Anyone can be a special witness of Christ by Agnizle - HTML preview

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Testimony of Jesus Christ Summary



On this Valentine's day, 2019, I want to share the love of God, the greatest gift ever, of his son Jesus Christ. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoso believeth in him might not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

I love how John chapter 4 shows the evolution of faith. One woman at the well (a sinner like us all with whom Jesus wanted to share his love and salvation like us all) testifies to others of her personal witness of Christ from the well. Many in her town believe her to the point that Christ is ready to manifest himself to them so that they can receive their own special witness.

So, to follow her example and to give God glory, I want to share my own special witness of Jesus Christ today in hopes that all of you will receive your own special witness of Christ as well. In October, 2017, Jesus Christ, by the gift and power of God, came to me in a dream after I had fasted and prayed a few days to receive a dream like my ancestor Sanford Porter did.

I talked with Jesus face to face and I know He was and is the Messiah, the Son of God. He hugged me and I felt a burning in my heart from the Holy Ghost that the dream of Jesus Christ was true. Jesus filled me with the sweetest, indescribable, brightest love, peace and joy beyond compare. I cannot deny it or I would be lying to God and all of you. I also feel that if I did not share it, I would be denying it. It is my greatest hope that you may also receive a special witness of Jesus Christ so that you may experience that which words cannot do justice.

I know that Jesus suffered for all our sins in Gethsemane and died for us on the cross because the Holy Ghost witnessed this to me starting as a troubled teen when I read the Book of Mormon and as I watched the Testaments [of Jesus Christ] video my whole body was filled with pure light and energy, warm tingly sensation as the Spirit’s witness. And so I knew Jesus Christ is my saviour in my heart by the Holy Ghost before Jesus visited me in a dream.

It is my hope and prayer that many of us, if not all, may receive a special, personal witness of Jesus Christ from and because of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Ghost, and that many of us, if not all, may be saved in the kingdom of God at the last day.

Happy Valentine's day! I love you all! ❤❤❤

42 And [the townspeople] said unto the woman [at the well whose testimony they believed], Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

John 4:42