And there Appeared a Great Wonder in Heaven by JJP Prinsloo - HTML preview

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God has given us wisdom to divide his Word in Truth. He has allowed us to discover the times and the signs that are associated with it and to know when the Church age will come to an end. He has done this through prophecy, celestial signs and appointed times that indicate fulfilment of his Feast Days. We know that we have very little time left before the Lord starts Israel’s prophetic clock again and removes his Bride from this world. Those who are left on earth after the Rapture may at first think that the world has entered a golden utopian age of world peace and safety without the Christians around to spoil their fun, but in the end, those who believe the lies about ascension and living on higher planes of reality will still have a choice to make in the end: to choose to serve Satan and lose their soul forever, or choose to accept death at the hands of Satan’s seed and in the process, receive everlasting life from God.

You may ask, what is needed for me to be in the group that depart with those who belong to God when He removes his Church from the earth? Well, salvation is a free gift of God that allows you to receive the righteousness of Yeshuah by accepting his gift of everlasting life that He has provided out of his love for you. Yeshuah knows your intimately and desires a personal relationship with you. He created you and has a very specific purpose for you in mind and longs for you to be part of his family – just as He made me and revealed his character and plans in the months to come through me, to warn those who would be reading this. Ultimately, God made us in his image to give him glory and that is what we do best if we accept his invitation. You have to invite Yeshuah into your life and give your life to him. It means surrendering your life freely to him and following him, wherever He may lead you and to experience what it means to be a son of God. When God comes to live within you with his Holy Spirit, you become a new creation, sealed by his Spirit and a fellow heir with Jesus who is our Lord and Saviour. We may not know everything that pertains to our inheritance at this point, but the Bible is clear that in the ages to come, we will know and understand what it is that God had in mind for those who belong to him:

Eph 2:4  But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, 5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: 7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

Would you not consider giving your life to the Lord today, while there is still time to do so? It is a free gift from God and all that is required on your part is to accept it and to thank him for his love for you.

If you do not know how to do this – here is a prayer that you can pray to invite the only true God into your life and to become a new creation – one that belongs to the family of God and who will be kept from the time that is about to come over the earth to enjoy the glory that God has made us to experience, from the foundation of the world:

“Heavenly Father, I know that you love me with all your heart. I know that I am guilty and my life is sinful. I am lost without your saving grace and I know that I can do nothing to earn my own salvation. Please forgive me for not obeying you – for not loving you with all of my heart or my neighbour as myself. Please cleanse me from all my sins through the precious blood of your Son, Jesus Christ. Today, I choose an intimate relationship with you. Lord Jesus, I have heard your voice and I open the door of my heart to you, please come into my life and make me a new creation according to your Word. Please fill me now with your Holy Spirit so that I can love you back and live the life that you have created me to live. Help me also to live my life so that I can be pleasing in your eyes. Thank you for your grace and love and keep me until you return to establish your Kingdom on Earth. This I pray in the name above all names: Jesus Christ and I thank you for now coming into my life. Please use my life in your Kingdom from this day forward. Amen.” 

The time is very short and September 23rd, 2017 is around the corner. I hope that you will make the right choice, while the wedding invitation is still open for an RSVP.

Until we meet him in the air!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please take a moment to leave a comment at the site from which you downloaded. You are welcome to contact me at:

The End

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