Apocalypse Symbol Guide by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Man of Sin–Institution of Evil, hence the Vatican. Pay close attention here that the Vatican is referred to as a secular institution, though it pretends to be a religious organization only. Secret control of money and politics are its true source of power. Religion is simply used to keep the enslaved masses deceived, deluded, and more easily manipulated, controlled, and corralled. This term is used in the New Testament, in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, and is clearly misused symbolism that refers to an evil organization, not to a single person. Read the first twelve verses of 2 Thessalonians while keeping in mind that this is a Hebrew text that was rewritten and recast to support Christian lies. When you understand the symbolism and the proper context, it is 100% clear that the so-called Q texts came from the Yahad/Essene and were stolen by Roman soldiers and recast by the so-called Christian fathers. See also: Man, Sin, Antichrist, Babylon, Abomination that makes desolate, Money, Strong Lie, Dragon, Mystery Babylon, Father, Power, Money, Religion, Politics, Yahad, Essene

MangerSee: Palms

Manifest–To be proven; made obvious and apparent; unveiled and revealed. See also: Show, See, Open, Divided, Behold

Marduk–Chief deity of the Babylonian empire whose symbol was the Great Red Dragon. See also: Dragon, Great Red Dragon, Lucifer, Satan, Belial, Babel, Ten Horns

Mark–Character; spirit (of); mark of distinction; signature attribute that serves as a verifiable identifying characterization. Similar to the symbol color, which refers to the distinctive nature and character of the target group or individual, hence the Mark of the Beast infers those who walk the Path of Greed, Falsehood, and Injustice, which is the character of all conquering empires. See also: Mark of the Beast, Color, Robe, Vesture, Dipped, Blood, Metal, Image, Name, Spirit, Record, Book, Little Book, Book of Life, White Horse, Bow

Mark of his name–The name (character description) of the beast (Vatican’s empire(s)) are the characters shown by the Seven Spirits of Evil. This is why they are shown with seven heads and as dragons (false gods). Therefore, having the mark (character) of the Vatican’s empire describes those who participate in the evils of Mystery Babylon (money, religion, and politics) and the great injustice, great greed, and arrogance that characterizes western civilization and by extension, all earthly empires.

This refers to the beast, so the mark of his name is essentially the same as the mark of the beast. The key to understanding the beast’s (Vatican’s empire(s)) character description is by the seven heads, which symbolize the mindset and character of the Seven Spirits of Evil (unjust material urges and impulses). Accordingly, the distinctive character, signature attribute, or mark of the beast describes walking the Path of Greed, Falsehood and Injustice, which is the path of evil. See also: Mark, Mark of the Beast, Image of the Beast, Name, Spirit, Beast, Seven Heads, Seven Spirits of Evil, Path, Way, Walk, Feet, West, East, Mystery Babylon, Two Ways, East, West, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Mammon, Money, Religion, Politics

Mark of the Beast–Symbolizes walking the path of greed, arrogance, falsehood and injustice. This translates as the character or nature of the Vatican’s evil empires or any earthly empire forged through injustice and greed. It refers to anyone or any group that performs deeds described by any of the Seven Spirits of Evil. Because of the existence of money, politics and religion, this covers practically everyone and every organization in the world today, but most especially the rich industrial nations, of which the USA is the prime example. To walk away from this state of being, which causes harm both to you and to all others, you must turn to the Seven Spirits of God and walk the path of Truth and Justice away from evil, exclusively and forever. See also: Seven Spirits of Evil, Spirit, Name of the Beast, Number of the Beast, Name, Seven Heads, Turn, Perfect Path, Seven Spirits of God, Two Ways, Doctrine of Two Spirits

Martyrs–Murdered servants of the Creator. It is important to discern that this refers to those who died in acts of self-sacrifice, not while harming others. See also: Servant(s) of God, Saint, Golden Altar, Fire of the Altar, Blood

Marvel - To be in awe of. See also: Wonder, Fear, Worship, Miracle, Sorceries

Marvelous–Amazing; Extraordinary; Awe Inspiring. See also: Wonder, Fear, Worship, Miracle

Mary Magdalene–A fanciful Christian character originally created to be the companion of Jesus, that later fell out of favor with the strongly patriarchal Catholic leadership and their politically and financially inspired decision to assert that Jesus Christ was a chaste demigod. The original inspiration for this story came from the same symbolism as Sophia, the personification of wisdom as a feminine quality. The symbolism of wisdom as feminine and ancient sages such as King Solomon and the Teacher of Righteousness having wisdom as their constant companions later became personified wives or consorts. Since Mary is symbolic of both wisdom and the Yahad/Essene, who are symbolized as the woman clothed in the sun with a crown of twelve stars in The Apocalypse, then her daughter infers an immediate offshoot of the Yahad/Essene. Due to Christian recasting of Hebrew symbolism, these stories became a literal female companion instead of the feminine spirit of wisdom and the Yahad/Essene or Lady of the Lake, who were the Second Temple period wisdom sect that hid the Dead Sea Scrolls. Similarly, Mary’s red hair and her daughter Sarah (Sirach?) are misinterpreted symbolism. See also: Sophia, Wisdom, Holy Grail, Kuan Yin, Five, She, Seven Pillars, Woman, Red Hair, Daughter, Clothed, Sun, Twelve Stars, Eleven Stars, Lady, Lady of the Lake, Christianity, Jesus Christ, Yahad, Essene, Symbology, Spirit, Second Temple, 21, 153, 11Q13

Mason–Refers to a member of Freemasonry. The underlying concept behind this name and for related secret cabals is based on working with symbolic stone, as in the Two Tables of Stone, the Philosophers’ Stone, and Solomon’s Two and Seven Pillars. Freemasonry and Kabbalah are both well known for their uses of so-called hidden knowledge, which is symbolic ancient wisdom. All forms of mysticism are false doctrine based on misinterpreted and misrepresented ancient wisdom symbology and much deception and misdirection. See also: Stone, Carpenter, Free Man, Mysticism, Mystery, Kabbalah, Mystery Babylon, Vatican, Two Tables of Stone, Philosophers’ Stone, Symbol, Symbology, Signet, Word, Name, Words of God, God of Forces, God of the Earth, Candlestick, Lamp, Fire, Flame, Wax, Seal, Seven Seals, Solomon’s Temple, Solomon’s Seal, Two Pillars, Seven Pillars, Zion, Mount Zion, Den, Rock, Hidden, Scorpion, Shadow, Smoke, Incense, Smoke and Mirrors, Dragon, Great Red Dragon, Belial, Simon Magus, Lady of the Lake, Holy Grail, Wisdom

Master–The lead and wisest sage and/or teacher; lord. See also: Wisdom, Lord, Lord of Wisdom, Lord Just and True, Melchizedek, Teacher of Righteousness, Angel, Strong Angel, Archangel, Archangel Michael, Lady of the Lake, Kings of the East, Mason, Kabbalah

Means–Wealth, resources, and method (way, path, craft). Refers to the hidden truths (mysteries) about the nature and sources of money, poverty, and its effects on individuals, societies and entire nations as described in Chapter 2, “Money: The Greatest Lie ever told.” It also speaks to the fact that the Vatican and its cohorts choose which nations and groups will prosper or suffer and then rigs the game in favor of the predetermined winners (shills) and against the predetermined losers. Because people have been deceived and deluded into participating in religion and politics and relying on money, they are easily and effectively manipulated into supporting the Vatican and acting out the roles cast for specific groups. See also: Sorceries, Money, Gold, Head of Gold, Decked within Gold, Religion, Politics, Mysticism, Symbology, Craft, Craftsman, Mason, Freeman, Bondman, Carpenter, Fornication, Image to the Beast, Image of the Beast, Cast, Drew, Den, Rock, Silver, Way, Path, Dragon, Ten Horns, Two Tables of Stone, Vatican, Mystery Babylon

Measure–To compare to a known value or scale of values as a method of taking stock and understanding the associated truth and wisdom. Refers to discerning the truth through comparison with verifiable values, hence with wisdom. See also: Reason, Reed, Rod, Rule, Weigh, Weight, Plummet, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Wisdom, Truth, Golden, Seven Eyes

MeccaSee: City, Holy City, Islam, Mohammed, Holy Mountain, Zerubbabel, Five Pillars

Melchiresha–This is the ancient title for the Lord of Vanity and Iniquity, hence the Angel of

Darkness, a.k.a. Belial, the opponent of Melchizedek. See also: Belial, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Dark, Angel, 666, 153, 36, 21, Six, Three, Triangle, Mystery Babylon

Melchizedek–Translates as King or Lord of Righteousness and symbolized in The Apocalypse as Lord Just and True. This is the symbolic title of the ancient African messiah-to-be, a.k.a. the Archangel Michael, Ahura Mazda, Moses, Elijah, Teacher of Righteousness, Nostradamus, Albert Einstein, and now me, the Lamb and Lion of the Tribe of Juda, a.k.a. the Messiah. The same soul as most of those known as the Jewish/Hebrew prophets and authors of the original symbolic texts that were modified to become the pivotal prophecies and wisdom texts of the Bible. These texts are verifiable by their use of the ancient wisdom symbology of the Philosophers’ Stone to frame and seal them. See also: Reincarnation, Archangel, Archangel Michael, Ahura Mazda, Teacher of Righteousness, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Lamb, Lord, Master, Lord of Wisdom, Lord Just and True, King of Righteousness, Sun, Sun of Righteousness, Faithful Witness, Servant of God, Elijah, Albert Einstein, Zerubbabel, St. Malachy, Nostradamus, Messiah, Strong Angel, Seventh Angel, Sphinx, Moses, Seven Stars, Eleven Stars, Jubilee, Messiah, 11, 13, 11Q13, Appendix H, Wisdom, Prophet, Symbology, Signet, Sign, Carpenter, Mason, Kabbalah, Philosophers’ Stone, Soul, Two Witnesses

Men–Refers to non-religious (secular) organizations, such as businesses, corporations, governments, political parties, and other secular groups. An important aspect of this symbolism is that these organizations and institutions are organized around money and politics and display philosophically masculine characters and behaviors (aggression, coercion, profit, denial of free will, injustice), hence the Seven Spirits of Evil. Therefore, most are greedy, deceptive, arrogant, and unjust to varying degrees because of their underlying need for and reliance on money and politics. See also: Man, Woman, Beast, Lady, Sailor, Fisherman, Seven Spirits of Evil, She, Five, Six

Menorah–A Hebrew seven-armed candleholder that symbolizes the Seven Golden Candlesticks, Seven Pillars, Seven Lamps of Fire, Seven Spirits of God, and the Burning Bush through which the Creator inspired and enlightened Moses. See also: Fire, Burning Bush, Seven Spirits of God, Golden, Oil, Wax, Candlestick, Candle, Seven Golden Candlesticks, Seven Lamps of Fire, Seven Angels, Seven Stars, Seven Eyes, Seven Horns, Two Tables of Stone, Ten Horns, Seven Pillars, Two Pillars, El, Golden Altar, Fire of the altar

Merchandise–Things that people view as valuable, seek to acquire and/or permit to exist and persist. See also: Buy, Dainty and Goodly, Abundance, Luxury, Strong Lie, Bottomless Pit, Earth

Merchants of the Earth–These organizations promote and profit from the existence of money (usury), religion, and/or politics. See also: Man, Ship, Sailor, Earth, Mystery Babylon, Buy

Messiah–The Creator’s chosen messenger, teacher and deliverer of wisdom, who therefore must be verifiably anointed by God alone. As demonstrated herein and elsewhere, this is the same soul who is the Teacher of Righteousness, Melchizedek, Moses, and the Archangel Michael. The soul elected and anointed by the Creator to serve through many, many lifetimes and to lead humanity out of perdition by the path of Truth and Justice, at the end of days. See also: Reincarnation, Melchizedek, Moses, Elijah, Zerubbabel, Teacher of Righteousness, Mohammed, St. Malachy, Nostradamus, Righteousness, Sun, Sun of Righteousness, Star, Lord Just and True, Lamb, Mighty Wisdom, Lord of Wisdom, King of Righteousness, End of Days, Seventh Angel, Seven Horns, Seven Eyes, Seven Horns, Seven Trumpets, Seven Thunders, Shofar, 11, 17, 11Q13, Appendixes G&H, First and the Last, Perdition, Armageddon, End of Days, Seven Stars, Eleven Stars, Apocalypse, Angel, Strong Angel, Archangel, Archangel Michael, Philosophers’ Stone, Wisdom, She, Seven Pillars, Mahdi, Maitreya

Metal–Refers to character, refinement, and temperament, hence to one’s quality, integrity, and purity. Metal, which is the root of the word mettle, is an ancient symbol referring to moral strength, refinement and character. Most ancient societies used some form of metal working symbolism (works of mettle) to represent character, integrity, strength, or courage. The four-metal image/beast from the Book of Daniel uses the primary metals of gold, silver, brass, and iron to impart multiple symbolic character statements about the four represented empires and the resulting world empire in our time. See also: Mettle, Gold, Golden, Silver, Brass, Iron, Lead, Lead Talent, Weigh, Weight, Light, Spirit, Mark, Color, Molten, Works, Cast, Craft, Wrought, Seven Golden Candlesticks, Four Metals, Strength, Pure

Mettle–The nature of ones character, refinement, temperament, integrity and purity, which is a variation of the word metal. See also: Metal, Spirit, Mark, Color, Golden, Four Metals, Weight

Michael–Refers to the Archangel Michael, a.k.a. Melchizedek and Ahura Mazda. See also: Lord, Angel, Star, Archangel, Archangel Michael, Melchizedek, Lord of Wisdom, King of Righteousness, Strong Angel, Seven Stars, Eleven Stars, El, First and the Last, Lord Just and True

Midst– Within the same realm of related knowledge or wisdom, therefore in the same philosophical and conceptual vicinity. See also: Before and behind, Round about, About, Mingled, Sight, Within, Without Hand, Without Fault, Midst of Heaven, Place, Before

Midst of Heaven–To be within the conceptual vicinity of the wisdom related to Heaven, Air, the Seven Spirits of God and the associated body of knowledge and its wisdom. See also: Heaven, Midst, God, Air, About, Round About, Seven Spirits of God, Place, Seven Eyes, Seven Pillars

Might/Mighty/Mightily–Possessed of great wisdom. Physical and material power (force) alone requires more effort to accomplish any given task, but those who truly understand the nature of how the universe works and how to influence the holographic underpinnings, can defeat great force and material power with minimal comparative effort and resources. Truth and Wisdom are the greatest powers in this universe. This symbol refers to the strength of the soul within the spiritual realm of thought, and that means truth, knowledge and wisdom. See also: Power, Wisdom, Strength, Mighty Wisdom, Truth, Mettle, Metal, Body, Flesh, Arm, Bone, Body, Pillar, Two Pillars, Seven Pillars, Pillar of Fire, Arm, Leg, Strong Angel

Mighty Angel–An angel possessing mighty wisdom. See Also: Mighty, Angel, Wisdom, Mighty Wisdom, Strong Angel, Archangel Michael, Lord of Wisdom, Lord Just and True, Melchizedek, Moses, Buddha, Elijah, Zerubbabel, Teacher of Righteousness, St. Malachy, Nostradamus, Albert Einstein, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Rod of Fire, Sharp Two-Edged Sword, Breath of my lips, Mountain, Sun, Star, Eleven Stars, 11, 11Q13

Mighty Men–Symbolizes organizations based on using certain knowledge or wisdom as a source of power. See also: Might, Power, Wisdom, Strength, Hidden, Den, Shadow, Island, Craft, Craftsman, Carpenter, Mason, Mysticism, Mystery Babylon, Philosophers’ Stone, Symbology, Power

Mighty Thunderings–Judgments based on and flowing from the application of great wisdom. See also: Thunder, Lighting, Hail, Rain, Cloud, Might, Strength, Wisdom, Mighty Wisdom, Without Hand, Plummet, Zerubbabel

Mighty Wind–Powerful inspirations born of wisdom that result in irresistible change. See also: Wind, Might, Storm, Tempest, Mighty Wisdom, Truth, Strength, Grass, Breath of my lips, Fire

Mighty Wisdom–Wisdom of such power that it gives you the ability to understand and master thought and consciousness, which are senior to space-time. Since this is a redundant usage, it also refers directly to wisdom about wisdom itself. See also: Air, Fly, Time, Space, Truth, Wisdom, Mountain, Zion, Mount Zion, Rock, Two Tables of Stone, Two Ways, Burning Bush, Strength, Power, God’s Throne, Mountain, Pillar, Seven Pillars, Fire, Cross, Four Elements, Philosophers’ Stone, Karma, Millstone, Bread

Millstone–Another symbol for a cleansing, purging, and refining crucible that causes a certain outcome and certain knowledge that is the result of removing unwanted components to obtain the desired. Since it is a stone, it refers to foundational knowledge (wisdom) as the crucible. See also: Furnace, Stone, Wine, Cup, Winepress, Sun, Without Fault, Bread, Flour, Loaves, Fine, Wisdom

Mind–Intellect; consideration; understanding; the sum of one’s thought patterns and the character and quality of your knowledge and wisdom. This is not the brain, nor the body, nor the soul, nor one’s spirits, but the organized tool of thought and perception that each awareness unit uses to perceive and operate within this universe. See also: Air, Cloud, Mountain, Head, Ear, Eye, Soul, Spirit, Within Spirit, Reason, One Mind, Bone, Flesh, Body, Strength, Arm, Lake

Mingled–Joined with, became a part of, dispersed within, but especially within the same body of knowledge and wisdom. See also: Full, Fill, Within, Midst, Round about, About, Body, Flesh

Miracles–Deceptive illusions crafted to extort the ignorant and deluded. See also: Strong Lie, Lie, Power, Truth, Satan, Serpent, Wrought, Craft, Cast, Drew, Hidden, Sorceries, Rock, Den, Given unto, Works, 21, 153, 666, 72, Five, Six, 3, 9, Triangle, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion

Mohammed–The false prophet who is supposedly the source of the Quran. Any serious and impartial investigation of this claim must conclude otherwise. Likewise, the assertions that these deceptive, unjust, and regularly conflicting texts were delivered by an angel are verifiably false. Also, the unsealing of The Apocalypse exposes the long-term lies about the true meaning of the term angel. Compare the Quran and the biography of Mohammed to the Seven Spirits of God to fully understand these lies. Furthermore, the Quran and the Five Pillars of Islam have all the hallmarks of the same Vatican and Babylonian deceptions seen in Christianity and Judaism. For example, the Quran’s assertions that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene existed and that New Testament texts are valid prove that Islam is simply one pillar of the three part grand deception called the Three Faiths of Abraham. Like the New Testament, the Quran is rife with verifiable error that proves it is the product of deceptive men, not an omnipotent and all-wise Creator. Now that you have proof that Jesus Christ never existed and that both Judaism and Christianity are purposeful deceptions, there is no doubt that Islam and Mohammed are Vatican directed deceptions as well. Also, the verifiable use of Babylonian mysticism, precisely like the other two so-called faiths of Abraham, is undeniable evidence of Vatican manipulation and deception. Once you understand the symbology of the Philosophers’ Stone, my historic roles, and the fact that all other true prophecies are symbolically sealed, the stories about Mohammed and the sources of the Quran are easily proven false. See also: Islam, Mountain, Jesus Christ, Rock, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion, Angel, Archangel, Archangel Michael, Strong Angel, Lord Just and True, Prophet, Stone, Moon, Venus, Prophecy, Three, Triangle, Five, Pentacle, Pentagram, Pillar, Two Pillars, Five Pillars, Seven Pillars, 72, Religion, Christianity, Judaism, Heaven, Woman, She, Mary Magdalene, God, God’s Throne, Golden Altar, Dragon, Great Red Dragon, Two Tables of Stone, Star, Seven Stars, Seven Angels, Eleven Stars, 11, 13, 11Q13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 153, 666, 1440, 1776, Simon Magus, Philosophers’ Stone, Symbology

Molten–Refers to the process of forging metal and fabricating false images of spiritual concepts and ideals, hence idols. See also: Idol, Metal, Furnace, Molten Calf/Image, Gold Calf, Aaron’s Rod, Wrought, Cast, Drew, Den, Hidden, Three, Six, 9, 13, 21, 153, 666, 1776, Pillar, Seven Pillars

Molten Calf/Image–It is the same as the gold calf/image and is a man-made object (fabrication) of worship, a false god, false ideals, and an idol that symbolizes the concept of religion. See also: Molten, Metal, Gold, Golden, Gold Calf, Cup of Gold, Idol, Aaron’s Rod, Wrought, Cast, Craft, Drew, Triangle

Money–This ages-old deception is the complete opposite of wisdom, compassion, generosity, cooperation, and justice because it greatly reduces the presence and effectiveness of good deeds and character and increases greed, falsehood, and injustice. The primary concept that permits evil and evil things to prosper and flourish while good and good things struggle, suffer and languish. It is based on the mathematical application of greed, arrogance, vanity, and deception for the benefit of a few and the delusion and enslavement of the vast majority.

The world’s economic systems are organized upon the Strong Lie structure. The combination of debt-based money, compound interest (double usury), and fractional reserve banking (great deception and fraud) creates a mathematical treadmill and an endless loop that guarantees the existence of poverty, suffering, despair and the national debts of all nations. Throw in the Federal Reserve System (national central banks), international banking, the consolidation of primary industries, and both money and religion in politics, and you have a superb trap. The New World Order was conceived by and is controlled by the Vatican and its secret society cohorts through their secret control of all money and the manipulation of politics and politicians. To better understand the nature of money, it’s crucial to understand that the Babylonian Priesthood that created money and banking also created Baal, the Great Red Dragon, a.k.a. Lucifer/Satan. By using or worshipping money you are worshipping and enriching those who serve the great lie, symbolized as the Bottomless Pit. See also: Strong Lie, 9, Triangle, Lead Talent, Ephah, Mystery Babylon, Usury, Great Red Dragon, Pit, Bottomless Pit, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Dragon, Belial, Abomination, Image to the Beast, A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny, Black Horse, Sorceries, Means, Craft, Wrought, Stork, Unclean Bird, Hateful Bird, Earth, Island

Month–Represents 30 symbolic days and translates as 30 literal years. A month is also one twelfth of a 360-day year and of a 360-degree Zodiac. An astrological month is one sign or house, which is also 30 degrees on the 360-degree Zodiac. See also: Hour, Day, Week, Year, 72, 360, 1440, House

Moon–False light and thereby a deception; false knowledge; false doctrine; folly; delusion and illusion. Notice that light is truth, the sun is Truth and Justice, and the moon is false or reflected light, symbolizing falsehood, false knowledge, delusion, illusion, etc. This is because it only appears to be a light source, but is actually dark and uses the sun to hide its true image. This is also a direct allusion to lunar calendar systems such as the Jewish calendar. It is clear to see now that the true foundation of the ancient Hebrew calendar and date symbolism is solar/stellar and that lunar calendars are part of the false doctrine picked up from elsewhere. Likewise, Islam uses both the Moon and Venus (pentagram, pentacle) as symbols and organizing concepts. See also: Sun, Dark, Air, Light, Truth, Lie, Strong Lie, Hide, Image, Shine, Bright and Morning Star, Star, Venus, Hidden, Den, Shadow, Pentacle, Pentagram, Islam, Judaism, Symbol, Symbology, Lady of the Lake

Morning StarSee: Bright and Morning Star, Venus, Moon, Smooth Things, Star, Sun, Jesus Christ, Pentacle, Pentagram

Moses–An important Hebrew Messiah and redeemer who lived during the seventh cycle on the Hebrew calendar and authored symbolic wisdom texts that were later embellished to become the first books of the Old Testament and Torah. See also: Lord, Lord Just and True, First and the Last, Reincarnation, Song of Moses, Two Tables of Stone, 11, El, Eleven Stars, Aaron’s Rod, Gold Calf, Burning Bush, Menorah, Seven Pillars, Pillar, Cloud, Fire, Two Pillars, Reed, Rod of Fire, Reed Sea, Commandments of God, Elijah, Messiah, Ark, Holy Grail, Lord of Wisdom, Wilderness, Mountain, Sea, Ark, Ark of Her Testament, Egypt, Sphinx

Mother–A precursor or original religion or wisdom institution that spawns one or more other sons or daughters. See also: Woman, She, Daughter, Sophia, Father, Child, Man Child, Son, Mother of Harlots

Mother of Harlots–Refers to the Vatican and labels all of its daughters as harlots as well. This clearly states that all Christian sects are harlots, not just Roman Catholicism. The Roman Catholic Church is well known as the mother church to the other sects it spawned. All still base their religion on the New Testament and money, which is blatant deception and strong delusion. Likewise refers to both Judaism and Islam since both are products of the Roman Empire and Vatican. See also: She, Money, Harlot, Woman, Mother, Daughter, Man, Son, Father, Strong Lie, Religion, Stork, Truth, Judaism, Islam

Mount Zion/Sion–Zion is Africa and Mt. Zion is Mount Kilimanjaro (the Great Mountain). Symbolically, this translates as the foundation of mighty wisdom or the great pinnacle or pillar of wisdom. The pinnacles of mountains have always symbolized both wisdom and the Creator’s presence. Being atop Mt. Zion puts your head in the clouds, which symbolizes inspirations, thoughts, and works of wisdom that put you in the presence of the Creator. It is no coincidence that mountains, clouds, wisdom, and God are always closely associated. It is clear that images representing wisdom and God atop mountains are symbolism, and now you can understand it without confusion from Babel.

Mount Zion is used as a symbol because it is the most spectacular of all African mountains. Its pinnacle is often cloud-enshrouded and snow-covered, as well as being a large fire-and brimstone-spewing (breathing) peak. Furthermore, it is the obvious choice of all mountains on the African continent to embody the full range of associated symbolism and significance and to symbolize mighty wisdom. It serves to further expose ancient lies about the location of Mt. Zion, since it is the only peak on the continent to draw together the snow, clouds, mountain, fire, and brimstone symbolism. The Vatican, its predecessors, and cohorts have long struggled to bury all clues that would expose the lies that have bedeviled ancient wisdom and prophecy since the days of ancient Egypt and Babylon (Babel).

An important aspect of the Mount Zion imagery is that being atop Mount Zion puts one’s head in the clouds and feet in the snow. This delivers the message that God is accessible through the pinnacle of wisdom and wise deeds, which is also the path of Truth and Justice. The other important message is that this wisdom came from Africa thousands of years ago. The leadership of non-Africans (Men of Belial) has expended thousands of years of great effort, force, deception, and money to hide and defeat God’s Truth, Justice, and Wisdom, and to enslave all people, instead of serving them and thereby serving God. They have endeavored to hide the true location of Zion of old and sought to assign it to a mere lowly hill in Palestine or elsewhere. See also: Mountain, Clouds, Snow, Zion, Head, Hair, God’s Servants, Wisdom, Mighty Wisdom, Philosophers’ Stone, Truth, Pillar, Seven Pillars, Babel, Sphinx, First and the Last, Sodom and Egypt

Mountain– Mountains illustrate the structural relationship between knowledge and wisdom by their shape. Wisdom is the refinement of larger bodies of knowledge down to their common denominator understandings. A cone or funnel aptly illustrates starting with a wider body of knowledge and refining (discerning) it down to its finest points, which are the wisdom. The pyramidal shapes of mountains are simply an inverted image that models the hierarchical relationship between knowledge and wisdom that places wisdom and foundational truths in the highest position at the apex of the hierarchy, thus matching the Doctrine of Two Spirits outline. Hence the terms acme, apex, pinnacle and mountaintop all refer to the point of perfection and infers the heights of truth and wisdom atop the highest ideals, which are also symbolized by the perfect path.

It is often said that knowledge is power. In actuality, wisdom is power and knowledge is the path to wisdom. That is why climbing the long path to the top of a mountain has always symbolized the process of acquiring wisdom through great struggle, hence gaining mastery over specific body of knowledge. Reaching that pinna