Another Christian Satanic Bible by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Book 3:

Godism 3 Part 2 (Future Uses of Science and Technology.)



A lot has transpired over the last century regarding science and technology. And through the 90s until now a lot more. Good ideas are needed in order that scientists and inventors have ideas as to what to create. Science and technology can be used to create nearly anything. If not now but some time in the future. People like Gene Roddenberry, presenting ideas sure as replicators and holodecks, old shows showing what can potentially be made in the future, especially if it is desirable, helps out scientists and inventors quite a bit. And many old ideas in these shows, movies, and books have come about, that were once thought impossible, or very difficult to achieve, but now are simple contraptions that anyone can own. Old Atari arcade games like Pac Man used to take up entire arcade machines. Now things such as those can be contained on a card the size of a finger nail.. that is, many thousands or more of them. Science and technology has come a very long way since then.

This book provides most of all ideas for future things. Some of it may sound absurd. That such a thing would simply be impossible. But just remember, that had been said about many things and proven wrong. It helps to have the perspective of what a person would have thought of what we had today, were it presented to him/her, a person from a hundred years ago shown what we have today. And I’m sure the same would be true if we were visited by a person a hundred or more years in the future. But why only look a hundred years on the future? Why not a thousand? As long as Science progresses we may someday be lead by it into a great Utopia.

I don’t only have far fetched ideas fir new things in this book. Many things here are highly feasible. My aim for this book is just to present ideas that scientists and inventors can use to make new things. A lot of science and technology hasn’t been done yet simply because it hasn’t been thought of yet, as what may be done. That include different uses for pre existing or future tech, giving light to its potential and possible broader uses.

Here, then, are my ideas, and I hope you find them useful.

Humans in robotic bodies

My first idea is for an alternative way to travel far and wide, including into deep space. As VR becomes more immersive, as suits that are put on can give you some tactile feeling, hearing things through microphone, faster signaling, speech through a speaker, the world viewable through cameras, a display right before the eyes, and many if these things have been created already. All we would lack is to send out signals faster and farther, and better robotics—as those that can clutch onto things and walk about. Then what? Well we could use them to travel deep into space without being there. Future colonization on, say, Mars, would not require us to go there I dangerous and fragile positions. Rather we could “be” there through these things, work the land, favorably shift the environment to better suited us. 

Force shields can do far more than we realize

These are shown on shows and books as only being used for a small amount of things. But their uses are actually very broad. They could easily provide walls for a home. They can protect people, placing a barrier around them—as has been shown, but they can also be used offensively, perhaps unfortunately. They can elevate upward. They can push forward, or toward. They may be used to prove propulsion. They can have your possessions better locked away. If it is a certain type of force shield I’m sure it can be used to make clothing. Even clothing that controls temperature very well, that never needs cleaning, and that changes looks, desirably.

They could even make a better and cheaper escalator.

But my favorite of these would be a force shield “hand,” where it is a shape of a hand, that acts as a glove does on your hand. That’s to say if you clench something with the glove, a force shield does too, one that is the shape of the a hand. 

It helps to know the direction and shape they can make, when considering their many uses.

Future AI “Slave” Robots and Machinery

Don’t worry about them taking your job. It’s far more likely that due to them resources can expand so well and work costs minimized so much that the government will instate “universal basic income,” that all are given a living wage freely. Then those that work will have far more options and freedom to do exactly what they want to do, rather than being made a servant in an impersonal way.

Let’s look a little into the future. Where drones, machinery, and 3D printers are making homes. Where driverless vehicles take you places. Where communication is better done at home, more than ever before. And a new thing comes to mind.. that if work cannot be automated in any way, and that such work is possible through a kind of VR robotics, then perhaps you can work at home in these ways.

Maybe AI can detect when you are doing something the city or a person wants you to do. Mow someone’s lawn. Pick up litter. And AI that recognizes that you did, could pay you for doing so.

Maybe DWI will be a thing if the past. That would very much lessen the jail population. That would save many lives. That is, with driverless cars.

Companies like grocery stores for example are beginning to set up driverless vehicles, much smaller than a car, only needing size enough to transport groceries, are transporting them via driverless vehicles. These vehicles don’t need a steering wheel. They don’t need a lot of the things in human operated cars. So they can be smaller. Even cheaper. Once the software is perfected with it, that’s it, it costs no more than a copy of software costs. I certainly see a lot of good coming from uses of AI.

We have things now that can answer any question. They are going to come right into the palm if our hands. All of the worlds knowledge.. in the palm of our hands. Volumes of information readily accessible. And that day is today.


A great reduction in crime

Some of the most abhorrent crimes can be stopped as well as those in between by having cameras high above that can see everything below. Because if just one fact: that the person is seen from going point A to point B, they can be identified and tracked. A man who kidnaps a child, fir example. Or a bank robber leaving the bank, going home, where he was seen to have gone, and apprehended immediately.

AI that can identify people through facial recognition can go a long way in reducing crime, too. They can be seen going from place to place. In fact—if they did something such as robbery or assault, or many things, AI could know it that instant. It can record all the time. When it determines a crime occurred I any area, it could relay that info over to police. They’d inspect it, and if conclude that a crime occurred in that area, they could (and easily) arrest that person.

For the fact that resources could broaden so well that every person is wealthy with things, have the food they need, never again have to starve, having so much of their needs, that alone may make people better, generally, enough to make the human race a kinder race. In any suffering reduced, as most needs are met, I’m sure we’ll get along better.

But it paints a very realistic picture of human kind having too much power in their hands. Did you know, that since very recently, people can produce plastic guns, ones just as dangerous as regular ones, with a 3D printer? One side of Science and tech would help people, protect them, while another side can harm them, used by the corrupt uses of it. Privacy would be damned. And that leads me into the next topic: privacy.

Perhaps an organization, a branch of the government, should be implemented to combat destructive and immoral uses of technology.

After all, someday there will be true “x Ray” glasses. There is already a crude form of seeing through brick walls used by the government. Cameras have gotten incredibly small. The size of a pin hole needing all that be shown of it. These comes concealed in many ways. Like at the base of a light bulb, looking downward. Pens, lighters with them. Some that look like a clothing hook on the wall. Some built into clocks. And inside a stuffed animal. They are easily available. And can transmit I’m ages to a cell phone. There are a lot of ways that science can be used for perverted intentions. At the furthest and worst extent, would be mind control devises. Otherwise “touch from far away gloves,” And what about reproduction of anyone’s human form, sure as the cloning? The clone could never have had life, and what if it can be done from scanning and reproducing not with flesh, but a material that looks and feels just the same as a real body? These are issues that are going to be needed to be addressed someday.

The future of education

No doubt the education system has changed a lot over the last decade or so. Cheating has become very easy on the more difficult subjects such as math. Of course flash tests don’t give you that opportunity. But otherwise, calculations can easily be performed on a phone, with an app, on the internet. Grammar correction software has a ways to go but I’m sure sooner or later a person could feed in his or her writings and have every grammar mistake fixed. Actually that would help me a lot with my eBooks, which I’m confident enough with.

New education is going to have to incorporate our new daily uses of technology. I haven’t been to school in a very long time. I’m not sure how much it has been. All had to learn was how to type on a keyboard.

“Ring Tech”

We have gone from desktop computer to lap top. From lap top to pad. From pad to smart phone. From cell phone to watch, recently. But what is the last best thing? I think right could be of great use. And you can still have a computerized watch to help. Rings that use holograms. Rings that detect finger movement. Ones that have buttons, knobs, dials, thumb sticks. Every ring can do it’s own thing. There would be five available per finger. You could do something like hold in front of you two fingers, and a display would be shown holographical before you. Other rings used to navigate and operate what is normally found on a cell phone. You could point your finger at anything and ask a number of questions. Such as “price?” “history?” “other places?” “here, there?” “direction” or “Owner?”

Creative potential due to science & tech

Today’s a great day to create new things. It’s never been better. I’m using my personal favorite: writing on a cell phone. Sometimes I make You Tube videos. People can write music using “notation software,” like the kind of classical/ instrumental music you find in Virginia Gam or movies, by people using the same thing. That notated music sounds very realistic. And you can turn it into an MP3.

Making videos for video sharing sites. Learning whatever you wish to, in a way that was just recently made practical. The internet is lush with information. Information that for the first time is easily accessed and shared.

Writers can write anywhere, post eBooks, even in the most major online book stores.

Things like producing print on The shirts, or to be framed, to make a postcard and mail it with just an app, that creates and mails it for you. Video game creation, or reproduction, computer assembly, you name it.

In the future things will be even better. As 3D printers evolve, becoming both better and yet cheaper. And going from creating Gam to creating “holodeck” programs. That is, a room of solid energy holograms and environments in one room. Maybe eBook readers will improve to the point that old paper based books will no longer be preferred.

And maybe most interestingly, the ability to create ones very own Android, being father/mother, creator to it, programing it into the being one wishes it to be.

The Concept of “Spirit-Tech”

I think there is a use of Science that could endow things like telepathy, thoughts that travel, emotional transformation, thoughts that guide the operation of electronics, being somewhere, yet not being there physically, and a number of things as can be defined as “spiritual uses and manipulation of electronics.”

You can talk to yourself with your mouth closed, uttering things that only you and sensitive electronics could hear. Very subtle finger movements can be identified through them, and made to operate accordingly. But if, someday, we make electronics that can hear our thoughts, then a very significant new use of science will come into place.

A whole second reality can be created in which we could live in, as things like internet and VR becomes increasingly immersive. Second realities, apart from the physical Earth, ones of all imaginable constructs, each very specifically made by any number of people, could provide an existence in an area other than ones found I solid matter, regular Earth.

Some things that would be especially helpful for this are electronic scents, however that may be done, suits that allow you to feel things, advanced VR, perhaps anti gravity movement, as you could then move about very freely in the regular plane while in the artificial one.. and things more easily come by like a significant source of data to create such places. And everyone could have a say in where they would be and how it can be made.

In effect a small area the size if a room, just needing to be large enough to accommodate these electronics, could, in all practicality, produce a limitless amount of space. Much like a person in another realm, one just as well as real, though better, as a place you’d freely roam.. and what would people be there for, why would they want to be there? Are questions worth asking. They could be there with friends, for sexual partners, for fun, just for exploration, to learn, to create, any number of things. Just like spirits roaming about in different dimensions. Aided by AI in self development, to govern over it in certain ways, under it’s own laws as a person or people would have it be from area to area, and working with these the best way possible.

But most of all spirit tech would come from both free energy (or extremely cheap energy) and wireless electricity, as energy itself will surround us and can be pulled from any time, anywhere. That is when electricity will become a spiritually surrounding thing that we ourselves can enter into.

Gaming and CGI uses of tomorrow

Super-realistic CGI can produce movies that are indistinguishable from real people. Old characters can be placed I them, old movie and show actors and actresses from the past, who may have, perhaps, passed on. So old shows and movies could be made again, with the just the same resemblance of the people originally in then. It may arise that an actor or actress will not have to act at all, that they can just permit and sell the use of their opinion.

Movies could someday be made entirely by AI, as far as it’s imagination and sense of taste could go. And one thing that would be very neat and actually more practical, would be AI creating a video game based solely on info inputted into it, for example, a PDF of how the game is to be made. Then the AI makes a game accordingly, understanding the conception of it and creating it.

This doesn’t have to be all at once. In the meantime we can submit basic instructions for these, to ease the load. And we could create CGI characters on movies and games that have a sort of soul. The movie or game then would partially make itself.

eBooks and paper thin electronics

A lot can happen when electronics are paper thin, not that thin necessarily, but very close. Something like a metal plate. If eBook readers got that way then so much more to their success. And perhaps book making machinery would become common, and any eBook readily turned into one in paper form. Neat things like electronic stickers could be made, one a display of things. Maybe business cards could be a bit more flashy, maybe someday, a lot. Electronics the thickness of a credit card have been achievable to some extent. But not yet on so many things like smart phones. I guess the real questions are: what is better as paper thin, and when it doesn’t matter if it is close enough. Smart phones are very thin. Really we wouldn’t want them much thinner. They’d be uncomfortable in our hands.

But sometimes it isn’t so much necessity as it is desirability. An eBook with real pages, paper stacked, that can become any book, would be quite neat. But that’s probably a long time to come. It may help currency, too, and checks. It could be a part of a wallet with a battery inside, that shows pictures.. whereas size matters, a few regular pictures could fit into a regular wallet. But a paper thin electronic picture could easily display hundreds of them. And so with cards having information on them. As electronic ones could turn one can into a dozen, as needed.

Digital file stores

I can see it easily happening. That a store only sells digital files. That could be movie files, music files, show files, book files, game files, information files, educational and instructional files, fill if many kinds in very large numbers.

That as long as they have the right to sell them they do. You go through the store, picking up what you want, and at the counter you receive those files on your memory card, hard or flash drive, or disk. You could even bring your own. They ring it up and connect it, it is downloaded, and you go home. That’s it. 

Could also replace magazines and news papers. That instead of getting them paper based you hold your phone up to it and it downloads. The cost could be cheaper for both parties that way. And you are getting more than paper and ink. You are also getting video and sound.

Video game competitions

This could be a major sport of tomorrow. Some places have them. They are a popular thing online. Maybe video games that go online will have them viewable- two people playing against each other. And perhaps could watch their favorite players compete any time that they do. And maybe betting could be made, if legal. Currently you can see people playing against each other like Tetris, or a thing called a “randomizer” where it is that the treasure chests of games like Zelda and Final Fantasy are all mixed up. So the first thing you get has you playing and looking for other items differently. A lot of people in the past just watched others compete at an arcade game, like Mortal Kombat and other fighting games. There’s always been an interest there.

And when sport game video games become very realistic, maybe teams could be put together. A game that a dozen or more people play against a dozen others, viewable live on a video gaming consoles channel for these.

Electronics and games have become highly collectable

Naturally so. They cost a great deal more than a comic book or action figure when they were first produced. A new action figure toy or comic book along with many collectables at original cost costs far less than a new video game. To buy a new video game and never open it could be quite a future investment.

These old games have risen starkly in price. There is a culture of retro gaming. People play them since their childhood, and when they grow up they want copies of any good thing they could get. Video game manuals even, may be more highly sought out than comic books.

And there is just a lot more exposure of these old games. If someone is to buy an old retro game they’ll know what they get. And if they are like me, like many are, they are very interested in learning about retro gaming, seeing others play them, seeing others review them, discussing them, reviewing and rating them. And really there is just more to show there than comic book pages have, or action figures, stamp and coin collecting, as far as video sharing sites go.

Electronics have been piling up that are made to last far longer than their typical use. And that has been so since the 80s, and much more the last ten years or so. Among them video games, consoles, and computers are most highly sought out, but other things are included.

Robotic eyes and limbs

Once the stuff of sheer miracles and fables, they have been coming into reality, to some extent. A deaf person in some cases can have hearing for the first time. A child who has never heard before meets a kind of shocking reality when it is that they are able to hear for the first time. And it just goes to show you that a whole world can be around a person and they’d never know.

Just as bad teeth are pulled and replaced with dentures, maybe we would opt to remove limbs and replace them with metal ones that do things just the same and are in fact stronger. Dental implants are superior. They don’t rot. But I propose that metal limbs could be acquired without amputation. That they kind if dig into the limb already there and integrate into it. Even if this is just a partial improvement it could be a good one.

If they can produce a body part on a lab mouse, perhaps they could make limbs and things like heart and lungs regenerate. Then the question may arise “metallic or flesh?” “What about both” or, “what materials can be used instead of metal or plastic?”

The short story is that human made artificial things, or supplements used to enhance and improve bodily functions are often far superior to what nature gives us. Such as dental implants, hearing aids, glasses and contacts, laser eye surgery, antibiotics, and

The idea Android

It depends on their need. In most cases they don’t need to know a lot, really. Let’s say to serve food and cook. That may seem like a daunting accomplishment but it isn’t too far fetched really. The difficult thing is having it have tactile movements as with the hands and maneuvering. They can naturally be used to answer questions of all kinds for someone. They can play music on command, such as through a speaker upon them, and follow you around. They can be given schedules, doing any desired thing based on routines, and that can be adjusted.

They can protect. They can clean. They can serve. They can provide you with company. They can charge themselves, having a battery in, say, their legs. And as far as protection goes, a wealthy person can have many of them. They can have posts, watching over you.

But they don’t only have to see what their own eyes. They could see based in transmission from a camera. So that they themselves can see a camera looking outside the door. The neat thing with them compared to us is that they could see many several different things at once. We can’t understand more than one sight at a time. They could see very many things that are all different and process all of that individually.

And they have photographic memory. If they know where you placed something they can tell you where it is if you’ve forgotten. If you teach them one thing, it’s remembered always.

They can do a lot of difficult things we hate. And they would mind at all or even know to mind.. not able to mind given they are not made with a spirit or conscious, but kept purely mechanical.

Doing the dishes. Going for groceries. Putting them away. Throwing away expired food. Cleaning meticulously as a human can only do so much work, but there is never too difficult a job for them. They’ll scrub.. thoroughly. They’ll carefully vacuum. If you like, they will pick up every little piece of speck on the carpet. They’ll disinfect everything. Your place would be left shining.

But let’s imagine a large group of these. They can deliver our mail. They can drop things off and pick them up. They can bag groceries. They can go to the corner store. They can tend the register and still things. They can watch out for people and protect them. They can walk the dog. In short, as soon as it is that they are created in a way that they can do these things, people will be buying them. At first, expensively. But just for the fact that greater businesses would certainly profit, even at very high costs to own them, that will start the market for them. As a result, resources will increase. Hopefully prices will drop. Maybe a person can at best afford the used ones. But the wealthy will fuel the market fir them. And a thing like universal basic income may be implemented. And all the world will take a step forward further than one has ever been taken by human kind!

The only thing that I can see ahead of that is solid energy (force shield based) androids, ones that may have a computer mind, but that are largely made up of holograms and force shields.

The future of toys and games

Board games are still a lot of fun. They probably always will be. But if nothing else, they’ll be electronically enhanced. A board game can be a mess to set up and put away. A board game that uses electronics may come more than a single board game, but they could be a dozen Gam in one, changing it’s set up accordingly, the holograms, displays, etc.

Electronics are gradually being incorporated into toys. There is a choice of plain plastic or electronics. New games are cheaply available that plug right into a TV, have simple but fun and useful computations, have better screens, better than those old LCD games.

3D printers are able to make action figures and when they become better and the prices are reduced I’m sure a lot if kids will like the toys and things that will be made by them.

It used to be a water gun, now there is laser tag. It used to be a Gameboy, now it is a hundred room Gam in one handheld device. And a phone that has so very much to do on it. It used to be a toy car, maybe a remote control car, or before that just a kite. Now there are helicopter drones. It used to be a little and bubble wand. Now it’s a bubble maker.

A more technologically beautiful city

It’s something that I bring up sometimes. How plain and boring people are. That you’ll never find a trashcan that has art on it. That you’ll never walk down an ally at night that has black light lighting. That the streets are just a bunch of tasteless cracked concrete. That machines can make bubbles and fog, but you’ll never find them anywhere. And sure some of these may sound silly. But in my opinion, things could be far better than they are. We live in “steel and stone,” a place without color. A place without anything neat. Nothing beyond this standard of plainness.

I would like larger displays for advertisements and even entertainment, easily found around. Some places do, but there aren’t many that do. I like Carl’s Jr. fast food. They login is a star. See, if I owned Carl’s Jr or had any say then I would digitized that star, greatly increase it’s size, and have it play “twinkle twinkle little star” once on the hour.

It would be so cool to have beams of light shooting through the nighttime sky. It would be so nice to have cool cooliad fountains, or something of flavor, than just water. A home if hidden places. A bed on the roof. Glow in the dark paint. Panels of Indiglo light lining the wall in strips. Some taste!

And I see it becomes a reality someday. People just need to be accustomed to these. They just need to know how very much they have to spruce things up. And with so many new things that can be made to allow it, as well as the things before, people just need to get comfortable with enhancing the world around them based on what they have at their disposal.

My city of San Francisco recently made a good step in the right direction. It’s tallest building ever has on its upper part a large screen that can be seen by everyone below, showing video taken from cameras during the day around the city, showing it at night.

The future of money

Transactions can be made to be much quicker and simpler. This could be by a specialized card, one that only works when it is in your hand, and to buy something with it could become as simple as tapping on something with it. That would be a good thing, anyway. But it is at least a little true already. Here in San Francisco there are scooters scattered everywhere. Electronic ones that you