands. I discovered that converts are not being taught the elementary truths Jesus gave His life to make known to all mankind.

Although, those truths are of utmost importance, because together they prove that converts can move from believing in Jesus to knowing and loving Him more than all else by simply following what He said in St. John 14:21.

I also learned that when Jesus gave up the ghost on Calvary, the veil of the temple that separated the Most Holy Place from the congregation of the people was ripped apart.

Thereby signifying that man no longer needed to depend on another man to obtain salvation or forgiveness of his sins.

The truth is, God grew tired of the Pharisees, whose sole responsibility was to know the Levitical Law, deceiving His people. Due to their slothfulness, they would simply guess what sacrifices the people needed to offer to receive 135

forgiveness of their sins. Thereby leading astray those trying to live their lives in obedience to God.

Jesus berated them saying, “Woe unto you, scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites! For you shut up the Kingdom of heaven against men: For you neither go in yourselves, neither suffer you them that are entering to go in,” (Mathew 23:13).

The most important thing I learned from the Scriptures is that only those converts possessing an unwavering faith that Jesus will do as He promised in the following verse, will ever truly know Jesus.

He said, “He that has my commandments and keeps them, he it is that loves me: And he that loves me shall be loved of my father, and I too will love him, and will manifest [reveal] myself to him,” (John 14:21).

Jesus said, All things are delivered to me of my Father, and no man knows the Son, but the Father, save the Son, and He to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him,” (Matthew 11:27). Jesus does not lie, albeit Satan is the father of lies

Ministers that came to Christ through the perverted gospel insult converts intelligence by teaching them to believe that believing in Jesus is the same as knowing Him. Although, most of us learned through Santa-Claus and the tooth fairy, that believing is not the same as knowing.


The most egregious thing I discovered while reading the Bible is that not only has carnal-minded men perverted the salvation message. They changed it specifically to deceive converts into believing that they can merely believe in Jesus.

After documenting Scriptural evidence to prove what I had discovered. I began sharing that information with every theologian and or Christian worker that would grant me the time to show them what I had discovered.

I then soon learned that I had come up against Satan’s stronghold, and what Paul meant when he said: “We wrestle against the Rulers of darkness

of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high

place,” (Ephesians 6:12).

I also learned that the best educated theologians I shared with tended to believe the Scriptures they were shown and was shocked to discover they had been deceived. But for fear of retribution from their superiors, rather than confronting them, they simply quit the ministry.

While sharing with members of the clergy, I learned that none of them had any prior knowledge of the Scriptures I was showing them on salvation and spiritual growth. In fact, I was so shocked by that revelation that I decided to investigate the curriculum being taught in Seminaries and Bible colleges.


Shortly after embarking on that quest, I learned that the most important Scriptures in the Bible on those subjects are being censored out of what is being taught in those institutions. Afterwhich, I came to the only possible conclusion as to why this is being done. Those Scriptures would defeat the very purpose of their existence.

The truth is money has everything to do with what students attending those institutions are being taught. In fact, combined with churches, Seminaries and Bible Colleges, we are talking about a multi-trillion-dollar enterprise. Each component of which depends on converts using their services to maintain their means of support.

Sadly, Satan has used an alliance of those institutions to successfully deceive most converts into believing that together they hold the key to salvation and spiritual growth. The truth is their leaders are Satan’s ministers, each of whom are willing to pervert God’s word to fulfill their lust for power and prestige. Some of which fly around the country in their sixty-million-dollar Lear jets.

Thus, the Bible states, “The love for money is the root of all evil,” (Timothy 6:10). Speaking of such spiritual leaders, Jesus said, “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch,”

(Matthew 15:14). God will not interfere on behalf 138

of converts who choose to follow Satan’s wolves rather that reading His word in search of truth for themselves, as He commands us to do.

As previously stated, the Bible states, “But the anointing [Holy Spirit] which you have received of him abides in you, and you need not that any MAN teach you, as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth and is no lie, and even as it [the Holy Spirit] has taught you, you shall abide in him,” (1 John 2:26-27).

Jesus said, “But the comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and shall bring all thing to your remembrance,” (John 14:26). Jesus said, “He [the Holy Spirit] shall teach you.” He did not say that He would teach your pastor and he would then teach you. Albeit that is what Satan wants you to believe.

Therefore, to keep the money coming in needed to fuel Satan’s system of teaching, Seminaries train their students to teach congregants to depend on their printed materials and church Bible-studies to obtain their spiritual growth.

Knowing these things, I could not just sit back and allow Satan to have his way in the lives of those whom Jesus willingly suffered such a humiliating death to free from Satan’s bondage. Instead, I was compelled to document Scriptural evidence to 139

prove what I had learned to those who believe the Bible is God’s infallible word.

After gathering that evidence, it was then compiled to form the nucleus of a dissertation mailed to Bible Professors in every Seminary and Bible College listed in the National Registry.

Copies were also sent to every major Ministry listed in the Registry of Churches. A few weeks later, I started receiving feedback, some of which was positive, albeit the negative far exceeded the positive.

While in the process of gathering that evidence, I was also looking for information that would help me discover how the gospel had become so distorted in the first place. This proved to be a difficult task, but with the Holy Spirit’s help it was revealed to me how Satan created such a complex mischaracterization of the gospel message.

While sharing with clergymen from all walks of life, I began to understand why Jesus said, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan which Deceives the whole world,” (Revelations 12:9).

Jesus said that Satan would deceive the entire world because He knew that due to convert’s reluctance to read the Bible in search of truth for themselves, most of them would fall victim to false 140

teaching. This obviously applies to members of the clergy as well.

For that reason, God placed a Veil over His word to prevent those who depend strictly on man from obtaining spiritual growth. The purpose of the veil is to enable God’s Elect to recognize lukewarm converts that has not grown beyond a mere belief that Jesus is Lord, so they could then share the elementary truths of God’s word with them.

Speaking of said Veil, the Bible states, “But their minds were blinded: for until this day remains the same Veil untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament, which Veil is taken away in Christ.

But even unto this day, when Moses [the Bible] is read, the Veil is upon their heart. Nevertheless, when it [their heart] shall turn to the Lord [through the true gospel], the Veil shall be taken away,” (2

Corinthians 3:14-16).

The Bible states, “The natural man, receives not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual [Spirit filled converts] judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who has known the mind of the Lord that He [God’s Spirit] may instruct him? But we [Spirit filled converts] have the mind of Christ,” (1

Corinthians. 2:14-16).


Clearly, God knew that Satan would use Seminaries to pervert the gospel just as he had used the schools for the Prophets to pervert the Levitical Law. Thence, Jesus said, “Search the Scriptures;

for in them you THINK you have eternal life: And

they are they that testify of me,” (John 5:39).

Sadly, most believers living during the time of the rapture will find themselves following the Anti-Christ believing that he is the Christ.

The Golden Calf!

The following is one of the most beautiful and epic stories in the Bible. You can read about it beginning in Exodus chapter three and ending in chapter thirty-two. For the past seven hundred plus years, Satan has inspired movie makers and carnal-minded ministers to teach converts to believe that the golden calf fashioned and made by Aaron and the Israelites was created to be their god.

Carnal-minded ministers teach that due to Moses’ absence for forty days and nights on Mount Sinai, the people feared that he was dead. Hence, they decided to turn away from the God of Moses and created the Golden Calf to worship instead, but is that true? Before deciding, allow me to remind you of the following miracles God performed to 142

convince Pharaoh, the King of Egypt to let His people go, all of which were witnessed by the Israelites.

They witnessed God turning the Egyptians drinking water into blood for seven days. They witnessed the plague of frogs and the plague of lice and flies. They witnessed livestock belonging to the Egyptians die, but none of their own.

They witnessed the plague of pestilences that killed thousands of Egyptians, but no Israelites died. They witnessed the plague of hail mixed with fire that destroyed a large portion of the Egyptians crops, but none of their own.

They witnessed the plague of locust that destroyed some of the crops belonging to the Egyptians, but not their own. They also witnessed total darkness on the earth for a period of three days while God proved to Pharaoh that He was the supreme God.

They witnessed the death Angel pass over their livestock and their first-born sons because God had instructed them to smear lambs’ blood on the lintel over their door and the two side posts. However, when the death angel passed over that night, they heard the cries of the Egyptian people as they mourned the death of their first-born sons that died.

Albeit the Israelites first-born sons were all unharmed.


These people crossed the red sea on dry land, and when they looked back and saw Pharaoh’s army pursuing them, they witnessed the sea swallow them up killing all of them. They drank water from a rock in the desert and ate the manna that God rained down from heaven every day except on the Sabbath, and when they desired meat to eat, God rained quail down until they had their fill.

More importantly, they witnessed the huge cloud that hovered over them every day sheltering them from the heat of the sun as it guided them on their journey, and each night they both saw and felt the great pillar of fire that lit their way and warmed them. They witnessed the plague of the deadly snakes, and the victory God gave them over the Amalekites who had laid wait to destroy them.

We must also remember that when the Israelites were gathered at the foot of Mount Sinai, they heard Gabriel’s trumpet announcing God’s arrival, and the roaring thunder of His awesome presence. Then, with their eyes they saw God in a cloud as He descended onto the mountain, and they saw the smoke and lighting on the mountain when God spoke to them.

Also, as stated in Exodus 20:22, they heard the voice of almighty God when He spoke to them saying, “I am the Lord thy God.” After which, 144

God then loudly spoke the Ten Commandments for them to hear.

The Bible states that after hearing God speak directly to them, they were afraid, and then asked Moses to speak with God on their behalf. Moses then ascended the mountain to receive instructions from God, including the plans for constructing the wilderness tabernacle, and the design for the making of the robe the chief Priest would wear when entering the Most Holy place.

Albeit, after being on the mountain for forty days and nights the people believed Moses to be dead, hence they became fearful because in their minds there was now no one to speak to God on their behalf, or to lead them.

Therefore, they gathered themselves together, and said to Aaron, Moses’ brother, “Up, make us

“gods,” which shall go before us, for as for this Moses, the man that bought us up out of the land of Egypt, we know not what has become of him,”

(Exodus 32:1).

We must also remember that the definition of the word “god” was different for the Israelites than we understand it today. For example, Exodus 7:1

state, “And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a “god” to Pharaoh; and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.” Clearly, God made Moses a “god” to Pharaoh, and Aaron, his 145

mouthpiece, a Prophet. Hence, Moses was very much a god in the eyes of the Israelites as well.

Believing their god (Moses) was dead, the people went to Aaron to make a god for them, through which they could seek instruction and leadership from the one true God who had performed the many miracles they had witnessed.

God apparently understood the people’s ignorance because although Aaron was instrumental in the design and construction of the golden calf, our caring and loving God appointed him to be Chief Priest in the wilderness tabernacle.

The truth is Aaron, and the people had no intentions of turning away from the one true God whom they had seen with their eyes and heard with their ears and had witnessed His many miracles. To believe they would suddenly turn away to worship an idol made with their own hands after what they had seen and heard is utter nonsense.

Would you have done so? I think not!

There are two reasons our Heavenly Father was angered with the people for building the calf.

First, because after all God had done for them, they believed that He had abandoned them, and that hurt His feelings. Second, because they felt it necessary to worship Him through an object made with their own hands or through a man.


Furthermore, I say the following with no disrespect intended toward those who have chosen to attend church to obtain their spiritual knowledge.

Due to the abundance of false doctrine currently being spewed from most pulpits today. I would have to say that most churches structured as they are, is more symbolic of the golden calf, than the actual calf was believed to be!

The truth is, if the Holy Spirit abides within you, you are free to worship our Creator anytime wherever you are through prayer and His Word; just as Daniel and the three Hebrew children did while held captive in Babylon.


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