Another Christian Satanic Bible by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Book Four:

Blood star Teardrops Fall, Black Rainbows (A Movie Script)



Satan comes to Earth as a newly born human, sent here by God to determine and understand him better. Satan is given a very Christian father and God endeavors to bring Satan close to him throughout the movie. Satan is met with much conflict as God wants to know his true nature he deposits some Satanic influences in his life. Satan goes back and forth religiously later determining his best purpose is creating “Christian Satanism.” A war breaks out in heaven and God decides that this “Christian Satanism” will determine a balanced belief creating and debated by both good and evil in its making. And at the end of the movie Satan is redeemed, God sets back time starting all over in the Garden of Eden and there presents Adam and Eve with a book The Good book of Christian Satanism.

Opening Scene..

The setting is in heaven with the angels of God peacefully coalescing, who appear in typical fare, white robes, wings, and halos. God looks down on the world and a sad feeling is expressed. The image of God is panned into, God, as an old white bearded man- very gentle looking, and someone grieved.

“Satan,” He says, “I have brought you up here to me. And here you are, it seems you have no feelings against it. You know that I can damn you, destroy you, but you know I would not. Sit for awhile, let us think to ourselves..

Satan replies after a few moments and responds, “I am only the way you made me. So I think nothing of my fault. When, I’d only seek what you would have. Would you rather me be complacent like these little turds you have roaming about?”

God replies, “I admit, in creating you, I needed someone to talk to. I needed someone far above my other creations, as I was bored. But the day you fell from grace and later took my son as ransom, I’ve ever understood. Nor could I justify.

..I don’t long for your destruction, but want better for you. I will cast you down again, but this time into human form. Upon the Earth you will go and lead a human life. And at the end of it I will know you much better than I ever could right now. You will lead a life as any other man and take upon yourself the very curse that you placed on them. You will not remember knowing me or anything of yourself until the day that you die and return to me.

Go then into the world.”

The scene shifts to Satan's mother giving birth to him. She cries, being happy and passionate, and tells her husband “We have a son!” her husband is happy too, almost tearful. She says, “his name will be Hope.” Baby Satan is taken home and tells himself “Well here I am.” And a shhh sound is heard (from God) who then says, “You will remember nothing about yourself from this point on.” And the baby cries. His mother says, “We are almost home, Hope.” And there they arrive.

Screen says, “Age 5.”

Hope's father enters his room and says, “Sunday is going to be the first day that you go to Church.” I want you to understand what it is all about before we do. You know me to be your father and you know your mother to be your mother. And your grandfather and grandfather who are our mother’s, and our fathers. But what about before all of them? It was God who made the first people. God made us people, and God made for us people all things. The food we have and all the things of the earth. Every thing you see came first by him. He made you and me and so he is your real father. He is called God, and you will learn about him when you go to Church with us. We will sit down and talk a little more about this before we go to Church.

He leaves Hope's room, closes the door, looks down a moment and prays to himself, “Thank you for blessing me with a son.”

From there he goes to his wife who tells him, “My sister called me again to tell me about that cult she is in. They made her crazy. It feels terrible to hear these things about her. But I can’t pull her out of it. I told her that as long as she is in that place not to come over. I told her I didn’t want my son hearing about that Satanic stuff she is involved in. She some crazy things after that, was mad. The only thing I could do was hang up on her. Sometimes I think we should move. She scares me. We’ve got to keep her away from our boy. Boys are very impressionable. Shed have him thinking he could throw about magic spells. Whatever you do, keep her away from him, please.

“I will,” he says, “no doubt, and I agree.” If things get too bad with this we may have to get a restraining order. It hasn’t gotten that bad yet, but no telling what those Satanic religious nuts have her thinking.” Hope will be coming to church with us Sunday and I’m sure hell have a good time, maybe a bit bored, but he'll make it through just fine. Schools starting for him soon, too. I thought raising a boy would be very difficult, but really it's just one thing at a time. And I look forward to my time with him as he grows. Maybe in a year or so we will take a trip. The mountains, maybe, or any peaceful place.

Scene skips to nighttime.

Hope's father Joseph goes to Hope and calls him into the kitchen. “Food's ready!” He takes a seat next to his father and mother and Joseph prays, “Our heavenly father we thank you for this meal. We pray for your protection and guidance. We ask you to be in the center of our lives and provide us the things we need. We honor all that you are, and ask for you to be in our lives daily, until the day comes that we return unto you. Amen.”

He continues talking, saying to Hope, “I was speaking to God. God was the one who created us and the world we live in, and everything in it. You will learn about him in Church. And we hope that you like to learn about him as much as we do.”

From the parking lot to the church one person says to another, “He’s going to be the savior to us all, in a way!” “Who, Christ?” Joseph asks. “Yes indeed our Christ!” they reply, then point to Hope. Joseph says, “My son is not Christ!” they respond, “He is for us!” and while walking away Hope's mother (Heather) says to Joseph, “what a strange thing to say. What did they mean?” and Joseph says, “who knows, so just ignore them.”

While at Church there is hymns and the preacher stars his sermon. “We all know what happened in the Garden of Eden. Satan tricked Eve and we were brought down, unto a curse. Substantial things have occurred since then, all a struggle under that curse. This book would be nothing- would not have been, were it not for Satan. But through thick and thin it was because of him.

Screen shows “Age 6.” it's morning, breakfast time

“Hope!” Heather chimes. “Your birthday is tomorrow so what kind of cake do you want?” Hope says, “Devil’s food!” Heather states, “I told you Hope, it's not called Devil's food cake. It's called Red Velvet, but I know what you mean.”

“Can I have my presents now mom?” no, she says. “Please?”

“Hope, no, that's why it's your birthday, it's the one day you get lots of gifts, you know that.” “Okay, Ma,” he says. Heather tells Hope that his aunt is coming from out of town to see him. “Yiuve never seen your aunt,” she says. “and tomorrow she is coming by with a gift, and to see you. Your aunt, my sister.”

“We weren’t too sure about that, me and your dad, but she seems to have improved, but you wouldn’t understand all that. But if she starts to say mean things about God, or says things about the Devil, just ignore it, don’t listen.” 

“OK.”  (Heather and Hope talking..)

Get your back pack, I’ll walk you to the bus stop.

Mom, your sister sounds scary. Why would she tell me about the devil? I do t really know, son. Sometimes people just get caught up into things they shouldn’t. But you don’t need to be afraid. We'll protect you. God will protect you. You should be exited about your birthday. And lucky you, it's on a Saturday. I’m sure you’ll ave a good time. You know, we want you to have your presents now, too, but we will both have to wait until tomorrow. Have a good day at school, son. Try and make some friends. If anyone fights with you, stand up for yourself. Just don’t et into any trouble. Oh, and here is a few dollars that you can spend. Be sure its not all candy. I will see you when you get home. Heather says, and Hope tells her bye.

Hope thinks to himself ‘I wonder what she meant. Why would her sister like the Devil?’ and moments later the school bus comes. He gets on board and takes a seat. A little girl looks at him and asks, “who are you going to fight today, Hope?” and a boy near her says, “whoever it is, they’re in for trouble!” Hope says, “I don’t really like fighting people. They just think they’re better than me, sometimes.” “What do you mean?” The girl asks, “Oh nothing really, just that they’re jealous. And they don’t like me.” “Well that’s true, but just a little. You are a little strange, sometimes, but I like you anyway.”

“Strange in what way?” Hope asks

“Well sometimes you talk to yourself.”

“I don’t talk to myself. I talk to things I hear which other people don’t.”

“Maybe they’re spirits.” She says.

Hope says, “I don’t know, I guess, maybe. You really think spirits talk to me?”

“Well I believe you when you say that you aren’t talking to yourself. And things talk to you we can’t hear. What else would they be?”

“I don’t know.” Hope says. “But they bother me. And I know they are real. But that doesn’t help anything.”

The bus pulls up to the school and the kids get out and make their way to their classes.

“Are we all here?” teacher Murphy says. “Let’s see..” after a role call the teacher proceeds with his lesson.

“Do monsters exist?” -no- “Who said that?” -me (not Hope)- “Oh, okay, Henry, tell me how you know. “Because, well.. I don’t know, they just don’t. -See class, these things you know as you grow. When you grow, you will find out that there simply are no such things. When younger you expect things, when older you’ve topped looking for them. This is true with a lot of things, like magic powers, angels, and demons. There are no such things.” The teacher lectures.

Right after which Hope yells, “Quiet!”

Excuse me? The teacher asks. Did you hear something?

Hope says, “No, it was nothing. Sorry.”

-But you did, you did hear something didn’t you? And this has happened in class before. If you tell the truth then maybe I can help you. Do you hear things that others don’t?


That's all I needed to hear. I will talk with your parents about this at the end of the day. Don’t worry. You’ve done nothing wrong. In fact believe it or not I know exactly what to do to get you help. And don’t feel ashamed.

Murphy says a few more things moving away from the topic and the scene cuts into Hope on a bus talking to himself.

“What do you want? Can’t you leave me alone? I just want to be left alone awhile. “

Hope makes it home and goes through the door.

“Oh hi, son. We had a talk with your teacher earlier, over the phone. He tells me that you have been hallucinating.

“What’s that?” Hope asks.

“It is when you hear things that others don’t, or when you see something others don’t, or that really aren’t there. He asked me to get you an appointment to see a special kind of doctor. And don’t worry, they are the nicest kind of doctors. We will be going down there in just a little while. We didn’t want you to have to see him on your birthday. We told him tomorrow was your big day and he agreed to be seen today. So we have an hour until we are going.

I suspected something was wrong. We thought you had a bad case of an imaginary friend. But we could tell it was worse than that. The doctor we are going to see will tell us about what is going on with you. And he said there is a pill you can take daily to remove these hallucinations, meaning just by taking this special pill the voices will stop talking to you.”

-Really? Hope responds. They will stop? Well, that's great. I won’t be bothered by them any more?

“Yes, son, it sounds exactly that way. I can’t say exactly that what you are hearing doesn’t really exist. Maybe they do. But that’s not so important. What’s important it that we make them stop. And I think we can. So get ready, we will be leaving soon.

“Get your things we're going! Your mother is coming with us.”

Heather: I am very exited about this. I think we will be able to fix your problem. I was told about everything that’s ern happening to you. Let's hope for the best, Hope.

Hope: It's okay mom, I think so too, are we going now? I’ve been waiting forever.

Joseph: and here I was thinking that you’d be nervous. Okay. Let's go.

In the car

So Hope when we get there all we need you to do is to be honest. When he learns what’s going on then he will know just what to do to help you.

Yes and don’t e afraid to ask questions.


So is this your son, Hope? Why don’t the three of you come in. We have set aside special time for you. Actually I am happy to see him. It isn’t every day I get to help a person like him.

-Like what?

“Well discuss that soon, but first I want to make sure of his condition. I wouldn’t want to get the facts wrong.

Here, Hope, take a seat. Now tell me, have you been hearing things that others don’t?

Hope: Yes.

“And can you tell me a little about this, like what they tell you?”

-They tell me that I should pray, do well, things like that.

“Well at what?” The doctor asks.

- Oh, well at life in general. They tell me when I am doing things right, or when things aren’t be. And they tell me things about God.. Like, “God is Salvation.”

“OK,” the doctor says. They tell you to do things, and you do them?

- Yes, and often. And I ask them to be quiet, but there's more than one. There are many.

“I understand. I want you to know, the voices, they may be real to you, but to others they aren’t. And I think you will feel much better with them gone. Do you want them gone?”

- Yes! More than anything!

OK. I have talked to you all that I need to and now I am going to talk to your mom and dad for a moment. We will fix this problem and you will feel much better, I promise.

The doctor talking alone with his parents

“Your son has a condition known as Schizophrenia which is rare in children but possible. And I thought as such though now I’m sure. It isn’t known what causes Schizophrenia but what is known is that it may be a chemical imbalance. There has been treatment for it for some time now, and it significantly reduces symptoms, and for the fortunate, all symptoms. This medication is safe. I suggest you have him started on it.

Joseph: its not going to make him high, is it? Or dumb?

No, no. Not at all. It doesn’t induce euphoria. In fact if you overdose on it, even then it doesn’t, in fact you’d just feel like shit. Actually it only effects such a specific part of the brain that other neurological functions are not effected. I recommend it, but it is your choice.

Heather: I think we agree don’t we honey? Yeah, I do. I think it would do a lot of good with all I heard.

Doctor: Okay then, we can start him on it tonight. You’ve Ade the right choice. They’re not a cure though. He will have to stay on them.

Heather: c'mon son, we are going.

Hope: but mom,

Heather: Were done, we are leaving to get medicine for you. When you take it you won’t hear voices anymore.

The scene cuts to a birthday song being sang, a celebration of Hope's birthday.

Heather: red velvet cake, extra red, just like you asked!

Thanks, Ma!

Say a wish and blow out the candles! (Which he does, then)

Heather: enjoy a little cake before we get to the gifts. But first, we have your medicine for you.

Okay, Pa.

Joseph: here you are, and some juice.

Thanks, I hope that makes them shut up.

(Parents laugh)

It will, but you will have to keep taking them, or they’ll come back.

Well that's easy, I’ll just keep taking them, then.

Heather: here is your first present. Open it up!

Hope: Oh, Ma, it’s a ( ) just as I wanted.

Heather: there’s more, son.

And the presents are opened one after the other and a general scene of happy feelings.

The door bell rings.

Heather: you are here a bit late, what happened,?

I was held up on the godamn road. A police officer pulled me over for speeding. Got a wonderful fine now, and I was just trying to get here on time.

Heather: Hmm. Sorry to here that, sis. Well be welcomed in. We're glad you’re here!

I’m glad to be here. So take me to my nephew. I’d e very happy to meet him.

He's this way. Come on in.

(Meets nephew)

Well hi Hope! I am your aunt Hariot! It is sure good to see you! I have a gift for you. Here.

Thanks aunt..


Thanks aunt Harriot!

“Well,” she says, “the powers that be have blessed me. I hit it lucky on a lottery scratcher, and I have the powers of magic to thank for that.”

“Sis.. We don’t red those silly ideas in our son's head.”

“Well, you believe in angels and God, don’t you. It ain’t silly at all, I got what I asked for using magic, white magic, that is.”

“Yes, but that kind of thing is not for Christians.”

“Who says? White magic is holy. You won’t e damned by it. You just don’t understand “

“Magic, mom?”

“Yes son, my sister uses magic, it has always been something she's interested in.”

Heather: “Hariot, just please don’t talk about this stuff to our son, okay?”

“Alright. But if you just knew how useful it is, the things it can do. And it really isn’t evil, not like black magic.”

Heather: “Well, maybe you’ve already said enough, how about that?”

Chariot: “Okay, then. I guess you’re right.”

And at that moment, Hope began to have an interest in the subject of magic.

Joseph: “Well, anyways, how do you like your toys, son?,”

Hope: “I do, a lot. But I am very tired right now. I’d like to go to bed, in fact.”

Joseph:  “Oh, of course, son, go right ahead.”

The next day at school Hope is sitting with his friends at lunch in the cafeteria and Hope asks about magic.

He simply asks his friend, “is there a such thing as magic?”

“What kind?”

“Like white magic?”

“Yeah, my uncle uses it.”

“Well for me, it's my aunt. She said she used it and got a lot of money from it.” -My uncle used it to curse someone, and they died of a heart attack. He uses black magic. “Does black magic send you to hell?” -Yeah, probably. “White magic, is it alright with God?” -I guess, I don’t see why not. “Can you teach it to me?” -Me? Probably not, but there is the internet. I’m sure you could learn anything you want to know about it online. “Okay, I think I will when I get home.” -Sounds all cool to me, to, I think I will, too.

Hope arrives home

Heather: Hi son, how was your day at school?

I don’t know. Okay I guess. We just did the same normal things. And my friend talked to me about magic, and how it's real.

Yeah? Well, just don’t hurt anyone with it! (Laughs.)

Hope goes into his room. He looks up online things teaching magic.

Screen says, “Age 8.” (age 7 is skipped.)

Hope puts on a crystal necklace and then goes to school . On the bus he talks to his female friend and she asks about what kind of magic does what and how to do it. He says, “Well yesterday I found a really neat quartz rock , I took a branch from a weeping willow tree, and made it into a wand.” “But to be honest, I haven’t found any magic yet that works. So I’m thinking that maybe I should give up.”

In class Hope is given a book on magic that is of a Satanic type. His friend, Gail, is a boy who is a devil worshipper. He says that white magic is weak. He expresses that Satanic magic is a great power. And he gives him a CD of a Satanic metal kind. “They are the best evil,” Gail says. And keep the book. Hope opens the book, briefly looks through it, and says, “this is evil. But it isn’t right for me. I’m a Christian.” Gail says, “Well keep the CD at least, but I’m selling you if you are looking for real power, this is the right book.”

“I don’t know, God, would it be alright?” Hope thinks.

Hope gets home and plays his new music and turns it off. Joseph comes to him saying he has a new movie for them to watch. They go into the TV room and he says, “We’ve never taught you about Revelations in the Holy Bible. This is a good chance to. What you see in this movie is real, it is things the bible says will be happen.

The movie plays and ends and Hope is quite impressed with it. It makes on him a lasting impression. He goes into his room and draws a dragon. He picks up his bible and reads Revelations. His thoughts begin to shift as he has this as a great new interest.

Heather “We have a vacation this summer, Hope. We are going to Church camp.” We are going to attend some Church there and learn about God, bit also do some hiking and playing some games. We think you’ll really like it.”

“Mom, “ he says, “About Church? I want to be baptized. Can you help me get baptized?” Heather is moved and responds, “We were waiting for this, your father will know what to do. Go ask him for help.”

So Hope going to his father does so, he goes onto the phone and calls the preacher of the Church and says:

“So good to get a hold of you, Harold, this is Joseph. My son is wanting to be baptized. Can it be done this Wednesday?”

Yes, he says, telling him to bring him in early to prepare for it. And so the day ends, Joseph hands his son his medication (for Schizophrenia and tells him, “Have a good nights sleep, pray, and tomorrow you will be baptized.”

Hope prays that his soul be saved and that Jesus is with him, always. He asks to be remembered as he is on that day.

Waking up with a morning sun coming from the window Hope's mom calls out,

“Time to rise, Hope! I’ve made your breakfast, (Hope enters) don’t t it all at once. Enjoy it, it's your favorite: French toast. Do good at school, today, when you get back we will get ready for your baptism tonight. Your dad has something to talk about with you.”

Joseph asks Hope if he knows exactly what a baptism is and why it is done. Hope says that he wanted to be baptized as a pact that can never be broken. Joseph says, “that’s right. You can be saved at one time and damned at another, but with a baptism salvation can never be undone. God will remember this day. Though you may be any kind of evil in the future, He will remember you as he did on this day. And since you are so young, it is a good day to be remembered by. ..Hope, you ate doing something good and me and your mom are both proud of you. We love you very dearly. Okay, now get ready for school and we will see you when you return.”

The devil worshipper of the school comes up to Hope and asks him, “Hey, is you aunt named Hariot?” – Yes, how did you know that? “Because I’ve been going to her house. She likes to discuss things of magic with me. I saw your picture on the wall. I asked about it and she said that's my nephew Joseph.” Your aunt knows quite a bit about magic. She's a good teacher, too. She taught me the Tarot, for one.

A scene cuts in of him with Hariot, and she asks that he give Joseph a deck of Tarot cards without saying it was from her.

Hope asks, what’s the tarot?

Well you lay them out in a certain order.. Here, it would be easier if I showed you.

He lays the deck out. This tells you what’s behind you, in your past. This is what’s ahead of you in the future. One here for obstacles, one here to answer your questions. And this book, it tells you what each card means. This is just white magic stuff. In fact Christians invented them and use them all the time.

Hope: wow, that’s really neat. Its easier and makes more sense than the other magic I’ve been trying.

Oh? Well you know what? Take this book and this deck. I have another. And when you get home try it out. But don’t let your parents know, they might not understand. You know what they say! What they don’t know won’t hurt them!”

The teacher announces

Class is ready to begin! Today we will be discussing the basic theory of evolution.

..Hope gets home and, going into his room, puts away His Tarot deck.

Hope then opens his bible to Revelations, and says to himself, “And a great Beast came out of the sea.” And he draws an image of the Beast and puts it in a pile with other drawings as he flips through a few.

Hope then goes into the living room and asks Joseph, his father, if he thought Jesus was coming soon. Joseph says, “well nobody does. The Bible says that no one will know when that day is.