Answer to an Enemy of Islam by Huseyin Hilmi Isik - HTML preview

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[1] Including the supplement, 143 pages; with call number 810 of the Izmirli section at the Süleymâniyye Library, Istanbul.

[2] 407 pages; with call number 810 of the Izmirli section at the Süleymâniyye Library, Istanbul.

[3] (Quotations 1-4) the preface to the Turkish version (by Hamdi Akseki) of Muhâwarât.

[4] Dâwûd ibn Sulaimân, Ashadd al-jihâd, p. 16.

[5] Ashbâh, “Ijtihâd,” the first chapter of the second part.

[6] See below, article 33.

[7] Khulâsat at-tahqîq.

[8] (Quotations 5-9) the Arabic preface to Muhâwarât by Rashîd Ridâ.

[9] Pulpits in mosques.

[10] The Prophet (’alaihi ’s-salâm) gave some of his mantles to some Muslims, from whom the caliphs bought them for large sums of gold. Two of them still exist in Istanbul.

[11] Qisâs-i Anbiyâ’ (History of the Prophets), p. 890.

[12] See below, the 36th article, for “moving the finger up.”

[13] The tafsîr book Al-Jalâlain, in the interpretation of the 230th âyat of Sûrat al-Baqara.

[14] This hadîth sharîf is quoted in the book Khulâsât at-tahqîq fî bayânî hukmi ’t-taqlîd wa ’t-talfîq by ’Abd al-Ghanî an-Nabulusî (d. 973/1565), in the preface to Al-mizân al-kubrâ by ’Abd al-Wahhâb ash-Sha’rânî, in various letters in Maktûbât by al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî Ahmad al-Fârûqî as-Sirhindî (d. 1034/1624) and at the end of Hujjat-Allâhi ’ala ’l-âlamîn by Yûsuf an-Nabhânî.

[15] Sulaimân ibn ’Abd al-Wahhâb, As-sawâ’iq al-ilâhiyya fî ’r-raddî ’alâ ’l-Wahhâbiyya, Nuhbat al-Ahbar, Baghdad, 1306 (1889); photographic reproduction, Istanbul, 1395 (1975).