Answer to an Enemy of Islam by Huseyin Hilmi Isik - HTML preview

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[16] See page 74.

[17] See the books Endless Bliss and Belief and Islam for detail information about Hadrat al-Mahdî.

[18] See the chapter “Corrupt Religions” in the book Endless Bliss, II.

[19] Please see our book Document of The Right Word, available from Hakîkat Kitâbevi.

[20] Hadrat al-Imâm al-Ghazâlî explained this in detail in his work Kimyâ’ As-sa’âda.

[21] “I complained to Wakî’ of my bad memory. He recommended me to cease from sinning.”

[22] See for detail the passage translated from Al-mîzân al-kubra below, p. 82.

[23] The tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth days of the month of Zu’lhijja. Please see the fourth chapter of Endless Bliss, V.

[24] A kind of alms, explained in the third chapter of Endless Bliss, V.

[25] “The unifier’s conclusion is justifiable,” by which “The unification of ijtihâds [of mujtahids belonging to the same madhhab] is permissible,”

[26] “nescience” or “disbelief” of the pre-Islamic era.

[27] This hadîth is written more thoroughly at the beginning of the Sahîh of al-Imâm al-Muhammad ibn Ismâ’il al-Bukhârî, who was born in 194 (809) and passed away in Samarkand in 256 (869).

[28] See below, p. 86, for al-Imâm ash-Shâfi’î’s such comments about al-Imâm al-a’zam.

[29] See the chapter on “ghusl” in the book Endless Bliss, IV.

[30] Al-mustanat al-mu’tamad. The author, Ahmad Ridâ Khan al-Barilawî, as an ’âlim in the Hanafî madhhab, shows that ’Alî al-Qârî’ (d. Mecca, 1014/1606), who was also a Hanafî, was wrong and had no authority in Islam, and defends and praises al-Imâm as-Suyûtî, who belonged to the Shâfi’î madhhab. The ’ulamâ’ of Islam have always done the same and defended the right, paying no attention to the difference of madhhabs. The upstart reformers, however, attack the Ahl as-Sunna by attributing the groundless stories in the books of their lâ-madhhabî friends and the slanders in the books of the enemies of the Ahl as-Sunna to the Ahl as-Sunna. And, with a view to blemishing the scholars of fiqh and the most valuable books of the madhhabs, Rashîd Ridâ calls on such a person as ’Alî al-Qârî’, who was as excessive as to say “disbelievers” about the blessed parents of our master Rasûlullah (sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam), as a witness for himself.