Apocalypse Symbol Guide by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Solomon’s Temple–This is the same concept as God’s temple, which is the Seven Spirits of God. There never was a physical temple of Solomon and all such assertions are blatant lies told later by religious leaders to enhance their power. See also: Solomon’s Seal, Seven Pillars, Two Pillars, Star of David, Aaron’s Rod, Gold Calf, Her Temple, Ten Horns, Two Tables of Stone, Second Temple

Son–Refers to one who takes on the name of another and follows the rules of their house. Since this is a symbolic man, rules, and house, it directly infers non-religious rules, ideals, and way of life. See also: Name, Rules, House, Son of Man, Son of God, Man, Woman, Father, Mother, Way, Path, Life

Son of GodSon refers to one (person or organization) who takes on the name of another and follows the rules of their house. Since this is a symbolic man, rules, and house, it directly infers non-religious rules, ideals, and way of life. Thereby, this symbolizes one who takes on the name (character, mark, seal) of God and thereby agrees to the rules of God’s house. Therefore, it symbolizes anyone who dedicates their life to the Seven Spirits of God and becomes a member of the Creator’s way of life, which requires that you turn away from the delusions of money, religion, and politics. Here is a prime example of the purposeful misuse of ancient symbolism. See also: Son, Daughter, Name, Seven Spirits of God, Son of Man, House, Pillar, Seven Pillars, Rule, Way, Life, Two Ways

Son of light–Refers to one (person or organization) who takes on the character of truth and follows the path of Truth and Justice. See also: Son, Light, Son of God, Son of Man, Path, Way

Son of man–A human and an African, as well as a one who takes on the symbolic name of a symbolic man. Son refers to a person or a group who takes on the name of another and follows the rules of their house. Since this is a symbolic man, rules, and house, it directly infers non-religious rules, ideals, and way of life. Son of man also alludes to Adam, and Adam would have been an African. However, Adam and Eve are symbols and never should have been treated literally as religions have done. They were symbolic of early humanity for the purposes of parable and of the dangers of religion (woman) and specifically of the fruit or harvest of knowledge that has passed through the hands of religion. An additional meaning therefore is a son of Adam, and is therefore one who agrees to serve the Creator throughout all time, as did Adam. Since Adam was a symbolic man, it also infers non-religion, so we have another clue here that the Messiah rejects religion and instead delivers a secular understanding of the Creator, hence wisdom. See also: Woman, Man, Son, Juda, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Zion, Son, Son of God, Messiah, Teacher of Righteousness, House, Religion, Wisdom, Path, Way, Life, Hand, Fruit, Harvest, 21, 153, 666, Like unto a son of man, Jesus, Like unto the son of man, Reincarnation

Son of the MorningSee: Bright and Morning Star, Venus, Pentagram, Pentacle

Song–Your thoughts, voice, deeds, behavior, and manner of behaving; character; path or way. Also implies activity related to one’s motivations and of organizing your thoughts and voice in a specific manner and direction. Refers to the tune and tone of one’s words, deeds and existence. See also: Mouth, Voice, Sound, Cry, Path, Way, Harper, Piper, Tune, Musician, Tone, Tune

Song of Moses–The Covenant and the Seven Spirits of God, which is the song of the Lamb since they both refer to the same soul. See also: Covenant, Rainbow, Bow, Seven Spirits of God, Song, Song of the Lamb, Elijah, Seven Stars, Eleven Stars, Aaron’s Rod, Burning Bush, Pillar, Seven Pillars, Soul, Melchizedek, Lord Just and True, Teacher of Righteousness, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Two Tables of Stone, Ten Horns, Ten Commandments, Fire, Cloud, Smoke, Light, Mountain, Sphinx, Wilderness

Song of the Lamb–The Doctrine of Two Spirits and the wisdom and understanding of walking the path of the Seven Spirits of God and forever shunning the Seven Spirits of Evil, which is the song of Moses since they both refer to the same soul. See also: Song, Lamb, Song of Moses, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Seven Spirits of God, Seven Spirits of Evil, 11, Truth, Walk, Path, Seven Eyes, Seven Horns, God’s Throne, Pillar, Seven Pillars, Soul, Melchizedek, Lord Just and True, Teacher of Righteousness, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Two Ways, Two Tables of Stone, Ten Horns, Ten Commandments, Fire, Cloud, Smoke, Mountain, Lady of the Lake

Sophia (Sofia)–The personification of wisdom as a feminine quality or as feminine in spirit. Proverbs 9:1 clearly describes wisdom as a feminine quality (spirit). Likewise, the Dead Sea Scrolls refer to the Creator as the God of Wisdom. Other references such as Kuan Yin, the eastern goddess or personification of compassion, clearly support the understanding that the Seven Spirits of God are philosophically feminine qualities. Consequently, the proper reference to the Creator is She or Her. See also: God, Wisdom, Seven Pillars, Spirit, Within Spirit, Seven Spirits of God, Kuan Yin, Mary Magdalene, She, Her, Her Temple, Ark, Holy Grail, Five, Woman, Lady, Lady of the Lake

Sorceries–Illusions; delusions; deceptions; lures and traps. The Vatican’s (and their cohorts) targeted and well-organized deceptions and manipulations (conspiracies) to create false gods and other false belief systems, false wealth, and false management systems (politics), as well as directly manipulating the thoughts and expectations of entire populations. There has been an ongoing effort for millennia to deceive people into unknowingly assisting both visible and hidden rulers to gain more and more power and control over populations. This is the main reason that ancient empires all had their own hierarchies of religions and mystery schools and why modern nations still do so as well. Religion is a strong sorcery designed to trick people into unknowingly forming and effecting the flow of future events so that those who created the lies can remain rich and powerful. All empires are forged using multiple forms of thought and mind control over their populations. Because this universe is thought-based and thereby controllable through inspiration and thought, the ultimate purpose of religion and mystery schools is to manipulate the underpinnings of reality itself. Propaganda, media control, religion, and all such tools are specific sorceries used by the secret cabals that ultimately control religious, political, and monetary institutions to deceive you into forging a reality in which they win and you continue to be enslaved by their deceptions, regardless of the short term events and shifts of social and political landscapes.

The primary purpose of rampant materialism, money, poverty, fear, etc. are to force you to focus on yourselves more than others and on baser material needs instead of analyzing the past in more detail and thereby understanding the future by discerning the true nature of reality and existence. You are being forced to struggle hand-to-mouth so you have minimal time to acquire true intellectual clarity and ability. When most intellectual pursuits are constrained and polluted by the interplay of money, politics and religion, you are at the mercy of those who have a better understanding of reality and how to affect your future to benefit them. This is why truth and wisdom are so dangerous to evil leaders and the Vatican, who have always sought to enslave you through imposed ignorance. The truth literally dissolves the power of such sorceries and wisdom prevents them from being used in the future.

If you pay close attention to the history of Rome and the Vatican, you’ll observe a continuous effort to acquire and maintain control of secret knowledge and to forge a monopoly over certain types of knowledge. We have clearly been lied to about who destroyed the Library at Alexandria. I’d be willing to bet that scrolls taken from there are still in the Vatican library. Similar lies have been told about the destruction of Qumran and the source of the texts that were used to create the New Testament and Quran. Looking at these two events, we can see a pattern of the stealing of wisdom and the destruction of libraries to cover their tracks, to leave the inhabitants with less knowledge. We see a similar pattern in the Inquisition, with Rome using the specter of the Church and horrible death and torture to enforce ignorance on populations while keeping a monopoly of certain types of knowledge. Likewise, as Catholic missions spread into the New World colonies, the cultures and knowledge of the locals was stolen, and ignorance was enforced through Christianity. Why does the Vatican maintain a secret library? Exactly what are they hiding from public view and why?

Evil would have won if it weren’t for the dualism of good and evil, the function of karma, and its inherent actions and effects on the flow and character of future events. However, by profiting from past efforts, evil leaders have accumulated a great amount of bad karma. All of their ongoing efforts to stave off its effects are about to fail dramatically. See also: Cup, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion, Mystery Babylon, Pit, Bottomless Pit, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Satan, Belial, Great Red Dragon, Karma, Mystery, Mystery of God, Truth, Power, Means, Reason, Given unto Him, Fear, Fear Not, Judaism, Jesus, Christianity, Islam, Money, Politics, Religion, Den, Rock, Scorpion, Serpent, Shadow, Island, Cast, Wrought, Molten, Drew, Tail, Three, Triangle, Triangular Number, Five, Six, 9, 13, 18, 21, 36, 153, 360, 666, 1440, 5760, Sophia, Two Pillars, Two Candlesticks, Simon Magus

Sore– A severe and burdensome affliction or torment, and a source of pain. Since this is associated with flesh, it symbolizes the effects of false knowledge on ones life, mind, and well being. See also: Affliction, Plague, Leper, Curse, Sorrow, Pain, Wound, Grievous, Tears, Flesh, Torment, Wail, Cry

Sorrow–Despair; suffering; struggle; tribulation; affliction. See also: Wail, Sore, Affliction, Plague, Leper, Curse, Pain, Wound, Grievous, Tears, Flesh, Torment, Flesh, Cry

Soul–This speaks of the sum of your awareness and inspirations that lives forever and animates a series of bodies through the full eternity of this universe. You are the individual unit of awareness that is aware of being aware and is separate from any body or its associated identity. Understand now, if you don’t already: you are not a body, and you have had many, many bodies through many, many lifetimes and as many, many life forms. Any person or religion that tells you otherwise is either lying to you or just plain ignorant or both. The indestructible unit of life and awareness that is you is separate from the bodies and other objects and forces that you manipulate while interacting in this multi-dimensional hologram we call the universe. You, the soul, are an observer and manipulator of this universe, along with other souls and the Creator, whether knowingly or unknowingly. You are not effected by the flow of time or physical objects or energy, but only think you are by your own perception of your evolving knowledge of the things you are aware of. In other words, only those things you fear are able to hurt you. Besides, it isn’t you that’s hurt, just the things you cling to, such as minds and bodies. You are not a body, nor a mind and you only animate and operate bodies as a method of participating in the game-that-is-this-universe, and to direct the life granted to those objects and concepts (game pieces) that you use.

Bodies are not the only way to interact with this universe, but you have forgotten how to do so otherwise. This is a multi-dimensional holographic universe ultimately controllable through inspirations and thought. It is fairly accurate to model your perceptions of it as a limited view through a single aspect of a prism or crystal that lets you focus, quantify and solidify a relative position in the waveforms that are the flow of time, deeds, perceptions, and more. Our present-time realities and our view of the flow and action of time are based both on a collective perception (reinforced patterns and agreements) and on your mind’s ability to construct a view of the seemingly solid reality that we perceive as now, or present time.

Read the books The Holographic Universe, The Elegant Universe, and Wholeness and the Implicate Order to better understand the waveform characteristics of quantum particles and how they only seem to be solid when you seek to perceive them. Correlate that knowledge with my messages to gain a better understanding of this subject matter. They directly address the structural nature of our collective reality, which is built through your visualizations of the interaction of thoughts and inspirations that result in what you perceive as matter, energy, space, and time. What we experience as reality is the product of the interaction of everyone’s perceptions, visualizations, inspirations, and thoughts working together to form reinforced patterns of expectations. In short, reality is a function of agreement and the interacting thoughts of myriad souls and the Creator. See also: Spirit, Second Death, The Dead, Heaven, Truth, Fear, Fear Not, See, Air, Hear, Ear, Mind, Cross, Four Elements

Sound–To deliver knowledge or the nature, characterization, and motivation of its delivery, as in “the sound of their wings.” To impart or transmit certain knowledge and information. To convey a message that causes a specified change of understanding and motivation. Sound also alludes to the aftereffects of certain actions and thereby symbolizes the character of the results of deeds. See also: Ear, Hear, Wing, Voice, Mouth, Teeth, Lighting, Thunder

Space–Symbolizes a segment of time. This symbol is used because time is based on continuing change in relative position, state, status and/or viewpoint, which are all forms of movement through space. Time is intimately associated with the process of change, which requires a modification of relative spatial status and/or location. The apparent movement through 3-D space is simply one form of change and is thereby only one method of measuring and perceiving time and space. Another form is a change of points viewed by the viewer, which is a change of the viewer’s point of focus or viewpoint. The act of changing focus is the movement and change of thought and/or inspiration, which also entails the passage and flow of time. For example, when the viewer (point A) refocuses attention from point B to point C, additional space is perceived. This is because point B is not point C and the addition of locations requires additional time and results in additional space. This holds true in various other forms of change other than physical movement.

It can also refer to all other perceptions such as status, health, energy level, size, mass, density, viewpoints, knowledge, understanding, various abilities, flow between extremes, etc. Every form of perception entails change within two or more dimensions of thought. The variation of perceived levels, points or positions within any conceived realm describes its space, boundaries and structure as well as its range of permitted movements and directions. Consequently, it is possible to understand that our four dimensional perception of this universe is only one possible conceptual realm in which space and change are possible. Time, then, is a fourth direction which we have agreed upon and are permitted to move through by persisting and changing various states or statuses of existence, of which position in physical space is simply one among many. See also: Spirit, 8-11, 8, Short Space, Cross, Four Elements, Earth, Water, Air, Fire, God’s Throne, Seven Eyes, Sight, Moved, Down, Up, Stand Up, Carried away, Time, Turn, Brought Forth, Sent Forth, Fled Away, Flee

Space-TimeSee: Space, Short Space, 8, 8-11, God’s Throne, Seven, Four, Four Elements, “Earth, Water, Air, Fire”, 11, Seven Stars, Seven Angels, Eleven Stars, Reincarnation

SpakeSee: Speak

SparksFiery words, meaning words of righteousness. Also, infers words that burn and ignite others to righteousness and righteous deeds. See also: Fire, Burn, Righteousness, Lake of Burning Fire, Lady of the Lake, Word, Speak, Voice, Stubble, Brimstone, Breath of my lips, Rod of Fire

Speak–To inspire through communications, imagery, example, etc. Since this is all occurring spiritually, it specifically symbolizes to motivate, inspire, and enlighten through communication, which can include example, symbolism, speech, etc. Verbal and written communications are only one limited method of speaking to one’s “inner ears” and “inner eyes,” hence to the mind, awareness and conscience (sense of morality). Also, to cause others to perform deeds through that communication and its resulting motivations.

Another important aspect of this symbolism occurs in verse 13:15, which talks of the USA causing the image of the Beast to speak. Everyone has heard the phrase “money talks.” Likewise, it applies equally to advertising, marketing, and the American image and ideals that have inspired the world to worship and emulate American and western lifestyles and behaviors rooted in greed, materialism, false doctrine, deception, injustice and especially the lust for wealth and riches. See also: Voice, Sound, Mouth, Ear, Eye, Burning Bush, Counsel, Seven Eyes, Seven Trumpets, Trumpet, Loud, Roar

Sphinx–An ancient symbol for the Lion of the Tribe of Juda that perfectly synchronizes with the ancient wisdom symbology that permeates Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts. Notice that the hair of a lion is golden, and that the sign of Leo is associated with and ruled by the Sun. This symbolism preceded ancient Egypt and is clearly embodied by the Sphinx, which is an African lion facing the way of the rising sun. Furthermore, the Sphinx's body of a lion, its African face and its astrological positioning clearly mark it as a purposeful symbol for the Lion of the Tribe of Juda. One need only look at the face of the Sphinx to see that it is strikingly Nubian and is nowhere close to any of the Pharaoh’s put forth as candidates. My educated guess about why the nose was defaced is because it was also strikingly and undeniably Nubian. See also: Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Lion, Juda, Sun, Golden, Hair, Wisdom, Head, Face, Body, Roar, Way, East, Rule, Reed, Melchizedek, Moses, Egypt

Spirit–Refers to inspiration, motivation, character, nature, essence, hence in the spirit of. This is the nature of one’s inspiration(s), and the resulting character of ones existence. It is a complete misinterpretation to use the term spirit to mean the soul. It is the same as the misunderstanding imposed by religions that failed to discern or purposely confused the difference between body, mind, and soul. You, as a soul, have a mind, a body, and spirits (character, nature, inspirations). You are not your mind, nor are you your body, nor are you your inspirations, character or nature, just as you are not your name or clothes. These are things that the soul has ultimate control over and therefore has the ability to change. See also: Soul, Within Spirit, Seven Spirits…, Two Spirits…, Mark, Fountain, Water, Fountains of Waters, Metal, Things, Mind

Spirit of life–The spirit(s) of good and the Creator’s Seven Spirits. The Seven Spirits of God are the path to life and blessings, while the Seven Spirits of Evil are the path to death and curses. See also: Life, Spirit, Dead, The Dead, Death, Two Ways, Didache, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Seven Spirits, Seven Spirits of God, Seven Spirits of Evil, Bottomless Pit, Pit, Truth, Blessing, Curses,

Spirit of life from God–The Creator is the inspiration for and the source of all life, spiritual and otherwise, in our universe. This also symbolizes that the Seven Spirits of God, which are called the Spirit of Life, come from the Creator. Everything that persists through the timeline and is given some level of ability of self-perpetuation and the ability to cause a certain range of effects for some specified period(s) is imbued with an aspect of life. Concepts such as the Seven Spirits of God, Truth and Justice, and so on, are also given life and are active participants in the fabric of the universe. Time and karma likewise have the ability to cause specified effects in our universe.

The other aspect of this symbolism is that God’s Seven Spirits are the source of life and the blessings of life. Accordingly, the Seven Spirits of Evil are the source of death and sorrows. See also: Soul, Life, Spirit of Life, Space, Time, Spirit, Seven Spirits of God, Two, Two Candlesticks, Karma, Two Ways, Burning Bush, Two Olive Trees, Little Book, Book of Life, God’s Throne, 8

Spiritually–In the nature of a spiritual being or concerning life as a spiritual being. In this context it refers to describing something symbolically or through symbolism as one would when operating spiritually, outside of or without a body. Linear language, whether written or spoken is a strictly physical and very limited form of communication that ignores the true nature of this universe. When souls communicate directly, they transmit ideas as complex images, which are multi-sensory packages of information. The symbolism you see in The Apocalypse is just such a series of symbolic transmissions. The reason why visions and dreams are so symbolic is because that is the true nature of information in the seven unseen dimensions that precede space-time which are symbolized as God’s Throne. As you grow to understand the nature and structure of The Apocalypse and its symbology and messages you’ll see the close relationship between the holographic nature of this universe and the pictorial and symbolic communication that is more natural and effective than the linear forms we currently use. This is one reason why the first writing forms were pictorial, because that is the natural structure of spiritual thought, information representation, and transfer. The true nature of hieroglyphic scripts is missed when interpreted only as linear alphabets, while ignoring their symbology. See also: Within Spirit, Spirit, Things, Soul, God, Truth, Image, Sign, Signet, Seven Seals, Word, Words of God, Symbol, Symbology, Stone, Crystal, Philosophers’ Stone, Seven Eyes, God’s Throne, 8, 8-11, 11, Star, Eleven Stars, Seven Stars, Cross

SpokeSee: Speak

Spoke as a dragon–Symbolizes using knowledge and speech like Babylon, Rome and the Vatican, hence to inspire and motivate using or in the manner of false gods. A dragon is a reptile and this alludes to talking like a serpent (with a forked tongue). It also symbolizes false gods because the Great Red Dragon was the chosen symbol of Marduk (Belial), the chief deity of ancient Babylon. When the beast with two horns like a lamb speaks as a dragon, it means to lie, deceive, to motivate with great hypocrisy and to use knowledge to deceive for greedy and arrogant ends. This specifically refers to the leadership of the USA, which does the Vatican’s bidding, using great deception, duplicity, and hypocrisy throughout its history to motivate and deceive people into committing abominable evil while holding up its false images of god and reality. This has always been contrary to the US Constitution and contrary to its often-stated moral codes, which revolve around religion, money and politics, which are the greatest deceptions of all time. And of course, since the dragon is the symbol of a false god, this symbolizes Christianity’s false gods (Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost, Trinity, and a male god in a physical “heaven”, etc.) as well as speaking like a false god, which is both deception and blasphemy. Likewise, the USA has molded capitalism, nationalism, and flag worship to the level of a national religion, which is to blatantly worship false idols. In harking back to Imperial Rome, whose soldiers sacrificed to their standards (flags), the USA and all nations deceive and delude their subjects into sacrificing their lives and the lives of the innocent to nationalism, hero worship, money, politics, and religion. See also: Dragon, Great Red Dragon, Marduk, Belial, Serpent, Tongue, Beast with Two Horns like a Lamb and he spoke as a dragon, Strong Lie, Mystery Babylon, Speak, Voice, Sound, Mouth, Blasphemy

St. Malachy– The 10th century (14thcycle) prophet, and one of my past lifetimes, that delivered a well-known prophecy symbolically describing each pope from Celestinus II until Armageddon. In 1138 (11:11), he predicted the succession of 112 (or 111) popes. At the writing of the second edition of this book, we are at Pope 111. The conclusion of this unique prophecy is shown below

In extreme persecution the seat of the Holy Roman Church will occupied by Peter the Roman.
He will feed his flock through great tribulations. At the end, the city of seven hills will be
destroyed and the terrible Judge shall judge his people.

As described herein, St. Peter and St, Paul are Roman creations based on the exploits of the Roman agent known as Simon Magus. Consequently, Pope Benedict XVI (The Glory of the Olive) will be the last pope at number 111. He will be forced to deal with the exposure of the lies of the Vatican, which is fitting since he was a Grand Inquisitor, hence the glory of the Olives. Before and after he succumbs, the fantasy of Peter will “occupy” (and bedevil) the Papacy. See also: Armageddon, End of Days, Nostradamus, Teacher of Righteousness, Simon Magus, Lamb, Zerubbabel, Mohammed, Strong Angel, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Melchizedek, Moses, Prophet, Prophecy, Signet, Saints, Philosophers’ Stone, Cycle, Reincarnation, Two Prophets, Two Witnesses, Two Olive Trees, Three, Three Pillars, Three unclean spirits like frogs, Triangle, Third Part, Divided into three parts, Three Parts, 8, 8-11, 11, 11:11, El, Eleven Stars, 13, 11Q13, 14, Four, Four Angels, Five, Fifth Angel, 17, 18, 21, Seventh Angel, 36, 72, 153, 666, 1260, 1776, 2160, 5760

StallSee: Palms

StaffSee: Rod

Stand–Take a philosophical stance; resist or endure in the face of some opposition for a specific point of view; assert one’s ideas. See also: Feet, Stand Up, Standing Afar off, Rise up

Stand before God–Took an unequivocal stance for truth and justice, hence within the character and wisdom of the Creator. This also symbolizes placing yourself in the midst of the Seven Spirits of God and the sight of the Lamb, which are also symbolized as standing before God in multiple verses in The Apocalypse and elsewhere. See also: God, God’s Throne, Stand, Before, Before God, Feet, Midst, Within, Lamb, Sight, Seven Spirits, Seven Spirits of God, Turn, Seven Eyes, Seven Golden Candlesticks, Seven Lamps of Fire

Stand up–Come into power and/or into the awareness of others, especially as an act of defiance, resistance and/or the assertion of a point of view. To "take a stand" for some point of view and to grow in status and influence as a direct result. See also: Feet, Up, Stand, Ascend, Arise

Stand upon–Display control or dominance over, especially as an act of and assertion of a point of view counter to that of the lowered symbol(s). See also: Feet, Stand, Walk upon, Walk, Tread, Above, Below, Up, Down

Standing afar off–Choosing sides and thereby distancing themselves from their former positions so as to avoid the punishment and torment (bad karma) that will surely ensue for those who continue to do or support evil. Take a clear position that separates and casts one away from another point of view. Making clear that they were not evil and would not continue doing evil any more. See also: Stand, Stand Up, Fall on, Rock, Den, Hide, Place, Sight, Before, Behind

Standing (in the sun)–Refers to walking the path of Truth and Justice, righteousness, and great enlightenment. Parallel to standing in the midst of the Seven Golden Candlesticks and being clothed with the sun. See also: Stand, Sun, Star, Midst, Stand Upon, Walk, Feet, Clothed, Clothed with the sun, Righteousness, Teacher of Righteousness, Brimstone, Seven Golden Candlesticks, Lady of the Lake, Lake of Burning Fire, Lord Just and True, Eleven Stars, 11, Melchizedek, Sun

Standing onSee: Stand Upon, Stand, Feet, Upon

Star(s)–A heavenly (of the Seven Spirits of God) source of light (truth) further symbolizing the Creator’s primary servant(s) whose ultimate mission is to deliver great enlightenment (truth and wisdom resulting in justice) to humanity. A source of enlightenment that is symbolically associated with the Messiah, angels, wings, air, light, heaven, the Zodiac and the sun. Like an angel, a star is a deliverer and herald of pivotal wisdom, hence a teacher and messenger.

A star is used for this symbol because such knowledge is often sent "from the stars," as signs, astrological alignments, cycles of time, and associated wisdom. As points of heavenly light, stars symbolize the action and process of enlightenment to pivotal points of truth and wisdom, and specifically associated with the Seven Spirits of God, which are also symbolically associated with heaven, air, and the sun. The end-result of the intervention of an angel or other such servant of the Creator is to deliver targeted wisdom that alters the course of human events by increasing widespread understanding about crucial topics necessary for further human development and progress. Therefore, a star/angel is an agent of change, whose deeds result in increased knowledge and wisdom. The sun is also a star and due to its greater size in our sky, it accordingly symbolizes a source of great enlightenment.

As seen in chapter one, stars as the symbol for angels also refer to the combination of time and the movement,